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Chapter 1145 Multi-armed Monk

 Xiao Lin asked some more questions about the Law Domain and the Sword Domain. However, Elder Luo was also vague, and it was obvious that he did not know much about the situation in these two domains.

After chatting for a while, Xiao Lin said goodbye and returned to the room to continue recovering from his injuries.

Although he was able to circulate mana, the power of his spiritual consciousness was unable to be used, resulting in him being unable to summon the star ring and the magic weapon in his body.

Xiao Lin has practiced the Mending Sky Sutra to the fourth level, but for some reason, after he ascended to the spiritual world, although he could sense the huge power of divine consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, he was unable to drive it or control it.

Divine consciousness disperses outside the body.

Every day, Xiao Lin would silently run the fourth level of Tian Mending Sutra, trying to make a breakthrough, but he has been unable to do so.

This made Xiao Lin feel strange and helpless. It seemed that he could only repair the heavy damage suffered in the sea of ​​consciousness through the practice of Mending Sky Sutra.

A few months later.

Xiao Lin opened his eyes from trance and felt that the spirit boat had stopped.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"come in."

Following Xiao Lin's words, the maid taking care of Xiao Lin opened the door.

"Xiao Gongfeng, Elder Luo ordered that the spirit boat has arrived at the Baohua waters, and the crew has already started working on the sea. If nothing happens, Xiao Gongfeng can handle it by himself, as usual."

"Xiao got it." Xiao Lin nodded, then got up from the bed and quickly reached the deck.

It was very lively on the deck, and dozens of crew members were ready and ready to go to sea at any time.

At this time, Xiao Lin also noticed that there were two Taishi chairs placed next to the spirit boat. Yang Lin and Min Zheng were sitting on them, looking relaxed and drinking tea.

Elder Luo constantly explained to the crew what to pay attention to after entering the sea and the dangers they might encounter.

After talking for half an hour, the crew members jumped into the sea one after another and disappeared without a trace.

Xiao Lin came to the side of the boat, looked at the rolling sea, and stood quietly.

Three or four hours later, Xiao Lin saw that some crew members began to surface one after another. They were carrying breathing instruments in their mouths. With such instruments, there was no need to worry even if they worked on the seabed for several hours.

In the arena test, the reason why holding one's breath is tested is mainly because once the ventilation device malfunctions or breaks, the crew can get out of the water in time and avoid drowning.

Several crew members who came up threw a cloth bag from their waists and put it on, and someone immediately threw a cloth bag from the side of the ship.

After getting the cloth bag, the crew members plunged into the sea again one by one.

At this time, Xiao Lin also noticed that the people on the boat were opening the cloth bags one by one and taking out treasure clams about a foot in size. These pearl clams exuded colorful auras, and Xiao Lin also felt a strong aura.

Spiritual energy rushed to my face.

After this period of study, Xiao Lin could tell at a glance that these Baohua clams were basically within three hundred years old, and the Baohua beads bred in their bodies were basically ordinary grade. Ordinary grade Baohua beads could only be inlaid.

Some low-level magic weapons are of little use.

Moreover, the price of ordinary Baohua beads is much cheaper. There is a saying in the Baohua bead market that one level of difference in quality means a hundredfold price difference.

The price of an ordinary ordinary Baohua Bead on the market is about 200 low-grade spiritual stones, while the market price of an ordinary magic-grade Baohua Bead soars to 20,000 low-grade spiritual stones.

As for spiritual items and legendary immortal items, the prices are even more outrageous.

So far, Xiao Lin has seen that the treasure beads collected by the crew are all ordinary products, not even a magical product. Elder Luo is also watching the crew members working with a somewhat nervous expression.

The cost of their trip to sea is also extremely high, not to mention the cost of the three major sacrifices and the crew. The portion that is turned over to the trading company every year is an astronomical figure, and this does not include the spiritual stones consumed by the spirit boat going back and forth.

If you encounter some more risks, your trip will probably be in vain.

Of course, if everything goes well and he collects a few magical treasure beads, he can basically get his money back. If he is unlucky and collects a spiritual treasure pearl, he can still do well even if he doesn't go to sea this year.

I took a year off.

Elder Luo was not idle either. After the Baohua clams were piled up, he and his two subordinates began to select them one by one. Most of the Baohua clams would be thrown away by them because the quality of the Baohua pearls produced by the Baohua clams was too poor.

Return to the sea.

The Baohua Pearl is the basis for the survival of the Baohua Clam. Once the Baohua Pearl is stripped away, the Baohua Clam will die within a few hours.

