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Chapter 97 Why don't you speak?

She is male and female, and there is no telling whether she is male or female; she is as beautiful as a flower but cruel and ruthless; she is powerful and commands the heroes; she is powerful in martial arts and is the ultimate villain boss!

If Fang Yingwu was given a description of these characteristics and asked to guess, he could only think of one character in the past, and that was Dongfang Bubai in various movies and TV series in his previous life.

But now compared with the Wang Zhi in front of him, he found that those descriptions could be applied to her, just by removing the words "high martial arts", and everything else was exactly the same.

Fang Yingwu came back from the unbelievable, unbelievable, and incredible shock. He felt that he had witnessed a truth, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It is too easy for a woman to disguise herself as a man, and it is too easy to be exposed and seen through, and she cannot hide it from others after a long time. However, when a woman pretends to be a eunuch, she really has a natural advantage, as she can act in her true colors.

For a well-known and famous eunuch, if you look at it with a fixed mindset, it is not a problem to behave in a feminine manner, and it is not a problem to speak in a high-pitched voice. No one can imagine that he is not an eunuch, and no one would think that he might be a woman pretending to be a eunuch.

When I was sighing, I heard Wang Zhi say: "I just asked you a few questions, and you answered them. It really made me realize that it is really unreasonable not to study. I don't think I owe you anything, you can also ask me two questions."

A question.”

Fang Yingwu couldn't help blurting out, "Are you really a girl?"

Wang Zhi said displeased: "Can't I lie to you? What's the problem? Just change it."

Fang Yingwu asked again: "Why did you tell me this secret?"

"You are better than those stubborn people. You scolded in front of others, scolded behind your back, scolded in public, and scolded in private. It is really unreasonable. At least you still distinguish between public and private, even if you show off in front of others, but

In private, he was willing to tell me the truth calmly, which benefited me a lot.

As I said just now, you are a very good person and worthy of friendship. So I want to leave a deep impression on you, lest you forget me when you leave the house."

Are you lying? Fang Yingwu looked unbelieving.

Wang Zhi sneered at this and said: "You literati just think about things in roundabout ways. If I tell you the truth, you are also suspicious. Don't you find it tiring?

I think in March, I arrested an official who took a fifty-tael bribe, but he just refused to believe that he was arrested just for taking a fifty-tael bribe. He insisted that I, the factory supervisor, wanted to harm him because of a political dispute. There were also a group of people who were arrested for taking a fifty-tael bribe.

His accomplices ran and shouted for him, accusing me of persecuting officials and indiscriminately arresting ministers. This is really ridiculous."

Fang Yingwu didn't know whether to call her simple or complicated. This female factory supervisor was really a strange combination of contradictions, and the thoughts in her mind were unpredictable.

Only in the special closed environment of the palace could such a strange person grow up. He was a strange person who didn't read much and only knew how to do things.

It seems that in the history books, I don’t know whether it is because of inner inferiority or some other reason. While Wang is suppressing the courtiers, she also likes to make friends with upright gentlemen. Although she has repeatedly hit the wall, she never tires of it. Could it be that my attitude towards her today is not respectful?

, and then she caught his eye instead?

"This question is boring. What's the second question? I've even told you my identity secret. If you show me your true face, what else can you say? So you don't have to worry about anything."

Are they not that familiar with each other? Fang Yingwu didn’t want to keep entangled anymore, and he had nothing to ask. When it came to the word "secret", who knew as many "secrets" as he did? He asked casually:

"How old are you this year?"

The age of Wang Zhi or Wang Zhi has always been a historical mystery. A big guess is that it is eighteen or nineteen, and a small guess is that it is fourteen or fifteen. There is no conclusion yet. If it can be asked, it can be regarded as filling a gap in historical data.

Fang Yingwu thought about it if he liked textual research.

Wang Zhi smiled softly and said, "I didn't expect you to be so interested in my age. I often see in books about talented men and beauties that readers often ask other women how old they are and whether they have ever been married. Are you the same?"

