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Chapter 1247 Tian Xuanzi

"That's right, let's put the remaining pictures together. Maybe there is a way to enter, but that's not necessarily true." Master Jinzhu also figured this out and said.

"I'll go first." The monk surnamed Jiang took out a broken picture and threw it into the air.

Immediately afterwards, Master Jinzhu and the two demons of water and fire threw out a fragment of the picture they had.

When Xiao Lin saw this, he no longer hesitated, took out two residual pictures and threw them into the air. The moment the five residual pictures appeared, they each emitted a spiritual light, and then gathered together, directly turning into a complete picture.


Densely packed runes appeared on the map, hanging in mid-air, and then the runes began to spread out, turning into a forbidden secret with thousands of words.

The five people present looked at the runes one after another and kept them in their minds.

Less than half an hour later, the rune characters hanging in the air suddenly began to dissipate, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye, and the five fragments of pictures also dispersed again, turning into five sheepskin fragments, hanging in the air.


Xiao Lin reacted the fastest, beckoned directly, and took the two fragments of his own pictures into his hands. The other four people also reacted one after another and put away their own fragments of pictures.

"Everyone must have seen the method for breaking the ban recorded in this picture. According to the picture, this secret method is only a method for breaking the ban on the third floor of the outer palace. From this point of view, this Tianxuan Palace is probably still

There are inner and outer halls, but I don’t know where the method to crack the inner hall is." Master Jinzhu said with a slight frown.

"There are no rumors about the secret map of the inner hall of Tianxuan Palace. It can be seen from this that even if there is an inner hall and it is full of restrictions, the method to break the restrictions must be within Tianxuan Palace. Let's enter it and search carefully.

That’s all.”

"What my husband said makes sense, let's go to Tianxuan Palace first and then talk about it."

"It seems that we no longer need to worry about how to distribute the treasures in the palace. As long as we break the restrictions on the outer palace and enter the Tianxuan Palace, whether we can get the treasures depends on our respective opportunities." The monk surnamed Jiang, who cherishes words like gold, also said.


"Okay, without further ado, let's quickly break the ban."

After the fire demon finished speaking, he took the lead to fly to one side. When the other people saw this, they stopped talking and occupied a position above the water pool. The five people formed a circle and stood in the void.

"Everyone is already familiar with the method of breaking the ban, right?" Huo Sha said, but his eyes looked at Xiao Lin. Among the five people, Xiao Lin had the lowest realm, so he naturally became theirs.

The shortcoming is that when Huo Sha asked this question, he naturally had no confidence in Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin frowned when he heard this, and then said loudly: "Senior, please rest assured, I know the method of breaking the ban, and I will definitely not make any mistakes."

"So good."

After saying that, several people began to use the spiritual arts. As each person's hands shot out a spiritual light, pure magic power was injected into the rocks on the shore around the pool.

On the shore of the deep pool, there are five inconspicuous rocks standing. If they didn't know the method of breaking the ban, no one would have thought that the key to breaking the ban was these five inconspicuous rocks.

With the injection of mana from the five people, the five originally plain rocks were shattered one after another, revealing crystal clear crystals. The crystals each emitted a ball of spiritual light, showing the colors of the five elements, flickering.

After the cup of tea, the five groups of five elements spiritual light began to dissipate, and soon disappeared without a trace, turning into five ordinary crystals again.

The water in the deep pool began to sink. At a speed visible to the naked eye, it soon sank to the bottom of the pool, revealing a dark cave.

"Let's go." After the monk surnamed Jiang said, he turned into a ray of light and shot into the cave. The other four people, including Xiao Lin, also followed and fell into the cave.

After the silhouettes of several people disappeared, within a few breaths, more than a dozen rays of escaping light came from all directions. These dozens of rays of escaping light stopped for a moment above the deep pool, and then shot towards the cave one after another, following Xiao Lin.

Waiting behind others.

These dozen or so people were naturally cultivators who had entered the inner city. They had previously been hiding around and did not dare to approach. After all, none of the four senior cultivators at the Fusion Realm could be offended by them.

But the treasures in Tianxuan Palace were tempting enough for them to dare to risk their lives and try their luck in it.

The core of the Sky Poison Secret Realm is the Tianxuan Palace, and due to the powerful restrictions of the Tianxuan Palace, even the Fusion Realm monks cannot break through it, and the circulating fragments have been circulating among different immortal cultivators.

, the probability of getting together five residual pictures at the same time is still very small.

