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Chapter 366

Lin Yi punched and kicked him, venting his anger.

Qian Lai didn't dare to put up any resistance and curled up and let Lin Yi beat him.

During the beating, Lin Yi saw the look Qian Lai gave him, and he suddenly woke up.

Maybe, things are not what you imagined.

What he knew was just Hua Qianduo's words.

But in order not to let Hua Qianduo see the flaw, he still took action with all his strength and beat Qian Lai up.

Hua Qianduo stood aside and watched with a smile on her face.

Lin Yi took action in anger, which showed that he had accepted the result in his heart, but he still had a lot of anger in his heart, and he just needed to vent it out.

Everything will go according to her plan.

Basically, Lin Yi was completely defeated by her.

From now on, I will obey her orders and be manipulated by her.

This is crucial to her next plan.

"You bitch, I want to beat you to death!"

Lin Yi was ruthless and cursed.

After the beating, Qian Lai's face was swollen into a pig's head, and he looked extremely miserable.

"Master, I'm leaving!"

Lin Yi and Hua Qianduo greeted each other and turned to leave.

"Shaoxia Lin, I'll give it to you!"

I couldn't explain the money clearly, but I still did my duty and muttered.

"Lead the way!"

Lin Yi kicked Qian Lai hard and walked forward while kicking.

Where is the money to send Lin Yi?

It was Lin Yi who kicked Qian Lai out of the house all the way.

Hua Qianduo covered her mouth and smiled softly.

She didn't care at all about the injuries that came from the money.

As long as Lin Yi can vent the anger in her heart, completely accept this reality, and completely accept her fate, she won't even blink even if she kills Qian Lai.

This kind of traitor and traitor, even a demon cultivator like her, completely despises her from the bottom of her heart.

It is also impossible for her to entrust important matters to Qian, and it is impossible for her to reuse money.

All the way to the outside of the Qian family.

When no one was around, Lin Yi stopped punching and kicking Qian Lai.

"How else do you want to make excuses?"

Lin Yi looked at the money coming and asked simply.

"Young Master Lin, I have my own reasons!"

Qian Lai immediately put up a spiritual isolation shield, his face full of grievance, and he said sadly.

"What's the reason?"

"How much trouble is worth betraying the Qian family and the entire Xianyun County?"

Lin Yi asked angrily.

"At that time, Hua Qianduo and many demon cultivators invaded our Qian family!"

"The head of the family and my mother are not in the family, and I am alone. If I resist, the entire Qian family will fall, and no one will be spared!"

"In desperation, I decided to do the next best thing and agreed to be Hua Qianduo's traitor. I would cooperate with her inside and outside so that the two powerful demon cultivators could seize the family head and mother!"

Qian Lai looked helpless and burst into tears.

"When thousands of flowers take over Zi Yan, you can't resist, so you can only retreat and do the next best thing. I can understand it!"

"After all, the two seniors Qian Chuan and Zhao Xianglu still have Zi Yan's jade in their hands, and they can still rescue Zi Yan!"

"Why do you continue to be a traitor and a traitor when these two heroes are back and the Qian family has its backbone and can fight back?"

Lin Yi asked.

The excuse for money is full of loopholes.

He didn't believe it at all.

"I thought so too!"

"I confessed to the head of the family and my mother about what I did, and they all said that I did the right thing. This is what I have to do to take care of the overall situation!"

"When you are not as strong as the opponent, if you go head-to-head, you will hit the stone with an egg, and the person will be killed!"

"I originally thought that I could fight back, so that I could feel better. I also told them that there are two powerful demon cultivators who want to take away their bodies!"

"Unexpectedly, after some consideration, they actually decided to use their trick and were willing to be taken away from me, so that I could continue to cooperate with Hua Qianduo and gain more trust!"

Qian Lai talked about what happened.

"Just follow the plan?"

"Did Qian Chuan and Zhao Xianglu take away their homes voluntarily?"

Lin Yi was shocked.

However, this explanation does make sense.

These two are both great demon slayers. They have been dealing with demon cultivators and know their methods very well.

