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Chapter 162 This son has a great future

That night Wang Zhi hosted a banquet in honor of Bohuluo. When Bohuluo returned to the mansion from the guarding eunuch's house, Governor Yang sent someone to inquire about the situation.

Sure enough, as Fang Yingwu guessed, Wang Zhi also negotiated with Bohuluo at the banquet, and Bohuluo also proposed conditions for attacking the Garthland tribe. But unlike Governor Yang, Wang Zhi agreed on the spot.


This made Bohuluo very surprised. Although the governor did not refuse in person and obviously did not want to agree, Eunuch Wang readily agreed. So who did he, the envoy, listen to? Who are Eunuch Wang and Governor Yang?

Has the final say?

Governor Yang couldn't help stroking his beard and sighing. It's really hard to do something, and it's even harder to think about it without any constraints! This eunuch Wang really doesn't want to give up the opportunity easily, and he won't do nothing. He must find ways to intervene.

A few days later, Wang Zhi sent a message to the governor, saying that he wanted to visit him.

Fang Yingwu analyzed this: "Wang Zhi was successful at a young age and values ​​​​face very much. At present, he and Futai have different views. If there is a stalemate, they will have to file their own memorials in the end.

But when he arrived at the court, Wang Zhi was not sure. If the court really rejected Wang Zhi's memorial, it would be a great damage to his own prestige. He didn't want to take this risk, so he took the initiative to visit."

What Fang Yingwu said makes sense. There are differences between local guarding eunuchs and officials. The power of local officials comes from the system and is not subject to human will. However, the power of guarding eunuchs comes more from themselves.

Prestige, prestige that makes others fear and convince.

If Governor Yang is refuted and returned, he will still be the governor, but if Wang Zhi is refuted by the court, he will be looked down upon by the local government, so Wang Zhi cannot bear the risk even more than Governor Yang.

Governor Yang nodded and told Fang Yingwu: "You will be my guest and meet Eunuch Wang with me."

The next day, Wang Zhi arrived, and Governor Yang opened the middle door and welcomed Wang Zhi into the hall. They sat side by side on the left and right, and Fang Yingwu and Master Cui sat at the bottom to accompany the guests.

After a few words of greeting, Wang Zhi took the initiative to start the conversation and said: "A few days ago, I wrote to the commander-in-chief of Yansui Town, Mr. Xu. I got a reply yesterday. Mr. Xu said that he was willing to do his best. I think the military morale is available, so why bother Mr. Yang?

Stick to strategy."

Xu Ning, the chief military officer of Yansui Town, is the largest military attache in this town. He is equivalent to the "governor" among the military attachés. However, for more than half a year, General Xu Ning has been personally guarding the West Road of Yansui Town where the enemy situation is most urgent.

It was guarded by Deputy Commander-in-Chief Yue Song.

Governor Yang frowned when he heard this. Could it be that General Xu was really forced by Wang Zhi's power and surrendered to Wang Zhi like Commander Peng? Or was General Xu also attracted by the military exploits and wanted to cooperate with Wang Zhi in a fight?

A war?

If this is true, the trouble will be big. Commander Peng is only the commander of the Yulin Guards, but General Xu is the chief military officer of the entire Yansui Town.

If it weren't for the fact that Governor Yang's edict contained "control of general military officers and below" and with his background of using civility to control military affairs, he really wouldn't be able to control General Xu. But he couldn't stop General Xu from joining another imperial eunuch.

Out of control.

The atmosphere in the room fell silent for a moment, and Wang Zhi was not in a hurry, looking around with a smile, as if everything was under control.

Suddenly, Fang Yingwu didn't know whether he was talking to himself or to Governor Yang. He sighed: "I feel that if Futai also writes a letter to General Xu, then General Xu will also write back and express his wishes.

Follow the work of dogs and horses."

Governor Yang was stunned for a moment, then immediately came to his senses. This was indeed the truth.

When Xu Zongbing received Wang Zhi's letter, would he be stupid enough to scold him? He would definitely write back and say something about being obedient in officialdom. Anyway, being obedient doesn't cost you anything.

Similarly, if I write a letter to Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu will definitely write back and say something like, "Thank you for your respect, I am very excited, and I am willing to do my best."