This led to the fact that although there were some immortal cultivators who found one or two residual pictures in the past, after entering the Sky Poison Secret Realm, they found that they still could not break through the restrictions and enter it. Even for a long time, the name Tianxuan Palace was unknown.

Forgotten by the world of immortality.

Of course, in the inner city of the ruined city and within the surrounding mountains, there are also countless caves of ancient monks. You must know that this place was originally a fairy mountain countless years ago, and there was a fourth-level tunnel underneath.

Immortal spirit veins.

There are even a very small number of caves for monks who are in the tribulation period. After the ruined city suffered a catastrophe, many immortal cultivators were not in the caves. The treasures and elixirs they placed in the caves even included some finished magic weapons and spiritual treasures.

etc., but could not take it out in time, so it fell with the fall of the ruined city.

Of course, in that battle, many high-level immortal cultivators who were practicing in the ruined city also died, and their caves naturally became ownerless.

So even if you can't enter the Tianxuan Palace, if you can find an undiscovered ancient monk's cave in the surrounding fairy mountains, the treasures inside will be enough for ordinary immortal cultivators to make a fortune.

However, as time goes by, there are fewer and fewer such caves, and even today, it is extremely difficult to find them.


I don't know how deep it fell. According to Xiao Lin's perception, it was at least several thousand feet above. When several people stepped on the ground, they realized that they were in an underground tunnel.

They walked slowly inside. Since they were all high-level monks, even if their eyes were as dark as ink, they could see it like daylight. Although Xiao Lin was in a weaker realm, he had cultivated spiritual eyes and magical powers, so he could see in this underground tunnel.

, the vision is not hindered and is enough to see a distance of hundreds of feet.

As they walked several miles into the corridors, Xiao Lin and others saw that there were many small caves within these corridors. Inside these caves, one could vaguely hear the sound of water flowing.

At the entrances of these caves, there was also a ball of five-color aura flickering. Seeing this, Xiao Lin and others also understood where the water in the deep pool had gone.

They had previously used secret techniques to open the restrictions in the pool, allowing these narrow caves to pass through. The water in the pool followed these caves and flowed underground. It is thought that there is an underground river underground or something similar to the belly of a mountain.

And every few hundred feet, there was a thick indentation, and they also saw a dragon-breaking stone on the cave wall above their heads. Each piece of this dragon-breaking stone weighed more than ten thousand pounds, and the whole body looked like,

It was known that it was an ore similar to black iron, which was extremely heavy. Apparently, as the restriction was opened, these Dragon-Breaking Stones began to rise one after another.

Looking around, there were similar dragon-breaking stones every few hundred feet, and there were probably more than a dozen along the way, which also made Xiao Lin and others secretly frightened.

No matter how heavy this kind of dragon-breaking stone is, it is not a problem for high-level monks like them. The most important thing is that the fractures of these dragon-breaking stones are flashing with spiritual patterns. It is obvious that every piece of dragon-breaking stone has been planted.

A very severe restriction.

At the same time, when they first entered the corridor, they also saw several broken dragon-breaking stones. There is no doubt that these broken dragon-breaking stones must have been destroyed by the cultivators who tried to enter the Tianxuan Palace before.

Some of the later complete Dragon-Breaking Stones also show that these immortal cultivators did not break all the Dragon-Breaking Stones in the end, but gave up halfway.

Most of the immortal cultivators who enter the Sky Poison Secret Realm are the cultivators of the Divine Transformation Realm. Even if a few Nascent Soul cultivators enter it, it is difficult for them to enter the inner city. For the Fusion Realm monks, even if it is the inner city, after countless years of Sky Poison

With the opening of the secret realm, there are very few treasures that can make their hearts flutter, so few Fusion Realm monks will choose to enter the Sky Poison Secret Realm.

The Fusion Realm monks who enter the Sky Poison Secret Realm basically have heard about Tianxuan Palace and have one or two residual maps in their hands, so they choose to try their luck in it.

Therefore, these broken Dragon-Breaking Stones are probably the masterpieces of the Fusion Realm monks, and they can stop the Fusion Realm monks, allowing them to destroy only one or two Dragon-Breaking Stones in a few months. It can be seen from this

How powerful are the restrictions on these dragon-breaking stones.

The five people walked forward, and after traveling for hundreds of miles, everyone's eyes suddenly became clear.

They saw that they came to an underground space, which was filled with extremely rich spiritual energy, and everyone could see with the naked eye that in the distance, there were mountains of rocks piled up, and these rocks were dotted with countless colored lights.


Everyone knew at a glance that these light spots were pieces of spiritual stone, which also showed that there must be a high-quality spiritual stone mine underground in this space.

