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Chapter 1238 Five Poisons and Evil Light

 Facing this type of cosmic rays is very dangerous not only to the cultivators of the Immortal Transformation Stage, but also to the Void Refining Stage cultivators like Xiao Lin and even to the powerful cultivators of the Fusion Stage.

This kind of power is basically condensed from the original power of the universe, and may even be condensed from the power of chaos. Even top-level Mahayana monks do not dare to enter the void of the universe easily.

"In the face of such weak points in the void, does Fairy Bai have any strategies to deal with it?" Xiao Lin asked after pondering for a while.

This type of cosmic rays cannot be resisted by human power at all. Even fairy treasures may be penetrated by one blow. If it is just to enter them and find treasures that are not known to exist, Xiao Lin thinks that he needs to think twice.


He already has enough magic weapons in his hand, and various magical powers require a lot of time to practice. There is no need to risk his life for a few treasures.

Bai Ling obviously saw Xiao Lin's thoughts. He was secretly anxious in his heart and thought about how to answer. After a moment, his eyes lit up and he smiled: "Brother Xiao, there is no need to worry. Bai Ling has practiced spiritual eyes since he was a child."

As long as the magical power is used, we can judge where the space is weak, and we can avoid it when the time comes. Moreover, although cosmic rays are extremely powerful, the probability of their occurrence is still very small. Many immortal cultivators have entered the ruined city in the past, and it is very difficult for them to do so.

It is rare to be injured by cosmic rays, but most of them are not careful and are contaminated by the Five Elements Sky Poison."

When Xiao Lin heard this, he couldn't help but fell silent. He didn't have much concern about the Five Elements Heaven Poison. With his level of Holy Scale Burning Heaven Technique, he could completely isolate the poison from the outside of the body. As long as the poison didn't enter the body, there would be no problem.

Serious problem.

If it is true as Bai Ling said, the so-called cosmic rays only have a small probability of appearing in weak spaces, then it is feasible to enter them and search for them. Besides, Xiao Lin also has a few spiritual eyes and supernatural powers that he has cultivated.

Very confident.

In addition, he is practicing the rules of space and is extremely sensitive to the power of space, so the chance of encountering danger is low.

Seeing that Xiao Lin was still hesitating, Bai Ling couldn't help but continue: "Brother Xiao, the ruined city is the core of the Sky Poison Secret Realm. According to legend, a war in the world of immortality broke out here in ancient times, causing the entire fairy city to fall into ruins.

For the ruins, and the core of this war, it is rumored that it is to fight for something. If the Tianxuan Palace mentioned by the previous people really exists, it must be hidden in a corner of the city."

Xiao Lin has a clear mind, so he doesn't understand what she wants to achieve, but what she said makes sense. When she enters the Sky Poison Secret Realm, she can't stop because of some dangers. Besides, if the Tianxuan Palace is really in ruins,

In the city, I had to go in and search for it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lin smiled and said: "Fairy Bai, let's go in."

When Bai Ling heard this, he immediately showed an expression of joy. Just as the two were about to launch the escape light, they saw more than a dozen escape lights coming from a distance, the most conspicuous of which were two golden rays, one red and one blue. These four

The Dao Escape Light is obviously much more condensed and larger than the other Escape Lights.

These four escaping lights naturally belong to the four Fusion Realm monks.

More than a dozen rays of light did not stop, but shot straight towards the ruined city, and soon disappeared into the city, leaving no trace at all.

"Let's go in too." Seeing the anxious expression on Bai Ling's pretty face, Xiao Lin took Bai Ling with him and turned into a ray of light, shooting straight towards the city.

Looking closer, Xiao Lin realized more and more that this fairy city was surprisingly large, at least thousands of miles close to ten thousand miles in scope. However, he could only see a corner of the ruined city, and most of the place was in the state of a lake.

Or it's filled with five-color poisonous mist.

The two of them harnessed the escaping light and flew straight into the city. However, as soon as they entered the ruined city wall, Xiao Lin and Bai Ling immediately felt an astonishing pressure falling from the sky.

Pressed by the force, it fell towards the ground without any resistance.

This surprise was no small matter, and Xiao Lin reacted very quickly. He grabbed Bai Ling's arm and dragged him into his arms. At the same time, golden light suddenly appeared on his body, and fine golden scales appeared instantly.


Xiao Lin's feet landed on the ground, and he immediately let out a roar. The ground beneath his feet, within a few feet of it, sank neatly by a few feet.

