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Chapter 72: The father travels thousands of miles and worries

The atmosphere in Minglun Hall was so weird and terrifying at the moment. As people who supported Fang Yingwu, Hong Song and Xiang Chengxian felt a little overwhelmed.

They picked up Fang Yingwu, who was still pretending to be a fool, and ran out. The already shocked county bachelor watched them leave, and no one said a word.

The three of them rushed out to the street in one breath, feeling the cool willow breeze blowing in early March, and they felt a little relieved.

Hong Song couldn't help complaining to Fang Yingwu: "I have carefully warned you that you are a newbie here and you are a junior student who fell from the sky. You always make others feel a little uncomfortable. You have to be patient in the county school and slowly enter this circle.

What you did today with a slap in the face was so scary."

Fang Yingwu said helplessly: "You can't blame me today, I've always been very humble. And I didn't show the article to Xu Huai, and I made it clear that I couldn't show it to him.

After all, it is Xu Huai who has bad intentions and insists on snatching this article from my hand, and then stops me. You criticize me, what should I do?"

Hong Song thought about it carefully and said helplessly: "It seems like this, then Xu Huai is really obsessed with it and wants to die on his own."

Xiang Chengxian smiled and said: "The Analects of Confucius says that repaying evil with kindness, how can we repay kindness? The matter has already happened. It is useless to talk more. It is not that we are unlucky. Let's just look at the bustle of their Western Society."

Xu Huai is one of the backbones and top academics of Xuexi Club in the county. He accidentally hit the iron plate. Xiang Chengxian is very happy as the backbone of Dongshe.

Hong Song stopped Xiang Chengxian from continuing to instigate him. He said to the other party in a very earnest and thoughtful manner: "That's it for today. It's not necessarily a bad thing to show off to others. Don't do it again and again in the future. In a place like school, always

It’s about distinguishing between seniors and juniors.”

Fang Yingwu agreed: "Brother Hong taught me, I remember it."

The three of them were looking for a place to eat and drink when they suddenly saw a dusty man flash past the intersection in front of him. He was carrying a cloth bag and running quickly, shouting "Good news! Good news!"

Good news? Xiang Chengxian was the first to react. He slapped the fan in his hand and said with interest: "The 15th of last month was the day of the Beijing Examination. Calculating the time, it is time to pass on the examination recording now."


The National Examination is the second of the three examinations including the Provincial Examination, the Municipal Examination, and the Imperial Examination, and it is also the core level of the entire imperial examination system.

Passing the imperial examination is equivalent to passing the Jinshi examination and obtaining the highest level of merit. The subsequent palace examination only determines the rank of Jinshi.

Hong Song also became more energetic, "I wonder how many people from our county can win this time. Is Senior Fang on the list?"

Fang Yingwu smiled bitterly when he heard this. He had always been in a conflicted mood. The question of whether he wanted his father to be a Jinshi made him very entangled. No kidding, the current officialdom is not suitable for a seemingly upright and upright person like his father.

In this conflicting mood, he deliberately forgot about the matter, but the day when the result was revealed was finally coming.

Xiang Chengxian pointed to the distance and said: "The soldiers from the express delivery shop must have gone to the county government to report the news first. We will follow to see the results."

"Let's go together!" Hong Song walked towards the county government first, and Xiang Chengxian and Fang Yingwu quickly followed.

The county town is not big and the road is not far away. The three of them arrived outside the county government office after a while. At this time, a group of idle people had gathered here, pointing and watching the fun.

Although in the past six months, from the county examination to the township examination, and now to the national examination, the results seem to be released more frequently, people are still eager to come and watch. Some people are already debating how many Jinshi can be passed in Chun'an County this time

Woke up.

Not long after, the gate of the county government office opened, and inside there were servants beating gongs and clerks holding big red papers.

When the red paper was pasted on the screen wall, the onlookers flocked forward to read the names. But looking left, right, and up and down, on the red paper, except for the useless words such as the "Wuxu Science Examination" in the 14th year of Chenghua, there were only

Three words for Douda——Fang Qingzhi.

Many people almost said "Hey" in unison. It is not surprising that Fang Jie Yuanzhong Jinshi, but he is the only one in Chun'an County, which is strange!

In the past few decades, Chun'an County's imperial examinations have gradually entered its heyday. In every major competition, two or three Chun'an people will be awarded Jinshi, but why is there only one this year?

