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Chapter 120 Factory guards who take turns

Zhongyi Bookstore moved really quickly, and found ten calligraphers in one afternoon. The next day, Fang Yingwu led the calligraphers into the warehouse of the Ministry of Rites, and began to copy the test papers in a simple environment. One person can copy in one day.

There are ten or twenty test papers, and it would take five or six days to copy thousands of them.

However, in the Ministry of Rites, I heard news about my father. The Liubu Yamen was the core department of the imperial court and had always been well-informed.

I heard that the Jinyiwei were very dissatisfied with the Grand Scholars who came to interrogate the imperial edict. During the resumption, they requested that the Jinyiwei themselves interrogate the imperial edict directly, without sending another official. However, this memorial seems to be refuted, and the process is currently stopped at the sixth section.

Damn it! I have to talk for a few more days! Fang Yingwu was anxious and wanted to scold his mother, the imperial court was really cumbersome, bureaucracy was killing people!

In the previous life, various yamen claimed that Wenshan and the sea were not exaggerated, but by the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty, there was no such thing as transportation technology, but Wenshan had already appeared.

In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the emperor and his ministers were required to discuss matters in person in the morning court. If the morning court was not enough, the evening court would be held. When the emperor had oral instructions, the cabinet ministers would draft the edict in front of the emperor, and then issue it immediately for execution, which was extremely efficient.

For things like imprisonment, as long as the emperor nods and the cabinet ministers write an edict on the spot and submit it to Zhu for approval, they can be released immediately. Of course, it is also possible that they will be beheaded immediately without any chance of rescue.

But when Emperor Chenghua's father, Emperor Yingzong, ascended the throne at the age of nine, Sanyang assisted the government. He was worried that the emperor was young and weak, so the morning gradually faded away, and the affairs of the emperor and his ministers gradually became a formality, which was a sign of laziness.

In today's Chenghua Dynasty, the early court has completely become a formal etiquette and has no deliberation function. It is just a few formalities and issuing a few edicts.

But what's even more terrible is that Emperor Chenghua has been enjoying himself in the palace for these years. He has not seen any foreign ministers outside the early court, and it is even more extravagant for the emperor and ministers to discuss matters face to face. As the saying goes, the sky is high and the curtain is far away, and the emperor's gate is thousands of miles away, so all decisions can only be made by relying on

Communication could be achieved through the exchange of official documents, otherwise the court would not be able to function normally.

However, what makes Emperor Chenghua better than his grandson, Emperor Shenzong, is that Emperor Chenghua at least attends the morning court and does all the necessary formalities; most of the memorials can be handled in a timely manner, but they are often handled very crookedly. So.

In the Chenghua Dynasty, although the emperor was always doing random things and the ministers were lying dead, the country did not collapse.

Fang Yingwu believes that this is a manifestation of human laziness when the ruling model becomes like this.

The system designed by Emperor Taizu Gao was tailor-made for his workaholic nature and could not be sustained for a long time. Therefore, after several generations of emperors, he made little adjustments and finally found a lazy man's solution. In this way, the emperor was relieved and the ministers were at ease.

Those who have a good tacit understanding are much more relaxed, but efficiency is sacrificed.

This turning point in the historical trend of laziness occurred during the reign of the otaku emperor Zhu Jianshen, who Fang Yingwu was living in. Then the next generation of Emperor Xiaozong and Hongzhi resisted stubbornly in an attempt to end the lazy politics of separation between emperor and ministers.

But the general trend is so powerful that no one can stop it. When Wuzong was Zhengde again, there was no longer an emperor who could stop the trend of lazy people!

Without further ado, after sighing at the complex efficiency of the bureaucratic machine and thinking of his poor father, Fang Yingwu could only sigh.

Although the light is beginning to appear, the official documents will still be processed and the wrangling will continue, which will only tire my father and the old man and continue to spend a few more days in prison.

But he said that for three days in a row, Fang Yingwu led a team to the Ministry of Rites to copy test papers. During these three days, the calligrapher gradually became familiar with the situation, and the joints of the Ministry of Rites were taken care of from the inside out.

You know, the Rites Department is the poorest among the six departments. The biggest source of income is the income from performing arts of the Jiaofang Division. Those who look after the test paper library are like looking after a pile of waste paper, and they are even more poor. It is rare for a group of people like Fang Yingwu to come to the door.

, you can get the most enthusiastic service with just a few clicks.

In this way, Fang Yingwu no longer had to worry about anything, and he felt that he didn't need to go to the Ministry of Etiquette, and he would have nothing to do if he went there.

This morning, Fang Yingwu was hesitating at the door of the guild hall, considering whether to go to the Ministry of Etiquette. Suddenly he saw someone entering the courtyard and shouted: "Is Fang Yingwu in Chun'an here?"

This looked like an official job, so Fang Yingwu stepped forward and saluted, "That's it."

The man took out an official document and handed it to Fang Yingwu and said: "This afternoon we have invited a bachelor to interrogate Fang Qingzhi at the Jinyi Guards Office. Please come and observe!"

Fang Yingwu was stunned and couldn't help but feel excited. Has the official document process finally been completed? Has it finally reached the most critical link? Can he finally see his father who has been in prison for two months?

However, he had a small doubt. Generally, such things are informed two or three days in advance, or at least one day in advance. How could someone come over in the morning to inform about something in the afternoon?

This kind of haste was very special and unusual, which made Fang Yingwu confused. He raised his head to ask about the official, but found that the man had already left.

It turned out that he was so excited that he couldn't help himself. He didn't notice when the official left. At this time, he couldn't find anyone if he wanted to ask.

