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Six hundred and forty-four chapters pit father...

Fang Yingwu turned to look at his father, and saw that his father was still lying on the same spot, surrounded by officers and soldiers. He could not move until the decree of release arrived, so he was fine for the time being. So he struggled to squeeze into the crowd.

What happened to visiting Lao Taishan?

Others knew that Fang Yingwu was Liu Mianhua's son-in-law, and he was probably the only close relative among the people present, so they took the initiative to make room for him.

Fang Yingwu came close to Lao Taishan and helped Lao Taishan, who seemed to be unconscious. He really couldn't tell whether he was in a real coma or a fake coma, but he knew that passing out at this time should be Lao Taishan's most correct option.

There is no one.

Then Fang Yingwu looked around and found Xiang Chengxian, and called out: "Brother Xiang, please use your strength! Help Lao Taishan to the east room with me!"

There is a court room outside the Meridian Gate, specially designed for ministers waiting for the morning court. At this time, it was appropriate to help the unconscious Liu Mianhua to the east court room first. Then someone called the imperial doctor who was on duty under the palace corridor.

He came over and woke up Liu Mianhua with all kinds of tricks.

"The long sky, why is it inferior to me?" After Liu Mianhua opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Fang Yingwu, and he subconsciously said this.

Well... Fang Yingwu pretended not to hear, turned around and begged Xiang Chengxian: "I have to stay here to wait for my father and cannot leave the Meridian Gate. Please ask Brother Xiang to send Mr. Liu back to the house for me."


Xiang Chengxian nodded and agreed: "Brother Fang Xian, don't worry, I will take care of Mr. Ge's side."

Mr. Cifu suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Fang Yingwu's arm tightly, and shouted hoarsely: "The remonstrance has not been successful yet, we still need to work hard! How can we abandon justice and run away to go home?"

Afterwards, Liu Mianhua struggled to stand up, and the other party responded to his instructions: "Help me go to Fengtianmen again!"

Fang Yingwu was slightly confused. He couldn't tell whether Lao Taishan's words were sincere or empty words. He also didn't know whether Lao Taishan wanted to fight to the death or to use a feint to step down.

In the past, Fang Yingwu could easily see through it, but today he felt that he had lost his tacit understanding, so he was unsure and hesitated for a moment.

Liu Mianhua was so excited that he coughed repeatedly. This made Fang Yingwu wake up and cursed himself secretly. Why did he hesitate? No matter what Lao Taishan thought, he had to adopt a certain attitude.

He quickly grabbed Lao Taishan with all his strength, and in an instant he persuaded with a full expression of emotions: "The foundation of a country is a matter of eternal life, and you cannot fight with the anger of the moment!

Therefore, the future is long, and we must take a long-term view! If we do not retain a useful body, how can we plan for the future? Nowadays, there are many traitors in the court, and if Mr. Ge has two shortcomings, who else can we entrust with the affairs of the country? Mr. Ge, think twice! "

Xiang Chengxian also shouted: "Young Master, think twice!" Upon hearing this, the other courtiers also shouted: "Young Master, think twice!"

From the corner of his eyes, Liu Mianhua glanced at the crowd who were shouting "Young man, think twice" and he finally confirmed that everyone had lost their temper and it would be difficult for them to have the energy to continue to collectively criticize and remonstrate, otherwise they wouldn't have shouted "Young man, think twice" together.


All the hard work today is really coming to an end... Boss Cifu felt sad and let out a long sigh. Still unwilling to do so, he raised his arms and shouted: "If the traitors are not eliminated, the country will not be at peace!" After that, his anger rose to the sky.

, passed out again.

Fang Yingwu calmly handed Liu Mianhua to Xiang Chengxian this time, and Xiang Chengxian sent him back to the Liu Mansion. Seeing that the leading elders were "half dead", the crowd dispersed in twos and threes.

This is how the vigorous Fukuo remonstrance ended. Those who participated in the remonstration did not gain anything. They gained fame while facing the reckoning after the fall.

Being able to participate in the largest righteous struggle in recent years can be regarded as a unique honor. But compared to the one who was punished...don't think too much about it.

All the hustle and bustle disappeared, and the daily silence returned to the palace gate, leaving only the Jinyiwei officer school and the Fang family father and son who remained silent.

Fang Yingwu transformed from a virtuous son-in-law into a filial son, and continued to wait by Fang Qingzhi's side. Since his father was still lying down, Fang Yingwu could only continue to kneel.

Originally, Fang Yingwu wanted to ask the imperial doctor to take a look, but Fang Qingzhi refused. Fang Yingwu had no choice but to obey his father.

At the same time, he couldn't help but feel glad again that he was born in the right era. If it were after the Zhengde Dynasty, the imperial staff would be tightly tied, leaving only the back of the body exposed for beatings, and there would be hundreds and eighty sticks, and it would not be unusual to beat someone to death directly. And

Father's situation today, when he was only given thirty strokes and covered with a thick blanket, was really childish compared with that of later generations.

Conflicts all interacted with each other. Could it be that the conflict between the monarch and his ministers became more and more intense, and at the same time, the ministers' direct confrontation became more and more serious, causing the king to become more and more cruel? Fang Yingwu couldn't help but think about this topic.


The Fang family father and his son waited at the Meridian Gate for an unknown amount of time. They saw the sun setting over the western hills and the palace gates about to be locked, but still no edict came out.

Fang Yingwu didn't know how his father felt, but he couldn't tell any clues from his father's expression. His father's demeanor had never changed, he was very calm and calm. Occasionally, his face would twitch due to pain, which was a bit like a TV series in his previous life.

The tortured revolutionary martyrs.

But Fang Yingwu was already in excruciating pain, and his knees almost lost all feeling when he was kneeling on the ground. His legs were useless after being so filial.

