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Chapter 1357 The Rules of Defeat

 Yu Lingyao smiled slightly. Countless years ago, my ancestor once practiced a secret technique that could sense the rules understood by others. However, this secret technique was also a bit useless. It could only sense people who were at least one level lower than themselves.

The rules that people in the great realm understand, and not all rules can be sensed.

Unless it is a rule that I have seen before, I can sense it through this secret technique.

The rules of life are extremely rare rules in the world of immortal cultivation. I dare to say that among the countless immortal cultivators in the entire Holy Moon Continent, there will never be more than five fingers of people who can understand this rule.

During a trip thousands of years ago, my ancestor once saw a little girl who understood the rules of life in the middle of the Holy Moon Continent. At that time, the little girl was only at the peak of divine transformation.

Only in this way can I sense the rules of your cultivation.

"Since the senior knows that Xueying understands the rules of life, he must also know that once the junior uses this magical power of "falling snow to destroy youth", given the current state of the junior, I am afraid that he will fall into the devil's way. The so-called birth and death are actually nothing more.

It's just a thought." Lin Xueying said after pondering for a while.

"You have good concerns. It can be seen that your mind is very pure. You can become a Buddha with one thought and become a demon with one thought. The rules of life are divided into two directions. Especially in the early days, it is indeed easy to go down the path of "failure", but the rules

There is no distinction between good and bad, right or wrong. The so-called three thousand avenues all lead to the other side. And since you have understood the rules of life, you should also know that the path of "failure" is not necessarily worse than the path of "life".

In terms of pure power, [defeat] is far better than [life]."

"Junior naturally knows, but too much is not enough. It comes from the mind. The power of [defeat] is indeed greater than [rebirth], but the karma generated is enough to prevent this junior from reincarnation forever. The karma is so great that it may even exceed the devil's path.

, so please forgive me for not agreeing." After thinking for a moment, Lin Xueying seemed to have made up her mind and said.

Yuan Hong on the side was confused at the moment and couldn't understand what the two people said and what they meant.

Yuan Hong knows that the master's wife understands the rules of life. After cultivators advance to become gods, they can gradually understand the power of the rules of heaven and earth through meditation. In this process, what kind of rules can be understood depends on various factors.

Comprehensive influence, such as a person's skills, character, and even the magical powers, secret techniques, etc. that are included in the cultivation.

Yuan Hong only knew, but he didn't know the characteristics of this life rule.

When Yu Lingyao heard this, she did not show any disappointment, but instead had a bit of joy in her eyes.

"I didn't expect that you not only understood the rules of life, but also knew two of its branches in detail. At the same time, you are pure and kind-hearted, so you don't want to take that [defeating] path. I also appreciate this very much, Xue

The magical power of Piaobei Fanghua is originally a very powerful magical power in the Piaoxue Immortal Art. If used by people who have not practiced the power of the rules of life, although they can exert the full power of this magical power, they will also be destroyed in an instant.

In a short period of time, the source of life is lost and the person becomes an old man, and his life span will be consumed at least 90%. However, if it is used by someone who has practiced the rules of life, he can absorb the essence of life within a radius of thousands of miles, allowing this magical power to reach its full power.

It’s the pinnacle, and the caster doesn’t need to worry about the backlash of magical powers.”

After a pause, Yu Lingyao continued: "Once the power of the rules of life is exerted, it uses huge spiritual thoughts to resonate with the surrounding creatures and borrow their life essence. Although this method is also a way, it can collect

The amount of life essence that comes is bound to be greatly reduced. As a result, the power of Piao Xue Bai Fang Hua will also be reduced by more than half, which may not be enough to break the body-protecting divine light of the old ghost Yu Bingzi."

"Then the junior can only say sorry. The defeated life rule, forcibly absorbing the life essence of the living beings, is no different from the devil. The junior will never dare to try it, and if it is used too much, it will also affect the junior's character invisibly.

One day in the future, he will even lose his true nature, become the master of the defeated world, and completely fall into the devil's path."

Seeing Lin Xueying's determination, Yu Lingyao seemed to feel that the time was ripe, and suddenly said: "If I give the girl a [Gang Shen Dan], can the girl help me once?"

"Gangshen Pill?" Lin Xueying was stunned for a moment, then continued: "Is it the Gangshen Pill that can protect the consciousness of the immortal cultivator's soul and purify the dirt of the soul? This is a seventh-level superior elixir, and I heard that

It has been lost for many years."

"Yes, it is exactly the Gang Shen Dan that the girl mentioned. This Gang Shen Dan was obtained by my ancestor more than three thousand years ago in front of the corpse in an ancient monk's cave. There are only three pills. Over the years, I have used them.

