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Chapter 45 Do you dare not be excited?

After spending a night in the ancient town, in the early morning of the next day, the welcoming team, surrounded by stars and the moon, set off for the capital of Yanzhou.

But only two people, Zhu Zhifu and Fang Yingwu, were invited to Shang Xianggong's boat, and they drank tea and chatted all the way. The others could only be envious and boarded their own boats.

The fleet went upstream along the river, naturally much slower than when it came. It was late autumn, and the scenery on both sides of the river was desolate. If Shang Xianggong had a bad career and resigned from office and returned to his hometown, he might be able to see the scenery at this time.


But this time Shang Xianggong achieved success without any regrets. However, after being tired of the heavy government affairs in the cabinet and the intrigues in the temple, he returned to his hometown with the title of Shaobao and Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Jinshen Palace.

During the continuous changes in the four dynasties of Zhengtai, Jingtai, Tianshun, and Chenghua, thirty years of achievements were made in a blink of an eye, and the kings, ministers, and the country started and ended well... Looking at the history books, there are several such perfect achievements.


Therefore, the bleak autumn wind did not affect Mr. Shang's joyful mood in returning to the mountains and forests. It was a complete sense of relief after letting go of the burden of life.

Anyone who has done receptions knows that as long as the boss is in a good mood and is happy with everything, then the accompanying staff will be relaxed, let alone a tolerant elder like Shang Xianggong.

Therefore, after Zhu Zhifu and Fang Yingwu got used to seeing the Prime Minister at first sight, they were not too restrained and nervous on the way. They also relaxed and chatted with the Prime Minister, and they arrived in Fucheng unknowingly.

It was getting late at this time, and according to the wishes of Mr. Shang, he did not mobilize troops to enter the city. That night, he stayed at Fuchun Station outside Dongguan of Fucheng.

There was nothing to say all night, and on the next day, all the officials from the two yamen of Yanzhou Prefecture and Jiande County gathered outside Fuchunyi, waiting to see Mr. Ge.

In the morning, Mr. Shangge met with local officials and had a banquet at noon. In the afternoon, Mr. Shangge dismissed the county government officials, and then went to the Yanzhou government office with the support of the government officials.

Under normal circumstances, it is very strange for a dignified elder to visit a government office. According to the rules of Ming Dynasty officialdom, when a Shangguan is visiting a certain place, the local official must take the initiative to go to the place where he is staying to pay an audience. It is rare to hear that a Shangguan takes the initiative to go to a subordinate Yamen.

It is seen as an act of self-degradation.

Moreover, when a superior official goes to lower-level yamen to act arrogantly, it damages the authority of lower-level officials, which is frowned upon by the officialdom.

But this time is special, because more than 60 years ago, Mr. Shangge's father worked as a minor official in Yanzhou Prefecture, and Mr. Shangge himself was also born in the official residence of Yanzhou Prefecture.

So when he came to the end of his political career, he revisited the place where he was born to feel nostalgic and sigh about life.

The official residence where Shangge's father lived had long been sealed up by the Yanzhou Prefecture and had not been used since more than 20 years ago.

The government official said to his colleagues: "I heard the old man in the government said that on the night when Mr. Ge was born, there was fairy music floating in the sky, as if falling from the sky! At that time, the prefect thought it was a miracle. At that time, Ge's hometown was very poor, so the prefect committed suicide

Get your salary..."

Fang Yingwu, who was at the back of the crowd, laughed secretly when he heard these jokes. This is the habit of the world. Whoever becomes rich will almost certainly have all kinds of miraculous legends. If Fang Yingwu can have such an achievement as Shang Xianggong in the future, he will

When you are born, there must be hundreds of birds gathered, the room filled with red light, and immortals descending to earth to deliver their children.

Well, Fang Yingwu, as a representative of the masses who went to the county border to greet Mr. Shang Ge, should have completed his mission with honor, but he was shameless and refused to leave among the accompanying people.

