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Chapter 41: The Secret of Injustice in the Government Exam

Back at the hotel, Fang Yingwu was still excited about the sudden opportunity. Throughout the Chenghua Dynasty, the political, economic and cultural situation was very lackluster. Shang Ren, who was known as the leader of the Three Yuan Dynasty and the most perfect person in the world, was the one who stood out from the crowd, although his

The achievements don't seem to be as good as those of the later first assistants.

Fang Yingwu couldn't help but think of a sentence he heard in his previous life. It is difficult for a person to make one million with ten thousand, but it is relatively easy to make ten million from one million. He feels this way now.

It wasn't until after dinner that Fang Yingwu gradually calmed down. Then he remembered the capriciousness of the prefect Zhu in the examination room. After careful reflection and reflection, Fang Yingwu suddenly felt that the governor's words and deeds were by no means aimless and were worth pondering.

It's just that I was relatively relaxed at the time and didn't think about it seriously.

First of all, he is the son of Xinke Jieyuan and the county's chief criminal. Regardless of his ranking, he may be interpreted by interested people.

So Magistrate Zhu first scolded him a few words, and then praised him a few words. He had already done all the bad and red faces, and others had nothing to say. It was neither easy to criticize him for being partial, nor to ridicule him for suppressing backwardness.

Secondly, adopt the method of suppressing first and then improving, and finally give a second place in the government examination. This can be regarded as creating an opportunity to sell favors, expressing the meaning of "I will take you as the second place even if you write so poorly".

Third, probably Magistrate Zhu wanted to ask Fang Yingwu to participate in the city's event to welcome the Shangge elders back home, but he was worried that he was young and frivolous and would not be easy to handle. So he slapped Tianzao and beat him to make him speechless.

It can be said that I can be more honest in the end.

Thinking of this, Fang Yingwu couldn't help but admire that Zhu Zhifu's thoughts were really intricate and thorough! With just a few simple words, he blocked all the possible problems and solved all aspects.

Taking into account and eliminating all possibilities of mistakes.

As for being asked to go with him to greet Mr. Shang, the reason is simpler. There must always be representatives of local celebrities. Originally, his father, Xin Jieyuan, a fellow countryman, was a suitable candidate, but when his father went to the capital, he asked himself, a county who could barely get on the stage.

The head of the case took care of it.

However, Magistrate Zhu's thoughts were complex, but he had no ill intentions towards himself and no harm, so Fang Yingwu could only accept them all.

The next day, when Fang Yingwu was idle in the hotel, several candidates from the same county suddenly came to him and invited him to have tea with him outside the south gate.

"I heard that since Zhufu Zunchenghua took office in the fifth year, he advocated building a long embankment outside the south gate to block the river. In the past few years, bustling streets have been formed along the river, with more than a dozen tea shops, large and small. Today we

Let’s go and have a look.”

Fang Yingwu was also bored, so he went with his fellow villagers, and then spent a few days in Fucheng to kill time. When the day came for the results to be released, Fang Yingwu went to the Fu Yamenwai with a few candidates who were familiar with him from the same county to see the results.


If you can pass the government examination, you can officially become a Tongsheng. When you return to your hometown, you will be regarded as a preparatory scholar. After your death, you can write on the tablet "To be presented to the generals and ministers".

The government examination list is very particular. It is different from the county examination where the number of candidates is determined by the number of talents. It is necessary to control the total number and strictly select the students to enter the next road test; it is also necessary to take good care of the geographical distribution and ensure that each county is successful.

The number of candidates is relatively fair. It cannot happen that all the candidates on the list are from one or two counties.

Anyone who is familiar with the imperial examination knows that among the junior three examinations, the provincial examination is the most difficult to pass; among the junior three examinations, the government examination is the most difficult to pass.

It has to be said that Fang Xuetong, who had known the result of his ranking earlier, felt bored. Looking at the ranking was just a formality. He did not have the nervousness, anxiety, and anticipation that other candidates had...

"Brother Fang Xian is second. It seems that there is no chance of getting Xiao Sanyuan at the top of the county examination, government examination, and road examination, haha." Someone pointed at the list of government examinations and joked.

Fang Yingwu shook his head, it would be good if he could pass the test, but he had never thought about the three yuan. With his mediocre writing skills, it would be a humiliation for the world's scholars to win three yuan.

Who is the first criminal? Fang Yingwu thought of this question, raised his eyelids and looked in front of his name, and the two characters "Wu Chuo" came into his eyes.

It was actually him! Fang Yingwu was very surprised. He had never expected that Magistrate Zhu would appoint Mr. Wu as the head of the government trial. Could it be that the Wu family's operations have been transferred to the government office?

If they had this ability, why would they risk being accused of cheating and fight with themselves in the county for the top of the case?

At this time, someone among the people looking at the rankings yelled, "The top two are actually from Chun'an County. This shows that this government examination is unfair!"

Immediately, a group of people who failed the exam got angry and shouted together: "Unfair! Unfair!"

Someone else shouted: "I should go to the Yamen to appeal and ask the government to respect the new evaluation!"