Baohua pearl collectors also know that if all Baohua pearls are taken out regardless of quality, then soon the Baohua clams in the entire Baohua sea area will probably become scarce and even be on the verge of extinction. Then they will also

It is impossible to collect the Baohua Pearl.

Therefore, Elder Luo and his two subordinates did not even look at the Baohua clams that were under two hundred years old and threw them directly back into the sea. The Baohua clams that were over two hundred years old were carefully selected.

Keep the good quality parts and throw the rest back into the sea.

Xiao Lin watched curiously as Elder Luo led his subordinates to work. After a long time, they planed away the parts and threw them back into the sea. Only a dozen treasure beads could be left and successfully collected. These dozen beads were all

The quality of Baohua beads is relatively high among ordinary products.

It can be sold for nearly 300 yuan of low-grade spiritual stones in the market.

As for the Dharma Baohua Pearl, none appeared.

After giving some guidance, Elder Luo let his subordinates work while he stood up and slowly came to Xiao Lin's side.

"The multi-armed people fish for Baohua clams, but unlike us, they just select the ones with good quality and put the rest back into the sea. They don't care, as long as the Baohua clams take out Baohua beads one by one, and there are a lot of them.

Wholesale to several neighboring races, the quantity and quality of Baohua beads have declined significantly in the past hundred years."

Xiao Lin heard the anger in Elder Luo's words.

"Don't these multi-armed people know the principle of fishing in the lake?" Xiao Lin asked curiously.

"Those barbarians." After Elder Luo said this, he stopped talking, but the meaning of his words contained everything.

Xiao Lin also thought about what he learned about the origin of the Multi-Armed Clan in Baohua City. Of course, these records are just legends. Whether the truth is really the case needs to be investigated.

It is recorded in many ancient books that the multi-armed race originated from the human race and are the descendants of a wild beast called the centipede beast.

In ancient times, this hundred-legged beast roamed the northwest corner of the Holy Moon Continent. At that time, the human race had just established a foothold here. Naturally, they would not allow the existence of such a ferocious beast, so they started to fight with this wild beast.

There was a fight.

Unexpectedly, after this wild and ferocious beast devoured humans, it gave birth to a brand new race. This race is the ancestor of the multi-armed race.

But the strange thing is that the ancestors of the multi-armed race look just like the human race, except that they are much taller. Of course, their physical strength is also far superior to that of the human race. Basically, they are born with elementary body refinement skills.

physical strength.

After countless years of fighting, the centipede beasts were gradually killed by the human race, leaving behind many multi-armed tribesmen.

At that time, when the human race saw that the appearance of the multi-armed tribe was no different from that of the human race, and that they had gentle personalities, they did not kill them all, but instead set aside an area to allow them to develop on their own.

Later, the cultivation techniques of the human race were gradually introduced to the multi-armed tribe, and the multi-armed tribe also began to practice immortality.

After countless years of this, the human race was surprised to find that the multi-armed race was just like the human race when they were born, but as their realm improved, when they advanced to the foundation building stage, they would grow another arm, and when

After advancing to the golden elixir stage, an arm will grow again.

Every time you advance to a greater realm, an arm will grow accordingly.

Today's nine-armed holy king is a top being in the Mahayana period, and the human race has also discovered a problem, that is, as the realm of the multi-armed race increases, the number of arms increases, and the personality becomes more irritable and irritable.

This makes the human race begin to suspect that although the multi-armed tribe looks similar to the human race, in fact, their bodies are filled with the essence and blood of wild and ferocious beasts. As their realm improves, this essence and blood will gradually be stimulated, and then they will become violent.


The nine-armed holy king is a good example. I heard that he eats a human girl every day, and if he doesn't get his way, he may launch a war against the human race. Fortunately, he is afraid of the Tianmu clan.

, I have never dared to do anything too outrageous.

Otherwise, the situation of the human race today would probably be even more miserable.

While Xiao Lin was thinking about it, cheers suddenly came from his ears. A crew member took out a two-foot-sized Baohua clam from a cloth bag. This Baohua clam exuded a rich aroma.

cyan aura.

At the same time, the body of the clam was actually covered with barbs, which was shocking to anyone who saw it.

"Dharma Baohua Pearl?" Xiao Lin was also slightly startled. This is the first Baohua Clam that may have a Dharma Baohua Bead that appeared today. I wonder what the quality of the Baohua Pearl contained in it is?

One look at this Baohua clam reveals that it is at least five hundred years old. The rings on its body cover almost the entire shell.

As for the sharp barbs on the shell, they are not grown from the shell of the Baohua clam, but are just a low-level spell that he is proficient in.

However, such a powerful spell naturally did not pose any threat to the crew. Once the hammer came down, the Baohua clam was stunned and motionless, and the shell was successfully opened by the crew.

