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Chapter 398 Do it, do it, get used to it

Speaking of this, Dai Jin and Shang Ming looked at each other, stopped persuading, and each took a cup of tea. When they thought about it, whether it was for fame or profit, Fang Yingwu would not have a second choice.


At this point, if Fang Yingwu still insists on "principles" and even harms his own interests, then they will doubt Fang Yingwu's political IQ.

Wang Zhi is not a positive figure, but he is also the target of everyone's rejection. Seeing that he has lost the emperor's heart and is about to become a political victim, will Fang Yingwu be in trouble for Wang Zhi's and his own interests? Stepping on Wang Zhi's feet will not affect his reputation.

It’s still a bonus, there’s no reason why anyone wouldn’t do it.

Fang Yingwu naturally understood these truths. He sighed deeply. The current situation really deserves the word "cannot help himself." No wonder I often heard people say in my previous life that a qualified political animal must have a cold heart.

It is important to cut off emotions and not let emotions influence your choices. Today I have a deep understanding of it.

Is it really necessary... Fang Yingwu suddenly raised his head and replied calmly: "Without your advice, I will go to the meeting to impeach Wang Zhi and ask for the dismissal of Xichang after I return!"

Shang Ming laughed a few times after hearing this, and slapped the case and said: "Okay! Mr. Fang is a wise man! It is convenient for others and it is convenient for yourself! Also, I would like to ask Mr. Fang to share the evidence of the crime of Wei Ying from a thousand households in Xichang embezzling public funds.


For Shang Ming, the current Admiral of Dongchang, it is extremely important to build the broadest united front, and it is important to pull one together. This Fang Yingwu is not only someone who has dealt with Wang Zhi in the border town, but can also directly become the most authoritative person.

He is a witness, and he is a rising star in the Qing Dynasty. Recently, various things have attracted the attention of the emperor, so the memorial has a certain weight.

However, Dai Jin, the imperial envoy to the right capital on the other side, said with a smile: "There is still some time now, how about Mr. Fang start writing here?"

As expected, he is still the most cunning scholar. He is actually worried that Fang Yingwu will go back on his words after he goes down! Fang Yingwu cursed a few words in his mind and replied: "I came to the Metropolitan Procuratorate today to be inspected. It would be too much to write a memorial now."

It’s a waste of time.”

"It doesn't matter!" Dai Jin waved his hand and said: "This court told Uncle Yongping to come back in the afternoon. Now there is still plenty of time, enough for Mr. Fang to write a memorial. After writing it, ask Shang Gong to forward it to you.

Wouldn’t it be convenient to have a large internal library?”

This guy was really well prepared, taking all situations into account! Fang Yingwu had no choice but to go to the desk in the corner and write quickly. Half an hour later, Fang Yingwu handed the chapter to Shang Ming with the ink still wet.

Eunuch Shang circulated it to General Dai, and they saw that it was indeed about impeaching Wang Zhi. The first was that he was "powerful and independent, and he was in and out of trouble"; the second was that he "used the opportunity of opening border markets to enrich his own pockets"; the third was that he "wanted bribes"

.Abusing personal rights, covering up crimes, and corrupting military discipline."

It also complained: "Since I took office, what I have seen and heard is that Xichang is indeed a cancer in this county. It is noisy in the streets all day long and the people cannot live and work in peace and contentment; there are thousands of Wei Ying households embezzling public funds.

As a result, the county treasury suffered a huge deficit. Because the West Factory is of little use to the country and the People's Committee, I sincerely ask your Majesty to stop as soon as possible."

"Excellent!" Eunuch Shang and Dai Jin were both very satisfied. Seeing that Fang Yingwu's expression was not very good, Dai Jin deliberately asked, "Why is Mr. Fang so sad?"

Fang Yingwu replied: "I have some friendship with Mr. Wang, and I don't want to criticize you today." Dai Zongxian then laughed softly and said: "You are still young, and you are used to doing this kind of thing. ." Fang Yingwu sneered secretly a few times, thinking that there was still a long time to come, so he stopped answering at this time.

It was already noon. Dai Jin, as the landlord, invited the servants to serve food and wine. The three of them finished eating separately and continued to drink tea and wait.

Not long after, Uncle Yongping came into the lobby arrogantly. When he saw Fang Yingwu, he mocked: "Master Fang came very early. What good news are you waiting for?"

The earl enjoyed superior political treatment compared to the marquis. As the imperial envoy of the right capital, Dai Jin could not let Uncle Yongping stand and ask questions, so he asked the servants to move the chair and asked Uncle An to sit down. At the same time, out of reciprocal treatment , and asked Fang Yingwu to sit down. Anyway, it was a question, not a trial, so it didn’t matter if everyone was sitting.

