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Chapter 1137 Xiao Family in Qingyou Valley

Fulong City

This Fulong City is not the Fulong City in Youzhou in the Middle Earth, but is located in the Kingdom of Wu. It is one of the three major cities in the Kingdom of Wu.

On this day, a man and a woman were walking on the streets of Fulong City. The man was wearing a green robe, with a fair face, regular features, and long hair tied tightly behind his back.

However, a strand of white hair on his forehead attracted the attention of many people around him.

Next to him, there was a tall woman wearing a white robe. The woman wore a veil, only revealing two stunningly beautiful eyes, shining with smart light.

This pair of eyes alone attracted countless gazes from around her. As if she felt the gazes coming from her, the woman couldn't help but frown slightly.

Fulong City is full of traffic and very lively.

Xiao Lin, who was walking in the city, was filled with emotions. After he asked for immortality, Xiao Shi took his family and settled in Fulong City.

At that time, Fulong City was still affiliated with the Yuxi Kingdom. Now, times have changed, things and people have changed, and the Yuxi Kingdom back then has long been lost in the red dust of history.

There are only a few ancient buildings that still carry a trace of the heavy atmosphere of the past.

The two of them walked slowly on the wide street, feeling the turmoil of the world.

Xiao Lin looked at the expressions of these mortals. Some were filled with happy smiles, some were walking in a hurry, and some were full of sorrow. All their emotions and desires were perfectly displayed on their faces.

But Xiao Lin suddenly had a feeling, maybe, this is life.

A mortal's life is only a few hundred years, and it passes in a snap. Whether he is successful or poor, he returns to dust and returns to dust. The final outcome is to reenter reincarnation and fall into an endless cycle.

Of course, Xiao Lin doesn't know whether the Netherworld really exists. Even if a powerful monk like him is already the pinnacle of this world, he still can't see the Netherworld.

Perhaps, only by ascending to the upper realm can we find some clues about the netherworld. The theory of reincarnation is elusive.

In contrast, Xiao Lin believes more in the road to immortality. Only by constantly climbing on this road can one avoid falling into reincarnation. If he can achieve the body of a true immortal one day, he may be able to live forever.

But the body of a true immortal is a luxury wish even for Xiao Lin. And it is unknown whether a true immortal can really live as long as heaven and earth.

I think it has been more than 1,200 years since my cultivation. It has even surpassed the national destiny of Yuxi Kingdom. It is also a long time that many people cannot survive for more than ten generations. Ordinary mortals, busy all their lives, in the end, return to the starting point.


Time has passed, and the Xiao family compound has long since ceased to exist and has become a place of romance. After some inquiries, the two finally got some useful information from an old man next to them.

It turns out that the old man's ancestors were neighbors with the Xiao family, and some of the things that happened back then were preserved through word of mouth.

More than a hundred years ago, the Yuxi Kingdom launched a riot, and the Wu Kingdom, which had always been eyeing the Yuxi Kingdom, also took the opportunity to launch a war and invaded the Yuxi Kingdom.

At that time, the Xiao family was already the mainstay of the Yuxi Kingdom. The head of the Xiao family, Xiao Lingshan, was even regarded as the marshal of the Yuxi Kingdom. Facing the invasion of the Wu Kingdom, he naturally had the unshirkable responsibility to lead a group of Xiao family troops to fight against the Wu Kingdom.

It is a pity that the Yuxi Kingdom's national destiny has declined, corruption has become common among the army, and its combat effectiveness has declined seriously. In addition, the country's leader is stupid and traitors are all over the court, making the Yuxi Kingdom already decayed.

After a great battle, the Yuxi Kingdom was defeated, Marshal Xiao Lingshan was beheaded on the battlefield, and all the Xiao family troops who did not die in the battle were captured.

After this, the army of Wu State was so powerful that they broke through the capital of Yuxi State in one fell swoop and completely destroyed Yuxi State.

After this, everyone thought that the Xiao family would be liquidated, but what is intriguing is that the Xiao family was not harassed in any way. Even when the Wu State army took over Fulong City, all the troops surrounded Xiao

Go to the big house.

But after that, the Xiao family suddenly moved out of the Xiao family mansion one day and disappeared without a trace.

The old man Xiao Lin asked about recalled based on what his ancestors said, saying that the Xiao family probably moved to the Tianlu Mountains and lived in seclusion.

As for the reason, he didn't know.

After understanding this, Xiao Lin followed the old man's description and went to the junction of Wu Kingdom and Tianlu Mountains to search around.

After some searching, he actually found it.

In a small valley on the edge of the Tianlu Mountains, there is a small village, like a paradise.

