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Four hundred and sixtieth IX cruel role

Seeing that Fang Yingwu was holding his head high and high-spirited, and was about to say goodbye, Fang Qingzhi quickly shouted: "Stop!"

"What else does father have to say?" Fang Yingwu asked. Fang Qingzhi was entangled for a moment, and seemed to be unwilling to say: "You yourself also want to support me, but why do you want to stop me as a father? You can't do it, but I can't.

What’s the point?”

Fang Yingwu replied matter-of-factly: "My father and I, my son, are of course different! My father, you are in a very high position. You are making too much noise, and going too far is too much! And, father, you are currently in charge. As long as you survive these few years, you can rise to the next level."

, you can start coveting the matter of joining the cabinet!

My son, I am just a small county magistrate, and my nonsense words are ignored. Even if there is an accident, my father will come forward to correct the situation! Anyway, the limelight belongs to my family, and the meat is also rotten in the pot. Father, why do you care who is who?


What Fang Yingwu said is not unreasonable. His father, Fang Qingzhi, is currently in the fifth rank, and if a great scholar does not add the title of minister, he is only a full fifth rank.

What's more, you don't have to be a bachelor to join the cabinet. Some people join the "cabinet pre-service" mission to join the cabinet first, and then they can be awarded a bachelor's degree after accumulating qualifications.

As long as Fang Qingzhi takes one step further, he will theoretically be qualified to join the cabinet. Of course, there is still a long way to go between theory and reality. So now, of course, he must strive to be stable and spend the past few years smoothly.

Fang Qingzhi still wanted to say a few words, but when he thought that if he said too much, wouldn't he really be "careful about the limelight"? He had no choice but to curse: "If a dog can't spit out ivory from its mouth, just go away!"

Fang Yingwu bowed and said goodbye, and returned to the West Courtyard to amuse his two sons whom he hadn't seen for a few days. He listened to the cry of "Baba Baba" all night long.

In fact, there was something Fang Yingwu didn't say to his father. He helped the Queen Mother deal with her younger brother's affairs and helped build the Ciren Temple, which was considered a favor to the royal family. Even if his words were a little outrageous, it was still a balance between grudges and grudges.

There will be no extreme circumstances. But if the father comes forward, the situation will be unpredictable.

December is the most leisurely month of the year for the imperial court, but December in the 19th year of Chenghua was a little more noisy because Lin Jun, a member of the Criminal Department, was imprisoned.

Seeing the dimness of the temple, Lin Bulang couldn't bear Shang Shu's remarks with his righteousness. In the memorial, he insinuated the emperor as a coward, criticized Ji Xiao, the emperor's imperial preceptor, as a monster monk, attacked the emperor's life steward Liang Fang, the eunuch Liang Fang, as a eunuch, and

Please kill Jixiao and Liang Fang to thank the world.

The fierce wording was rarely seen in this dynasty. It was even better than Fang Qingzhi's. This aroused unprecedented anger from the emperor. Because he was dissatisfied with Dongchang, the emperor ordered the Jinyi Guards to arrest Lin Jun and imprison him.

After the Jinyiwei Zhenfusi tortured Lin Jun, he planned to make it a capital crime. When the news came out, the government and the public were in an uproar. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Jinyiwei dared not sentence the minister to death casually. This was clearly the emperor's murderous intention and wanted to kill him.

Master Lin vented his hatred.

Even Fang Yingwu admired him very much. In the 19 years since the Chenghua Dynasty, there have been only a handful of ministers who could provoke the emperor to commit murder. Even his own grandfather Wang Shu, who was famous for his outspoken and outspoken words, had not forced the emperor to commit murder. However,

Old Wang was released. But Mr. Lin Junlin was born with this ability.

At the same time, a poem written by Lin Jun in prison was circulated: I am about to die due to illness. I will return to my sentence before I am sentenced. I still rely on my old relatives, and there is no need to pity me when I am weak. I am better than Qian. Your order is before Yu Shun. It is not yet.

If you are given death, who should I express my gratitude to first?

Impressed by Master Lin's loyalty, knowledgeable people in the court came to rescue him one after another, saying that Lin Jun's crime was not worthy of death. The General Administration Department, who was responsible for conveying memorials, was also very cooperative and always assembled such memorials and sent them to the palace first.

