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Chapter 488: The disposition is hard to change

Three years ago, the time interval between Fang Yingwu's appointment as county magistrate and Liu Mianhua and Dingyou's departure from Beijing was very short. It is not an exaggeration to say that there were two events.

But now, three years later, Fang Yingwu has been inspected for the expiration of his term of office for half a month, and Liu Mianhua, who has theoretically expired, has not returned to Beijing...

This made Fang Yingwu murmur in his heart, wondering what the hell is Lao Taishan up to? Official fans like Liu Mianhua should return to the capital as quickly as possible after the expiration of the rule. He didn't even want to leave at the beginning.

All have appeared.

If Liu Mianmian didn't return to Beijing, Fang Yingwu could only waste time and spend half a month without any trouble. Taking advantage of the beautiful spring, he visited several scenic spots with his two concubines and his son.

Just when he was about to run out of money, Liu Mianhua finally arrived belatedly. When Fang Yingwu returned home from Xishan, he was notified that Liu Mianhua would arrive in the capital about tomorrow.

Most people coming from the southeast take the canal and enter Beijing through Chongwenmen, but Liu Mianhua is from Baoding Prefecture, which is just three hundred miles south of the capital. It is not necessary to go through the canal by land. It is more convenient to enter the city through Xuanwumen.

So early the next morning, Fang Yingwu and his uncle went to wait outside Xuanwu Gate. However, cabinet bachelors like Liu Mianhua are always in need of people to greet them, especially those who are likely to be secondary ministers after returning to the court.

Grand Bachelor, so at this time, there was not only Fang Yingwu alone outside Xuanwu Gate, but there were at least twenty or thirty other people of all kinds waiting together.

When it was almost noon, a long motorcade appeared in front of everyone. A steward came to the front of everyone, clasped his fists in greeting and said: "My master, thank you all for coming from afar. I won't accept such kindness here. I'll make a note of it first."

Write your thanks one by one by name."

Everyone should be humble together. There is no etiquette or disrespect. Naturally, as a cabinet bachelor, you can do whatever you say.

Fang Yingwu didn't say anything, he just complained in his heart that Lao Taishan actually acted in a low-key manner. Shouldn't he meet everyone here in a high-profile manner and announce his return as the king?

At the steward's signal, Fang Yingwu naturally did not scatter. He slowly followed the Liu family's motorcade and sneaked in unknowingly.

Others might not be able to see the clues, but Fang Yingwu always felt something strange. He didn't know what tricks Old Taishan was trying to play. While he was thinking about it, Leng Buding was hit on the head again, and then he saw a peach stone dripping on the ground.


Fang Yingwu raised his head angrily, only to see a fresh and beautiful face with a charming smile disappear from the carriage window in front.

But Fang Yingwu knew that she must still be peeking through the gap. She raised two fingers and shook them at the carriage, and then faintly heard a burst of cheerful laughter coming from the carriage. Fang Yingwu couldn't help but

I feel deeply that after all these years, the little lady of the Liu family is still so naughty.

After entering the city, the motorcade went straight to the Liu Mansion. Someone had cleaned it in advance, and the Liu family masters could move in when they arrived. The female family members got off the car and went directly to the inner courtyard to settle down, while Fang Yingwu was invited to the study.

Not long after, Liu Mianmian came in politely. Fang Yingwu hurriedly stepped forward to salute, and then looked at it for a few times. There was no change from before. However, if you look carefully, Old Taishan's thin face seemed to be a little rounder.

Fang Yingwu couldn't help but wonder whether he strictly followed the etiquette and observed filial piety?

I thought so, but I still said hello: "Long time no see, Old Taishan is gone!"

Liu Ji waved his hand and casually asked a few questions about Fang Yingwu's current situation, and Weng and his son-in-law began to chat. After a quarter of an hour, Fang Yingwu couldn't help it any longer. He said, "My son-in-law's term of office is about to expire, and he has been inspected in the capital."

I have passed the college entrance examination and am about to go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs for a briefing. I feel like my future is unpredictable for a while. Can Lao Taishan give me some advice?"

Fang Yingwu's words were very straightforward to outsiders, but to Liu Mianhua, who was familiar enough to dare to discuss anything, they were more obscure.

Liu Ji stroked his beard and said: "The imperial court has its own rules for rewarding merit and punishing demerits, and for rewarding the virtuous and punishing the evil. It is clear and clear. What's wrong with you?"

Fang Yingwu was astonished, why are you pretending to be so confused? He then said, "My son-in-law and Lao Taishan are neither official officials nor fellow-minded people. There may be unexpected changes in the process."