Fang Yingwu calmed down and turned around to go back to the house to think carefully about why he should go to the Ministry of Etiquette at this time. He had just walked a few steps when he suddenly heard someone shouting from behind: "Chun'an Fang Yingwu is here


Looking back, he saw that it was another official dressed as an official. Fang Yingwu was very confused as to which family this belonged to. But he had no choice but to go forward to see the gift first.

"Are you Fang Yingwu? The Fang Yingwu who had a fight with Jinyiwei Official School outside Jinyiwei Yamen a while ago?" the official asked.

Fang Yingwu nodded, and then heard the official say: "The emperor issued an edict to ask the Dongchang to investigate this matter! You go to the Dongchang Yamen Office at Donghuamen tomorrow morning! What does the factory want to ask you?"

Having said that, the official also left, leaving behind a stunned Fang Yingwu. Can the boss of the Dongchang Factory bother with such a brawl?

But when he thought about it carefully, it didn't seem strange. This fight seemed to be a trivial matter, but it involved the internal intrigues of Jin Yiwei. It would definitely not be possible for Jin Yiwei to investigate by himself; it would not be possible when other yamen came to investigate, and who would dare to find out who Jin Yiwei was.

Things, or rather, wouldn’t it allow others to interfere with the emperor’s personal army?

Therefore, only the West Factory and the East Factory can intervene in this matter. Recently, the prestigious West Factory Superintendent is not in the capital, so only the East Factory will come forward.

The two sides were wrestling with each other, the senior commander and the noble commander. Generally, whoever in the Dongchang factory would dare to get into trouble like this would have to do it himself. Shang Ming, the director of the Dongchang factory, could only take on this hot potato, and it was a very small but very small one.

Very hot potato.

Shopkeeper Huang, who was sitting in the lobby of the guild hall, saw that the official had gone far away, and walked over timidly with his fat body. The other party responded: "Young Master Fang has a very strong character. First, Jin Yiwei invited, and then Dongchang invited.

If you were an ordinary person, you would probably be so scared that you would wet your pants. I wish you good luck."

His mental quality has been trained quite well. This is his biggest gain since arriving in the capital. Fang Yingwu sighed, but when he saw the post given to him by Jin Yiwei, he suddenly realized something.

Commander Yuan has the final say on the Jin Yiwei. Why did Commander Yuan hurriedly organize an interrogation of his father in the afternoon? That was because he wanted to deliberately seize time before Dongchang could question him!

If you follow Wantong's instructions, when you face questioning, you have to say, "The fight was just a temporary verbal dispute and had nothing to do with Wan's command." In this way, all impeachments against Wantong can be directly overturned.

We’ll tell you how specific it is when the time comes!

Not mentioning Fang Yingwu, but saying that Shang Ming, the admiral of Dongchang, was also struggling with this little matter. Originally, he was very happy recently. Wang Zhi temporarily left the capital. Without a little bully to suppress him, he was very relaxed.


The recent turmoil in the court has passed, so everything is basically calm. He kidnapped a few wealthy people and extorted some money. It can be said that he was carefree and his life was not much happier. Until the emperor issued an edict and asked him to investigate this fight.

Until the fight.

This kind of trivial things happen countless times in the capital every day, but this time there seems to be a lot of movement. Based on Shang Ming's experience, of course it can be seen that someone is adding fuel to the flames. As for who it is, he can guess to some extent.

This Dongchang factory director is not a decoration.

In fact, Eunuch Shang doesn't care at all who is right and wrong, and he doesn't need to have any opinions. But what he cares about is the emperor's attitude. You must know that the emperor's concept of right and wrong is different from that of ordinary people. Whoever can guess the most accurately will be the winner.

Gain favor.

This aspect is not the expertise of Eunuch Shang Mingshang, not to mention that the emperor did not express any attitude towards him this time, which made him feel like a cloud and a mist, making it impossible for him to guess.

Thinking of this, Shang Ming sighed, it would be great if Wang Zhi was still there.

If Wang Zhi is still there, then it will not be his turn to worry about this matter, and the emperor will definitely leave it to Wang Zhi, who is more favored and trusted; secondly, if Wang Zhi is still there, then he will definitely be able to find the most accurate attitude in the emperor's heart.

He has a good intuition in this regard. Otherwise, why would he, a little boy in his teens, be able to go to war in the court and drive away a large number of senior officials? Because this is the wish of the emperor from the bottom of his heart.

But it's useless to think about Wang Zhi. Now you still have to rely on yourself. You are in a cold position. No one can share the responsibilities for yourself, the nominal second eunuch, the eunuch Bingbi, the chief eunuch, and the admiral of the East Factory.

Shang Ming frowned and thought for a moment, and suddenly had an idea. What would be the use of calling both parties involved, Fang Yingwu and Jinyiwei Official School, tomorrow? The outcome of this kind of matter is not decided by the two parties involved.

, just asking them is all nonsense.

If you want to find it, look for the rightful owner! Eunuch Shang immediately called the people around him to come in and shouted: "Take two of my posts and send them to Commander Yuan and Commander Wan of Jin Yiwei respectively, and ask them to come to the East Factory tomorrow to observe!"

The boy asked: "What if they don't want to come?"

Eunuch Shang snorted and said, "Don't come? I have been ordered to ask about this matter and ask them to be present. If they don't come, they will be disobeying the order!"

He couldn't help but sigh. When Senior Wang Zhen was here, how could Jinyiwei dare not listen to Dongchang? But the world has changed in recent years. Jinyiwei has also become bolder, and something more powerful than Dongchang has emerged.


As the factory director of Dongchang, I have almost become a handyman under Factory Governor Wang. Fortunately, Factory Governor Wang is not interested in money, so it does not affect his main business of kidnapping and extorting wealthy people. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature

, the novel is better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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