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Chapter 95: Insight into the Opportunity

(It’s Chapter Ninety-Nine. Ha, I typed it wrong! I can’t change the chapter name. Let me tell you.)

"Boss, so you have become an immortal??"

Riding on the back of Xunlei, Gao Zhuo and Xu Tong chatted. When they talked about Xu Tong's current strength, Gao Zhuo couldn't help but widen his eyes and stared at Xu Tong up and down. His eyes rolled around and something was stuck in his throat.

, held it in for a long time before saying: "How about you become my son's godfather."

Xu Tong curled his lips: "Isn't this something we agreed on earlier?"

However, he continued: "But I am not really a god. My current strength is not to the extent of truly stepping into Hedao. It is borrowed from the future."

Xu Tong explained to Gao Zhuo the second trick he had figured out and to prepare for a rainy day.

Simply put, it is borrowing from your own future.

The strength borrowed from his future was added to his body, which is his current strength.

"Um...that is to say, a twenty-year-old young man borrows money from his forty-year-old self. Is this the principle?"

Gao Zhuo scratched his head and tried to express his understanding.


At this time, Gao Zhuo suddenly thought of a question: "What if... I mean what if, what if I don't have any money when I'm forty?"

Regarding this problem, Xu Tong was also helpless: "That means I did not live to be forty."

In fact, the reason is very simple. If you can borrow from your future now, it means that you are still alive in the future. But if you cannot borrow, it means that your future is dead.

Of course this is just a way of saying it.

Because the future is full of variables, the future we see at this moment may have become the past.

So theoretically speaking, your future is full of variables and countless possibilities, so you can always borrow the power of the future.

If he really can't borrow it, then Xu Tong has reason to believe that his death will not be in the future, but in the present. Cutting off the present is equivalent to erasing his future.

Anyway, if you really try to talk about this set of theories, you won't be able to explain it clearly even if you talk about it for a day and a night.

Gao Zhuo's head was spinning when he heard this. He felt that this thing was going around and around, and he was confused when he heard it. He quickly changed the subject: "Where are we going now?"

Xu Tong narrowed his eyelids: "I'm afraid that the one on top of the Immortal doesn't know that I can already observe the future and gain insight into opportunities. This time he plotted against me in the Prince's Palace in Room B. It's his turn this time."

Thinking of this, Xu Tong showed his fangs: "Hey, let's go to Qifeng Mountain!"

Qifeng Mountain is also called Qishishan. The seven mountains are connected together like the Great Wall. At the foot of the mountain, there is a county called Fangcheng County.

The county is not big.

But it's quieter than anything else. Because it's located in a remote place, even the war didn't have much impact on the place.

"Young man, your plain noodles!"

At the noodle stall, a young man with clean clothes and a handsome face sat there with a grimace. Looking at the plain noodles on the table, he couldn't help but feel a little unappetized.

I am used to eating delicacies from the mountains and seas. Even if I eat some vegetarian food in Shaolin Temple, it is cooked by the imperial chef I brought with me.

In Xu Fan's opinion, this rough food in the mountains... was really hard to swallow.

But he couldn't bear to think that he was a common man with a mortal body. With his stomach grumbling in protest, Xu Fan still picked up the bowl and chopsticks and tried to stuff a mouthful of noodles into his mouth.

"Hmm... not bad..."

When people are hungry, everything they eat tastes delicious.

The more Xu Fan ate, the more delicious he became. When he was holding the bowl and stuffing it into his mouth, a boy walked over and looked at Xu Fan and let out a hahaha laugh.

This boy is about seven or eight years old. Although he is a boy, he is cuter than a little girl. He laughs like a bell and does not sound bored at all.

Xu Fan looked the boy up and down, with confusion on his face, and continued eating while holding the bowl and chopsticks.

Unexpectedly, when the boy saw this, instead of leaving, he came forward and sat next to Xu Fan, lying on the table and staring at him with wide eyes.

This made Xu Fan start to murmur in his heart. He finished the noodles with his hands and shouted to the aunt at the noodle stall: "Auntie, two more bowls of noodles."


After a while, two bowls of hot plain noodles were served on the table, and Xu Fan brought one bowl to the boy: "This bowl is for you to eat."

The boy was startled, then became polite, picked up his chopsticks and started eating.


However, Xu Fan's brows suddenly tightened, and he covered his stomach with a painful look on his face: "Well... aunt, the latrine is over there."

"Just turn left ahead."

The aunt pointed forward.

"Okay, okay." Xu Fan stood up holding his stomach and glanced at the boy: "You can't eat my noodles secretly. I...hey...I'll be back soon."

After Xu Fan said this, he suddenly raised his buttocks. As if he couldn't bear it, he turned around, covered his buttocks, and ran towards the latrine.

Seeing this, the boy snorted coldly: "What a treacherous uncle Xu Guo."