The people in this small village all have the surname Xiao. They live a life where men farm and women weave. Apart from plowing the fields, they spend most of their time hunting in the mountains.

What makes Xiao Lin strange is that outside the valley, close to the border of Wu Kingdom, there is a city named [Dragon Guard City]. There is a team of cavalry guarding the city, with tens of thousands of people. And the people of this Dragon Guard City are guarding the city.

The city lord is actually an immortal cultivator in the early stage of the Golden Core Realm.

The city lord Wu Yixian is sitting cross-legged in a secret room practicing. He has stayed in the Dragon Guard City for fifty years. In another ten years, his mission will be completed and he can return to the mountain to concentrate on training.

Ten years, to him, is just a long period of retreat.

His mission was received from his family, and his purpose was to protect the Qingyou Valley not far outside the city. He also knew a little about the origins of the people in the Qingyou Valley, and they seemed to be the descendants of a certain big shot.

After Wu Kingdom destroyed Yuxi Kingdom, they were unwilling to submit to Wu Kingdom and serve for Wu Kingdom. At that time, the leader of Wu Kingdom was furious and originally wanted to kill the entire Xiao family, but then the elder of the clan suddenly came and

After some closed-door discussions, the attitude of the leader of Wu Kingdom suddenly changed.

Not only did he pardon the Xiao family's crime of disrespect, but after some discussions with the Xiao family, he respected their choice and lived in seclusion.

A hundred years have passed now. After a hundred years of reproduction and reproduction, the Xiao clan in Qingyou Valley has become prosperous. Even the eldest elder of the Wu family will send people to Qingyou Valley every three years to select Xiao family children with spiritual qualifications.

Take them to the Tianlu Mountains to practice immortality and Taoism.

You must know that the Wu family today is one of the best families in the Dancao Mountain in the Southern Territory.

Even the Xiao family members don't know why the Wu family treats them so well, and the Wu family never reveals the reason.

On this day, a handsome man and a veiled woman strolled outside the valley. They saw a group of children playing and playing at the entrance of the valley, and they couldn't help but come to their side.

These children, four girls and three boys, range in age from four or five to thirteen or fourteen years old.

Xiao Lin suddenly stared at one of the seven or eight-year-old boys, with a thoughtful expression on his face. It turned out that he saw the shadow of himself in this child.

And another boy, eight or nine years old, looks somewhat similar to Xiao Shi.

"Sister, you are so beautiful. Are you from outside the valley?" A little girl with a ponytail ran up to the two of them, looked at the veiled Lin Xueying, and said with a bit of milkiness.

Lin Xueying's charming eyes suddenly turned into crescent moons. She knelt down and held the little girl's hand.

"Little sister, what is your name?"

"My name is Yinyin and his name is Xiao Xuan." At this time, the little boy whose background Xiao Lin knew also ran over and tried to pull the girl away. He looked at Xiao Lin and the two with a wary expression.

"Who are you? Why can you enter Qingyou Valley? Aren't you afraid that the immortals will come and kill you?" When the little boy heard the girl say her name, he immediately pulled her behind him, and then looked at the two of them, fiercely.


"Oh? Haha, are you also from the Xiao family? I'm afraid the people from the Wu family you mentioned have already arrived, right?" Xiao Lin said without being angry.

When the little boy heard this, he immediately looked outside the valley, but after looking for a long time, he didn't see anyone coming. Then he suddenly realized, turned his head hurriedly, and said loudly to the other children: "This person is an outsider, his origin is unknown, Big Bear

, quickly go and call Third Uncle and the others to come."

When the oldest boy, who was thirteen or fourteen years old, heard this, he didn't hesitate at all and ran towards the valley, calling his third uncle as he ran.

At this time, there was a sound of breaking through the void, and a red light fell from the sky. When the red light dissipated, two people were revealed.

The leader was a middle-aged man in his forties, driving a flaming flying sword that was hovering around it.

Behind him was a woman in her thirties, with a delicate appearance, and a flame bead floating beside her.

When the two of them saw Xiao Lin and Lin Xueying, they were slightly startled. The middle-aged man in the lead said respectfully: "Who are you two fellow Taoists? What's the purpose of coming to Qingyou Valley?"

When the leading middle-aged man saw Xiao Lin and the two of them, he was surprised to find that there was not the slightest fluctuation of magic power in the two of them. However, for some reason, it gave him an extremely dangerous feeling, which made him dare not neglect it.

Before the other party's purpose, he dare not say anything to offend the other party.

"Your surname is Wu?" Xiao Lin said calmly with no expression on his face when he heard this.