He deliberately fell back, assuming a posture like Guanyin sitting on a lotus, straightened his legs and kept shaking. Fang Qingzhi glanced at his son and said nothing.

When the muscles in his legs began to move, Fang Yingwu felt a little embarrassed. His father was still being pushed to the ground, but he was sitting next to him...

Fang Qingzhi was still bored until now. Seeing his son's laziness, he couldn't help but sarcastically said: "When I was sent to prison for my father seven years ago, you knelt outside the prison all day long for several days, and you still remained

Cheer up. Today is only half a day, why is it so bad?"

Fang Yingwu's face heated up. From whom did his father learn this sudden venomous tongue? He said to himself: "I just saw the rising moon, and suddenly I came up with a quatrain. I was in a trance when I was thinking about it and couldn't hold it back."

Everyone around was idle and bored. Hearing this, he pricked up his ears to listen to the excitement. Fang Yingwu also wanted to build momentum for his father. Seven years ago, he said, "The wind blows the shackles all over the city, and the crowds are vying to see the new common people." I don't know what to say to my father.

It has brought so many benefits, just do it again today.

In this way, Fang Yingwu cleared his throat and recited: "The admonishment staff is half dead in front of the que, and the ministers have done a wonderful job in breaking the threshold. The bright moon is at the west end of Feng Pavilion, and the clear light still shines in the sky of the ministers."

Fang Qingzhi raised his head and looked at the moonlight, and thought several times in his mind: "The bright moon is in the west of Feng Pavilion, and the clear light still shines on the courtiers." He said nothing more and fell into silence again.

Fang Yingwu was not as well-educated as Nai's father, and he was a little irritable waiting. According to the rules, all the ministers had to leave the palace before the palace door was locked. How could there be any reason for the Fang family and his son to stay outside the Meridian Gate like this? What on earth was the emperor thinking?

, the imperial edict has not yet been issued? No matter whether it is killing or beheading, there must be an explanation?

Fang Yingwu then thought about it, could it be that the palace was still in a stalemate over the issue of his father's punishment, so there was no result yet? But who in the palace was qualified to stalemate with the emperor? All the ministers who criticized him were

Already retreating, who else will stand up and speak out?

Somehow, a name came to Fang Yingwu's mind, and that was Huai'en, the eunuch in charge of the ceremony. Huai'en was a staunch orthodox person who firmly supported the East Palace side, and he was also very outspoken and even hesitated to commit crimes.


It would not be surprising at all if Wynn spoke for his father, and Wynn who was walking in the palace had enough prestige and weight to hold a stalemate with the emperor.

In addition, if it is true that Wynn is fighting for his father, it will be a good thing and can bring him closer to Wynn. There is no need to say much about the future of Eunuch Wynn.

I don’t know how long I waited, but Fang Yingwu was so hungry that I felt dizzy after not eating for a day. Fortunately, it was warm spring and the night was not too cold.

Suddenly, a small slit opened in the right door of the Meridian Gate, and several eunuchs carrying lanterns emerged. One of them shouted to the officers and soldiers in royal robes: "Preach the order! Let Fang Qingzhi go!"

Fang Yingwu was completely relieved after hearing this. He was released without additional punishment, which probably meant that the matter was over. If his father only received a cane, the deal would still be a good deal, with no loss or even a huge profit.

Go home! Fang Yingwu feels refreshed, his waist is no longer sore, his back is no longer painful, and his legs are cramped. He turns around and is about to leave. But he is secretly worried whether the palace door will be opened for them and his son, otherwise they can only stay in the palace palace.

I stayed up all night in the doorway under the surveillance of the officers and soldiers on duty.

A few breathless coughs came, and Fang Yingwu followed the sound. It turned out that his father was still lying on the ground, struggling to get up.

Almost... Fang Xiaozi hurriedly stretched out his warm hands, helped his father sit up, and kneaded diligently to activate his father's muscles and blood.

When a father is kind and a son is filial, the Meridian Gate was opened again, and under the cover of a few lanterns, the eunuch Qin Chang appeared in front of the Fang family and his son. This Qin Chang's status was very important and should not be underestimated. Fang Yingwu couldn't help but stopped his movements and remained silent.

Look at Qin Chang quietly.

Eunuch Qin announced calmly: "According to the imperial edict, Fang Qingzhi will be dismissed from his official position in Cilin, demoted to a remote prefecture and county, and Quan will be elected to leave the capital within ten days."

The Fang family father and son were shocked. Just now they had only said that they would let him go home, but why did he have to be demoted again in the blink of an eye? There was not much effort before and after, and the change was too fast.

Fang Yingwu took the risk of being disrespectful and asked: "Su Wenjun has nothing to say, so why do you change your orders from morning to night?"

Qin Chang was about to leave after announcing the decree, but he still kindly replied: "Earlier, Eunuch Huai'en tried his best to persuade your majesty, but you just recited a quatrain? It was immediately reported to the palace by ears and eyes, and once again angered your majesty.

Then he changed his mind.

Someone has been monitoring your situation just now, and Mr. Xiao Fang, you are too arrogant. Now Eunuch Huaien is also implicated, and he is afraid that he will be sent to Fengyang."

Watching Eunuch Qin go away, Fang Yingwu was astonished. He was just casually reciting poems to praise his father and build momentum, so what happened to showing off? Where is the freedom of speech that has always been admired in the Ming Dynasty? He couldn't help shouting angrily: "Literary prison!


Fang Qingzhi sighed imperceptibly, and the other party responded: "To use your weird words, this is a lie."

Fang Yingwu responded subconsciously: "To each other..."

A quatrain transports his father from the capital to another place. If it’s not a trick, what is it? Even if it’s not the main reason, it’s also an inductive reason.

This chapter has been completed!
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