Spirit stone mines usually come with spiritual veins, and it has been said that there is a fourth-order fairy spirit vein underground in the ruined city. So this fourth-order fairy spirit vein is probably in the ground beneath the feet of a few people.

"This aura actually contains a rich spirit of fairy spirit. It seems that the underground is where the fourth-level fairy spirit vein is." Master Jinzhu said with joy on his face.

"Look." The water demon on the side suddenly pointed to the distance and said. Everyone followed her fingers and vaguely saw that about dozens of miles away, through the white mist condensed with spiritual energy, they could see what seemed to be

There stands a magnificent palace.

"Is that where the Tianxuan Palace is?" Everyone was happy, and then they ignored the surrounding spiritual stone mines, but spread out their escape light and flew away into the distance.

For a few people, the distance of tens of miles was just a matter of a moment. When they saw the appearance of the palace clearly, they couldn't help but show shocked expressions.

It turns out that this palace is shining with the color of bronze, covered with various spiritual patterns and shining with colorful spiritual lights.

The entire palace is built against the cliff. At first glance, it looks seamless with no gaps. The palace is thousands of feet high and extremely magnificent and luxurious.

Above the palace gate, three characters [Tianxuan Palace] are written in ancient seal script.

Seeing these three words, Xiao Lin and the other five people couldn't help but get excited. Tianxuan Palace has been circulated throughout the entire world of immortal cultivation for at least hundreds of thousands of years, but it has never appeared in the world. Even many people who have entered the Sky Poison Secret Realm have

Immortal cultivators have long forgotten the existence of Tianxuan Palace.

"I didn't expect Tianxuan Palace to actually exist."

"Tianxuan Hall was rumored to have been built by Tian Xuanzi, the lord of this ruined city. It is divided into three outer halls and three inner halls. The inner three halls house various treasures that Tian Xuanzi accumulated over tens of thousands of years of cultivating immortals. At the same time,

It also preserves a considerable part of the tax spiritual stones of the ruined city, which is definitely a huge wealth." Huo Sha's eyes lit up, and he looked at the magnificent copper palace in front of him, his face filled with excitement.

"It's just a legend. In that great battle, even though Tian Xuanzi was in the late stage of transcending the tribulation, he was still unable to defeat the intruders. He was beheaded on the spot. Even the ruined city was reduced to real ruins."

"Oh? Fellow Daoist Jinzhu, do you know who Tian Xuanzi offended this day? Even the entire fairy city was destroyed, and even Tian Xuanzi, a top-level expert in the Tribulation Realm, was not spared? I think he can be killed

The one who was killed must be a Mahayana monk, right?" Huo Sha looked at Master Jinzhu and asked doubtfully.

Upon hearing this, Master Jinzhu waved his hand and said helplessly: "The ruins of the ruined city turned into ruins overnight has become an eternal mystery. In the world of immortality, it is just some rumors, not necessarily

It’s true, I have also seen some records about the ruined city in an ancient miscellany.”

"The ruined city was controlled by the human race hundreds of thousands of years ago." When Master Jinzhu mentioned the word "human race", he couldn't help but glance at Xiao Lin, which made Xiao Lin's heart move.

"This Tian Xuanzi was the city lord of the ruined city back then. He was in charge of the surrounding area thousands of miles away. He was also a top-level strongman who had survived two great catastrophes, although he was not the strongest in the human race.

However, for some unknown reason, the ruined city fell into ruins overnight. Tian Xuanzi and all the powerful human beings in the ruined city disappeared without a trace, and the entire

In the ruined city, the Five Elements Poison Mist suddenly appeared. Every three hundred and sixty years, when the three stars gather, the Five Elements Poison Mist will open a gap, and immortal cultivators can enter here."

"It's really strange to say that many years ago, the human race was the master of the Xuanhuang Realm and the Northern Sky Realm. Although it was not as good as the several super races in the center of the Holy Moon Continent, it was not far behind, and there were many strong ones among the human race.

, there are several monks in the Mahayana period, but for some reason, they declined in a very short period of time. To this day, their clansmen have withered away and live in the wild land of the Broken Realm in the North." When Shui Sha said this, he also

He couldn't help but cast his gaze on Xiao Lin.

Among the five people present, only Xiao Lin is from the human race. Among the other four, Master Jinzhu is from the Tianmu tribe, Water and Fire Shuangsha are both from the spiritual race, and the monk surnamed Jiang is a relatively small one.

Race-Tianwei tribe.

This chapter has been completed!
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