There are also questioning techniques. If you want to know the cause and effect, you must start from the end of the matter step by step. Dai Zongxian coughed and asked directly without saying any nonsense at the beginning: "The day before yesterday, the Wanping County government office was killed by a sergeant from the Beijing camp. Could the siege be related to Yongping Bo?"

Uncle An hesitated for a moment, and then answered frankly: "This is because my shop was destroyed by the county government officials. In a moment of anger, I ordered others to take revenge. Now I regret it and have no excuse. I have to plead guilty. Accept the holy judgment willingly."

Fang Yingwu glanced at Uncle An in surprise. This answer was not like his style. It seemed that someone had given him advice. Thinking about it, it was impossible for a dignified earl to not have reliable people around him.

Uncle Yongping admitted his account, so it was easy to ask further questions. Dai Zongxian turned to Fang Yingwu and asked: "Why did the county government officials destroy the shop?"

Fang Yingwu did not answer the question, but argued: "Old Zhongcheng must be careful when speaking, this shop is not his Yongpingbo's shop, let alone the county government's destruction of Yongpingbo's shop!

This shop was actually owned by Chen Biexue, a businessman, but it was taken away by Yongping Boqiang, so I filed a complaint with the county government. The county has to make decisions for the people! As for why the county government destroyed the store, there is another reason!"

Everyone knows what the reason was. It was simply Yong Pingbo beating up the county government officials in the street. Qian County Prime Minister was unlucky enough to be beaten. Fang Yingwu retaliated when he was angry, and then Yong Pingbo retaliated.

When Dai Jin was thinking about how to continue asking, Uncle An spoke first and said, "No need to bother asking any more questions! I did have a dispute with Chen Biexue, the businessman, over the store property, and I did beat Chen Biexue's father. .

Then there were repeated conflicts with Fang Zhixian County. I used the sergeants of the Beijing camp several times, then beat the county magistrate, and smashed the county government office. The whole thing was like this. I admitted everything, and I asked the old Zhongcheng to tell the truth. Play to the emperor of tomorrow!"

Everyone was surprised that Uncle Yongping actually poured beans out of a bamboo tube and recognized them all so neatly! But if you think about it more carefully, you will understand that the troubles caused by Uncle An can be solved in a big way. Small matters can be reduced to small matters, it all depends on what the emperor thinks.

In other words, it doesn't matter if you get into trouble. If you admit your mistake with a better attitude and find a few respectable acquaintances to plead for mercy, the emperor may just let it go.

A meritorious official with golden books and iron certificates should have more or less extra-legal privileges, as long as the emperor wants to give him these privileges. After all, it is a theory that a prince breaks the law and the common people are the same, and it is a universal value that a doctor cannot be punished.

Uncle An looked at Fang Yingwu again and said contemptuously: "I really accepted everything today. I want to see what you can do to me in the end! Even if the emperor fines me a salary, so what?"

Then Uncle An bowed his hands to Mr. Dai Jin and said, "Now that I have finished speaking, I think it is enough for the princes to resume their duties as emperor, so I will take my leave! I will be my host another day, and I will invite you all to have a drink!"

Walk away.

Dai Jin watched Uncle Yong Ping leave, and the other party responded: "Today's answer, this court will report it truthfully, and everything will be left to the Holy Judge."

Afterwards, Dai Zongxian smiled bitterly and said to the other party: "It's not that this court is not partial to you, it's actually Uncle Yongping who readily admitted it. Apart from that, this court has nothing to ask.

In fact, you don’t have to worry about it. You are still young and have just become an official. You are used to it after doing it. It is not surprising to encounter this kind of thing, so why bother with an incompetent playboy? It is difficult to step on him! "

Shang Ming, who had been listening quietly at the side, suddenly spoke up and said: "Master Fang has done some foolish things. I heard that you want to demolish the Baoguo Temple and build a market on the spot? This may allow the county treasury to earn a few more dollars.

But I have to pay for your royal favor!

This makes the Queen Mother very unhappy, but she is just thinking of your kindness in helping to find her younger brother, so she can't bear to say anything! Moreover, the Emperor is also quite dissatisfied, and it will not be of any benefit to you at this time!"

Probably thinking of the "united front", the two men unanimously gave each other "advice".

But Fang Yingwu turned a deaf ear and just sneered again and again, "Thank you sir for reminding me, but this county is really not used to it! This man surnamed An has finished his words and left, but this county has not finished his words yet. I also ask Lao Zhongcheng to be truthful."


PS: I’m so busy that I’m so stuck and so stuck~~ But look at the date, it’s the end of the month again... you know. This week we will update every day, try to save more manuscripts, and update furiously when the monthly tickets are doubled at the end of the month

, the starting environment is like this, if you don’t follow the crowd, you will lose your monthly pass, please understand!

This chapter has been completed!
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