Bai Ling was suddenly pulled into Xiao Lin's arms. Two blushes appeared on her pretty face, and her heart pounded like a deer.

But when Xiao Lin landed, she realized that Xiao Lin was protecting her from harm.

"There is actually a forbidden air restriction, and it is so powerful?" Xiao Lin frowned slightly and said.

Bai Ling hurriedly broke away from Xiao Lin's arms, her pretty face as red as the morning glow.

"Fairy Bai, there was an emergency just now, and Xiao was offended." Xiao Lin naturally understood that his behavior was a bit reckless, and hurriedly said with his hands.

Bai Ling gently pinched the ends of his hair and whispered: "Brother Xiao is not to blame for this incident. Speaking of which, Bai Ling also wants to thank Brother Xiao for saving his life."

The two of them were hundreds of feet high in the sky when they suddenly encountered a restricted air restriction. If they fell from such a high place, even if Bai Ling was at the peak of his transformation into a god, he would still be affected if he had not practiced the art of body refining.

some harm.

But under Xiao Lin's protection, he was not injured at all. As for Xiao Lin, that is not to mention. With his physical cultivation, no matter how high he falls, there will be no damage.


"Bai Ling didn't know beforehand that this ruined city actually had air restrictions." After calming down, Bai Ling's face returned to normal and he said in surprise.

In fact, Xiao Lin never imagined that since this ruined city had been abandoned for countless years, how could it still have such a powerful air restriction, otherwise such a situation would never have occurred.

"Fairy Bai is not to blame for this matter. Xiao didn't expect it at all. It seems that in this ruined city, we can only rely on our feet." Xiao Lin said with a smile.

Both of them had purchased maps of the ruined city in advance and had already memorized them in their minds. After some discussion, they determined their location and walked towards the city.

"According to what Fairy Bai said, the super cross-domain teleportation array is most likely in the inner city. However, this was originally a ruins. After countless thousands of years, is the super cross-domain teleportation array still there?

Existence, even if it can still function, is probably uncertain, right?"

When Bai Ling heard this, a trace of worry flashed through his eyes, but he soon became confident again and said: "Bai Ling once obtained a note from a senior demon monk, which recorded in detail his journey through the ruined city.

The passage of the super cross-domain teleportation array, and also roughly described the specific address. After the senior successfully teleported, he left the note in this secret realm. Later, it was picked up by others and taken out.

, Bai Ling also spent a lot of money to buy this manuscript from others, and the time when the senior transmitted through the super cross-domain teleportation array should be exactly 720 years ago. If it is recorded

It’s true, that super cross-domain teleportation array is still there.”

"I see."

After a pause, Xiao Lin continued: "Then Fairy Bai has never considered traveling to the Monster Clan area through other means?"

When Bai Ling heard this, he smiled bitterly and said: "Of course I have thought of the method, either by flying across the land of holy bones, or by using the super cross-domain teleportation array controlled by the spirit clan. But flying across the land of holy bones, with Bai Ling's realm

With my cultivation, I am afraid of a narrow escape, and the probability of success is extremely small. The super cross-domain teleportation array controlled by the spirit race requires special contributions. Besides, as a foreigner, I am not taken seriously at all. Bai Ling has also tried it before.

But they all ended in failure.”

Xiao Lin nodded, feeling somewhat sympathetic to Bai Ling's experience. Originally, it was a happy event to successfully ascend to the spirit world, but encountering such a predicament was really helpless.

Along the way, Xiao Lin poured mana into his eyes and quietly used the power of rules. As a result, the outside world suddenly changed in his eyes.

The void turned gray in his eyes, and Xiao Lin soon began to understand that the white space was relatively stable, while the white and gray areas were relatively stable. As for the gray area, it belonged to space.

relatively weak points.

There are not many gray areas, most of them are wrapped in a mass of white and gray.

And the further inside, the gray areas began to gradually increase. The two of them sometimes had to go farther away in order to pass through an area.


Suddenly, a scream came, causing Xiao Lin and Bai Ling to pause in their flying footsteps. The direction from which the sound came showed that not only was the distance, but also that the cultivators who entered the ruined city had encountered some kind of danger.

"Be careful, let's go." Xiao Lin waved his hand, and the two of them continued to fly towards the ruined city.

The further they walked in, the more ruins they saw, and even huge potholes appeared in many places. Some remaining building fragments could be vaguely seen from those potholes.

