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Chapter one hundred and sixteen

Fang Yingwu was still waiting for Zhang Zhu to continue speaking, but Zhang Zhu stopped talking. The two stared at each other for a long time, and then Fang Yingwu asked in confusion: "Are you done?"

"That's what Mr. Yuan told me. I've already said it all."

Fang Yingwu was still waiting for the following to explain what he should do, or to promise himself some benefits, but he didn't expect that it would stop here.

When he thought about it, Fang Yingwu realized that Commander Yuan was just showing off his muscles implicitly, and used this as a warning to himself.

The specific situation is ever-changing, and all the details are messy. It is impossible for Mr. Yuan to calculate everything, even for someone as shallow as Wantong.

So he only grasped one key point. No matter what other people did, he only had to keep an eye on the key people - you should weigh the importance yourself and take care of it.

It has to be said that Commander Yuan's methods of doing things are much more sophisticated than Wantong. Finally, Fang Yingwu said to Zhang Zhu in a meaningful way: "Please reply to Mr. Yuan. I just said that I want to visit my father and hope that he will show his kindness."

Zhang Zhu couldn't understand the meaning of Fang Yingwu's words, but he was just a messenger, so it didn't matter whether he understood or not.

The next day, Fang Yingwu went out. When he arrived at the front hall, he saw a man in a satin robe talking to Shopkeeper Huang. Next to him stood a young lady of sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing a light green dress, and she was quite good-looking.

White teeth, red lips, dewy.

Seeing Fang Yingwu, the man came forward, cupped his hands and said, "Is this Mr. Fang? My surname is Jiang, and I open a restaurant in Chongwenmen. I heard that Mr. Fang has high righteousness, and I would like to give him a maid as a concubine.

I hope you will be accepted if you serve me."

Fang Yingwu knew very well that this was definitely sent by Wantong. Because it was not convenient for Wantong to show up in person at the moment, he entrusted someone else to give it to him.

But no matter what, he couldn't accept it. If he accepted it, he would be owed a favor, and it would be equivalent to recruiting a spy by his side, which might cause unexpected trouble.

At this time, the woman was also blessed, and she said delicately: "I have met the young master."

Fang Yingwu heard that she had a bit of a Capital accent, so he asked, "Are you a native of the Capital?"

Officer Jiang, who sent the girl here, replied from the side: "This is also a good daughter from a poor family, but I can't afford to raise her anymore, so I will take her as a gift to Mr. Fang."

Fang Yingwu pretended to be helpless and said: "If you are from the capital, I wouldn't dare to take it."

Jiang Yuanwai asked: "Why is this?"

Fang Yingwu talked eloquently: "When I was in my hometown, I heard from my seniors that we must not accept locals from the capital in the capital. There are two reasons. One is that locals in the capital have many relatives and they still like to make friends. If you accept it,

It was too much for a woman to have her parents, brothers, sisters, seven aunts and eight aunts all come to fight against the autumn wind at every turn.

Second, people in the capital don't like to leave the capital. After you take in a local girl from the capital, if you want to leave the capital one day, the woman's family will cry every day, and many relatives will come together to force you to let her go. In the end, the bamboo basket will be empty.

With these two things in mind, I am absolutely unwilling to accept any girl from the capital, so please come back!"

Member Jiang was stunned. He didn't expect Fang Yingwu to make such a long argument without hesitation. It seemed to be very reasonable, and he couldn't continue.

He could only laugh and say: "Young Master Fang is really a man of good intentions, but the rumors are exaggerated and should not be believed easily, nor can they be generalized. So Young Master Fang, please feel free to accept them for the time being."

It was as hard to get rid of as brown candy, and it was difficult to refuse sternly. Fang Ying accidentally caught a glimpse of Fang Yingshi beside him, and suddenly had an idea.

He said to Fang Yingshi: "Last time you fought off the bandits and saved my life, but I haven't rewarded you with anything yet. Today is a coincidence, I will take this opportunity to reward this woman to you!"

