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Chapter 566 Immortals? Monsters?

When Fang Yingwu returned to the capital, there were many people he needed to meet, such as his friends Xiang Chengxian and Hong Song, Lao Taishan Liu Mianmian, Li Dongyang, Li Yutu and many others.

When there are more people, the order becomes more confusing. Who should be met first and whom should be met later? Fang Yingwu has been thinking about this issue.

But it wasn't until now that Fang Yingwu understood who his true love was, and who he most desperately wanted to see deep down in his heart, and it was definitely Wang Zhi.

So the next day after returning home, Fang Yingwu walked around the city center and ran to an inconspicuous restaurant outside Dong'an Gate. This restaurant was not far from Dongchang and the business was not very good.

In broad daylight, Fang Yingwu dragged the beautiful female shopkeeper into the room, pressed her against the wall and asked, "Call Mr. Wang to see me quickly."

This female shopkeeper was naturally Mrs. He, and she chuckled a few times, "Mr. Wang is not in Beijing. He said he wanted to study the matter of sending spies to Bian Town, so he went to Jizhou Town."

This must be a deliberate attempt to hide away! Fang Yingwu snorted coldly, "You can hide for a while but you can't hide for a lifetime! When she comes back, tell me!"

There were a lot of things going on just after returning to Beijing, so Fang Yingwu didn't have much time to waste. Since he couldn't see Wang Zhi, he planned to leave.

However, Madam He suddenly stretched out her hand and held Fang Yingwu's wrist, biting the nails of the other hand gently with her lips, her bright eyes were watery, and she glanced at Fang Yingwu without saying a word.

Fang Yingwu tried to pull out his wrist, but it didn't move at all, as if it was bound by an iron band. He could only touch his waist and let out a long sigh. It seemed that he had to give in.

We are asking for help from her, and we also hope that she will contact Wang Zhi and report the news. Fang Yingwu comforted himself. However, he was exhausted from tossing with his two concubines last night, and we have to do it again today. There are so many women.

If you can’t stand it, you must cultivate your body and nature in the future.

When he came out of Mrs. He's room, it was already afternoon. Fang Yingwu had a few bites in the restaurant and then returned to the west city. According to the old rules, Lao Taishan and Liu Mianhua had already returned home from get off work at this time. Just come and visit. Meet people.

As expected, Fang Yingwu arrived at the gate of Liu Mansion. Without saying anything, he was led directly to Liu Mianhua's study by the gatekeeper.

Although Liu Mianhua was old, his eyesight was very good, and he could see things clearly when he walked into the room. He first criticized: "You went to the south for a business trip, and then you made a fuss. How can you be like this at such a young age?"

Unable to be driven?

If the body cannot bear it, what future can there be? How many handsome heroes have failed to realize their ambitions because of their weak bodies."

Fang Yingwu was a little embarrassed. It was really not because he was tired from a business trip... But how could he explain this to Lao Taishan? He had to change the subject and directly explain the purpose of his visit: "I heard a lot of rumors when I returned to Beijing this time.

, and there is a foolish man and a foolish woman messing around, what can my son-in-law do?"

Liu Mianhua couldn't help but asked the same question as Fang Qingzhi: "Are you the Xingjun who has descended to earth?"

Fang Yingwu denied it outright. He was a professional and technical elite bureaucrat and did not need to rely on being a great person to make a living!

Liu Mianhua was still a little envious. His expression was quite regretful. "Actually, this is quite good. If I had had such a halo of being relegated to immortals back then, I might have been able to sit firmly on the throne of chief minister by now."

Fang Yingwu twitched his face a few times, why was Liu Mianhua so unreliable today? He could only smile bitterly and said: "My son-in-law is worried about this, old Taishan, please stop joking."

Liu Ji frowned and said: "Who is joking with you? Today, I love Buddhism and Taoism. If there was a rumor that the Star Lord descended to the earth, I would use it to make friends with the emperor. How could I get Wanmeizhou to be the leader in my turn?