Many people in the crowd responded: "Okay! Let's go together!"

Fang Yingwu felt a little worried when he saw the loser trying to use the topic to make a fuss. Although his ranking was not as dazzling as that of Wu Chuo, it was still eye-catching. If he stayed at the bottom of the ranking, he might become the target of public criticism.

So he squeezed out of the crowd and fled quickly, so as not to become the target of frustrated people venting their anger.

However, Fang Yingwu still didn't understand, how could Magistrate Zhu do such an incriminating thing with his meticulous mind?

Even if there is no evil involved and it is very fair and impartial, in order to avoid suspicion, the first two cannot be from the same county.

This is going to cause a scene, which is not a good thing! In the end, it won’t hurt you, right?

On the next day, as usual, the children who passed the prefectural examination went into the government office to meet the prefect Zhu Zhifu. Wu Chuo and Fang Yingwu were the top two, but their rankings were lower than those in the county examination.

Came over.

The two of them were waiting for the summons at the steps outside the lobby. Master Wu Chuo looked proud again. Although he lost to Fang Yingwu in the county examination, he came back in the government examination, and the government examination was higher than the county examination.

It was really a big sigh of relief.

Fang Yingwu mocked and said: "When you were the first person in Xiazhong County, no one in the county said no; but when you were the first person in a prefecture, there were more than a hundred schoolchildren outside shouting about injustice, and no one was convinced by you.

What are you so proud of?"

A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory! Mr. Wu felt that the bad breath in his chest was suppressed again, which only caused internal injuries. Then he thought that he might study in the county school with Fang Yingwu in the future, and suddenly he felt that being a scholar was not necessarily a good thing.


After the new student from Yanzhou Prefecture in this department paid a visit to Magistrate Zhu, he had to go through the formalities and leave. But Fang Yingwu took a few steps slowly and deliberately stayed behind to say to Magistrate Zhu, "Young student, I still have something to say. Now,

The failed students are discussing the results of the government examinations, and some people are making noises in front of the government, does the boss know?"

Magistrate Zhu didn't take it seriously, "What's the cause for fuss? After every exam result comes out, don't there always be those who fail shouting that it's unfair? After all, the number of places is limited, and it's impossible to get everyone in at any time."

He could ignore it, but Fang Yingwu didn't want any bad rumors to appear on his list, so he advised: "It's better to clear up the doubts, don't ignore it and let people talk about it."

Magistrate Zhu snorted coldly and said: "I have a clear conscience about this, so why bother? Besides, in terms of the number of candidates, Chun'an County is not much more than other counties. The theory of losing fairness is completely nonsense."

Talking, just occupying one or two places."

"How can some ignorant people understand the painstaking efforts of the elders? They must be rectified and refuted, and rumors cannot be allowed to spread." Fang Yingwu continued to urge.

"That's not necessary. You'd better prepare carefully. You won't lose your dignity when you welcome Mr. Shang in the future!" Zhu Zhifu coldly refused, waving his hand and sending Fang Yingwu off.

After leaving the yamen, Fang Yingwu let out a long sigh. He wondered what kind of ecstasy medicine the governor had taken and was so determined to act his own way. Is it good for him to let rumors go unchecked?

Not far from the yamen gate, there are still a dozen schoolchildren discussing, "Why are people from Chun'an County chosen as the top two this time, contrary to the norm? After thinking about it, it must be that Mr. Shang is about to arrive, and the government official wants to please!"

So that's it! Hearing this, Fang Yingwu suddenly realized that Xianggong Shang had just been in office for a few months, and he still had residual body temperature and could still have a fever. Magistrate Zhu must have wanted to make friends with Xianggong Shang.

But directly slapping Ma Ma and waiting for others would not sound good if it spread out, and it would easily offend people. It seems that Shang Xianggong is not the kind of person who is keen on being flattered.

So these rumors about the imperial examination may be what Magistrate Zhu is looking forward to! It doesn't matter what happens, anyway, rumors are just rumors and cannot be out of control. But through these things, Shang Xianggong can feel his feelings, that is

The goal was achieved.

As a native of Chun'an, Shang Xianggong must admit his fault. No matter how fair he is, he will never say, "It's wrong that the first two people in the prefectural examination are both from Chun'an." Who doesn't say that his hometown is good? As for other situations, he is not a prefect at all.

What adults care about.

If Magistrate Zhu took office in the fifth year of Chenghua, according to the nine-year term, he should be transferred elsewhere next year, and he would definitely not stay in Yanzhou Prefecture.

In this critical period involving promotion, honor and disgrace, it is important to grasp the main links. What else do you need to care about?

Rumors are just a matter of gust of wind and will eventually dissipate. Besides, after Shang Xianggong arrived, with his huge reputation, it was easy to suppress these rumors in public opinion.

After finally figuring it out, Fang Yingwu couldn't help but sigh with emotion. He still thought too little about officialdom matters! There are many experiences and truths that are difficult to understand without personal experience.

Magistrate Zhu’s move is unconventional and wonderful!

This chapter has been completed!
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