"As long as you sit upright and behave righteously. When you are in office, you will report to the state and the people, and when you retire, you will have a clear conscience. Why worry about having no future? Believe in the justice of the court!"

Why doesn't Mr. Taishan say serious things today? Fang Yingwu said again: "There are always injustices in the world, and the same is true in the selection of officials."

Liu Mianmian said sternly: "That means you haven't done a good enough job. Please reflect on yourself! If you are a perfect official, impeccable, and a role model for all officials, who can stop your future?"

Fang Yingwu was dumbfounded. If these words came from his father's mouth, it would not be surprising at all, but the person in front of him who opened his mouth to be fair and silent to reflect on himself was Lao Taishan Liu Mianhua, not his father Fang Qingzhi!

Fang Yingwu quickly reviewed the history books in his mind, and suddenly realized something. The history books recorded that in the later period of Liu Mianhua's rule, there was indeed a strange phenomenon of changing his identity and pretending to change his past.

Judging from this situation, Lao Taishan has been away from the temple for three years, and others may have a slightly unfamiliar impression of him. Could it be that Lao Taishan wants to use this opportunity to reshape his own image?

However, based on his own understanding of Liu Mianhua and historical records, he could conclude that Old Taishan didn't look like a prince even in his dragon robe! He could see through it just as well as others.

It's easy to change the situation, but it's hard to change the nature. Lao Taishan's nature is like that, how far can he pretend? With Lao Taishan's thorough understanding of human nature and worldly affairs, how could he be so confused? However, Fang Yingwu said in the spirit of "Liu Mianmian will not

Thinking about it with the idea of ​​"making a mistake", it suddenly became clear again...

This is a bad era, and the cabinet is full of bad people. As long as I, the old Taishan, become someone who doesn't look so bad, it will be enough to win the support of some non-extreme clean-ups.

Even if there is a big change in the future, it is impossible to replace all the cabinet members in one go. There must be a transition time and transition people, and Liu Miantian is still inseparable. Compared with Wan An, who has no moral integrity, and Liu Jue, who is too fierce in fighting against the same party,

Liu Mianhua does seem a little less bad.

Liu Ji suddenly smiled, waved his hands and said: "Don't worry, with your current reputation and morale, it's not easy for Yin Min, the official, to make up his mind to suppress you openly. It certainly won't be too ugly. I don't understand your worries.


Fang Yingwu asked in reply: "If it happens to be ugly, then what should I do?"

Liu Ji also asked: "You are only twenty-two years old, so what if you have to endure it for a few years? Can't you afford to wait? Just like what if you didn't win the first prize? In my opinion, you are not worried about a bad experience, but

Is it because you are too greedy and always want to get the best treatment?

Do you want to take advantage of this promotion opportunity to return to the Imperial Academy, or to study in science? I haven’t seen you for three years, and you haven’t made any progress in your self-cultivation. It’s true that one’s nature is easy to change but hard to change! How can there be so many good things in the world like Long Wangshu!”

Damn, I was seen through again! Fang Yingwu wiped his sweat, Lao Taishan didn’t care whether he pretended to be stupid on the surface or not, as long as his shrewdness was still there, otherwise how could he outperform others in the cabinet?

Liu Mianhua made the final point: "Peach and plum work without saying a word. Even if I don't say a word, who can not know that you are my son-in-law?"

If you were at a disadvantage, I would have to speak up, but you are at an advantage recently, so why should I speak up? Sometimes, speaking up can actually put you at a disadvantage.

So do you understand? It is their officials who are having trouble with you now, not you who should be in trouble here!"

Fang Yingwu could only say: "What Lao Taishan said is absolutely true. My son-in-law knows it."

Then he took his leave. After all, he was here to "welcome" today. Once the greeting was over, it was not appropriate to stay in Liu's house for a long time. After all, the Liu family still had to make arrangements, and it was inconvenient for him, an outsider who had not yet officially married, to be present.

But when Fang Yingwu left, Liu Ji suddenly said to himself in confusion: "I seem to have forgotten something to say just now? I am getting old, I really have to accept being old."

Fang Yingwu left Liu Mansion and walked to the street, but he suddenly became confused, "When I was talking to Lao Taishan just now, I seemed to have forgotten something important. Why can't I remember it again? It's strange."

In fact, it is understandable for two bureaucrats, an old man and a young man, to forget about marriage for a while because they are too involved in discussing important official affairs...

This chapter has been completed!
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