Fang Yingwu was speechless. Liu Mianhua's perspective on the problem was indeed different, especially completely different from his father's. Almost everything revolved around the word promotion.

"Don't believe it, this may not be entirely a bad thing. Maybe the emperor will be interested in you and often call you into the palace to serve around you. This is an extremely rare grace. The emperor was made happy. He became a minister in three years and five years in a row.

As a minister..."

Fang Yingwu interrupted Lao Taishan's thoughts with a stern face, and said righteously: "Old Taishan, don't talk about joking! How can my son-in-law be such a flattering and sycophantic person?"

Liu Mianhua put away his free thoughts and asked doubtfully: "I remember that you have a good relationship with Wang Zhi of Dongchang. Why does it seem that Dongchang mistakenly misled you this time? Judging from the time, Dongchang should have been able to deal with it long ago.

Things show that there is no need to wait until the weather changes for rumors to spread."

Fang Yingwu was helpless and sighed: "It's God's will. It's hard to explain in just one sentence what fate does to people."

Liu Mianhua was thoughtful after hearing this, "So this is God's will... Could it be that the only thing that can defeat you is God's will?"

Fang Yingwu asked: "Lao Taishan, give me an idea?"

But Liu Mianhua had nothing to do, "I have been an official for decades and have never seen or heard of such a thing. What do you want me to do?"

After that, the two of them talked about the dynamics of the imperial court in the past six months. When they saw that they had finished talking, Fang Yingwu stood up and left, and was led out of the door by Liu's servants.

However, Fang Yingwu had only walked a few steps, and before he left the alley, he heard someone yelling from behind. When he turned around, he saw the steward of Liu Mansion running after him.

The old steward ran to Fang Yingwu and said breathlessly: "Uncle Fang! My master told you to turn around quickly no matter what!"

What's going on? Fang Yingwu was confused. He followed the old housekeeper back to Liu's Mansion. He didn't even change the specific place and entered Lao Taishan's study.

However, there was another figure in the study at this time, and upon closer inspection, it was the old lady. Liu Mianhua no longer looked like a prime minister, and he was sitting on the grand master's chair with his head hanging down, and was being asked angrily by the old lady.

Seeing Fang Yingwu come in, Mrs. Liu turned to Fang Yingwu and asked cautiously: "My good son-in-law, are you some kind of star king who descended to earth?"

Fang Yingwu denied it simply: "No!"

After hearing this, the old lady patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly turned her face and scolded: "Since you are not a god, I have to say a few words.

I really don’t know what you, husband-in-law, have in your heads. What have you been thinking about all day long! Could it be that my daughter is going to be an old girl who can’t get married?"

Damn it! Fang Yingwu patted his head. This time he reunited with Liu Mianhua after a long absence. He was too involved in talking about official affairs and forgot to talk about marriage, so his mother-in-law was unhappy.

Ignoring Liu Mianhua's look of help, Fang Yingwu hurriedly complained to the old lady: "Actually, my son-in-law is thinking about her very much! It's just that Lao Taishan never mentioned the marriage. My son-in-law is so worried that he dares to talk too much?

He only asked if Lao Taishan had any objections to his younger son-in-law, so he did not dare to speak out. He could only go down and silently reflect on himself, work hard to correct himself, and then come to see Lao Taishan to propose marriage!

Moreover, my son-in-law also has some thoughts in his mind. Over the years, my son-in-law has been busy with official duties and missed the important events in my wife’s life. This time when I return to Beijing after my errands, I must ask the court for a few months of leave specifically for the wedding!"

As the saying goes, the more a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more she likes her son-in-law, so Mrs. Liu's eyes softened when she looked at Fang Yingwu. Then she turned the fire on her husband again: "You are really a obsessed old fool. You didn't make any progress and you almost led your son-in-law to evil!"