It was only because Wang Zhi was in his teens and had always been on the smooth sailing, and had insufficient experience in the world, that he made such an mistake of mistaking polite words for promises. And I was too cautious with Wang Zhi, and almost fell into the trap.

After thinking about this, Governor Yang felt a little relaxed and lowered his head to pick up the tea, but he started to think about it again. Why did General Xu stay in the west and refused to return to Yulin? Even if there were two giants like him and Wang Zhi in Yulin City,

Does General Xu not want to show his face?

Could it be that the chief military officer didn't want to be caught between Eunuch Wang and himself, so he simply stayed away to avoid troubles?

But on the other side, Wang Zhi gritted her teeth secretly and couldn't help but glare at Fang Yingwu. The man's light words resolved the atmosphere she deliberately created.

Originally, she wanted to rely on General Xu's words to create some pressure, but now it seems impossible. So she went straight to the point and said: "The Mantulu tribe requested Jasilan to attack from a flank, why not? Is Yang Gong timid to fight?"

Governor Yang was well prepared and replied: "This is not a sign of cowardice on our part. Sun Tzu said: The first step is to attack with troops, then to attack with friends, and then to attack with troops."

Since there is a plan to attack, the enemies are ahead, and the troops are behind, why should we abandon the front and go behind? What's more, winning or losing a battle will not help the overall situation. Why bother to mobilize troops and waste money and food? "

Wang Zhi was unconvinced, "The Northern Barbarians have been in trouble for many years. The matter of force must be solved by force. Can you kill the Northern Barbarians just by sitting in the room and showing off your words? If you kill one less one, it won't matter whether there is a chance for a pincer attack next time.


Governor Yang continued to argue: "It's not that we won't send troops, it's just that we don't have the opportunity. At this time, Jasilan, who is helping Mandulu to attack from a flank, will only make the Mandulu family stronger in the end, which is definitely not a blessing for the frontier."

The two argued with each other for a few words, but neither could convince the other, and they reached a stalemate. In the short space of time, Fang Yingwu's long sigh suddenly sounded again. For some reason, Wang Zhi's heart jumped suddenly, as if he had been

People hurry up.

Fang Yingwu said slowly: "At this time, the plan of uniting with Mandu and Lu to destroy Jiasilan seems clever, but I can't help but remind you of the previous Song Dynasty's plan of uniting with Jin to destroy Liao. The fate of the two Huiqin sects was very terrible.

Sigh, I can’t help but feel a lot of emotion in my heart.”

Wang Zhi was thirsty and drinking tea. When he heard a few words from Fang Yingwu, he almost spit out all the tea. This scholar Fang was so talented that he even brought up the shame of Jingkang of the previous Song Dynasty.

Fang Yingwu added: "Presumably when they joined forces with the Jin Dynasty to destroy the Liao Dynasty, the Song Dynasty's ideas may have been similar to those of the factory master. In the end, it was a pity that the two emperors were humiliated and the shame would not be repaid."

Fang Yingwu didn't know what to say, so he talked ramblingly about the two Huiqin sects. However, Wang Zhi was speechless and didn't know how to answer the question.

Of course, literati can comment on the emperors of the previous dynasties. Even the history books were written by literati. But eunuchs, as slaves of the emperor, sometimes need to be careful, otherwise it will be easy for people to think of the emperor today.

For example, Wang Zhi said that he wanted to unite with Mandu and Lu to destroy Jiasilan, but Fang Yingwu used the allusion of uniting with Jin to destroy Liao as a comparison. This is more deceptive.

If Wang Zhi had said anything carelessly, it might have caused a bad association with the emperor. Wang Zhi’s idea was indeed similar to joining the Jin Dynasty to destroy the Liao Dynasty. Which emperor would want to become like the two Huiqin sects? Even if Wang Zhi’s idea was

No matter how bold you are, you don't dare to gamble on the emperor's likes and dislikes. Once you lose, you will be doomed.

Governor Yang secretly felt funny. Fang Yingwu didn't talk much today, but every sentence he said was very cunning, making Wang Zhi unable to answer.