If they can easily be possessed by demons of the same realm and seize their bodies at the same time, there is indeed something fishy about it.

"They want to know Hua Qianduo's true plan!"

"If Hua Qianduo doesn't capture them, we won't be able to implement the next plan!"

"If we can't know Hua Qianduo's true purpose, we can't really punish her!"

"After all, she can be distracted countless times and possess other people's bodies. There is no limit to the number of times she can seize the body. She can't be killed at all, and she can't kill them all!"

Qian Lai said seriously.

"They want to know the true purpose of Hua Qianduo, I can understand this!"

"I'm also very curious about what Hua Qianduo wants to do!"

Lin Yi said solemnly.

Until now, he still hasn't figured out why Hua Qianduo didn't kill him, but wanted to practice dual cultivation with him, practicing the yin and yang harmony skill.

The key is.

Hua Qianduo used Zi Yan's body, not her own body.

If you really value him, why would you use Zi Yan's body to cultivate with him?

After all, if you are just possessing someone, it will be difficult to advance to a higher realm. Even if you practice dual cultivation with him, you will only be able to reach the transcendent realm or even the higher combined realm, and it is almost impossible to become an immortal.

Just for a powerful clone, there is no need to go to such great lengths.

There must be some unknown secrets hidden behind this.

"The layout of Hua Qianduo is huge, I feel deeply about it!"

"She started planning for things that will happen a long time ago!"

"And I won't give up until I achieve my goal!"

"Killing and failing to kill, after killing a clone, she will come back soon and continue to implement the plan!"

Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh.

"The head of the family and my mother have also noticed some clues about Hua Qianduo's origins, and know that her body has a high status in demon cultivation!"

"The person behind this invasion of our Xianyun County is actually Hua Qianduo's true form!"

"The head of the family and my mother want to use their tactics to find out the real purpose of Hua Qianduo, and at the same time find out the identity of Hua Qianduo, so that we can solve the problem from the root!"

Qian Lai said seriously.

"This plan does sound feasible!"

"However, this is too risky!"

"Have they thought of a way out?"

Lin Yi couldn't help but asked worriedly.

He did not expect that these two heroes would make such a big sacrifice in order to eradicate Hua Qianduo.

Willing to be taken over by others.

If it were him, he would never agree.

Most practitioners find it difficult to achieve this step.

This is the difference between ordinary people and heroes.

A hero is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of justice.

Ordinary people, even if they have good intentions, would prioritize protecting themselves before thinking about saving others.

"Of course they left a way out!"

"This is their spiritual nourishing jade, which contains their natal consciousness!"

"In the future, when the time is right, they can regain their physical bodies and come back to life!"

"If their physical body is destroyed, they can also use other people's physical bodies to take over and be reborn!"

While Qian Lai was talking, he took out three spiritual nourishing jade and said solemnly.

"This one is?"

Lin Yi looked at the third spiritual jade and couldn't help but ask.

"This is Zi Yan's nourishing jade!"

"All the jade that nourishes the spirit of their family of three is here!"

Money comes in a serious way.

"How pathetic!"

Lin Yi looked at these three spiritual nourishing jade with regret on his face.

A hero like Qian Chuan, a family of three, now only has three jade for nourishing the soul.

"The nourishing jade left here with me is just a part of it. It's just a way out!"

"In order to prevent accidents and irreversible situations!"

"The head of the family and my mother also have other back-ups!"

"They will definitely come back to life in the future, but they didn't tell me about the other back-up men, maybe because they were worried that I would completely rebel!"

Qian Lai said truthfully.

"They have all been taken away, and they don't even know what is happening now!"

"How do they detect Hua Qianduo's true purpose?"

Lin Yi couldn't help but ask.

"This requires us to take action!"

"We should work together inside and outside to find out Hua Qianduo's true purpose, and then we can rescue them!"

"When the time comes, just tell them what happened recently!"

Qian Lai said with a serious face.

"Is it up to me to turn the situation around?"

"They put all their hopes on me?"

Lin Yi pointed at himself, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Such an important responsibility.

They hadn't said a word before, and they suddenly handed it over to him.

This is too much trust in him!

This chapter has been completed!
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