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Chapter 463 Framed

Just when Fang Yingwu was in shock, the fighting group expanded again, and the number of people involved in the fight increased from dozens to more than a hundred. Of course, this is not a good thing. The more people there are, the worse it is, and the more serious the nature...


Fang Yingwu shouted a few words, but to no avail. After that, several shrill bamboo whistles sounded, and groups of officers and soldiers appeared around and began to work hard to control the situation.

Zhang Gui, the head of the Wanping County Government Office, quietly appeared next to Fang Dazhi County and reported in a low voice: "I have just seen clearly that the people in Daxing County are very abominable and have taken the initiative to pick fights with us.

We were already unhappy because of the unfair work arrangement, and now we were even more angry. After a back and forth quarrel, we started to take action. We even gave some small orders, but it really couldn't stop the anger among the people."

Fang Yingwu asked doubtfully: "Did they take the initiative to stir up trouble? You didn't lie?"

Fang Yingwu cannot help but wonder, then the people in Daxing County have already taken advantage, so why are they still provoking Wanping County? If it is said that the Wanping people are provoking Daxing County because of unfair work arrangements.

It makes sense.

Zhang Gui swore and swore: "How dare you, the young man, to deceive the great master!"

Master You, the magistrate of Daxing County, also rushed to the scene. He looked a little angry and pointed at Fang Yingwu and shouted: "Fang Yingwu! Your county dares to cause trouble in the imperial city. You are going too far!"

What You Zhixian said seemed to be completely different from what Zhang Bantou said. Although Fang Yingwu didn't answer, he looked at Youzhixian with interest.

At this time, several groups of officers and soldiers surrounded the crowd and started to fight, and then two more groups of officers and soldiers entered the scene of the fight. They beat and scolded them and finally brought the situation under control. However, some losses were still caused.

For example, several large tanks used to store water were smashed.

It is said that a large number of people enter the imperial city or the palace city to clear the snow. Dongchang will definitely send a large number of personnel to monitor the scene. But in addition to the supervision of Dongchang personnel, the specific management is still a "local responsibility" system. Which eunuch's office is near?

Which eunuch yamen will be responsible for management.

The largest eunuch office nearby is the Si Li Supervision Factory, so the snow clearing is the responsibility of the eunuch chief eunuch of the Si Li Supervision Factory. However, it was said that the eunuch supervisor of the factory was called Niu Yong, and he was drinking tea in the factory.

When something happened, Mr. Niu got up and came to the crowd outside the factory.

As soon as I saw it, the two sides were fighting indistinguishably, and the area affected was a mess. The ox father-in-law immediately became furious!

Naturally, there were officers and soldiers to suppress the crowds on both sides, so Mr. Niu came to the two magistrates and scolded severely: "You two counties are so courageous! You actually got into a fight in the imperial city. I don't think you two have the authority to do so."

I don’t even want to do it anymore!”

Youzhi County hurriedly stepped forward to complain and complained, blabberingly placing all the blame on Wanping County. Then Mr. Niu changed his tone and shouted to the other party: "Master Fang! Your lax discipline has caused riots in the imperial city. Only

I am afraid that I have frightened the Holy Master, so what crime should I take? I can’t make the decision, so I will report to the Emperor and wait for the Holy Judge!”

Where is the Imperial City? More than a hundred people were fighting and rioting here. This is definitely a very serious matter, and it is also a very "political" matter. Eunuch Niu is not lying when he said that it disturbed the emperor.

All in all, this is no joke. How could Fang Yingwu accept this responsibility? He argued: "Mr. Niu has just arrived here, and before he asked questions thoroughly, he decided that it was my responsibility. This is too rash and arbitrary.

It’s a little too much! Please, Mr. Niu, please take a closer look!”

Mr. Niu snorted coldly. "Mr. Fang, this work is always unevenly divided. You two are willing to have light and heavy tasks. Even if your county suffers some losses this time, why can't you step back and consider the overall situation? But your county officials

If you use this to cause trouble, it will be a big mistake!"

Then he ignored the reactant. This attitude showed that he had determined that the responsibility lay with Fang Yingwu. Seeing this, Fang Yingwu frowned, always feeling that something was wrong. This You Zhixian and Niu Eunuch seemed to be in harmony.

In other words, it looked like it was rehearsed in advance. One of the evildoers came forward to complain first, and the other indiscriminately put the responsibility on himself. Even the motive was found for himself. It was nothing more than the people in Wanping County because of

The tasks assigned to them were too heavy, so they became dissatisfied and started provoking troubles and causing riots.

Fang Yingwu didn't believe that there was no tacit understanding between Youzhi County and Eunuch Niu. Eunuch Niu was the general person in charge of this place, and he was also the internal eunuch. Of course, he had the power to report to the emperor. Things in the imperial city were still left to chance.

Speak to foreign ministers.

And it is certain that the emperor would probably trust eunuchs like Eunuch Niu more even when it came to court cases, not to mention that he had a "motivation" on his side.

Thinking of this, Fang Yingwu suddenly woke up. Could it be that this fight and riot was planned in advance by someone who dug a hole for him to jump out of?

The more I think about it, the more likely it is. Otherwise, how could the people of Daxing County want to stir up trouble with the people of Wanping County for no reason when they have already taken advantage? Then they directly beat them up and claimed that the people of Wanping County caused trouble first. As a result, they were beaten by Mr. Niu.


The links are linked one after another, and it is impossible not to make arrangements in advance. If you want to find the biggest suspect, you will most likely be Youzhi County in front of you!

Could it be that because he and he had been at odds over the past two years over political achievements, he was so angry that he colluded with Eunuch Niu to devise this scene to frame him?

While Fang Yingwu was deep in thought, You Zhixian seized the opportunity and flattered Eunuch Niu: "Mr. Niu is very aware of the subtleties, can discern right from wrong, and can distinguish right from wrong. I am deeply grateful!"

Eunuch Niu happily accepted the offer and at the same time ordered the officers and soldiers: "I am going to the palace to report this matter to the emperor. You will again take custody of those who participated in the fight. No one is allowed to leave without permission. If anyone disobeys, they will be shot to death!" Then he attacked the two men again.

The magistrate said: "Before inviting the Holy Inquisition, please two adults wait here, and you are not allowed to leave!"

Fang Yingwu was at a loss for the time being and had no choice but to watch the eunuch Niu leave, cross the Yuhe Bridge, and head towards the Xihua Gate of the palace city.

After retracting his gaze, Fang Yingwu turned to You Zhixian and asked: "Master You, what a trick! I really didn't expect that Master You would actually frame me here! But even if you take revenge on me, what benefits will you get?"

The scene was a mess, and the truth has long been lost. Who can find out which side made the first provocation? You Zhixian looked slightly satisfied, but did not reveal a trace of his tone: "What did Mr. Fang say? I am stupid and I really can't listen."

I understand...but it’s useless to talk too much. Mr. Fang, please stop making wild guesses and just wait for the results.”

In the past two years, Fang Yingwu has also paid attention to self-cultivation and self-proclaimed "realm" has improved. With this mentality, he was extremely contemptuous of Youzhi County in his heart, while trying his best to maintain a generous and graceful demeanor. To put it bluntly, "I don't care about you."

"You can't live with a villain" or "You can't compare with a fool."

However, Fang Dazhi County did not expect that the man named You actually plotted against him in an unexpected way, and it might even be a plot to harm others and not benefit himself. Moreover, in his eagerness, he could not think of any good ideas.

It’s so frustrating to deal with!

PS: It’s my birthday today. Let me take a break and come up with the following plot, so there is only one update... But can I ask for some monthly tickets to celebrate my birthday!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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