Fang Yingwu was extremely weird in his heart. He took out the book of gifted men and beautiful women to make a metaphor. Was this unintentional simplicity or intentional ambiguity?

Facing the beautiful-looking West Factory Supervisor Wang Zhi, who was wearing a red eunuch's robe embroidered with dragon-like patterns, Fang Yingwu was in a daze for a moment. He didn't know whether he should treat her as a father-in-law or a strange woman.

I have to admit, this is really a weird and weird beauty that I can't look directly at.

Just listen to Wang Zhi continue: "Actually, I don't know very well. If I was four years old when I entered the palace, I would be fifteen this year. If I was five years old when I entered the palace, I would be sixteen this year."

Although Fang Yingwu was mentally prepared, he was still a little surprised. It turned out that she was only fifteen or sixteen years old, even younger than the seventeen or eighteen years old he estimated based on historical data!

However, it seems that Wang Zhi does not have the principle that "a woman's age is a secret".

That's it for now, I'm content to save a life. Fang Yingwu said casually: "I have nothing else to do, so I'll say goodbye!"

"Are you going north? I have to continue going south without any leisure. Although the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is beautiful, the weather is hot and humid, and the sweat is too much. It is sticky and uncomfortable." Wang Zhi frowned and said, holding it against her chest again.

The front robe is loose.

This made Fang Yingwu feel dizzy. She must have been used to playing the role of asexual eunuch for many years, and some small actions were too careless.

"The next place is Suzhou, where Wang Futai is now. In fact, I admire Lord Wang's loyalty very much. He is really a member of the country. Although I have never met him, I have always admired him very much."

Has this habit of not hitting the wall and never looking back happened again? Fang Yingwu complained in his heart.

"By the way, I heard from Mr. Deng that you came from Mr. Wang of Suzhou, and you seem to be a relative of him. Can you tell me what kind of person Mr. Wang is and what you have been busy with recently? So that I can be prepared."

Fang Yingwu replied: "Mr. Wang, please let him."

As soon as he started talking, Fang Yingwu suddenly had a connection and suddenly woke up!

The person in front of me is not the innocent girl next door, but the emperor's secret agent, and he is a very successful agent! How could she ask me for no reason to find out what others have done!

As long as she speaks another word from her mouth, it may be used as a basis for her to use the topic. There are countless ways to use the topic, which happens to be what Xichang is best at, such as taking quotes out of context, making a mountain out of a molehill, deliberately misinterpreting, changing the story, and spreading rumors.

Rumors and so on.

How did Wang Zhi start her business? She gained the emperor's trust by personally spying on intelligence. This was her professional line!

Thinking of this, Fang Yingwu broke out in cold sweat again, vaguely realizing that he might have touched the truth.

She didn't like coming to Jiangnan, but there was absolutely no reason why the emperor still asked her to patrol Jiangnan. Could it be to deal with Wang Shu, a thorn in the emperor's side?

Although many of today's ministers are timid and cowardly, they cater to the flatterers, they are often found dead, and their morale is quite degenerate.

But there is one advantage: there will not be many people like Yan Song and Zhao Wenhua who deliberately kill each other in order to win the favor of the emperor. Therefore, many righteous people were retained as seeds among the civil servants, and they endured until the Hongzhi era. Watch until the clouds open and the moon shines.

Under this situation, although Wang Shu, who was far away in the south of the Yangtze River, was always sparse and remonstrating with the emperor, he still annoyed the emperor as always and was a thorn in the emperor's heart.

But the emperor really couldn't find anyone to go to Jiangnan to deal with this old man who was famous all over the two capitals. Even his chief minister Wan An was unwilling to wade into this muddy water, so he had to send Wang Zhi to Jiangnan himself to look for trouble.

Otherwise, why did Wang Zhi go to the south of the Yangtze River? It was neither to guard the place nor to purchase. It was totally unreasonable.

After understanding her purpose, Fang Yingwu understood everything.

As for why Wang Zhi wants to tell the truth from herself, that's because if she wants to make a lie, it must be based on the truth. What she is doing now is to tell the truth from herself!

