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Chapter 475 Is the ghost on the body?

Zhu Jianshen, the emperor of Chenghua, had been distracted by the earthquake these days, and he was even more annoyed by the noisy memorials.

At this time, some of the servants on the left and right came forward and said: "We might as well convene a meeting with the ministers, discuss it face to face and come up with the result, then we can settle it once and for all."

After Zhu Jianshen thought about it, he made the decision. He issued an edict: On the 13th day of the first lunar month, the cabinet ministers should be gathered at the Ministry of Education with the third rank and above, the Ci ministers should be from the fifth rank and above, and they should be in charge of the affairs, and the supervisor of the censor should be in the Wenhua Hall.

The court is discussing, and I am also here.

When the courtiers saw the imperial edict, they all sighed and sighed. Is this the third time in the past ten years that the emperor, who is a nerd in the palace, has met with ministers in a non-court meeting? It is not easy. If there is no natural change, the emperor cannot be forced to do so.

In the blink of an eye, on the 13th day of the first lunar month, dozens of ministers gathered outside the Wenhua Palace. The emperor ascended the throne, and the ministers went up to the palace to dance and worship the mountain.

The emperor had a stuttering problem and was too lazy to speak, so the eunuch Qin Chang gave a long speech on his behalf, and then invited the ministers to speak freely.

Someone had been preparing for a long time, and the criminal department immediately reported to Wang Mo about the incident: "The cabinet minister does not have the title of prime minister, but the responsibilities are actually balanced. I regard the cabinet minister as the center of the government, and the advisor speaks for and mediates

Ding Nai is so important!

Nowadays, there are officials outside the imperial court who are making arrogant remarks about things, denigrating people, and slandering cabinet ministers, which has caused turmoil in the central government, unsettled people, and unrest in temples, which is very harmful to political affairs! How can I ask Your Majesty to be obedient to others, sanction false statements, and


After a celestial change occurs, the most important thing is how to explain the celestial change, or the most important thing is what induced the celestial change to appear? The explanation proposed by Mr. Wang is that the celestial change should be in the center and appear due to the turbulence of the center.


As soon as Wang Mo finished speaking, someone spoke impatiently: "Wang Shiyi's words are wrong!"

The voice was young and clear, with an accent from western Zhejiang. The princes in the palace looked along the voice, and saw a person flashing out from behind the class. Looking closely at the man, he was nearly thirty years old. Many people felt that he looked familiar but also

Can't remember who it was.

Wang Mo could see that this person should be the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. After all, he and the censor were jointly called Kedao Yanguan, so most people had some impression of him.

It's just that Wang Mo couldn't remember who this person was, but it was enough, so he scolded: "Only thirteen masters are allowed to go to the palace today. Why are you here? The Imperial Procuratorate dares to let you go to the palace."


Wang Mo can be sure that he may not know all the censors, but he does recognize all the thirteen censors. Since the person in front of him is unfamiliar, he must not be the censor, so he should not come in. Wang Mo maintains his seniority.

, scolding him a few words is not too much.

Li Yu, the censor of Youdu in charge of the courtyard, came out, glanced at Wang Mo lightly, and said: "This is Xiang Chengxian, the censor of Shanxi Province. Today, the censor of Ma, the censor of Shanxi Province, cannot go out due to illness, so he entrusted Xiang Chengxian to go to the palace on his behalf."

.Could it be that Wang Shiyi feels that the way of speech can only be determined by you?"

The censor boss came out to endorse, and Wang Mo could only be speechless. Xiang Chengxian continued: "I dare to ask Wang Shiyi, you don't understand what you said. But Wanping County should impeach Liu Gong, the second assistant?"

Wang Mo replied: "So what?"

Xiang Chengxian asked again: "So in Wang Shiyi's opinion, the second assistant Liu Gong was hurt by the villain's slander, and Shangshu resigned, which caused the center to be unstable, so there is a celestial warning?"

This was all what he had just expressed. Wang Mo had no reason not to admit it, so he replied: "That's exactly it."