Fang Yingshi was a little happy when he heard this. This woman seemed to be pretty good-looking.

Jiang Yuanwai's expression changed slightly, and even the woman's expression changed drastically. It was okay to commit herself to Fang Yingwu, but she didn't want to commit herself to his followers!

"Since Mr. Fang really doesn't like it, I will leave now." Without waiting for Fang Yingshi to express his stance, Jiang Yuanwai and the young woman stood up and left in a hurry.

They were really afraid that if Fang Yingwu suddenly wanted to give the girl to his servants, it would be wasted.

After they were sent away, Fang Yingwu breathed a sigh of relief. When others came to give gifts, it was difficult to accept them, and it was even harder to refuse them. It was even harder to refuse them without losing face.

However, he found that Fang Yingshi was looking at the woman's back resentfully, looking very hurt, so he comforted him: "Don't worry, it's because they have eyes that don't recognize gold and jade. There are thousands of good women in the world. I will definitely find one for you in the future."

It’s a good marriage!”

Later, Fang Yingwu was going to Beicheng, because the "Zhongyi Bookshop" opened in Beicheng, and he was invited to support it. The location was in Beicheng.

The so-called west is Guizhou, the east is rich, the north is rich, and the south is rich. Beicheng refers to the large number of scholars in Beicheng. The Imperial College, which accommodates thousands of students, is here, and Shuntianfu School and Jingxian County School are all in Beicheng, so it is called Beicheng.

It is quite reasonable that the Zhongyi Bookstore is located in the west of Beicheng. But if Fang Yingwu wants to go there, the road is really far away. The Zhejiang Guild Hall is in the southeast of the capital. If you go to Beicheng, you may not have to go twenty miles back and forth.

So Fang Yingwu gritted his teeth and hired a sedan at the entrance of the guild hall, and then rode the sedan to Beicheng.

I followed the address and found the place, and sure enough I saw a lively place with lanterns and colorful decorations. I heard red firecrackers going off in the distance.

This is the five-bay front door, which is very grand. Many people gathered in front of the door. Fang Yingshi went up to him, found the person who seemed to be in charge, and reported his name to him.

Then a scholar in his thirties came out of the facade, greeted Fang Yingwu and said, "I am Yao Qian, my friend Fang is here, and my place is full of glory!"

It turns out that this is the real owner today, he doesn't look like a businessman, but more like a scholar, Fang Yingwu thought.

However, all he said were polite words, and Fang Yingwu returned the courtesy: "You can be considered a fellow countryman, Mr. Yao, why should you be polite."

It turns out that Yao Qian is from Longyou, Quzhou Prefecture, Zhejiang Province, which is very close to Chun'an County, Yanzhou Prefecture. Quzhou and Yanzhou are neighboring prefectures. In a place so far away from the capital, it is not an exaggeration for people from the two places to think that they are from the same hometown.

This is also an important factor why Fang Yingwu is willing to come out to support him. When away from home, it is natural for fellow villagers to help each other.

But unlike Chun'an, Longyou's customs were similar to those of neighboring Huizhou, where many people went abroad to do business. Yao Qian was an example.

At this time, the printing industry in the capital was far inferior to that of Nanjing, Suzhou, Zhejiang, Fujian and other places in the south. Yao Qian saw the business opportunity, brought a large number of exquisite engravings and a group of skilled craftsmen, and prepared to flex his muscles in the capital, and opened the Zhongyi Bookstore.

Fang Yingwu and Yao Qian greeted each other, and they were considered acquainted, so they walked toward the door together. From the outside, you can see the five-bay facade, and you can imagine the size of the space inside the door.

Fang Yingwu stood in the middle hall, looked around, and exclaimed: "I have never seen such a magnificent bookstore! Mr. Yao is really a generous person." Yao Qian was proud in his heart, but he kept being humble, which was exactly what he said. name.