Seeing that Wang Zhi remained silent, Fang Yingwu said in a very sincere tone: "Mr. Factory, you are straightforward and honest. You must be careful not to be fooled by Bohuluo."

Straightforward and honest? Wang Zhi couldn't tell whether this was a compliment or a derogation for a moment, but she couldn't help but ask: "What do you mean by this?"

"Now the Mantulu tribe is under the control of Jiasilan, and they have officially requested me from the Ming Dynasty. Even if they do not agree to the request of Jiasilan, who is attacking them, they will probably still accept the canonization of the Ming Dynasty. As for opening a border market, it is even more

What they dream of.

Then why did he agree to the conditions of Jasilan, who was attacked by Bohuluo? Even if the Ming Dynasty wanted to agree to this condition, it can be negotiated later. Why should Mantulu agree to it happily now if he wants Mantulu to exchange it for something else? "

Therefore, if you agree easily, it will be equivalent to losing the rights and interests of Ming Dynasty. What is the difference between this and humiliating the country? Diplomatic matters are similar to business. Bargaining is indispensable. A straightforward person like the factory owner is still not suitable for talking to others.


Wang Zhi slapped the table and shouted: "Bold!"

Fang Yingwu didn't stop, and continued: "I heard that the factory owner once hosted a banquet for Bohuluo? You must know that people's words are terrible. If this word is passed down, it is probably that the factory owner is young and does not know the importance of the importance, and he knelt down in front of the Mantulu envoy.

Responding to every request would be disrespectful to the country and bring disgrace to His Majesty. The factory boss must be careful."

Fang Yingwu must be sincere and sincere in his words. He really has Wang Zhi's best interests at heart.

Wang Zhi was completely stunned and began to doubt herself. Could it be that she was only suitable for fighting and killing, and really not suitable for such intrigues?

She came excitedly and left carelessly. In confusion, Wang Zhi left the governor's office. On the sedan chair, she suddenly came to her senses and tried to reason with the scholar. Isn't this asking for trouble? Thinking of Fang Yingwu again, she

There is a feeling of "I am a beautiful woman, but I am a thief"

Watching Eunuch Wang go away with the honor guard, Governor Yang responded to the other party: "I met Eunuch Wang for the first time today. He is not as difficult as the rumors say."

Fang Yingwu explained: "Because the sky is high and the emperor is far away, it would not be the same in the capital. The capital is at the feet of the emperor, and Wang Zhi can borrow the power of heaven at will. But in this border town thousands of miles away, Wang Zhi cannot

He can't always ask His Majesty for instructions on every detail. Most of the time, he has to rely on himself to adapt to the situation. With his temper, it will be difficult for him.

If other governors dare not offend even a little bit and follow Wang Zhi's direction in everything, he will naturally be arrogant. But if Futai has a strong character, then the Taoist leader and the demon will disappear."

Governor Yang was thoughtful, and then listened to Fang Yingwu's advice: "Furthermore, I have two words for Futai to remember. First, before Wang Zhi falls, Futai must not enter the capital. The capital is a place of death, and in the border town

Just accumulate fame.

Second, there can be disputes on official matters, and it doesn't matter if the lawsuit goes to His Majesty. But when it comes to Wang Zhi's personal interests, Futai can just turn a blind eye, because His Majesty is protective of others and extremely protective of those close to him in terms of personal interests.

I am a favored minister, but I hate ministers attacking me with trivial details."

Fang Yingwu's words once again refreshed Governor Yang's understanding. Mr. Futai couldn't help but stand in the atrium and was dumbfounded. How could there be such a transparent young man like Fang Yingwu in the world who seemed to be able to see through everything?

When Governor Yang was reading, he would often see stories like this: someone would point at a certain young man and say, "This boy has a great future." Then as expected, this person would be praised as a wise man.

Whenever he saw such a story, Governor Yang found it incredible and even couldn't believe it. He thought that either a blind cat encountered a dead mouse, or that later generations deliberately made it up. Who in the right mind could see clearly decades later?


But today Governor Yang suddenly understood. He found that he really dared to point at Fang Yingwu and say, "This boy has a great future." He was neither adhering to ideas nor making up nonsense.

ps: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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