After all, regardless of whether Xu Guojiu had escaped in a hurry, he just sat leisurely in the noodle shop and ate noodles. He only waited for the bowl of noodles to be finished before he picked up the noodles on the table in a leisurely manner.

After another bowl of noodles, he stood up and disappeared into the crowd.


On the rugged path, Xu Fan was out of breath and his forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

Fortunately, following Xu Tong, eating dragon rice porridge every day, and recuperating in the Shaolin Temple, it played a big role. Otherwise, running down this way, half of his life would probably be at stake.

"Why are you pretending to be a thief? Just use your brain and use the best Su Jin to make clothes for your children in this wretched place. Isn't this a big fool?"

Xu Fan cursed and complained.

When he first saw that child, he knew in his heart that he was in big trouble.

I can't tell where he came from, but the clothes he was wearing were enough for ordinary people to eat for three years.

These are children's clothes. I don't know what other people's families are like, but my housekeeper's son only gets a new set of clothes every New Year, and they are made of coarse cotton.

This is already remarkable.

Xu Fanzheng took advantage of the time to complain, took a few breaths, and was about to continue running. Fangcheng County was no longer safe. He could only run away, but it was impossible to go back to the south. His father would catch him and break his bones.

Flying ashes?

But the world is so big, where can I go?

"If I had known earlier, I would have gone out to fight with Yang Hong. It would be a pleasure to die on the battlefield."

Xu Fan was regretting it when he suddenly saw a bowl of noodles delivered to him. When he looked up, he saw the boy standing in front of him, staring at him with a smile.

"Why are you running so fast? I even brought you your bowl of noodles!"

Xu Fan's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately stepped back, staring at the boy in front of him: "Who are you? I have never heard of a person like you in the world."

"The world?"

The boy grinned and looked at Xu Fan meaningfully: "The world you see is too small. It can only accommodate a few people, so how can you know me?"

After saying this, he put the bowl of noodles into Xu Fan's hand: "Eat quickly. After finishing this bowl of noodles, we can be on our way."


Xu Fan's face turned pale. He thought he was sending him off on his way. He held the bowl of noodles with his face ashen for a moment. He didn't expect that after struggling for so long, he ended up with just a bowl of plain noodles to send him off.

It's ridiculous when you think about it carefully. I have lived in luxury for half my life, but my last meal was ridiculously simple.

Seeing Xu Fan's face turned ashen, the boy's laughter became even clearer.

"Idiot, I don't want to kill you, I just want to take you back."

"go back??"

Xu Fan was excited at this moment and stared at the boy: "Where are you going back??"

"Where are you from and where are you going? Your father misses you very much. How about I reunite you and your son?"

Behind the boy's hands, there is a sense of vicissitudes of life that does not match his age.

For a moment, Xu Fan felt like he was being held in someone's hands, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "I...I'm warning you, my eldest brother is Yang Hong, don't mess around. Believe it or not, I'll call my eldest brother, and I'll

Big brother might come to pick me up!"

At this point, Xu Fan could only talk nonsense. In fact, he didn't know what happened to Yang Hong now. Even Xu Tong's defeat by Xiao Leshan was unknown to Xu Fan when he stayed in the Shaolin Temple.

The boy frowned: "Then I advise you not to shout!"

As he spoke, he reached out to grab Xu Fan, preparing to take Xu Fan away by force.

"No, if you do this, I will call...Brother Yang...save me..."

"Hahaha, even if you shout until your throat is broken, no one can come to save you!"

The boy grinned widely and grabbed Xu Fan's shoulder with his young hands. But the moment his hand touched Xu Fan, time seemed to freeze at this moment.


In the blink of an eye, a third of the time, the boy's heart became alert, and a crystal thought appeared between his eyebrows, snatching the boy's body out of this chaotic time.


But even so, it was a step too slow. The sword light slashed out from the future, and the moment blood poured out from the boy's severed arm, it became reality.


The boy let out a scream and saw Xu Tong's figure already appearing in front of Xu Fan.

"Yang Hong!! Why are you here?"

The boy screamed, feeling that Yang Hong's appearance was incredible. They had seen the future, and Yang Hong shouldn't have appeared here?

"Do you think you are the only one who can peek into the future? The future is not trustworthy, and whoever believes in it will be stupid*"

Xu Tong walked forward with his sword in hand, and when he waved the sword, the time around him began to lose track.

Now the boy panicked, and the thought on his forehead suddenly burst out of his body at this moment, but it was not to attack Xu Tong, but to run for his life.

Tongzi's cultivation level is just that of a first-time Earth Immortal. Only with the blessing of the thought of the Supreme Lord, can he have the magical means. However, facing Xu Tong, who is in the same realm of Hedao, it is not enough.

The boy also became an abandoned child at this moment and was frozen in time.

"If you want to run away, there's no way!"

The moment Xu Tong's sword struck, he activated it in preparation for a rainy day. His figure traveled across the future and appeared early on the escape route of this thought. The moment the thought flew towards him, a sword struck the thought...

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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