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Chapter 629 The conspiracy that was seen through

The emperor has been troubled a lot recently. The biggest trouble is of course that he wants to choose a satisfactory heir, but he has encountered strong and widespread opposition.

As the saying goes, a single move can affect the whole body, let alone changing the prince. It is simply an extremely complex system project. It is not impossible to force the horse to mount, but the consequences will be great, so the outer court, the inner court,

The harem must be settled.

In the harem, the mother-in-law firmly supports the current prince, so she can only rely on her own hard work. Isn't any prince his grandson? Why should he favor one over the other?

In terms of foreign affairs, the loyal chief minister Wan An has been entrusted to win over his colleagues and reduce resistance as much as possible. I heard that it has been effective, and some heavyweight ministers will join him.

But here in the inner court, it is our weakest point. The key is that Huaien, the eunuch in charge of the ceremony, supports the prince. In contrast, there is no one who can compete with Huaien. Liang Fang and others he instigated

The prestige is so low that I really can't compete with Wynn.

Originally, another important eunuch, Wang Zhi, might have been able to come forward, but her attitude was a bit cynical and she had been inactive on the issue of the crown prince's battle, which cost her side a lot of help for no reason.

In terms of political status and strength, only the Admiral of Dongchang could compete with the Chief of Ceremonies and the Chief of Eunuchs.

Since the current Admiral of Dongchang is unwilling to cooperate, should we find another obedient person? Emperor Zhu Jianshen has been considering this issue for some time, but has never made up his mind.

On this day, the emperor summoned both Liang Fang and Wang Zhi and talked frankly and honestly: "Wang Zhi, if you don't want to participate in the abolition of Li Li, I won't force you, but you can't hold on to your position.


Liang Fang was overjoyed. She stepped forward and said, "Wang Zhi has too many distracting thoughts and cannot serve the emperor wholeheartedly. But the emperor is kind. Let him go."

Wang Zhi said: "Everything about this slave is given by your Majesty. If the emperor has a will, I will have nothing to say! In addition, I feel that Liang Fang must not take over. I ask the emperor to take a look."

The emperor waved his hands and said: "What bothers me the most is hearing you criticize each other. Why can't you work with someone who is friendly? There is no need to expose people's shortcomings. You will change positions in a few days."

Wang Zhi hesitated to speak, and finally said helplessly: "Since the emperor doesn't want to hear it, I will stop talking."

Let's ignore the gossip. Instead, we said that after Fang Yingwu returned from the south and was handed over to the imperial envoy, he had to undergo an inspection by the Metropolitan Procuratorate and then finalize a new position or dispatch based on the inspection results.

Now that most of the inspection work has been completed, we only have to summon Fang Yingwu to go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate for interrogation. On this day, the Metropolitan Procuratorate sent officials to the Fang family's house to inform Fang Yingwu that he would come to the Metropolitan Procuratorate tomorrow for questioning.

Hospital walking procedures.

However, on the next day, the Metropolitan Procuratorate did not wait for Fang Yingwu to come. Only Fang Yingwu sent a long entourage and brought a document and presented it to the right deputy Du Yushi Tufu who was in charge of the matter.

Master Tu was quite surprised that Fang Yingwu could not be present (Fang Yingwu was also used to it. If anyone else had dared not to do so, they would have been blacklisted). He opened the document and looked at it, but he was shocked.

It turns out that Fang Yingwu claimed that he was kidnapped by thieves the day before yesterday and was frightened. He was also slightly injured, so he had to be raised at home and could not come to the Metropolitan Procuratorate for inspection.

As a well-known focal figure, news about Fang Yingwu always spread quickly. What's more, the Metropolitan Procuratorate was a place where censors who were good at talking were gathered together, and it was originally one of the major rumor distribution centers in the imperial court.

The news is simple. The famous Qingliu Master Fang was kidnapped two days ago. Fortunately, Dongchang Fanzi passed by. Master Fang planned to call for help, and was finally rescued with a narrow escape.

Everyone who heard the news was shocked. They were shocked that an important member of the imperial court was kidnapped and almost sold to a Xishan coal mine in broad daylight. It sounded simply unbelievable.

This incident is really unbelievable. First of all, many people suspected that Fang Yingwu had fabricated it for some purpose.

However, it was soon confirmed that someone was indeed chased by Dongchang fans in Dongcheng that day, and they were not caught until they rode a carriage to the vicinity of Chongwenmen.

Moreover, there were two other corpses of criminals that were also seen on the street. If the case of Fang Yingwu's kidnapping was fabricated, it would be unlikely that he would be so crazy as to publicly file a lawsuit over two lives as evidence.

No one with a little bit of intelligence would take such a huge risk just to fabricate something with an unknown purpose. Looking at Fang Yingwu as a person, he is not such a cruel person.

Various signs indicate that Fang Yingwu was indeed kidnapped and was rescued by Dongchang Fanzi who happened to be passing by.

Someone explained that he was such a young man and wore simple clothes every day. How could he look like a royal official when he went out alone? It seemed understandable that he would be targeted by kidnappers.

