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Chapter 1364 The Death of the Holy King

 In the Beitian Broken Realm, they were originally just a small and unpopular tribe. Later, after acquiring some skills from the human race, there began to be immortal cultivators.

Most of the Dobby tribesmen live in the wild mountains and forests of the west in the White Broken Realm. Except for a few fairy cities, most ordinary Dobby tribesmen still live like savages and make a living by hunting and fishing.

The multi-armed tribesmen who are able to practice will have a higher status in the tribe, and are divided into multiple levels according to the number of arms.

Since the birth of a nine-armed holy king from the Multi-Armed Clan, the status of the Multi-Armed Clan has immediately risen, becoming the second-class race in the Beitian Broken Realm besides the Tianmu Clan, alongside the Feiyu Clan and the White Eye Clan.

Most of the Feiyu tribe live in the mountains in the northeast of Beitian Broken Realm, and have no contact with the Multi-Armed tribe. The Baitong tribe has a deep relationship with the Tianmu tribe, and they are also targets that the Multi-armed tribe does not dare to easily provoke.


In this way, the numerous human race became the first choice for the multi-armed race to exclude.

For countless years, there have been Mahayana monks in the human race. Coupled with the numerical advantage, even the number of top-level tribulation monks far exceeds that of the multi-armed tribe. Therefore, for many years, the multi-armed tribe has not dared to take action against the human race.

Ever since the Mahayana monks of the human race disappeared ten thousand years ago, the multi-armed tribe finally couldn't stand it any longer and began to take action.

The Baohua Sea that Xiao Lin experienced back then was just a point in it. The current multi-armed tribe's rejection of the human race has shown a comprehensive trend.

Fortunately, the entire Northern Territory is not coherent, but is a large fragment in the northwest corner of the Northern Territory. The few good places that can be put together are mostly occupied by the Tianmu clan.

In the remaining areas, the resources for cultivating immortals are also very poor, so most of the cultivators will go outside the North Sea to look for fairy mountains and spiritual islands and collect various resources for cultivating immortals. Although it is difficult, at least they have gained something.

Faced with the oppression of the multi-armed tribe, the human race could only tolerate it. Although according to the unspoken rules of the spiritual world and the immortal world, Mahayana monks rarely intervene in the domain disputes in these immortal worlds.

But in fact, the higher-ups of the race also know it well. This is because with the Mahayana monks in charge, they usually don't need to take action at all. Just the shock is enough to make the top-level Tribulation-Transcending monks on the other side not dare to act rashly.

As for the high-level monks below, they naturally tolerate it as long as they can. Although there may be small-scale resistance, they usually can't cause any trouble.

This is a race that has the advantage of having Mahayana monks. It can expand the territory of its own race without any bloodshed. For countless years, this has been the case for thousands of races in the spiritual world continent.

holy king mountain

The surrounding area stretches for millions of miles, and the entire mountain range is filled with mountains rising and falling one after another. There is no telling how many there are.

Thousands of years ago, this place was called the Barbarian Mountain. Although the Multi-Armed Clan also had many immortal cultivators, they were always looked down upon by many races in the Northern Sky Broken Realm. They regarded them as barbarians and were not treated by the major fairy cities.


Until thousands of years ago, a Holy King was suddenly born in the Multi-Armed Tribe. The Holy King was the name the Multi-Armed Tribe gave to their newly born Mahayana Ancestor. It seemed to be deliberately different from the Demonic Saint Ancestor and the Ghost Underworld Ancestor.


After all, those who can be called Saint Ancestor and Underworld Ancestor are just like the spiritual masters of the Immortal Path, they are all beings who have perfected the power of rules.

Such a being, both in terms of strength and status in the spiritual world, is much higher than ordinary Mahayana monks. This Mahayana multi-armed monk obviously also knows these taboos, so he took a trick and gave himself the title of Holy King.


The Holy King Mountain is nearly 10,000 feet high and reaches straight into the sky. It is the highest peak in this mountain range. It is surrounded by four dragon spirit ancestral veins and has abundant spiritual energy. It is the hidden cultivation place of the Holy King of the Multi-Armed Clan.

The top of the mountain is thousands of feet high, surrounded by strong winds. Here, ordinary people cannot stand at all. But on the top of the Holy King Mountain, there is a palace made of huge stones. The palace is written with multi-armed characters, crooked and twisted.

There are three big characters written on it: [Holy King’s Hall].