It's just that others thought he had a good demeanor and seemed to have a good future. He was also a fellow countryman who could get along well with the Shangge elders, so they didn't bother to drive him away, let alone save a few taels of money and offend others, so they let him go.

He followed.

What's more, everyone knows that Mr. Shang plans to build an academy after returning home and teach his own children personally. Against this background, the day before yesterday, Mr. Shang Ge took the initiative to ask Fang Yingwu about his inheritance, and it happened that Fang Yingwu didn't have one.

A serious professional.

So it is inevitable that some rumors will arise, saying that Mr. Shang may intend to let Fang Yingwu study with his descendants. Wouldn't that be equivalent to accepting a disciple?

In fact, Fang Yingwu himself was also tempted. He didn't think much about it before coming. His main goal was to become familiar with Mr. Shangge. From now on, he would slowly look for opportunities to make friends in Chun'an County. He definitely didn't dare to expect to be able to make friends.


But his performance at the banquet the day before yesterday was beyond expectations. After attracting the attention of Mr. Shangge and asking him about his apprenticeship, Fang Yingwu couldn't help but start thinking about it and began to have some wild ideas.

If it can be officially listed under the old door of Shangge, it will be a resounding business card! Imagine how valuable it would be if you could write "Business Master, Shanglu" on your resume in the future when you go out to socialize or take part in the imperial examination.

Face, others will look up to you when they see you.

But did Shang Xianggong have this intention? Did he ask intentionally or mentioned it casually? No one can say this, and it is impossible to ask directly.

Questions about personal circumstances lingered in his mind, and Fang Yingwu began to worry about gains and losses. He tossed and turned and didn't sleep well last night. He was out of his mind the whole day today, and he was very low-key among the escorts.

After reminiscing in the government office, Shang Xianggong was invited to visit the embankment outside the South Gate. The last time Mr. Ge came to Yanzhou Prefecture was in the third year of Chenghua. At that time, Magistrate Zhu had not yet taken office and the Nanmen Embankment had not been completed.


However, when I came out of the government office, a little incident happened.

A middle-aged man wanted to rush over, but was stopped by a government official. He jumped across the crowd and said: "Fang Yingwu! When will the rent you owe be paid off! You took the Taoist test ticket as collateral and wanted to escape.


Fang Yingwu was sweating profusely and apologized to Mr. Shang: "I have no status, I came to Fucheng to take the exam with no money and I owe the rent. I don't want to disturb Mr. Ge."

Shang Ren smiled slightly and asked: "Didn't your Majesty win the title of Xie Yuan? Is your house still so poor?"

Fang Yingwu replied: "Fame is only for relieving the plight of the people. How dare you treat the fame of the imperial court as a business to make a fortune?"

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that being rich is not benevolent, and poverty has a moral advantage. When it comes to poor scholars, with a little guidance, it is easy to think of praiseworthy words such as noble conduct, hard work and progress.

Mr. Shangge himself was also from a poor family when he was young. His grandfather made a living by hunting and his father worked as a minor official. It was only because of his talent and hard work that he became successful.

He saw Fang Yingwu today that he was so poor that he couldn't even pay for the exam room. Thinking of his own experience back then, he felt the same way and had a better impression of him.

Let's not talk about it, but when we got outside the south gate, Mr. Shang saw with his own eyes the strong and majestic stone embankment blocking the torrential river water. He praised: "It is a sincere policy to save the people of the government from the disaster of floods!"

Magistrate Zhu introduced in detail: "The city of Yanzhou is located at the confluence of three rivers, with a huge amount of water. Floods often occur outside the south gate, damaging the houses and eroding the city walls. The people have suffered from this for a long time.

Fortunately, the mansion is mountainous and rocky. Since he took office, the official has been planning to build the embankment. He also ordered the people from all over the world to move the huge rocks of the democratic movement to the outside of the south city. It took several years to build the embankment. The embankment is more than 300 feet long and four feet high and wide.

