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Chapter 395: The Age of Civil Officials

Fang Yingwu persuaded his father to take action, and then quickly returned to the county government office, where he wrote quickly at his desk: "I enforce the law impartially, but I have been repeatedly brutalized, and I can't stop it so far. If no one in the court can stop me, and I feel that my talent and virtue cannot convince the public, please

Release it back to the countryside!”

If Fang Yingwu had threatened to resign a few days ago, it would have been just a joke, just like a child complaining to his parents when he can't win. But when things have reached this level, the situation is naturally very different, that is, Fang Yingwu

In response to what Wu said "the time is ripe", it is exactly what the saying goes "Zheng Bo Duan Yu Yan".

When Fang Zhixian said he wanted to resign, he was actually just moving the conflict upward, from the streets to the temple. Facing Uncle Yong Ping, this was Fang Zhixian's advantage - if he wanted to be more arrogant on the streets, Fang Yingwu would definitely not be able to compete with Yong Pingbo.

For a fool like Ping Bo, it is better to make gestures in the court.

Last time Fang Yingwu openly went to arrest Uncle An at the court meeting, with the intention of solving the problem at the court, but it was a pity that the emperor was incomprehensible and delayed the matter.

From a normal point of view, it is impossible for the imperial court to easily let Fang Yingwu leave, who has only been in office for a few days. Otherwise, it would be a child's play for him to change his orders overnight. What's more, this imperial court is already a "civilian" imperial court. If he just lets go like this,

It would be too shameful for Fang Yingwu to be forced to resign by a third-rate nobleman. Of course, there is also a prerequisite that someone is willing to offend a playboy like Yong Pingbo for Fang Yingwu.

After writing the memorial, Fang Yingwu summoned Lou Tianhua to come in. It was said that Lou Tianhua was worried about the current situation. He entered the hall and wanted to discuss with the proprietor, but he saw that the proprietor did not mention the matter of Uncle Yong Ping at all.

He ordered: "You and Zhang Gui will work together to draw up a charter for rebuilding the county government."

Are you still thinking about repairing the county government office first? After repairing it, will it still be yours? Lou Tianhua could only sigh and helplessly replied: "Yes!"

Just as he was about to leave, Lou Tianhua seemed to hear the proprietor whispering: "This shabby yamen looks really bad. It should have been renovated long ago..."

Lou Tianhua couldn't help but turn around and salute, and asked again: "I wonder what rules the proprietor has in mind?"

Fang Zhixian confidently said: "You and Zhang Gui will issue a notice to all the offices in the city and to the villages outside the city. It is too far away. The notice said that because I enforce the law impartially, I have offended the powerful and refused to give in, which led to the destruction of the Yamen.

Raise donations from elders in the county for reconstruction.

In addition, I also want to say that I am considerate of the people. Anyone who donates silver will be registered in the register and will be exempted from corvee in the future. The more you donate, the longer the period of exemption from corvee. You can discuss the details!"

"High, it's really high!" Lou Tianhua couldn't resist. This was not a fundraiser. This was simply an opportunity to brag about himself in front of the people of the county. Without this excuse, a county magistrate would really have no way to publish an announcement with great fanfare and brag about himself.

, this goal has been achieved. It doesn’t matter how much donations we raise.

It's just that Lou Tianhua doesn't understand why the proprietor is so smart at one moment and so stupid at the next? The contrast is like the difference between mountains and ravines. Could it be that his real purpose is to earn a few votes and become a free official in another place?

Xiang Yingwu didn’t say anything, but he said that Uncle Yong Ping smashed the Wanping County Office on impulse to vent his anger. It was great, but the uncle also felt a little scared afterwards. After others mentioned it, he suddenly felt good.

Fang Yingwu was fooled, and what Fang Yingwu burned was just the "shop", but what he destroyed was the government office. The two are not equal at all!

In fact, for someone with his noble status, as long as he does not openly rebel, almost everything can be big or small, it all depends on the changes in the emperor's thoughts.