Fang Yingwu did not eat at Liu's house because he had an appointment with two old friends, Xiang Chengxian and Hong Song, at Xiang Chengxian's residence tonight.

When they arrived at Xiang's house, Xiang Chengxian was sitting in the concierge waiting. When he saw Fang Yingwu, he welcomed him out. Fang Yingwu looked around and asked, "Where is Brother Hong?"

Xiang Chengxian replied: "It's just you and me tonight, because the grain is shipped to Beijing in the spring. Brother Hong is very busy over there. He was detained by the ministry tonight. I'll ask him to treat me to a meal later to apologize!"

The two of them entered the hall, and Fang Yingwu remembered that he was under investigation, and asked again: "I'm on assignment. I'm going to be inspected by your procuratorate. Please help me inquire about the situation!"

Xiang Chengxian said with a smile: "You are a star in the sky and have come down to earth. Do you need to worry about these things?" Fang Yingwu rolled his eyes.

Xiang Chengxian suddenly asked in a low voice and seriously: "Let's talk about it between you and me, brothers, are you the reincarnation of Xingjun?"

Fang Yingwu lost his temper. It had only been two days since he returned to Beijing, and he didn’t know how many times he had heard such questions. He didn’t realize how superstitious the people around him were, but why did they become so mysterious? Didn’t he read this?

Did you pass the book? Zi once said, "If you don't talk about it, you will be confused by your strange power!"

In fact, it is not that people around me suddenly became superstitious. Those who are far away from Fang Yingwu are unable to see through the fog. They may not feel the magic of Fang Yingwu, and they also sneer at Xingjun's words in their hearts.

But the closer the relationship is with Fang Yingwu, and the more detailed the person's thoughts and actions are, the more they can feel the magic of Fang Yingwu's actions, and it is easier for them to believe Xingjun's words.

Seeing that Fang Yingwu denied Xingjun's descent, Xiang Da Yushi sighed and said: "Do you know, I am actually very, very envious of you. I toss and turn at night with envy and can't sleep at night. What would happen if this happened to me?"


Fang Yingwu shuddered and took a few steps back quietly: "Don't use the word tossing and turning and being unable to sleep at night! You are about to become a senior censor now. You come in and out with majesty. What do you have to envy me?"

Xiang Chengxian suddenly had a bitter look on his face, "The official position of censor is seen by outsiders as majestic, humble and powerful, and he has to patrol hundreds of officials. But only after you have done it do you know how difficult it is! If you turn a blind eye,

Eyes, others say you are incompetent, cowardly and derelict in your duties! If you don't rub sand in your eyes, there are too many powerful people you can't afford to offend!

Therefore, as a censor, I am always in a dilemma. I think if I serve as a censor for a few more years, my lifespan will be shortened by a few points! But it would be great if I could be like you!

You criticized Ci Fu the year before last, and there was an earthquake just after you were retaliated against. Last year, you fought with the eunuch who harmed the people, and the star fell just when you were besieged by the eunuchs! You are like a god protecting you, and you are invincible!

In my opinion, it would be a good idea for you to come to the Metropolitan Procuratorate after your imperial mission is over! However, since your official position is for Shizhong, this is quite appropriate."

Fang Yingwu sneered a few times, "Do you think I can still be a science and technology official?" Xiang Chengxian asked doubtfully: "How do you say this?"

Fang Yingwu replied: "Whether it is the princes of the imperial court or the Holy Son of Heaven, how can they be willing to let a person who seems to be protected by the gods to be a scientific and Taoist official who checks for leaks and corrects them?"

Xiang Da Yushi carefully savored the meaning of these words and couldn't help but nod: "That's indeed the truth...but isn't Mr. Ye a good dragon?"

Fang Yingwu answered clearly: "It's not surprising. It's normal in the world that Mr. Ye loves dragons. Don't be surprised by this."

The two of them lamented, exchanged glasses for each other, drank until they were in a state of intoxication, and finally returned home drunk.

This chapter has been completed!
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