But there are some buildings whose prototypes can still be roughly seen, and some even have residual writing on them. Most of them were shops in this fairy city back then.

After flying for a while, Xiao Lin suddenly stopped. It turned out that tens of feet in front of him, there was a large five-color poisonous mist. Before the two of them got close, they smelled a strong fishy smell.

"Five Elements Poison Mist?"

Xiao Lin frowned slightly. After this strong fishy smell entered his nose, even Xiao Lin felt that his magic power was not running smoothly. He hurriedly closed his acupuncture points and pores, and secretly circulated the power of Qi and blood to disperse the energy.

The overflowing poisonous mist is isolated from the body.

"The Five Elements Poison Mist is extremely toxic. We must not get closer than ten feet away. Brother Xiao, should we avoid it?" Bai Ling also saw the Five Elements Poison Mist behind Xiao Lin, and his pretty face turned pale, obviously

He is extremely afraid of the poisonous mist of the Five Elements.

Xiao Lin nodded. He didn't want to use himself to verify the power of the poisonous mist. Just as the two of them looked around to find a way around it, there was a cry of "croak", followed by a colorless liquid volleying into the sky.

Shooting towards Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin also reacted very quickly. With a wave of his sleeves, a large amount of spiritual light shot out, converging into a big spiritual light hand and grabbing the liquid.


The moment Xiao Lin grasped the liquid, a wisp of five-color smoke immediately emitted from the aura hand transformed into it. The aura hand was penetrated almost instantly, while the liquid continued to move towards Xiao Lin at an undiminished speed.


Xiao Lin grabbed Bai Ling, and with a slight sway, he flashed several feet away, and the liquid shot onto a broken wall behind the two of them.

"Chichi~~" The remaining wall was corroded at a speed visible to the naked eye and turned into a huge black hole. Xiao Lin and Bai Ling were shocked to see it.

"Ancient ferocious beast-Five Poison Toad?" Then from the five-color poisonous mist, a toad that was about ten feet in size jumped out. It had five colors on its body and was covered with pustules the size of a fist. Its eyes popped out,

He was staring closely at the two of them.

Seeing the Five Poison Toad, Bai Ling turned pale with fright, Xiao Lin also turned pale, and his heart sank to the bottom.

The ancient ferocious beast - the Five Poison Toad, is a third-level high-grade ferocious beast. Its strength is comparable to that of a cultivator in the late stage of Void Refining, and it can control the poisons of the five elements. The poison sacs on its body can fall off on their own and turn into the Sky Poison Divine Thunder, covering a hundred feet radius.

Information about the Five Poison Toads reappeared in Xiao Lin's mind one by one, making his face full of solemnity.

This five-poison toad was born from the evil poisonous energy of heaven and earth. It can swallow and spit out all kinds of poisonous things. Therefore, over time, every inch of skin on its body contains poison. Even its breath, if it comes close,

Everyone within three feet will be poisoned and die.

Xiao Lin also did some homework before entering the Sky Poison Secret Realm, so he knew the characteristics of the Five Poison Toads. In this ruined city, there are not many Five Poison Toads living in it, but there are several species that survive in the ruined city.

The ancient ferocious beast, the Five Poison Toad, is definitely one of the most terrifying existences among them.

"Quack~~" The Five Poison Toad shouted several times towards Xiao Lin and the two of them. A cold light flashed in his big eyes. Then he opened his mouth and shot another stream of venom towards the two of them at an extremely fast speed.

Xiao Lin had already used the magic formula with both hands. The moment the Five Poison Toad sprayed out its venom, a gray ripple shot out from its body. Large areas of gray ripples gathered together layer by layer and turned into a curtain of light.

A barrier stood in front of the two of them.

"Back off~" Xiao Lin shouted softly at the same time, and the two of them quickly retreated, and soon they were a hundred feet away.

"Zizzizi~~" The venom was sprayed on Xiao Lin's Great Turbulent World Extinction Divine Light, and a large amount of colorful smoke immediately erupted. The two began to annihilate each other as if water and fire were incompatible.

Seeing this, the Five Poison Toad's eyes flashed with a hint of dissatisfaction. Its huge body actually rose into the air and floated several feet high in the air. Its body also began to emit a five-color poisonous light, which was dazzling even a hundred feet away.

Xiao Lin and Bai Ling did not dare to look directly at him.

"Five Poisons and Evil Lights?"

This chapter has been completed!
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