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Chapter 256 Dare to sleep?

Celebrity means a huge right to speak. If Fang Yingwu was not a very popular celebrity, not many people would pay attention to him, and things about him would not be spread as quickly as possible.

Listening to the news from outside, Xiang Chengxian smiled at Fang Yingwu and said, "Tsk, tsk, you are really heartless. Such a charming and charming court lady is about to be destroyed by you. How can you be so cruel?"

Fang Yingwu was also distressed: "This was not what I wanted, and I didn't expect things to turn out like this. At first, I thought, even if I beat Li Jieyuan in this game, it would have no practical significance, and it would not be worth enmity with Li Jieyuan.

But I was not willing to lose face, so I wanted to find an excuse to go down the steps.

So I ask you to shout, "Don't bully young people who are poor." It means that I lost to money, not to Li Jieyuan, which is a crime of war. In this way, you can save your dignity and avoid enmity with Jieyuan.

Who would have known that the rumors were completely beyond expectations and everyone reacted so violently that it turned out to be like this. It was all the fault of the courtesan who disliked the poor and loved the rich..."

Xiang Chengxian sighed: "This is a miscalculation and a wrong move. All the responsibility belongs to the oiran lady, but the harmony between you and Li Jieyuan has been preserved. Everyone is happy."

In addition, as a good friend of Fang Yingwu, Xiang Chengxian had no sympathy for Yuan Huakui before - this woman had ruined Fang Yingwu's face and deserved whatever happened to her.

But when Fang Yingwu said this, Mr. Xiang suddenly felt some pity. Isn't this the logic that beauties bring disaster? This is true for Concubine Yang, Concubine Yang and so on.

Thinking of this, Xiang Chengxian complained again: "She went to Li Jieyuan's invitation and was unlucky in the end. In fact, you are still a little happy..."

Fang Yingwu smiled and said: "She is not innocent, and she is most likely to blame herself. The reason why the news that Li Jieyuan and I were competing for the oiran spread quickly was because she herself contributed to it.

She probably habitually believes that this is a good opportunity to promote herself. Should I humiliate myself and deliberately promote her? There is no such reason in the world."

Xiang Chengxian couldn't help but sigh: "Originally, everyone thought this was a game to entertain the world, but you played political tricks. No wonder the situation became misplaced. The biggest mistake of the oiran lady is that she misunderstood that you would

I was tolerant of her, but I didn't expect the reality to be so cruel."

Fang Yingwu commented: "She thought she could profit from it. She really couldn't understand her own importance. Otherwise, would she have ended up like this? This time, I thought it was a small lesson to teach her, so as not to get used to being smart.

You will suffer big losses in the future.”

Mr. Xiang is very familiar with Fang Yingwu. But he heard something unusual from Fang Yingwu's last words, "You said you just wanted her to learn a small lesson? From this tone, do you think she can be redeemed?"

Fang Yingwu smiled confidently, "Of course, the mountain man has his own clever plan."

Xiang Chengxian still can't figure it out. Things seem to be irreversible at this point, and Fang Yingwu seems to be unwilling to slap himself in the face to help the oiran regain his position, so what else can be done?

Fang Yingwu didn't explain too much, straightened up his appearance a few times, and then went out. Xiang Chengxian asked curiously: "Where are you going?"

"Go to Tianxiang Tower to meet the oiran lady." Fang Yingwu replied.

Mr. Xiang sent Fang Yingwu away with admiring eyes - he had just tricked the courtesan's wife to death, and in the next moment he came to see her like she was nothing. Brother Fang's shame was really beyond his reach...

Let's not talk about gossip. When Fang Yingwu arrived at Tianxiang Tower, he found that there were still several guests sitting and chatting in the hall. At first glance, it seemed that there was no change from before.

After thinking about it carefully, Fang Yingwu also understood. Although the reputation of the oiran lady has been ruined, the hard conditions such as appearance and figure are still there. It is not surprising that there are people who want to "pick up bargains".

Now that the high-end customers are gone, there are still a lot of low-end groups who want to take advantage, especially the wealthy locals who have nothing but money. In the past, they would never be noticed by an courtesan.

There were scholars talking and laughing, but no white men coming and going. Of course, Fang Yingwu had nothing to do with the low-end group, so he just called the maid at the door, "Yingwu below, please see Miss Feng Xiao."

Fang Yingwu? The little maid's eyes shone with hatred, but her professionalism told her that she had to report it, so she went to the back building to spread the message.

Then Fang Yingwu was brought in... He saw the oiran woman with her hair on her temples sloppily dressing up, her clothes were disheveled, her eyes were slightly red and swollen, she had obviously been crying a lot in the past two days.

Ever since Fang Yingwu met Yuan Fengxiao, she had always been talking and laughing freely and charmingly. This was the first time she had seen her like this today, and it seemed that she was really heartbroken.

Fang Yingwu bowed his hands in greeting. As a master of the ceremony, this etiquette was very solemn. "I'm really sorry. I said something casually. I didn't expect it to turn out like this. There are too many people in this world who gossip."

Madam Yuan said coldly: "You still want to lie? Then please continue to make up." Fang Yingwu asked curiously: "What is the meaning of this?"

"Last time you came here, you deliberately behaved frivolously and shallowly to arouse my disgust, which then made me dissatisfied and chose to accept the invitation from Mr. Jie Yuangong. What happened after that was as you expected, isn't it?"

"This..." Fang Yingwu hesitated for a moment. This oiran was indeed a shrewd person, and he saw through it easily when he came back to his senses.

"Now that things have come to this, why don't you stop telling lies?"

Fang Yingwu said seriously: "I said, if you do it, you do it, no need to explain anything. First you added fuel to the flames, and then I took advantage of the topic, each with their own methods. As for things getting out of control and turning into this, they each have their own ways.