Floods are no longer a problem!”

Another person joked: "Since the embankment was built, a street along the river has been added to the south gate. Today, tea shops are densely covered, and it has become a local scene."

Mr. Shang took a few steps forward excitedly and stood on the edge of the majestic and tall river embankment. He looked at the green and clear Xin'an River under his feet. He looked up into the distance and saw the surging river flowing eastward. He said: "

How beautiful! Is there any poetry to record it?"

The boss spoke, and everyone accompanying him lowered his head and thought hard. The embankment was silent for a while, as quiet as the night was about to fall.

At this time, Fang Yingwu was still some distance away from Mr. Shang Ge. Although he was looking at the beautiful scenery, his mind was absent and he was still struggling with the question of whether he could become a disciple. This is how the authorities are confused and care leads to chaos.

When Fang Yingwu was distracted and on a errand, he heard Mr. Shang Ge asking for poetry. At that moment, an old fisherman with white hair was singing fishing songs and sailing back by the river, and he came into everyone's sight. Fang Yingwu felt something in his heart, but subconsciously he was careless.

He chanted casually:

"The rolling Qingjiang River flows away from the east, and the waves wash away the heroes. Right and wrong, success and failure are all gone. The green mountains are still there, and the sunset is red several times.

The white-haired fisherman and woodcutter on the riverbank is used to looking at the autumn moon and the spring breeze. They happily meet each other over a pot of turbid wine. Many things in ancient and modern times are covered in conversation and laughter."

Before Fang Yingwu recited this poem, there was silence. After he finished reciting, there was even silence. Everyone was stunned.

It is hard to imagine that such a bold and vicissitudes of poetry came from the mouth of a young man. Everyone is a man of culture. It is very clear that it is difficult to hear such a poem in this life!

Even Shang Ren himself was stunned, or immersed in the meaning of the words. In this song, Linjiang Immortal has seen through the world, past and present, free and uninhibited. It cuts into Shang Ren's kind of leaving a strong mark in the history books and preparing to take a leisurely call and retire.

The pastoral mood is very consistent.

After a long time, Mr. Shang took a deep look at Fang Yingwu and sighed: "After I return to my hometown, I plan to build an academy and teach the children of the clan to study in my spare time. I thought Fang Yingwu, your family is too poor to support yourself, if you want to

You can also come and study together.”

When Fang Yingwu heard this, his heart was filled with the ecstasy of getting what he wanted. If he studied with the disciples of Shangge Lao's clan, wouldn't he become a disciple of the next generation? This exquisite poem with nuclear weapons level is not a waste.

But I heard Mr. Shangge continue to say: "But you have a world and a place in your heart, and your structure is definitely not inferior to others. You will become a great person in the future.

I realize that I can’t teach you anything, but I’m afraid that the world will say that I’m forming gangs and gaining fame in the name of being a disciple. From now on, you should just be a year-old boy who sings poems and melodies!”

Little friend Wangnianjiao? Fang Yingwu felt as if a sudden brake had been applied in his heart, and he secretly complained bitterly for a while. On the surface, Wangnianjiao had a higher status than the disciples of the younger generation, which raised his status and made Mr. Shang think more highly of him.

But things like Wangnianjiao are not written on personal resumes! Where is the master-student relationship that is practical... When people introduce themselves to each other, they often say who my teacher is, but I have never seen anyone introduce themselves and say "Wangnianjiao"

Who is who?

Fang Yingwu regretted it so much that he wished he could beat his chest. Today he went too far. He went too far. He went too far, and it was never enough! Linjiangxian, a word that no one has come after, how could he be able to master it after he took it out!

But there was also a group of inconsiderate people who kept saying congratulations and "congratulations" around him, and he had to pretend to be too excited to control himself.

Prime Minister Sanyuan thinks highly of you, how dare you not be excited? How can it be so embarrassing!

This chapter has been completed!
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