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Chapter 147 How can it be called shameless?

The conditions in the Bianzhen area are not a little bit worse than those in the Mainland, but there are still several aspects that are better than those in the Mainland, such as the postal transmission system. Both the speed of official document delivery and the density of postal stations are both faster than those in the Mainland. Of course, this is also because of the Bianzhen area.

caused by special circumstances.

Therefore, after Governor Yang took office, he petitioned the imperial court to establish Yulin Health School, and the imperial court approved it within a short time. At the same time, the imperial court authorized Governor Yang to have full authority to handle certain matters without the need for further petitions.

After this latest news spread, from Yulin City to the entire Yansui Town, the discussion heated up to a higher level. If hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians were still a fantasy a few days ago, then it is not just a fantasy now, the Eight Immortals must start to cross the sea.

Everyone is looking for a way out.

However, the host specifically responsible for the preparation of the establishment of the health school became Mr. Peng, the commander of the health institute. Fang Yingwu had officially stopped caring about this aspect, so the person who attracted much attention became Mr. Peng.

As if in an instant, there were only a few cars and horses in front of Fang Daxiucai's door. It was no longer the busy traffic and horses like a dragon in the past days, and the grand occasion of receiving invitations every day.

Now Fang Yingwu had already moved out of the shabby house in Guangyoukuna and moved into a courtyard in the outer courtyard of the Governor's Office. Governor Yang also specially arranged for two handymen, one to be responsible for daily living and the other to run errands.

Originally, Fang Yingwu felt that it was too awkward for a rough man to be responsible for daily life, and he wanted to switch to a rough maid, so that his appearance would not be so demanding. However, the ratio of men to women in Yulin City was heartbreaking, and even this small wish could not be satisfied.

In the afternoon of that day, Fang Yingwu was bored in his apartment, looking through the invitations sent some time ago. He had not replied to any of these invitations, but somehow he remembered them again today.

Probably because I had given up the task of presiding over the construction of the school, and there were no new tasks for a while, so I suddenly became too bored when I was free.

Fang Yingwu randomly picked out a card, and the name on it was "Yulin Guard Deputy Qianhu, Commander-in-Chief of the Camp Qian, Commander-in-Chief Luo Heng Baibai". This is a military attaché of the camp under the Commander-in-Chief, and his title is also very particular.


Yingqianzong is Lord Luo Hengluo's actual position. The Yulinwei deputy Qianhu in front is a false title, indicating his rank and salary. His salary is placed in Yulinwei, but it does not mean that he is under the jurisdiction of Yulinwei.

The positions of military attachés in the battalion system are all like this. For example, General Xu, the Chief Military Officer, holds the title of Commander-in-Chief of the Second-grade Shaanxi Xingdu Division. Deputy Commander-in-Chief Yue Song, who attended the meeting to prepare the school a few days ago, holds the title of Commander-in-Chief of the Third-grade Shaanxi Xingdu Division.


Not only military attachés, but also many official titles in the Ming Dynasty were like this. Just like Governor Yang's "Right Deputy Imperial Envoy, Governor Yansui, etc.", once you see it often, you won't be surprised.

After Fang Yingwu read the invitation, he wrote a reply and handed it to the handyman beside him, and said: "Go and reply to Mr. Luo Qian and tell him that I am free tonight and tomorrow night."

"As ordered." Changsui accepted the reply and turned around to go out.

Yulin City is so big. Fang Yingwu didn't read a few pages of the book before he came back from the military camp with his knowledgeable entourage and replied: "President Luo Qian said that he has to train the soldiers in the past few days. He doesn't have time. He will make up for it later."

Fang Yingwu was not angry, he just smiled at his test results and sighed: "As expected, people's hearts are like this."

Chang Sui was very concerned about the humiliation of his ministers, and said bitterly: "These blind people will regret it sooner or later!"

Fang Yingwu ordered, "You go and spread some rumors, but you can't call them rumors. Just spread some news! Tell everyone clearly about my origins, and also make a few comments that I asked you to make."

Suddenly, the gatekeeper of the palace gate came to report that Mr. Wang from a warehouse came to ask for an audience. This was none other than Sun Lin, the ambassador of Guang Youku.

Although Ambassador Sun escaped because Fang Yingwu accidentally hugged the governor's lap, Commander Peng was still in command, and Young Master Peng was still alive and kicking, which put great pressure on him.

Although Mr. Peng is temporarily gone, who knows when he will come out again? He, Sun Lin, is just a small ambassador, so there is no way he can withstand it for a long time. So Mr. Sun was very depressed and came to see Fang Ying today. Got drunk.

"I finally found out. It seems that Mr. Peng agreed to a relative of his wife's family to seek the position of Ambassador Ku to get some money, so I was unlucky. With such a person watching from behind, now I really I have no intention of falling in love with you, but I have the intention to leave."

Fang Yingwu smiled and said, "Let's talk later. You have been a warehouse ambassador for so many years, so you must have saved a few taels of silver. Lend me some."

Ambassador Sun was very surprised, "What do you want to borrow money for?"

Fang Yingwu replied: "I want to set up a social school!"

Ambassador Sun still didn't know why, but Fang Yingwu said confidently: "We'll know in a few days. Don't worry, I will pay you twice as much!"

Two flowers are blooming, one on each branch. Commander Peng is very proud of himself these days. Ever since he became the commander of the guard post, he has never been so proud as in the past few days.

He has received more invitations than Fang Yingwu. After all, he has been in the border town for a long time and has far more connections in various fields than Fang Yingwu. It is also easier for others to invite him through various channels.

