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Chapter 684 Gossip

It was night, and Fang Yingwu was tossing and turning. He kept thinking about a question. Was it too unreasonable for him to regard Wang Zhi's behavior as nonsense? He was the eunuch of the Bureau of Ceremonies, so it was reasonable to ignore it.


Now, after a big quarrel, the two sides ended the conversation, and on the other side, they were forced by Lao Taishan to give gifts and make friends. It was really hard to get out of the middle.

On the other side of the capital, Wang Zhi didn't fall asleep either, so Miss Sun, who was acting as a maid, didn't fall asleep either, so she talked to Wang Zhi: "Why didn't you tell your husband the truth clearly? It was just a matter of trouble.


Wang Zhi snorted coldly, "What nonsense are you talking to him about? Sooner or later he will regret it!"

No matter how long the dark night was, the next day, news came out. I heard that the chief minister, Wan'an, urged the emperor to approve the memorial and move Fang Yingwu to be an official in the East Palace.

The last time the inner and outer courts gathered together, they recommended Fang Yingwu to be an official of the East Palace, but he was retained by the emperor without promotion. There has been no further explanation. Last time, Yin Min, the former Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, recommended Fang Yingwu to be promoted to the East Palace, but he was also retained by the emperor without promotion.


After being detained twice in a row, the issue of Fang Yingwu's appointment has been postponed to this day and remains unresolved. The staff department is also very troublesome about Fang Yingwu, a sensitive figure, so they simply pretend not to see it.

Now the first assistant, Wan'an, once again made a memorial for Fang Yingwu, urging the emperor to approve the previous memorial. People who may or may not know the truth said with emotion that this was because the first assistant cherished talents and went out of his way to write a memorial for one Fang Yingwu;

Of course, most people with sharp eyes can see that Wan Shoufu finally couldn't stand Fang Yingwu, the unemployed vagrant who was causing trouble! He even bullied the small ones and personally sent Fang Yingwu to the East Palace to die. At the same time,

Use the Donggong errand to restrain Fang Yingwu who interferes randomly everywhere.

Yes. It seems imminent for the emperor to change his position to crown prince, and now the East Palace has become a recognized political death place. Going to the East Palace now is equivalent to being used as a burial object, and all futures have been lost.

Having said that, the emperor was quite superstitious at that time, and he did a lot of things to worship Buddhism and believe in Buddhism. There were rumors that Fang Yingwu had descended to earth, which made the emperor very worried. He was worried that after Fang Yingwu went to the East Palace, he would actually show some incredible auspiciousness.

Things, in turn, make it difficult for you to handle.

Therefore, the emperor had not dealt with the memorial recommending Fang Yingwu to the East Palace. However, this time he was urged by Wan Shoufu Shangshu again, which made Fang Yingwu feel a bit like "returning to the East Palace". The emperor was a little confused. Then he approved it.


Now that the emperor has approved it, the process is about to go through. Just like most personnel appointments, the news came out before the process was completed.

Fang Yingwu's relatives and friends couldn't help but shake their heads and sigh when they heard that Fang Yingwu had been transferred to Zuo Zhongyun of Zuochunfang in Zhanshi Mansion, especially when he had not yet held an official position in the Hanlin Academy. Mr. Xiao Fang was indeed the most beautiful person in the forest.


However, Fang Yingwu himself didn't care and let others talk about it. He only focused on Wang Zhi's matters and seemed indifferent to his own situation.

On this day, Fang Yingwu sat in the hall, looking worried at the gifts forced on Liu Mianmian. Someone came to report that it was Xiang Chengxian and several others who came to visit.

Fang Yingwu hurriedly went to the gate to greet him, but saw five or six people coming, headed by the eldest son Xiang Chengxian. They were either from his hometown or the same year as him.

Xiang Chengxian shouted: "Brother Fang Xian! How about we invite you to have a drink today, put aside your worries, and get drunk together?"