Outside the Holy King's Hall, there are two rows of eight four-armed guards standing, all holding their heads proudly. Being able to stand guard for the Holy King is definitely an honor for them, even if they return to the tribe in the future.

, and it’s also something he can brag about for the rest of his life.

Suddenly, the sky above the Holy King's Palace was filled with wind, residual clouds, and strong winds roaring. At some point, large dark clouds flew in and instantly enveloped the entire Holy King Mountain.

Shengwang Mountain is so high that it has already exceeded the height of the clouds. Logically speaking, it is impossible for dark clouds to appear here.

The eight guards were also alert, looking up at the sky with vigilant expressions.

But before they could make any move, the astonishing pressure in the void suddenly came down. The eight guards had no time to react, and they exploded one after another. Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the rocks around the palace also exploded.

Come on, the sound of explosions keeps coming and going.

"Weng~~" There was a cold snort in the Holy King's Palace, and then a pressure rose from the hall. The two pressures collided in the air, and immediately exploded in circles of ripples, moving in all directions.

Shoot away.

"Who is your Excellency? You broke into the Holy King's Palace without permission?" A loud shout came, and then a huge shadow emerged from the palace. It was a hundred feet tall, but it was a green-haired man with fangs and a ring around his body.

The burly man with nine arms, wearing an alien costume woven with ivy, was staring coldly into the void with a pair of big tomb-like eyes.

His eyes were shining with vigilance and solemnity.

"Holy King's Hall? I have been hiding for many years. I didn't expect that the monkeys came out to claim kingship and hegemony. It's fine if I claim kingship and hegemony on your monkey mountain, but you bully my tribe. Don't you know that your multi-armed tribe was originally a barbarian?

If it weren't for the help of my human race's skills, there would be no place for you in this broken realm of the northern sky. It's just ungrateful. You actually took advantage of my departure to oppress my tribe and compress the human race's living space. You really don't know how to live or die.


Above the void, a huge vortex began to rotate, and the endless light gray clouds gathered together, and then turned into a human face. If Xiao Lin was here, he would be able to recognize at a glance that this person is the Phantom Spirit Lord.


When the strong man with nine arms heard the words, he immediately showed an angry expression, and his voice exploded in the void like rolling thunder: "Who is this fellow Taoist? You actually despise this Holy King so much, do you really think that this Holy King is made of clay? The human race is weak,

Survival of the fittest, naturally, should not occupy the limited resources, but should be given to our multi-armed race. If this holy king was not compassionate, how could he be so gentle, and would have ordered the annihilation of the human race long ago."

"What a strong tone. You are a barbarian and you dare to say things that will destroy our tribe. I originally wanted to spare your life. Today it seems that you are seeking your own death. However, I forgive you for not having the courage to say,

Is it the old monster with sky eyes or the old devil with earth eyes?"

When the strong man heard this, he was slightly startled, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face. After a moment, he said: "It doesn't matter who it is, what's important is that the Tianmu tribe has already begun to plan to attack you, the human race. We

The multi-armed tribe just grabbed a bit of an advantage, but they didn’t expect that the human race would actually produce another Mahayana monk. But after all, you only have one person, and even this holy king may not be able to defeat you. And according to the rules of the world of cultivating immortals,

According to the rules, we cannot interfere in the war in the world of immortals. Is it that fellow Taoist coming here this time just wants to compete with this holy king?"

The Holy King of the Multi-Armed Tribe's tone slowed down slightly, and it was obvious that the Phantom Lord's words hit his heart.

Illusion Spirit Lord also obviously saw this, and he felt a little solemn in his heart. The old monster with Sky Eyes and the old devil with Earth Eyes in his mouth were the two Mahayana monks of the Tianmu Clan.

These two old monsters have always been very low-key and cautious. Even if the human race is weak, they have never taken action. Now they are encouraging this fool to deal with the human race behind their backs. They are obviously under pressure from behind.

Phantom Spirit Master is not afraid of the Mahayana Spirit Clan, even one on one, he is confident to kill them all. After all, he is a Spirit Master, and the difference between Spirit Master and ordinary Mahayana monks is still huge, and

This gap is so large that it is unimaginable. It can be said that under normal circumstances, a spiritual master can kill an ordinary Mahayana monk instantly.

After the rules are perfected, it will bring a series of qualitative changes to the cultivators

It is not easy to destroy the entire spirit race by one person.

Phantom Spirit Lord's hatred for the Spirit Clan has been burned into his mind since he was a minor cultivator. His "disappearance" back then was actually due to the Spirit Clan. His racial hatred and personal hatred all made him

List the Eldar as life and death enemies.

