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Chapter 56: A Trip to the Academy (1)

Chun'an County is rich in humanities, otherwise it would not be often lamented by Fang Yingwu as a group of dead people. Therefore, many people have achieved honors in the province's provincial examinations and the national examinations.

On the other hand, when these people faded out of the imperial examination or official circles, they liked to use their remaining energy and open academies in their hometowns to teach and educate people (mainly children of the clan). This was a popular trend at the time.

The academy where Mr. Shang Ge lived in his old age was opened, and Fang Yingwu naturally wanted to support him. However, Renshou Township, where Mr. Shang Ge lived, was located in the south of the county, which was quite far away from Huaxi. I heard that it was about twenty miles away, and we still had to cross it.


On the seventh day of February, when the sky was just getting dark, Fang Yingwu left his house and headed to the south of the county. However, there was a slight problem on the way. When crossing the river at the ferry, due to the spring floods and the rapidity of the river, the crossing efficiency was very slow, and he almost died.

The boat capsized in the water and wasted a lot of time.

Chun'an Mountain is rich in water, but it is not barren. It can be said to have beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the scenery is very good. The ancients praised the saying "Walking up the Shanyin Road in eastern Zhejiang is like swimming in a mirror", which is not bad when applied to Chun'an in western Zhejiang.

But no matter how good the scenery was, after driving for two hours straight, he was still tired. Fang Yingwu stood on the hillside panting slightly, and finally saw the destination of his trip. A winding stream flowed through the mountain valley.

, there are several villages scattered along the creek, the middle one should be where Mr. Shangge is.

That's right, there is a towering three-story archway at the entrance of the village, with four big characters on the front - Sanyuan and Di. Fang Yingwu has seen similar archways at the south gate of the county seat and in Yanzhou Mansion, and

I heard that there is also one in the provincial capital Hangzhou.

There is an archway at each level of the province, prefecture, county, and township. It is the ultimate honor to be a human being. But Fang Yingwu always suspected that the grand scene of four major archways erected together might also be the reason for the three yuan to become the dynasty.

The Prime Minister's Factor...

Emperor Taizu Gao had issued an edict that officials who dared to write letters praising the prime ministers and ministers should be killed! However, erecting archways should not be included in this list.

At noon, Fang Yingwu met an old man returning from chopping wood under Sanyuanfang and asked him about the location of Shang Xianggong Academy.

"It's not in the village, but at the foot of the mountain over there!" the old man pointed at a mountain peak not far from the village. Fang Yingwu had no choice but to turn around again and head towards that mountain peak.

Sure enough, I saw an elegant wooden house at the foot of the mountain, with a plaque hanging on the door and the words "Longju Academy" written on it.

There were many sedan chairs and donkey carts parked outside the gate. There were many people inside and outside the courtyard, but judging from their appearance, they were all domestic servants. As for the real owner, he had naturally entered the palace.

Of the guests who came to congratulate and support today, probably only Fang Yingwu had worked so hard to come here. After many twists and turns, it was already past noon. Fang Yingwu felt the pain in the soles of his feet and couldn't help but sigh to himself.

The road is still long.

The host and guests are all in the main hall, and the banquet has already begun. According to the custom of the people at the time, a more grand banquet will first serve big dishes such as sheep and geese, then soup, the so-called five cuts and three soups. Finally, side dishes, fruits and melons will be served.

Fang Yingwu entered the hall, just as the first course was being served. There was soup between the two courses, so everyone was waiting for the soup to be served. Fang Yingwu appeared at the door, immediately attracting the attention of more than a dozen guests and hosts.


To be honest, as the youngest junior, Fang Yingwu was very rude to be late. However, this was not his intention, it was actually due to his lack of experience in this area.

As mentioned before, Shang Ren will not care about this kind of thing, but if someone else cares about it for him, there are many people who will be dissatisfied with it.

But among the people here, there is really no one who has anything to do with the Fang family, and there is even less one who can claim to be Fang Yingwu's teacher. He is not qualified enough to teach Fang Yingwu a lesson.