The head of the eunuchs, the Chief of Ceremonies and the Chief of the Eunuchs, Huaien, who was also known as the Internal Minister, saw the memorial and sighed. He personally met the emperor and said: "Killing Lin Jun will lose the hearts of all officials. It is not advisable! Servants dare not obey the imperial edict."


The emperor was furious and threw an inkstone at Wynn. Wynn burst into tears and was scolded by the emperor. Later, Wynn claimed that he was ill and could not recover.

After that, there was a brief silence in the court. When the ministers lamented the uprightness of eunuch Huai'en, they could only sigh: "If even the internal minister Huai'en desperately remonstrates and can't save Lin Jun, what else can be done? What else can be done?"

Who stands up?"

While thousands of horses were silent, the memorial from Wanping County Magistrate Fang Yingwu was sent to the Department of General Affairs, as if it was late.

But being late does not mean being slow. After the content of Fang Yingwu's memorial spread, the whole court was in an uproar. This was really exciting!

Master Fang bluntly said in his memorial: "I don't know what fault Lin Bulang said? The evil monk Jixiao and the eunuch Liang Fang are indeed people who bring disaster to the country and the people! I am an official in the capital who is close to the people, and I am deeply affected by the sufferings of the people. I know the monks well.

Tao, fortunately, this generation has been causing harm for a long time, and is ranked with the people of Liu Jue, the second assistant, as one of the three biggest beetles in the court!

I also heard that Liu Jue had stolen the high position of the Second Assistant, but he was able to fight for power and profit, and was proud of himself and abolished public affairs. He always took strife as a common thing and did not think about repaying the country's favor with his hard work! He is worthy of the monks and Taoists. Fortunately, he is the coward of the country!"

After seeing this memorial, the whole government and the public lost their voices again, for a long time... This young man really damn dares to speak!

When the ministers went to rescue Lin Jun, except for a few ministers who were famous for their outspokenness, most of them avoided talking about the rights and wrongs of specific issues, and only talked to the emperor about Lin Jun's death from the perspective of being unfaithful.

Of course, this was a self-protection strategy to avoid being burned, so that one would not be angered by the angry emperor. It was understandable.

However, Fang Yingwu's memorial openly stated his support for Lin Jun and strongly criticized those sycophants like Ji Xiao and Liang Fang who had gained power.

What's even more shocking is that Fang Yingwu not only attacked Ji Xiao and Liang Fang, but also took the initiative to further expand the scope and brought in the second assistant Liu Jue for indiscriminate attacks! He even directly compared Liu Cifu with Ji Xiao and Liang Fang.

They are the three biggest silverfish in the DPRK!

What is daring to speak? This is daring to speak! Lin Jun only scolded Liang Fang and Ji Xiao for being a sycophant, but Fang Yingwu directly brought the second minister of the dynasty with him to scold him to death!

This Liu Cifu has been scolded as a coward on par with the eunuchs and monster monks. At this point, Liu Cifu can no longer pretend to be deaf and dumb or to pretend to be confused!

It is impossible for any Grand Scholar of Zaifu to bear such an infamy! Even the thick-skinned Liu Mianhua would not be able to rebuke him when faced with such an insult, let alone Liu Jue, who is known for being thin-skinned and petty-minded!

Therefore, everyone can predict that Liu Cifu will definitely fight with Fang Yingwu until death! At the same time, if the emperor is angered, he will not be able to spare Fang Yingwu!

I don’t know how he will live his life... Only then did everyone remember that although Fang Yingwu has been a little quiet in the past two years, he also achieved the "Three Imperial Prisons" Grand Slam achievement back then.

The strong performance this time is not surprising at all.

Lin Jun is a ruthless character, and this Fang Yingwu seems to be an even ruthless character than Lin Jun. Everyone can only admire this. He is worthy of Fang Qingtian, who is known to be fearless of powerful people, and worthy of being Fang Qingzhi’s son and Wang Shu’s grandson.

, it would be a pity not to be a Kedao Taiyuan official! (To be continued...)

ps: Second update!

This chapter has been completed!
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