"I am Wu Yixian, Tian is the Lord of Dragon Guard City, and this is my junior sister, Wu Haiyao."

"Oh, it turns out he is protecting the Xiao family in Qingyou Valley." Xiao Lin nodded when he heard this, and his expression became calmer.

The little boy had a surprised expression on his face. What surprised him was not what Wu Yixian said, but what Xiao Lin had said before. Someone would come soon. Not long after he finished speaking, someone came, and there were two of them.

The legendary immortals, he couldn't help but classify Xiao Lin and the two as immortals.

"Do you know Wu Xiuniang and Wu Tianyuan?" Xiao Lin said lightly.

When Wu Yixian heard this, his body trembled and his eyes showed an incredible expression. Even the woman beside him was shocked.

"Senior, do you know our two supreme elders of the Wu family?"

"It seems so. In this way, the reason why you are guarding Qingyou Valley in this Dragon Guard City is because of the decree of your two Supreme Elders."

"Senior's insight, it is the family that sent us to guard here."

"Okay, since you are members of the Wu family, you can go and go back to deliver a message to Wu Xiu Niang and Wu Tianyuan for Xiao. Xiao Lin is very grateful for their care of the Xiao family and hopes that they can continue to do so.

Let the Xiao family continue to thrive."

"Xiao Lin? The Great Emperor Haoran Tianzong's sect leader, Senior Xiao Xiao?" After Xiao Lin reported his name, the two of them were really shocked. Who is Xiao Lin? His deeds have already spread throughout the ancient desert continent.

Not to mention them, even the low-level monks knew the name of this ancestor Xiao, who was in the Destruction Heaven Saint Realm, defeated the leader of the Nine Infants Blood Refining Saint Sect, and beheaded the leader of the Heavenly Sect of Beiming Youdu.

After transforming into a god, he defeated the Lei Peng Clan, frightened the Dragon and Phoenix Clan, and made good friends with the Nine-Tailed Clan, allowing the human race and the demon race to equally divide the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Demons, and secured countless resources for the human race.

After that, Xu Huanniang was killed to save the world from disaster.

Xiao Lin's deeds have already spread throughout the entire world of immortality.

Wu Yixian had never thought before that the Xiao clan members in Qingyou Valley were actually the descendants of this ancestor Xiao. He had never dared to think about it before. Now that he knew the truth, he was immediately moved by the actions of the two ancestors of his family.

I am extremely impressed by what I have done.

Such a person, as long as there is nothing wrong with his mind, will probably deliberately curry favor with him.

Upon hearing Xiao Lin's expulsion order, the two of them immediately bent down, bowed respectfully, and then turned around without saying a word and used the spiritual light to escape, quickly disappearing without a trace.

"Ah~~~You. You." The little boy couldn't help but be stunned after seeing the two immortals who were protecting their clansmen escaping. Then he looked at Xiao Lin, and suddenly his eyes lit up. Something seemed to be ringing.

"What am I? Do I have flowers on my face?" Xiao Lin looked at the little boy and replied with a smile.

"Why do you look exactly like the ancestors of our Xiao family?" After a long time, the little boy stammered.

When Xiao Lin heard this, he couldn't help but smile: "Is it possible that I am your ancestor?"

The little boy was extremely intelligent, but he was also shocked by Xiao Lin's words and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Are you really Ancestor Xiao? But our ancestors have left the tribe for more than a thousand years. Don't you live for more than a thousand years?" The little boy suddenly thought of the flaw in Xiao Lin's words, and his confidence suddenly increased.

Said loudly.

At this time, bustling sounds were heard in the valley. A strong man in his thirties, leading seven or eight people, walked towards the entrance of the valley with various farming tools in their hands.

When he arrived at the mouth of the valley and saw that the children were fine, the strong man breathed a sigh of relief and then looked at Xiao Lin and the two.

After seeing Xiao Lin's appearance, the strong man couldn't help but be stunned.

"Third uncle, this man said his name is Xiao Lin, and he is the ancestor of our Xiao family." The boy said loudly.

"Are you really the ancestor of our Xiao family? Our ancestor of the Xiao family has been away for more than a thousand years. Don't you think you have lived for more than a thousand years?" The strong man looked at Xiao Lin, his eyes full of shock and suspicion.


"If your ancestor is named Xiao Lin, and his brother is named Xiao Shi, his sister is Xiao Zhi, and his father is named Xiao Shan, then he should be him." Xiao Lin said with a smile on his face.

But after listening to his words, the strong man and the few people behind him no longer had any doubts, and they all knelt down under the surprised eyes of several children.

"Meet the ancestors."

This chapter has been completed!
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