However, Wang Zhixian was also in the room, and he named Fang Yingwu as the head of the case. Although the relationship between teachers and students was not considered a teacher-student relationship according to the ethics of the imperial examination at this time, after all, there was a relationship between knowing and appreciating.

Therefore, only Wang Zhixian was the most suitable person to come forward to teach Fang Yingwu a lesson, so he asked: "Fang Yingwu, why are you so late in coming?"

Fang Yingwu thought for a while, stepped forward and bowed deeply to the chief, and replied: "Young man got up early to read the sages' books and was fascinated by them. However, he inadvertently delayed the departure time, which was so rude. It really disturbed Mr. Ge's interest.

There is no redemption for a hundred sins."

Using reading books by sages as an excuse should win understanding. Wang Zhixian deliberately tried to excuse Fang Yingwu and changed the topic: "What kind of books can you read?"

"What I was looking at was Mencius. Just when he saw the sentence "To conquer the resentment of the Western Yi to the east, and to conquer the resentment of the Northern Di to the south," I suddenly realized something, so I was delayed for a moment.

When the Prime Minister of Shang heard that Fang Yingwu claimed that he had enlightenment, he asked curiously: "This sentence talks about the way of benevolence and righteousness in conquest. Wherever the wise king Shang Tang conquered, the people all looked forward to it, but Shang Tang did not arrive.

Wherever he went, the people complained that he refused to come. But what did you realize?"

A servant came forward with soup and set it up for the banquet. Fang Yingwu saw this and replied: "Through these two sentences, I realized that everyone has to wait for the soup to be able to see the benevolence and righteousness in it.


Mencius was talking about Shang Tang, Fang Yingwu was probably talking about Tangshui, this soup and that soup... Immediately the whole room burst into laughter because of Fang Yingwu's interesting explanation, and even the well-educated Shang Xianggong couldn't bear it.

I couldn't help but smile, and my slight dissatisfaction was quietly resolved.

He pointed to the seat at the corner and said: "You, a junior, know how to interpret the scriptures crookedly. Don't say that I am unkind. Just sit down!"

Fang Yingwu reconciled the situation, stretched out his hand to wipe his sweat, and hurried to his seat. After sitting down, he took a few mouthfuls of soup, expressing his self-punishment according to the situation.

Today’s theme is to support the opening of Juanju Academy. Of course, there were poems and lyrics to congratulate during the banquet, and there were also people who splashed ink and brushes on the spot to present calligraphy and paintings. However, Fang Yingwu was very quiet and did not show any expression. Instead, he was always occupied with his thoughts.

, which made Mr. Shang Ge very strange.

Fang Yingwu's talent and ability to steal the limelight were something that Mr. Shangge had witnessed with his own eyes when he was in Yanzhou Mansion. The song "Linjiang Immortal" written for him and written for him was of such a high standard that he almost surpassed him.

It was unbearable. Just relying on this poem, Shang Ren felt that he owed a favor, but of course he would not say it out loud.

Seeing this, he spoke to the other party again and said, "Young friend Fang is so quiet today. Is there any good work for us to look at?"

Fang Yingwu quickly raised his hands and apologized: "I heard that the Grand Master will visit Lin Chun'an at the end of the month. I have all my fame and honors in the Taoist examination. I really don't care about anything else. I have failed to live up to the kindness of Mr. Ticu."

Fang Yingwu deliberately started the conversation, and everyone present started talking about this topic. After all, this is a major event in the reading circle of Chun'an County in recent times. Moreover, everyone is an heir of poems and books, so naturally they have relatives and children participating in the Taoist examination.

The behavior of this academic advisor was so unusual, especially the nameless examination, which made the wealthy people who were used to being treated preferentially dissatisfied, and they couldn't help but comment a few words.

A discerning person at the banquet concluded: "The great master, the drunkard, is not interested in wine, but in the mountains and rivers!"

Although this quotation was not directly stated, who among the people at the table could not understand the meaning? They all looked at Shang Xianggong, wondering how he would express his opinion on this.


I had a busy day today, so I squeezed out some time in the evening to write a short chapter and post it first. The second half will be added tomorrow morning.

This chapter has been completed!
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