After the reception here, Fang Yingwu was about to leave. Yao Qian was about to leave temporarily to receive others, but he heard Fang Yingwu say: "Everything you can see is a collection of classics and history. It is so complete. It is really rare. But in business, Mr. Yao is This must cost a lot of money, don’t you want to sell something else?”

Yao Qian was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Fang Yingwu's mind was quite lively, so he whispered: "To be honest, there are all kinds of fairy tales and strange novels, but they are not shown today. They will be in them from now on. Place them behind those pillars."

Fang Yingwu looked around and saw that there was an empty corner, but it was blocked by a pillar, so he didn't notice it there.

However, Fang Yingwu still laughed dumbly, "Mr. Yao, you have misunderstood. I am not referring to this. I just happened to have an idea and tell you a profitable business."

Yao Qian didn't believe this. He had been involved in the book engraving and printing business for three generations. What didn't he know about this? Even obscene and obscene books were secretly printed.

Fang Yingwu smiled and said: "This year's examination has only been a few months, why don't Mr. Yao collect the examination papers, print them into a book, and distribute them to the world?"

Yao Qian's eyes lit up when he heard this. This seemed very interesting. Fang Yingwu glanced at him and knew something in his mind. It seemed that this person named Yao was not a lackluster person. He was indeed a Longyou man who was good at doing business, so he continued:

"Now that the world is at peace, there are more and more scholars. What is the purpose of studying? Isn't it just to enter school, take the imperial examination, and finally become an official? Mr. Yao has printed the latest test papers into a book, and the candidates will definitely want to buy it back and ponder it. .Being located in the capital means that we have such a convenient location.

It is best to add comments from the examiner, or comments from everyone, so that scholars will want to read it. Otherwise, how can you figure out the popular writing style?

The price can be set a little higher. Scholars are richer than ordinary people, so they must pay for exclusive things that must be seen.

First, make a combined book on the subject and sell it to the world. If it sells well, you can renovate it in the future and publish various anthologies of current affairs and combine the articles into books for sale."

It turns out that there is such a world. Yao Qian seemed to have seen a new world, and his heart was surging when he heard it. He bowed to the other party and said: "I have learned a lesson!" When he straightened up, he said distressedly: "I have just arrived in the capital, how can I reach the sky? Can I go to the entrance to get the test papers?"

Fang Yingwu waited for these words and took charge of the matter: "I can try it, but I don't dare to be sure."

Yao Qian was overjoyed, "As long as my friend Fang is willing to help, I will definitely treat him unkindly!"

After the Jiajing and Wanli reigns, anthologies of eight-legged essays proliferated and became a major source of profit for the printing industry. However, in the Chenghua Dynasty, when the imperial examinations of the Ming Dynasty had just passed their youth, this kind of anthology was still a new thing, and it was a pioneering work to propose it.

Fang Yingwu said calmly: "It doesn't matter whether you treat me badly or not. That's not my intention. When the book is finally written, please write a preface below or give it a name. That'll be fine."

Of course Yao Qian didn't really think so, "It can't be just this, it can't be just this. With friend Fang's talent, he should gain both fame and fortune." He had already made up his mind, and Fang Yingwu's support for today's brush strokes would skyrocket from three liang to three liang. Twelve.

Fang Yingwu's idea was to become famous through this. At least in the early days of the industry, this was an exclusive book. When readers picked up the anthology to study eight-part essays, they must first see his preface, which invisibly enhanced his status in the world.

When it comes to the scientific examination, are you the examiners who are embarrassed not to admit him? I hope he will not be as unlucky as Ai Nanying, the famous eight-part essay writer in later generations.

However, in this time and space, Fang Yingwu inadvertently became the founder of the teaching aid materials industry, discovering a sunrise industry that can flourish for at least a thousand years without sinking.

But Yao Qian and Fang Yingwu were so invested in the conversation that they forgot to greet others for a moment, which made a noble prince dissatisfied. This noble prince was known as Liu Ergongzi in the world. He was the son of the prime minister and was very famous. (To be continued.) .Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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