Two pills have been taken away, but there is one left. As long as the girl can help my ancestor this time, I will give this Gangshen Pill to the girl. I think she knows very well what this Gangshen Pill means to the girl, right?"

Lin Xueying was hesitant at this moment. [Gang Shen Dan] was definitely a legendary elixir. She had also seen records about it by chance. [Gang Shen Dan] could purify the soul of the immortal cultivator, making it extremely clear.

The realm of dirt is insignificant to most immortal cultivators, but to Lin Xueying, it is a god-given treasure.

Because the rules of life she comprehended require people with pure souls to comprehend to a higher realm, and with this Gangshen Pill, she will have more confidence in advancing to the integration stage in the future.

But at the same time, she also understood that using Xue Piao to destroy her youth was pushing her one step closer to the path of magic. This magical power was just like taking drugs, it was addictive. In the world, money, power, and beauties would all make mortals lose their temper.

Addicted, unable to extricate oneself. In the world of cultivating immortals, there are not many things that can make cultivators addicted, and strength is definitely the most important one.

The rules of life are different from most rules, but they have two branches, namely the rules of failure and the rules of life. The power of these two rules are both top-ranked rules. This is what Yu Lingyao said before.

The content of the discussion with Lin Xueying.

Once the rule of defeat is used, the life essence of the surrounding creatures will be robbed in an instant. As long as the realm is three realms lower than it, it cannot resist it. Once the life essence of the creature is robbed, it will be instantly destroyed.

Will die, which is also the root of the word defeat.

Other monks may not feel anything about the snow falling on their youth, but Lin Xueying, who has understood the power of the rules of life, is very sensitive. The defeat here also affects herself and the world around her.

There are two kinds of creatures.

This magical power can also be used by ordinary cultivators, but once it is used, no matter whether it achieves its purpose or not, its life span will be insufficient and it will die at any time.

This magical power is very similar to the magic method of demon disintegration, and it is even more cruel. It is a magical power that leads to death together.

Of course, it is different for Lin Xueying who has understood the rules of life. She can use the power of the rules to absorb the life essence of the surrounding creatures to use this magical power. But this also involves how to absorb the life essence of the surrounding creatures in the world?

Is it the path of failure or the path of life? The path of failure is simple and crude. Once it is used, it can be said that all living beings within a thousand miles will be devastated. The path of life is like asking many creatures to sign a contract with her and voluntarily release some life essence for her to use.

, and these life essences released will only make the creatures weak for a period of time, but will not really reduce their longevity.

The former can maximize the power of magical powers, but the disadvantage is that it will naturally cause the death of countless living beings and increase boundless karma, while the latter is just the opposite.

Therefore, even if Yu Lingyao took out the Gangshen Pill, Lin Xueying was still hesitant. After all, in order to kill Yu Bingzi, it would lead to the loss of life, which she was absolutely unwilling to do.

Yu Lingyao obviously noticed her concerns.

"You don't need to worry about this. Tens of thousands of miles southeast of the Snow Forest Icefield, there is an Ice Forest Valley. This valley is huge, covering a radius of more than a thousand miles, and this kind of species grows in this valley.

The plant is called poisonous grass, so the girl has nothing to worry about, right?"

Poisonous grass?

Lin Xueying's face was full of surprise. This poisonous grass may sound a bit ordinary, but it is the most poisonous thing in the world. It is also one of the main ingredients for refining one of the ten poisons [Poison Immortal Juice]. This [Poison Immortal Juice]

It is one of the most bizarre poisons in the world. Rumor has it that even a real immortal would die on the spot if he drank this [Poisonous Immortal Juice].

The reason why poisonous grass has a unique name is because wherever it grows, there will be no other living things. The colorless and odorless poisonous gas it emits is enough to keep most living creatures away.

If there really is such a place, even if Lin Xueying uses Snow Falling Youth once, although it will have some impact on her own character, killing so many Ducao can be regarded as a meritorious deed, and with the help of the life essence of Ducao, she can cast

Once the magical power is released, once it is hit and the poison enters the body, even if it does not die, there will be endless troubles in the future.

Lin Xueying broke out in a cold sweat when she thought of this. It seemed that the senior Yu Lingyao in front of her was deliberately planning to deal with Yu Bingzi.

And she had obviously grasped her various concerns and had already thought of a countermeasure.

But when she was asked to agree immediately, Lin Xueying was still a little hesitant. It seemed that there was no harm in using the one-time defeat rule at the moment. However, she did not understand whether Yu Lingyao was loyal or traitorous. If she helped others commit evil, it would be counterproductive.