Another fellow countryman, Hong Song, consoled him: "There are injustices in the court. But Fang Xiandi does not need to be upset, and wait for the opportunity with an open mind. The clouds will not cover the sun, and I believe that Fang Xiandi will always make a comeback."

This group of people probably felt sorry for me after hearing the news and came to comfort me. Fang Yingwu was very moved by this and bowed and thanked me: "I am so virtuous and capable, I dare to worry about you. There is no need to worry about me.

A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise. When things happen to us, we should be unfazed and look down on gains and losses."

After that, Xiang Chengxian took Fang Yingwu and wanted to go out for a drink. Fang Yingwu couldn't stand the enthusiasm of his friends, so he explained a few words to his family and followed everyone out the door.

Everyone was dressed in casual clothes and headed south together. Xiang Chengxian said to Fang Yingwu on the way: "There is a new restaurant opened on Qipan Street. They do good Hangzhou cuisine and the business is booming. I will go there today to have a good meal."

A real treat.”

Xiang Chengxian led the way. When we arrived at the place, there were indeed many guests. The Accord could not occupy it, so we had to choose a seat by the window on the second floor, sharing it with several other tables in the lobby.

Fang Yingwu was afraid that Mr. Xiang would feel sorry for him, so he said, "This is good, it will create a more lively atmosphere." After everyone sat down, several people at the table next door chatted loudly, and their voices floated over so that everyone here could hear them clearly.


"An interesting thing happened in the capital recently. The newly promoted eunuch Wang Zhi is going to marry his wife."

"How ignorant! Is it such a rare thing for a eunuch to marry a wife? There are too many of them! But it's really a waste of money, blinding those beautiful little ladies in vain."

"It's not unusual for a eunuch to marry a wife, but what's strange is other aspects! Do you know that this Mrs. Sun has superb martial arts skills. She killed a Tatar leader back then, and she is a hero among heroines.

Of course, this is not the most interesting part, I also heard that there is some unclear relationship between this Mrs. Sun and that Fang Qingtian back then."

"What? Fang Qingtian actually has such a romantic affair? Is it true?"

"Ninety-nine percent of it is true! It is said that Fang Qingtian will not marry Mrs. Sun if she is right or wrong, and she doesn't even care about her status."

"Then what's going on with Eunuch Wang marrying Mrs. Sun this time?"

"I heard that Mrs. Sun was originally by Fang Yingwu's side, and the love between the two developed early. Unfortunately, fate played a trick on people, and Miss Sun was taken away by Eunuch Wang.

Now many years have passed, and Fang Yingwu has not gotten married, and Mrs. Sun refuses to marry, maybe they are just waiting for each other. Now that Eunuch Wang wants to marry Mrs. Sun, Fang Yingwu can only look at each other with tears in his eyes, saying that there is nothing he can do!"

"It's not like Fang Yingwu is a powerless person. Could it be that he just watched his lover fall into the tiger's mouth like this in vain? This is too cowardly!"

"But compared to Eunuch Wang who is in charge of the East Factory, Fang Yingwu is much less powerful, so he will always have scruples in his heart! But if you are a man, you should show something even if you are unable to save yourself."

Unexpectedly, the gossip at the table next door revolved around Fang Yingwu, and it was also a scandal between a man and a woman. As for the protagonist sitting next to him, everyone felt it was extremely strange.

Xiang Chengxian couldn't help but laugh and said: "Brother Fang Xian is so energetic. While fighting against the evildoers in the court, he still has enough energy to compete with Eunuch Wang for jealousy. I admire him!"

Fang Yingwu had no intention of talking nonsense with Xiang Chengxian, and was stunned in his seat for a while. Not many people knew about the relationship between Miss Sun and him, and it had never been spread in public, but now it appeared openly in the market

Rumor has it...

You can be sure that the rumors must have been spread by someone with intentions, and you can feel it intuitively, and there is a strong flavor of conspiracy behind it. (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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