"Congratulations to Brother Fang Xian!" Hong Song and Xiang Chengxian saw the names clearly and congratulated Fang Yingwu together.

Being a Jinshi is equivalent to becoming a seventh-grade official. This family is truly a carp leaping over the dragon's gate. It is not just a country squire, it has become an official family!

Fang Yingwu stared blankly at the paper, motionless for a long time. Hong and Xiang thought he was overwhelmed with joy, which was understandable. They stood beside him with smiles, waiting for Fang Yingwu to wake up on his own.


Fang Yingwu himself didn't know how to feel about facing this fact. Did his father, a master in the examination room, finally win?

Is a bookworm like him really going to be an official? My father, who has traveled thousands of miles, is worried!

In this era, the imperial court had powerful eunuchs, beloved concubines, queen mothers, relatives, monks, and Taoist priests. The most terrible thing was that there was an otaku emperor with no sense of responsibility, and the atmosphere was very messy.

But at the same time, the emperor had a more tolerant personality and did not chop off people's heads. There was a trend among the ministers to seek advice at all costs, which was the first of the Ming Dynasty's civil servants to risk their lives and act upright.

All kinds of contradictions are intertwined with each other, and the situation is extremely complicated, so officialdom is really not easy to deal with, and it is not something that ordinary people can endure!

When Fang Yingwu was doing research, he came across a piece of information. As many as 50% of the Jinshi in the second year of Chenghua were demoted or dismissed from office!

Only people like Li Shishi can stand out, but his father simply doesn't have the skill to move around?

Mr. Xiang saw that Mr. Fang had been in a daze for a long time. He couldn't help coughing and woke Fang Yingwu out of his thoughts. "Brother Fang Xian, don't be too happy to move. Let's go drink and have fun now to celebrate!"

Fang Yingwu sighed and said to Hong Song: "I'm afraid I won't be able to listen to the teachings of these two seniors in the county school from now on."

"What are you doing?" Hong Song asked confused.

"The darkness of the court is like the dense reefs in the rapids. I am afraid that my father will not be able to control it. I want to go to my father's side and help him."

If someone said such old-fashioned words, they would probably be laughed out of their wits. How can a sixteen-year-old son worry about his father's immaturity?

But after Fang Yingwu said this, Hong and Xiang recalled Fang Qingzhi and Fang Yingwu, and they didn't feel it was inconsistent.

"I still need to apply for a study tour diploma at the county school, but I am not familiar with the county school instructors, so I asked my two brothers to help."

Xiang Chengxian agreed: "It's easy to say, I'll take care of it. Your father is an official abroad, and it's human nature for you to fulfill your filial piety. The county school will not hinder you."

Hong Song remembered one thing, "Every year in March, the county school would go on an outing and hold a gathering to welcome new scholars. If you want to leave, you have to wait until after the gathering. You must leave a person in the hearts of your classmates.


"What Brother Hong said is absolutely true." Fang Yingwu agreed.

Xiang Chengxian sighed: "I thought we could go to the provincial examination together the year after next, but I don't know if Brother Fang Xian will be back by then."

Thinking of his family's repeated failures, Mr. Hong couldn't help complaining with a hint of regret: "If you can take the provincial examination in Shuntian Prefecture as the son of a registered official, you must never go back to Zhejiang, a crowded place!"

"Don't think so much, let's go! Go have a drink!" Xiang Chengxian urged.

Fang Yingwu grabbed Xiang Chengxian and said, "You can avoid drinking."

Mr. Xiang frowned and said, "Brother Fang Xian, do you look down on me, Mr. Xiang?"

Fang Yingwu said sheepishly: "You can just lend me the money for the wine. There must be someone else coming to Huaxi to bring good news, and my family has given away money several times in the past six months, and I am already so poor that I have no money."

It’s a reward, so it’s more economical for Brother Xiang to borrow money than treat him to a drink.”

Somehow, when Fang Yingwu made up his mind to follow his father, he suddenly felt excited.

Living in Chun'an County, I always feel that there is no place for heroes to show their talents, and there is not much room for their expertise. When you go to the capital, you can meet countless people whose names have been recorded in history books, and these people are also active on the stage.

For example, Shang Ge Lao has come to an end. (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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