With Wang Shu's reputation, it is not easy to fabricate something to make people believe it, but if it is said from the mouth of his future grandson, the meaning will be different. No matter what he says, in her hands, it will be at her discretion. shaped dough.

What's more, although Mr. Wang Shu is upright, he may still have some reservations in front of outsiders. But at home, facing relatives and descendants like himself, he must be relatively relaxed.

As long as you are willing, you are not afraid of catching trivial things from your own mouth that can be used to stir up trouble - the premise is that it is in line with the emperor's wishes and the emperor can believe it. This is the most terrifying thing about the factory security spy organization.

Could it be that Wang Zhi has been acting cute in front of her for so long just to wait for this moment? She is like a hunting beast that can lie dormant for three days and three nights, just for the final fierce blow.

As for him, he prides himself on being smart and scheming, and he knows himself and his enemy. But he almost fell into the trap step by step and almost sold his future grandfather.

No wonder the history books said that Wang Zhi was cunning by nature! But when he looked left and right just now, he only saw an innocent and cute Wang Zhi. He really couldn't see where the cunning was. It turned out to be like this!

Thinking more carefully, this female eunuch likes to make friends with upright gentlemen, but she is often slapped in the face. However, she always "doesn't regret it as her clothes get wider", making the world laugh at her for her low self-esteem and her arty habits. It seems that in fact it is true in this way.

But this may be a pretentious gesture. Firstly, you can find a few talented people even if you are looking for a needle in a haystack. Secondly, you can induce people with a sense of moral superiority to unknowingly put themselves in trouble when they meet her. He acts arrogantly, but relaxes the caution and precautions that should be taken.

This kind of attitude can be called a hidden needle! There is a reason why she can rise in a short period of time.

Otherwise, the Admiral of the West Factory has such a great reputation, so others should be careful when meeting them, and don't speak if they can. This is actually a kind of information blockade. It is not good for a secret agent like her.

However, she is able to maintain a low-key and approachable attitude, which is in great contrast to her fame. Therefore, when talking face to face, she can offset some of the influence of her own notoriety and at the same time reduce the other person's vigilance.

The more Fang Yingwu thought about it, the more he sweated, and he felt deeply afraid. This time he truly realized that even if he was familiar with history books, after traveling through this time and space, he still could not underestimate the ancients.

Although the female eunuch Wang Zhi does not seem to be a good reader, she has learned the essence of "doing things in a high profile and being a low-key person" without any teacher. This should be her talent and instinct, or it may be the result of being trained in the palace environment since she was a child.

As for her taking the initiative to reveal her identity and being ambiguous, she probably saw that she was the same age as the opposite sex, so she subconsciously used her beauty advantage to close the distance between them. At the same time, it was a huge impact on herself, making her lose her normality.

Heart. Could this also be her talent and instinct?

Of course she is not afraid of telling it out. If she says it out, it will only be regarded as a rumor. The reason is very simple. It cannot be confirmed. Who dares to ask Eunuch Wang to take off his clothes to confirm the truth? As long as it cannot be confirmed, whether the world will believe it or not, she is still a Xi

Factory Supervisor.

Moreover, palace maids and eunuchs are both domestic slaves of the emperor. The emperor has a bad taste and sends palace maids to be factory supervisors. What is the essential difference between them and eunuchs? They are not men anyway, and ministers have no right to deal with them without authorization.

Even if the fuss got really big, the most he could do was recall her to the palace and hide her, and send out a eunuch who was ten times more brutal than Wang Zhi. But Fang Yingwu, who had ruined the emperor's taste, was "Jane in the emperor's heart" and didn't have a single penny.

Money benefits.

With such an outstanding talent, it is no wonder that she was favored by both the Emperor and Concubine Wan Gui at a very young age. She indeed has her secret!

Fang Yingwu thought about it again. The history books used a cunning word to describe Eunuch Wang, which was a final conclusion. It was absolutely correct.

"Why were you suddenly in a daze for a long time and stopped talking?" Wang Zhi frowned and asked in confusion. (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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