In the eyes of the kidnapper, the target was only young laborers, not Fang Yingwu, a high-ranking member of the imperial court... So everything was a coincidence. Fang Yingwu had an unlucky year and happened to run into Tai Sui.

But there are many conspiracy theorists in the world, and there are many people who don't believe this is a coincidence, so the second suspicion emerged.

Everyone knows what has happened in the imperial court recently, but at this time, Fang Yingwu, who was rumored to be joining the East Palace attendant class, was kidnapped. Is it really a coincidence? Looking at the root of this line of thinking, new gossip has been revealed.

come out.

It is said that at that time, a purchasing eunuch went to Liaodong Zaobao to extort money, and the owner of the Liaodong Zaobao used his hometown relationship to ask Fang Yingwu to come forward to speak out. It was after Fang Yingwu left the Liaodong Zaobao that he suddenly encountered the kidnappers.

If this is not mind-blowing, then think about it again. Liang Fang is responsible for all major purchases in the palace. Isn’t it still thought-provoking? The grudge between Fang Yingwu and Liang Fang,

Is there no need to go into details?

At this point in the analysis, a well-organized conspiracy has been revealed! First, Eunuch Liang deliberately sent purchasing eunuchs to Liaodong Zapu to cause trouble, and then lured the unprepared Fang Yingwu to Liaodong Zapu.

Finally, taking advantage of Fang Yingwu's departure, he found an opportunity to kidnap Fang Yingwu on the road! As for Liang Fang's next plan, it's hard to guess because it didn't happen, but Fang Yingwu would definitely not get it.

If one mistake is not made, Fang Yingwu might even lose his life, and even selling him to the coal mine might be an excuse to confess in order to reduce the crime after the incident is revealed!

While the discussion was abuzz, another new piece of news came out. I heard that the emperor planned to replace the admiral of the East Factory, and the new candidate was none other than Liang Fang, who was "unemployed" after being dismissed as the imperial eunuch.

This news may seem sudden, but it cannot help but be believed. All well-informed courtiers know that Liang Fang is an out-and-out jester, but he is not reconciled to his position as a sycophant and has been seeking

Political status.

Dongchang spanned both inside and outside the palace, and could be called the emperor's first pawn to suppress the officials. He was an important role in the politics of the Ming Dynasty's inner court. To put it bluntly, the position of Admiral Dongchang must be Liang Fang's cup of tea.

But if a eunuch who can do such bottomless things as kidnapping and assassinating ministers is appointed as the admiral of the East Factory, wouldn't the future be dark and cruel for the ministers?

Once someone with no bottom line is allowed to have the power of a factory security agent, the disaster will be extremely tragic, even greater than Wang Zhi's rampage in the 13th and 4th years of Chenghua!

This is absolutely unacceptable, and this is unacceptable to every civil servant! The disgust of the courtiers could not be increased.

Of course, there is another point that cannot be ignored. Everyone in the court knows that Fang Yingwu is not easy to bully. I don’t know how many adults have become disgraced under his hands.

From the prince's family to the former admiral of Dongchang, from the former assistant Liu Jue to the imperial eunuch, which one is easy to get along with? In the end, they all failed in Fang Yingwu's hands, ranging from being demoted and losing his post to being demoted.

Some even lost their lives inexplicably.

So this time after Liang Fang did such a harmful thing, judging from past experience, Fang Yingwu will definitely do everything possible to make the strongest counterattack! If Fang Yingwu is still as sharp as ever, Liang Fang will definitely suffer a big loss


However, the officers waited and waited and looked again and again, but there was no movement from Fang Yingwu. He even refused to leave or enter the house. He didn't know what he was doing hiding in his home. For a moment, everything seemed calm.

It's like nothing happened.

Many qualified people came to visit, but they were all politely turned away by Fang Yingwu and did not come out to meet the guests. However, it was not without their thick skin that they barged into the Fang family's courtyard, such as the Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Xiang Chengxian.

Censor Xiang dragged Fang Yingwu into the study room from his two sons. In addition, as one of the few people who knew Fang Yingwu best, Censor Xiang had some things to say that made him unhappy.

Xiang Da Yushi asked: "Honestly, you did not direct or act this matter yourself?"

Fang Yingwu replied: "Honestly, absolutely not."

Xiang Da Yushi asked again: "Then this incident is indeed a coincidence?"

Fang Yingwu nodded and said, "It's such a coincidence."

Xiang Da Yushi thought for a moment, and then said: "I was entrusted by the Metropolitan Procuratorate to come to visit you, but I see that you are fine, so why don't you go have a drink with me tonight."

Fang Yingwu took the initiative and said: "With wine, you also need sex. Only when wine and sex work together can you be satisfied. You can't lack either."

Xiang Chengxian was extremely surprised, "Usually when it comes to these things, you always push back and take the air. Why are you so generous today?"

Fang Yingwu smiled and said: "I was almost killed. The real culprit is at large and there is nothing to do. Can't you make me feel depressed? I am such a weak-minded scholar." (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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