Xiang Chengxian said with a hint of ridicule: "In this way, Mr. Liu can be called the pillar of the imperial court in Wang Shiyi's words."

Wang Mo asked back: "If the cabinet minister Liu Gong is not the pillar of the imperial court, how can Fang Yingwu be? With Liu Gong's virtue, he can certainly deserve it."

The princes in the palace gradually frowned. This wise man came out and talked nonsense, turning the dignified discussion in front of the king into a quarrel among children. What kind of words did he say?

I heard that this man and Fang Yingwu were from the same hometown and were good friends. Fang Yingwu spoke sharply and clearly, but Chengxian's speech was confusing, and the gap between the two was too big.

Xiang Chengxian suddenly threw away Wang Mo, turned around and came to the foot of the steps, kowtowed and said: "Your Majesty! Please kill the evil Wang Mo to thank the world!"

As soon as Xiang Chengxian said this, there was an uproar in the palace! His words were so sudden and even inexplicable. He asked the emperor to kill Wang Mo without saying a few words. What the hell!

Although Xiang Chengxian asked to behead him, Wang Mo was not worried about his head. He just stood there and sneered repeatedly. Does Xiang Chengxian think that the discussions in the palace are just children's play?

A friend of Wang Mo came forward and said: "Xiang Chengxian makes alarmist remarks and disrupts court rituals. He should be expelled from the palace and dismissed from his official position!"

Xiang Chengxian turned a deaf ear to all the noise and continued: "Today's cabinet ministers are also prime ministers and assistants in ancient times. Although they do not have the name of prime minister, they have the reality of prime minister! I have heard that Emperor Taizu Gao has an edict, and Chinese and foreign ministers have

Anyone who dares to praise the virtues of the ministers in power will be killed!"

Wang Mo thought of something, and his face suddenly turned white. He also knew that at the beginning of the dynasty, Emperor Gao created a bloody storm to preserve the Zhu family for generations. He abolished the official position of the prime minister and issued an edict: Anyone who dares to propose the reinstatement of the prime minister

Behead, anyone who dares to praise the minister in power be beheaded!

Xiang Chengxian finally concluded: "Just now, Wang Mo praised the second assistant Liu Gong for his virtue in public, and all the princes heard about it. This must be evil. I thought that according to the ancestral teachings, I should ask and kill him to thank the world!"

As soon as Xiang Da Yushi finished speaking, everyone in the hall was speechless, and no one spoke for a while. If he wanted to follow the instructions of his ancestors, Wang Mo really couldn't help but kill him.

Some red lines are still very clear. Wang Mo is not talking about the matter, but directly praising the personal virtues of the Prime Minister; nor is he writing a book to criticize the characters, but discussing in private, and publicly praising him in a formal court meeting is even more serious than Shangshu!

Everyone suddenly realized that the imperial censor who dared to love had been going around and around again and again just to get Wang Mo to say "With Liu Gong's virtue, he can certainly deserve it"!

In fact, we can't blame Xiang Chengxian. Wang Mo's argument originally had this meaning, but he didn't say it clearly, and was finally forced by Xiang Yushi to make it clear. Moreover, no one thought about the ancestral precepts, but this imperial examination

Shi was able to seize the opportunity and bring out the ancestral precepts!

Some people were also distracted. The style of this great imperial censor looked so familiar. They thought it was that person. Could it be that he was possessed by a ghost? Could it be that all the scholars in Chun'an County were so sharp and sharp? But at the time, Sanyuan and

Mr. Shang is very gentle...

Wang Mo was dumbfounded, standing motionless in the palace, his mind going blank...

Originally, there were several people in the palace who were scheduled to come out to lend a helping hand, but at this moment they all quietly withdrew. Are you kidding me? If they still offered a helping hand, they would have to speak for Liu Jue. In this situation, wouldn't it be better to turn their heads to the other side?

Is it close to the edge of the knife? (To be continued...)

ps: I was too sleepy last night and fell asleep... I woke up at 5 o'clock and quickly made up for it. There must be two more chapters today!

This chapter has been completed!
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