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Chapter 355: Concerns of all parties

After Zhu Jianshen finished giving his instructions, the eunuch Qin Chang, the eunuch Bingbi, the eunuch of etiquette, came to ask for an audience. Behind him were two eunuchs from the clerk's room, holding some memorials.

The powerful eunuchs around Emperor Chenghua can be divided into three categories: one is for official duties, such as Huaien and Qin Chang, who were in charge of rituals; the other is for secret agents, such as Wang Zhi of Xichang and Shangming of Dongchang; the third is for daily life

Service type, such as Liang Fang.

After seeing the ceremony, Qin Chang took the initiative to report: "Today there is a secret memorial from the first minister Wan'an." Because there are too many memorials, the emperor may not have the energy to read them carefully, so he must first choose the secret memorials, military aircraft, and disasters. Remember, this has been for many years.


"Mr. Wan, do you have a secret memorial?" Zhu Jianshen reached out to take it after hearing the words. The elder's secret memorial must have been sealed, and he could only open it in front of the emperor. After unfolding it, he lowered his head and looked at it, very attentive, sometimes slightly chin, and sometimes

A knowing smile.

At this time, not everyone could stand next to the emperor. Only Qin Chang, who came to deliver the memorial, stood nearby. At this time, Eunuch Qin could not restrain his curiosity. It was rare for the emperor to be so absorbed in reading the memorial, so he picked up the corners of his eyes.

I took a few furtive glances.

From his angle, he could just see the beginning of the memorial, which read: "I have recently acquired two beautiful maids from Datong and Jiangnan. Their skin is white and their bodies are as tender and as thin as satin. They are both fat and thin, each with its own merits.

Grind and taste it carefully, and learn the two postures in the room..."

Qin Chang curled his lips and withdrew his gaze. Well, the reason why Wan'an and Wan's first assistant can be a stable first assistant is that he is more considerate to the emperor. He can talk to the emperor about very private things in the memorial.

There is only such a shameless person who can talk about this topic.

Of course, Wan Shoufu did not talk about serious matters at all. After talking about his recent political experience, he solemnly addressed the emperor at the end of the memorial: "Please stop the West Factory."

Stop Xichang? The emperor frowned subconsciously when he saw these words.

The establishment of the West Factory should be one of the biggest moves made by Zhu Jianshen as emperor. Since the establishment of the West Factory in the 13th year of Chenghua, it has been constantly resisted by the courtiers. Of course, this also shows that the work of the West Factory has been carried out very well.

Damn it. In these four years, the total number of memorials to impeach Wang Zhi, the admiral of the West Factory, and to request the dismissal of the West Factory can be piled up into a small mountain.

When Wan'an was not the first assistant, he followed the trend of the then chief assistant and submitted a petition to dismiss Xichang. However, since Wan'an took the position of first assistant, he said nothing about Xichang and even suppressed it.

This made Zhu Jianshen very satisfied.

So Emperor Chenghua couldn't understand why Wan An suddenly asked to stop going to Xichang in the secret speech today? This is not Wan Shoufu's style. As long as it is what he wants to do, Wan Shoufu will obey, and rarely

Go against your own attitude.

Abnormal things must be strange. The emperor continued to read, and Wan An wrote five words "to calm public opinion" very concisely and comprehensively.

Seeing this, Zhu Jianshen seemed to have some enlightenment. Could it be that Wan An meant that now that there is a deadlock between the monarch and his ministers, he asked him to make political concessions by abolishing the West Factory, which has been hated by all officials for many years?

The emperor raised his head again and thought about it carefully. In the past two years, the power of the West Factory was indeed not as obvious as when it was first established. Even the director of the West Factory, Wang Zhi, was keen on border affairs and frequently went to border towns to supervise the army.

I am not very interested in the West Factory business.

Zhu Jianshen thought again. In the past, there were many powerful ministers with high prestige, such as Li Xian, the strongman's chief minister, Shang Lu, the elder of the three dynasties, etc. Back then, he was young and short of breath, and he was extremely nervous and uneasy when facing senior ministers, so he had the reputation of Xichang.

It can be regarded as a subconscious self-protection measure.

Nowadays, the cabinets and ministries of the DPRK and Central Government are all "obedient" ministers, and the roads and roads are noisy and noisy, but after all, they can't make big waves. It seems that the West Factory is not so necessary...

Is it possible to abolish a Western factory in exchange for concessions from officials in other areas?

Zhu Jianshen thought about it for a long time. He felt that Wan Shoufu's suggestion was not unreasonable. It was not a deliberately confrontational "please stop the West Factory" like Qingliu, but a possibility of exchange put forward by putting himself in his shoes, and it seemed very feasible.


Zhu Jianshen did not mention it, but said that Wang Zhi Wang, the factory director, suddenly received the imperial edict in Xichang. She did not dare to delay, and hurriedly entered the palace through Xihua Gate, and then went to Zhaode Palace.

In Zhaode Palace, Wang Zhi was not as arrogant as she was outside. She walked with her head held high and floated into the inner hall like a nimble kitten.

At this moment, Concubine Wan Gui was leaning on the couch with her eyes closed to relax, her eyes slightly red and swollen, she had indeed cried a lot. Wang Zhi walked forward lightly, lay in front of her knees, and called in a low voice: "Empress, please come and see me.

is you."

The imperial concubine opened her eyes, showing a hint of kindness, and reached out to caress the top of Wang Zhi's head, "My dear, why have you lost weight again? You are the only one who comes to see me at this time."

Wang Zhi said with a smile: "What did you say? People who want to see your Majesty will have to queue up from here all the way to Daming Gate. I just have faster legs than others."

Concubine Wan Gui also smiled and suddenly talked about other things, "Wantong gave me a message the day before yesterday, saying that he was a boring commander and could not accomplish anything. First, the old man didn't like to hear it.

Secondly, I really can’t stand your West Factory anymore.”

Wang Zhi deliberately said in a petty tone: "This uncle will complain to the empress!"

The imperial concubine stretched out her finger and tapped Wang Zhi's forehead, "You kid still has made too many enemies. Someone just arranged for you to be too domineering at the emperor's place. From my point of view, although you have not been raised as a girl since you were a child, you are still a daughter after all.

Home. We women shouldn’t be out there fighting and killing..."

Wang Zhi lowered her eyebrows and replied: "What you said makes sense, but I can't get rid of the baby for a while. I have gathered a group of subordinates over the years. They help me with things and offend many people. If I leave you

No matter what, I'm afraid that all of them will suffer, so I can't let go immediately."

Concubine Wan Gui sighed and said: "I can't let go of this. You are a kind-hearted child... I don't care what happens between you and Wantong. You can make trouble as you please! In the end, it all depends on the emperor.


Wang Zhi said nonchalantly: "I don't care about the child. The worst I can do is go back to the palace and serve the empress for the rest of my life."

That being said, Wang Zhi has enjoyed the freedom outside the palace in the past few years, and she doesn't want to go back to the days of serving others. She is so free and comfortable outside the palace, why bother to return to the palace and suffer the restrictions?

Outside the palace is the governor and military supervisor of the West Factory. He is admired by everyone for his majesty and can almost live an unrestrained life and do whatever he wants. But in the palace, not only must he be careful about his words and deeds, but he must also be humble and work like a cow or a horse——

Just think about it and you’ll know which option is more comfortable.

Well, that funny pretty boy is also outside the palace, and the palace is full of yin and yang dead eunuchs.

ps: The big plot is complete, but there is still a small area that needs to be worked on. Let me think twice! See you tomorrow morning!

This chapter has been completed!
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