As the shell was opened, a ball of blue light rose into the sky, and a jewel with a flash of blue light appeared in front of everyone. At a glance, they knew it was a high-quality Dharma jewel.

The crew member quickly took out a jade box, put the Baohua Bead in it, put it into the star ring, and continued to collect other Baohua Beads.

The work lasted until the next day, but still no treasure beads were collected again. The two worshipers, Yang Lin and Min Zheng, had already returned to the cabin, and had no communication with Xiao Lin from the beginning to the end.

Of course, Xiao Lin would not lick his face to flatter him with words.

Moreover, watching the crew work is also a kind of fun, and Xiao Lin also enjoys watching it.

While Xiao Lin was happily watching the crew's work, his expression suddenly changed. It turned out that from a distance, there was a huge spiritual boat coming towards them.

And judging from its trajectory and speed, it was obvious that it was about to collide.

Golden light burst out from Xiao Lin's body, and in a slight flash, it reached the side of the ship's string, and his arms and neck were instantly covered with fine scales.

A golden light flashed, and Xiao Lin flew to the sea a hundred feet away, and the huge spiritual boat had already arrived in front of Xiao Lin.

"Stop~~" A soft hum sounded from Xiao Lin's nose. One of his palms stretched out and turned into a golden light barrier, which instantly collided with the rushing spirit boat.

"Boom~" a loud noise spread, and the sea beneath Xiao Lin's feet suddenly sank.

The rushing spirit boat also stagnated for a moment, and then stopped. However, as the sea surface at Xiao Lin's feet rose again, with Xiao Lin as the center, water pillars bursting into the sky within tens of feet around it.

After doing all this, Xiao Lin's golden light flashed and shot onto the spirit boat again.

This movement immediately alerted Elder Luo and others. Yang Lin and Min Zheng also shot out of the cabin, looking at the huge spirit boat opposite with a vigilant expression on their faces.

"Oh, there is actually a high-level body refiner?" Several tall figures appeared at the bow of the huge spirit boat opposite. These people all had four arms, and their eyes were all on Xiao Lin.

on the body.

"Multi-armed tribe?" Xiao Lin's eyes narrowed.

Elder Luo's face was also full of solemnity. At this time, Xiao Lin noticed that Yang Lin and Min Zheng not only had horrified expressions on their faces, but also had deep fear in their eyes.

"Fellow Taoists, why do you want to use the spirit boat to hit us? Our two races are allies after all. Please show your kindness. We are willing to pay the pearl fishing fee."

Xiao Lin was slightly startled when he heard what Elder Luo said. He didn't understand what the pearl fishing fee Elder Luo mentioned was?

The leader of the multi-arm tribe, who looked about forty years old and had a full beard, softened slightly after hearing what Elder Luo said.

"Your Excellency, you are on the right track. In this case, we don't have to do anything for ourselves. We will let you go after paying 200,000 low-grade spiritual stones. However, this person is actually a body refiner, which makes Duo Mouji feel itchy. As long as he can

After you have endured a cup of tea in Duomou's hands, you can continue your work and I will not interrupt you for a year."

"Fellow Taoist, please calm down. We, Xiao Zongfeng, just saw that the matter was urgent, so we blocked the spiritual boat of our fellow Taoist. It was an unintentional move. Luo was willing to add 50,000 low-grade spiritual stones to avoid this incident."

How about a discussion?"

"No." The leader of the multi-arm tribe immediately interrupted Elder Luo's words.

"Boy, do you dare to compete with Duo? If you can defeat Duo, then Duo will not only not want these 200,000 low-grade spiritual stones, but also will not disturb your fleet operations within three years. However,

, if you lose, the pearl fishing fee will be doubled."

"This" Elder Luo secretly complained in his heart. There were five four-armed monks on the other side, but there were only four on his side. Xiao Lin was also a body refiner. On land, could he exert his powerful power?

Although he has combat power, he may not be able to compete with a golden elixir monk on this vast sea.

Moreover, the opponent still has a numerical advantage. No matter how you look at it, your side is in a losing situation.

At the same time, he was also secretly wondering. In the past, when he met these multi-armed bandits, he only had to pay some spirit stones, and the other party would not be too embarrassed. Today, these people were obviously looking for trouble. Not only did they operate the spirit boat from the beginning,

Trying to ram their own fleet.

Even after he agreed to pay the pearl fishing fee, he still refused to give up. This situation made him not know how to deal with it for a while.

"Okay, Xiao agreed." Xiao Lin, who was standing on the side of the ship, replied calmly.

This chapter has been completed!
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