It’s your fault. But you don’t have to worry, there’s nothing you can do about it..."

Yuan Huakui said bitterly: "It's just that you set a hook to fish, and I stupidly took the bait. Needless to say, do you dare to sleep here for a night?"

Fang Yingwu was stunned. What logic was in this woman's mind? What did she mean by suddenly saying this? He couldn't understand it.

Yuan Huakui raised his eyebrows and said sarcastically: "In your heart, I am just an insignificant prostitute, don't you even have the guts to play casually?

I have a pretty body, but you have come here so many times without even asking me to stay overnight. I really doubt that your words are of any use."

Fang Yingwu continued to be stunned, could you not be so straightforward, could you be a little more subtle? But a man can't stand this kind of provocation!

But he said that since the end of the provincial examination, the crowds on Qingyun Street outside Hangzhou City Gongyuan have gradually dispersed. However, Hangzhou City has limited outward transportation capacity, and thousands of scholars will not be able to leave for a while, and restaurants and shops are still indispensable for customers.

In a teahouse, a dozen or so scholars were staying, talking loudly about the past and the present.

Someone commented loudly: "The oiran lady is certainly a greedy and rich person, but Li Jieyuan may not be comfortable if he robs the oiran lady.

He is a dignified scholar, especially the first in this subject. He does not rely on talent and magnanimity, but relies on money. I'm afraid his face will not look good after word spreads. I heard that it is mainly his friends who build bridges and pull strings between them. They can be said to be good friends.


If it were a simple rich man who threw money at people, I'm afraid he wouldn't attract too much contempt, but Li Jieyuan's identity is different, and public opinion will naturally have different requirements for him. The more successful a person is, the more moral requirements public opinion will have for him.

The higher it is, this has been the case since ancient times.

Someone shouted to him: "You are talking about the old almanac!" The person who spoke first asked: "What new almanac does this friend have? Can you share it with us?"

"Yesterday when Fang Yingwu had a banquet with my roommate, he said personally that this time it was not the oiran's fault."

This is news that most people have never heard of. Everyone turned their attention here, and some impatiently urged: "Why is this?"

"You know, the Wang family, a new wealthy businessman in this city in the past two years, is a fellow villager of Fang Yingwu. The head of the Wang family plans to give his daughter to Fang Yingwu as a concubine. When the oiran heard the news, she couldn't help but be jealous. So.

I angrily accepted Li Jieyuan’s invitation!”

Everyone was surprised, they did not expect such an inside story. Someone else asked: "Is it true or false?"

"This is what Fang Yingwu said personally. Besides, Fang Yingwu doesn't have to defend the court lady, so it should be the truth."

"Ah, yes! I also remembered that I heard that Fang Yingwu went to Tianxiang Tower the night before yesterday. If the two of them really became enemies, it would definitely not be the case."

"So, when the court lady rejected Fang Yingwu and accepted Li Jieyuan that day, it was not because she disliked the poor and loved the rich, but because she was jealous out of anger? That is understandable. The greater the jealousy, the deeper the affection.

, and we all misunderstood.”

Another person next to him interjected: "I have heard of the Wang family. The business has been booming in the past two years, and they are enough to be considered wealthy.

Fang Yingwu would rather cater to the Wang family than ignore the courtesan. I think it's not that the court lady is greedy for money, but Fang Yingwu is greedy for money!"

"You are wrong again! I heard that when the Fang family was poor, it was the Wang family that funded Fang Yingwu's father thirty taels of silver to help him win the title of Jieyuan and ascend to Huangjia. Only then did the Fang family become the current situation. The Wang family

With such a great kindness, how could Fang Yingwu refuse the Wang family's good intentions?

What's more, the Wang family is willing to take their daughter and Fang Yingwu as their concubine, which is enough to lower their stature, and Fang Yingwu has no reason to refuse based on emotion and reason!"

If Wang Dahu heard this, he would burst into tears. He dared others to think that it was natural for his Wang family to send a daughter as a concubine, and it was the correct way to express his sincerity in marrying the master. Scholars are indeed a group that thinks very highly of themselves.

In any case, the courtesan's wife was excusable, Fang Yingwu was also excusable, and the public turmoil gradually subsided.

As for Li Jieyuan's friends making vulgar comments, that is beyond Fang Yingwu's control.

But Fang Yingwu was still pondering over one question: why did the courtesan take the initiative to stay with him?

When it comes to the role of oiran, it is enough to say that they are performing arts but not selling themselves, and they are free to choose the guests who enter the court, as long as they look at the right ones.

But at least in the past few months, I haven’t heard of anyone that the courtesan had slept with. Why did she suddenly and inexplicably sleep with him at this juncture?

It wasn't until Fang Yingwu ended his social interactions after the provincial examination and left Hangzhou for the capital that he didn't understand the meaning.

Later, when a friend wrote to Fang Yingwu, he said that after Brother Fang left Hangzhou, this girl Fengxiao suddenly announced that she would keep her integrity and no longer entertain guests. Such matters would be replaced by the daughters raised in Tianxiang Tower.


Everyone in Hangzhou was very sad and sighed. Everyone knew that the last guest of the court lady was Fang Yingwu. When she said she wanted to guard her body, it was obvious who she was guarding for.

Fang Yingwu, who was far away in the capital at that time, suddenly felt a lot of pressure. He knew very well that this was the woman's revenge... The ball was kicked to him. If he didn't handle it well, he would become a betrayal in the eyes of the public.


But this is not mentioned later.

ps: I wrote the materials again, and the code words written in eight-legged writing were all gone. I suppressed them for a long time and finally figured this out, ugh.

This chapter has been completed!
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