Uncle An thought he was like a holy family member and was not the kind of person who was extremely favored, so he had no choice but to ask his grandfather to sue his grandmother and recruit a group of familiar uncles, and then jointly signed a memorial to impeach Fang Yingwu and defend himself. Memorial.

Zhong scolded Fang Yingwu for "relying on his official position to bully his meritorious deeds. It undermined the kindness of the late emperor and his distinguished ministers, and the state system was completely destroyed."

At the same time, Xunchen's memorial and Fang Yingwu's memorial were sent to the court almost at the same time. The attitudes of the two sides were tit for tat, which aroused discussion in the court.

Then a group of civil servants came to the court one after another. They rebuked Yongping Bo with more fierce words and asked the court to deal with it strictly. "Yongping Bo'an knew his youth and neglected to discipline him. He was rampant and violent, just like a gangster. The ground in the capital was shaken, and Li Shu was shocked and uneasy.

Is this a non-royal place? If it is not dealt with strictly, I fear that the ground in the capital will never be peaceful again, and how can your majesty live in the palace in peace?"

As soon as the force representing Qingliu spoke, it seemed as if the tone had been set. No one among the courtiers and scholars questioned Fang Yingwu anymore. Why is there any need to be more serious for the sake of Uncle Yongping who can't get on the stage?

Emperor Chenghua was a person with extremely wide interests and hobbies, and his energy was very limited. Not every government affairs could come into his eyes in detail (in fact, except for military affairs and disasters, most of them did not pay much attention). Civil servants and

A large number of memorials and memorials were exchanged between the ministers and ministers, and a war of words began. As a recent hot topic, this trend inevitably entered the emperor's field of vision.

Although the emperor's virtue is lacking and he is tired of ministers making troubles, if the target of the trouble is not him, it is easy to talk to him... Then he criticized it impartially: "Ask the capital procuratorate to inquire about the complex play, and Dong Dong

Sit down and listen."

This very ordinary decree came out from the palace, and some courtiers immediately noticed something subtle. A serious conflict occurred between the ministers and the civil servants, but they were investigated by the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which itself was also a civil service system.

.....What's even more subtle is that everyone seems to be used to it and doesn't find it too strange.

If placed in the period of Emperor Taizu Gao, Yong Pingbo and Fang Yingwu, two subordinates who caused trouble and undermined the construction of a harmonious society, would have been killed together, or they would have been exiled to the army;

If it had been placed during the reign of Emperor Taizong Wen, he would have issued a decree to criticize Uncle Yong Ping, and then exiled Fang Yingwu into the army. If Fang Yingwu had become more angry, he might have been killed;

If it were placed during the reign of Emperor Xuanzongzhang, the case would probably have been tried jointly by the British Public Prosecutor's Office and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and then the results of the trial would determine how to deal with it.

Things have changed, and now in the Chenghua period, things have become "the Metropolitan Procuratorate investigates, and the East Factory sits and listens". I don't know since when it has been a rule that honorable ministers are not allowed to interfere in government affairs. Even the most prestigious British public servants

Even if I deduct Lumi, I won’t be able to get it back.

Knowing the subtleties of the work can show that the era of civil servants and eunuchs is coming eventually, and most honorable ministers can only act as spectators of history, waiting for the day when they will truly rest with the country - there is no analogy to this general trend.

It’s time for someone who knows things better.

After receiving the notice from the Metropolitan Procuratorate calling him to accept questioning, Fang Yingwu smiled slightly proudly. Now, even if Yong Pingbo had all kinds of tricks, he could not escape from his grasp. Now the young uncle and himself

I have used my full strength in fighting spirit, but I still have some energy left.

PS: 555555. I felt dizzy and uncomfortable last night. I went to bed after dinner. I woke up in the middle of the night and I had to get up and code to update. I will finish two more chapters this weekend.

This chapter has been completed!
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