People are in high spirits when happy events happen, and the more he thinks about it, the more proud he becomes. This time, he cleverly borrowed Eunuch Zhang's influence, coupled with his own strength, to snatch the job of presiding over the establishment of the health school from Fang Yingwu. Qiu was humiliated by Fang Yingwu at the Jie Feng Banquet, and he also opened up a new avenue for himself.

Those who entered the Wei School were among the first batch of scholars in Yulin's history. Who doesn't want to be a scholar? Although the highest decision-making power rests with Governor Yang, as the host, he can always influence ten or twenty people out of dozens of places. .

These are great favors, very precious great favors, which can be exchanged for connections in the future, or can be exchanged for massive amounts of money immediately.

Secondly, this can at least solve the future of his second son. Commander Peng has two sons. The eldest son will inherit the military position in the future, but the second son has never been promising or promising, otherwise he would not have degenerated into working in warehouses to make money. situation.

But now, Commander Peng can find a way to arrange for his second son to enter the Health School, gain a reputation as a scholar, and then spend money to enter the Imperial College to buy a reputation as a supervisor. In this way, Commander Peng has solved a troublesome matter that has been weighing on his mind for many years. , the body became a few ounces lighter.

The news that Fang Yingwu wanted to fund social studies at his own expense also reached Commander Peng’s ears, but Commander Peng scoffed at it. Social studies were just private schools, so Fang Yingwu thought he came here out of anger just to have fun. , or you are too poor to earn a few bucks for repairs.

With the happy event coming, Commander Peng decided to have a grand celebration. Otherwise, it would not be enough to vent, so a groundbreaking ceremony was scheduled for September 28th at the site selection office of the Health School.

As soon as the master started talking, the villain broke his leg. Immediately, the servants of the Peng family rushed out in all directions. All the prominent people in Yulin City, except for the unattainable ones like Governor Yang and Eunuch Zhang, received the invitation from Commander Peng.

However, September 28th arrived in a blink of an eye, and the autumn air was crisp and the sun was shining brightly. It was indeed a rare good weather.

Commander Peng, as the host, took his two sons to the site selection site at the northeast corner of Yulin City early to wait for the guests.

But it was strange that from the time the sun rose to three o'clock in the morning, only a small number of the twenty or thirty guests invited by Commander Peng came, and most of the people present were military attachés of the Yulin Guards Station.

Commander Peng was very confused. As the commander of the Yulin Guards, he considered himself a very respectable figure in Yulin City. How could most of the invited guests not show up? Even among those present, there were quite a few who showed up.

They were whispering together, seemingly completely distracted.

He walked up to the guests who were whispering and asked, "What are you talking about?"

The few people looked at each other, and one of them, a relative of Mr. Peng's mother-in-law, took advantage of this relationship and said boldly: "We were discussing Fang Yingwu's founding of social studies. I heard that we are recruiting social students today."

Lord Peng chuckled and said, "What's there to discuss?" But he noticed something and asked doubtfully, "Is it possible that all the people who didn't show up today went to the Social Studies Department?"

"That's how it should be."

Commander Peng said angrily: "They don't go to Confucianism, but they go to social studies. What's the point? Isn't the official school worse than the private school of the mountain villagers?"

Another relative was surprised and said: "Master Peng, you don't know? Yesterday, news came out from the Governor's Office."

Indeed, no one said anything in front of Commander Peng. Commander Peng's temper was not very good, and his subordinates did not dare to touch him easily if they had bad news.

Commander Peng couldn't help but ask: "The Japanese officials have been busy these two days, what news is there?"

Someone informed: "Fang Yingwu proposed to Futai that to select talents for the country, one must take the exam. So Futai decided to imitate the provinces in the hinterland and directly hold the college examination next year. Those who are admitted in the college exam will

Only then can you obtain the qualification of a scholar and enter Yulin Health School."

"What?" Commander Peng was surprised and had a vague premonition.

Sure enough, I heard my relatives say: "Fang Yingwu was appointed by Futai as the acting promotion officer, responsible for the preparations for the first examination of the college! There are also rumors that Fang Yingwu is responsible for grading, but this is very unbelievable


Damn you! Commander Peng was so angry that he almost broke his teeth. He couldn't help cursing in his heart. Scholars are indeed cunning people!

They built the plank road openly and secretly visited Chen Cang. Governor Yang and Fang Yingwu clearly handed over the affairs of running the school to him, then turned around and set up an additional examination procedure to firmly hold the power of enrolling students in their hands. It was very annoying.


Compared with the power of recruiting students, his presiding over the preparation of the school has become a joke! What use is it to others if he has no control over the number of students? He is just equivalent to a senior foreman!

What made Commander Peng even more angry was that when others entered social studies, not only did they have to pay for repairs, but they also became Fang Yingwu's students. In this way, Fang Yingwu gained both fame and fortune!

At least before the college examination, the name of Fang's Social Science School must be louder than the name of any official school! Today is the best proof, most of the guests went to Fang Yingwu Social Science.

There is no need to doubt the sincerity of others who want to study in social studies. As the person in charge of examinations and the person who may directly participate in the admission process, Fang Yingwu, stepping forward to run social studies is like opening a back door. Anyone who is interested in being admitted does not want to study in social studies.


Commander Peng dares to say that with his shameless nature, it is possible to reveal the test questions in Sociology!

Of course, if Commander Peng had more than five hundred years of experience, he would know that it is not unusual for people with various connections to hold pre-examination training classes. It is a common thing. How can it be called shameless? Fang Daxiucai is just a certain person. Just learning from it.

I dare not say anything else. In his last life, Fang Yingwu went from kindergarten to master's degree, and in this life he went from being a child to a scholar. In terms of exams and exam-oriented education experience, he is enough to kill ten conductors Peng in an instant. (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, The novel is better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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