Yu Lingyao is also a smart person, otherwise she would not be alive today. Moreover, she has advanced to the tribulation stage. She can see Lin Xueying's scruples at a glance.

"You don't need to decide immediately. In this way, my ancestor will relieve you of the fire poison, and then you can move around in the Xuehan Sect on your own. I will say hello to the head of the Xuehan Sect in advance. After you figure it out, girl, I will

It's not too late to reply to me, and I still say that I will never force the girl. If you decide to give up in the end, girl, then the worst I can do is die with Yu Bingzi. Anyway, this relationship will be settled sooner or later."

"Thank you, senior, for understanding the difficulties of this junior." Although Lin Xueying was very sympathetic to the woman in front of her, she would not agree without thinking. She decided to understand it first before making a decision.

In this way, the two of them stayed in Xuehan Sect. In order to avoid too much trouble, the head of Xuehan Sect placed them in an inconspicuous house in the sect. Lin Xueying spent most of her time concentrating her soul.

Receive treatment from Yu Lingyao in the cave.

Three months later, all the fire poison in Lin Xueying's body was eliminated and she recovered as before.

During this period of time, Lin Xueying and Yuan Hong also inquired in many ways. After recovering from their injuries, they went deep into several fairy cities around Beihan Shenzong to secretly inquire about the affairs of the Yubing Ancestor.

Ancestor Yu Bing is cruel by nature. Many of the inner domain core elders of the Northern Cold Sect do not agree with him. They are just impressed by his strength and do not dare to compete with him. However, most of the inner domain core elders travel abroad and do not return to the sect all year round.

, this also shows that the popularity of the ancestor Yu Bing within the sect is indeed somewhat unsatisfactory.

Of course, these are secondary to Lin Xueying. She still wants to understand the grudges between Yu Bing Patriarch and Yu Lingyao and what is right and wrong.

For this reason, she inspected many places, and finally found the hiding place of a core elder of the inner domain of the Northern Cold Sect. Full of questions, she went to visit alone.

It was after this visit that Lin Xueying finally made up her mind to become a disciple of Yu Lingyao and help her deal with Ancestor Yu Bing.

After Yu Lingyao knew about it, she was naturally overjoyed and immediately taught him all the secrets and formulas of the Piao Xue Immortal Art. Lin Xueying did not pay much attention to it. After decades, the Piao Xue Immortal Art has been completed, and so has her own realm.

Advance to another level and advance to the peak of virtual refining.

Hearing this, Xiao Lin finally understood the general process of the matter, and at the same time he was happy for his wife. The rule of life is also a very rare and powerful rule. If you practice it to the extreme, you can even greatly increase your lifespan. This

It is also a characteristic of the rules of life.

But for some reason, in the world of immortality, there are so few immortals who understand the rules of life. Xiao Lin never expected that his wife Lin Xueying would understand such a rare rule.

At this point, he also understood why Yuan Hong stopped him from going down to see his wife. At the moment, Yu Lingyao and Yu Bingzi were fighting, but Lin Xueying was in seclusion here, obviously to practice the magical power of Xue Piao Bai Fang Hua.

The sudden attack of Patriarch Yu Bing was obviously beyond Yu Lingyao's expectation, and Lin Xueying had to speed up her training.

After Xiao Lin thought for a moment, his face suddenly condensed, and then he ordered Yuan Hong to open the passage.

Yuan Hong pinched the spiritual secret without hesitation and opened the restriction on the ground. As a large piece of blue spiritual light flashed through, a cave about ten feet in size appeared in the center of the ground. The cold air emanating from the cave made people feel...

I felt the slightest chill from the depths of my soul.

"This is the Soul Condensing Cave, and Master's Wife is inside."

Without hesitation, Xiao Lin turned into a dark green spiritual light and shot into the cave. It could not fall more than a hundred feet, and Xiao Lin landed with both feet. At a glance, he saw Lin Xueying not far away, sitting cross-legged three feet in the void.

The green mist is surrounding the body, condensing and not dissipating. This green mist is escaping from the pool below. Around the pool, there is also a circle of green spiritual flowers blooming, three feet high.

Path, supporting flower mushrooms, exuding a strong breath of life.

Lin Xueying did not notice Xiao Lin's arrival. At this moment, she was closing her five senses and entering the realm of enlightenment.

Xiao Lin had a look of surprise on his face. He had already seen that Lin Xueying's cultivation had reached the final stage, but her magic power was insufficient. After all, it was a magical power recorded in an immortal formula.

The threshold for cultivation is also very high.

At this point, I'm afraid even the Yuling Ancestor didn't think of it.

This chapter has been completed!
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