With the strength of his spiritual master, he can completely crush several Mahayana monks from the Spirit Clan. However, he was plotted by the Mahayana monks from the two major clans, the Spirit Clan and the Bone Clan.

For thousands of years.

Therefore, although his strength has greatly increased this time, he is also much more cautious. The Chaos Divine Stone is probably still among the Spirit Clan. This Chaos Divine Stone has the ability to break his Huantian Divine Trigram and disrupt his control of the power of rules.

For him, it is a great threat. He must first find a way to obtain this Chaos Divine Stone or destroy it.

In addition, he has another concern, that is, the Mahayana among the Bone Clan who has practiced the Rule of Defeat. Now that tens of thousands of years have passed, by chance, he has unexpectedly perfected the power of the Rule. There is no guarantee that that person is not the same as him.

Likewise, the power of rules is perfect.

If that person also achieves the position of Spirit Master, although I am not afraid, it will be impossible to defeat him.

Therefore, after thinking about it, the Phantom Spirit Master did not open up the illusion with great fanfare, returned to the Northern Territory, and swept across the entire Northern Territory like a storm.

This time he will plan and act first, and then use thunderous means to destroy the Spirit Race and Bone Race in one fell swoop, thereby returning the Northern Sky Territory and the Xuanhuang Territory to the control of the human race. As long as he has the resources of these two domains

, if not within ten thousand years, new Mahayana monks will definitely be born, thus truly consolidating the status of the human race.

If the Bone Race monk who understood the rules of defeat also perfected the power of the rules, then his idea of ​​plotting the Mysterious Desolate Realm would basically be in vain.

The existence of a spiritual master can almost make an ethnic group prosperous for a long time, and almost no race will try to destroy a race with a spiritual master.

Moreover, on the spiritual continent, among those powerful super ethnic groups, almost all have spirit masters, holy ancestors and underworld ancestors.

After understanding that the Multi-Armed Clan was under the command of the Tianmu Clan, the Phantom Spirit Master also understood in his heart that the people of the Spirit Clan obviously knew that the Northern Heaven Territory they controlled had an evil origin, and they were the ones who were there.

After the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, the Spirit Tribe took the opportunity to steal the area controlled by the Human Tribe, and this process was extremely bloody, which left a deep impression on the Human Tribe. This past was even recorded in the classics of many sects, reminding the sects at all times.

Disciples, remember this blood feud.

Above the void, Phantom Spirit Lord's eyes suddenly became sharp, and the rotating vortex began to emerge with endless Dao patterns, densely packed, covering the entire sky in an instant.

The strong man above the Holy King's Palace was startled when he saw the dense Dao lines, and his face was full of horror.

"The power of rules and regulations is perfect? ​​Your spiritual master, please spare your life."

The Mahayana monk of the multi-armed tribe never thought that a weak human race would actually give birth to a spiritual master. He knew very well what the spiritual master represented. It was a perfect existence with the power of rules, and every move could perfectly fit it.

The power of heaven and earth has the power to destroy heaven and earth.

At this moment, he didn't care about his face as a Mahayana monk, and actually begged for mercy.

But there was no response from the void, and there was only the vortex covered with Dao patterns, slowly pressing down towards the Holy King Mountain.

The entire Holy King Mountain began to ripple before the vortex was suppressed, and the entire mountain seemed to become less clear at this moment.

Within thousands of miles around the Holy King Mountain, countless multi-armed tribesmen also saw this scene.

But they didn't know what was going on. They thought it was their Holy King who was practicing some kind of magical power and secret technique. Many of the multi-armed tribesmen even cheered loudly, and many more knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Get up and pray.

Only this Mahayana monk from the multi-armed tribe knew what he was about to face.

This is a perfect blow from the power of perfect rules. It is said that everything under heaven is filled with ants. As the vortex pressed down, the Holy King's Palace was unable to support this huge force and began to fall apart.

After a while, the entire palace was completely reduced to dust. This was not over yet. The vortex continued to press down. The thick Holy King Mountain also collapsed under this vortex. As long as the broken rocks touched the vortex,

The runes immediately and silently turned into powder.

The 10,000-foot-tall Holy King Mountain fell apart under the eyes of countless multi-armed tribesmen.

The power erupting from the Holy King Mountain cannot stop the downward pressure of the vortex.

"Lord Spirit Master, as long as you can spare my life, I am willing to lead the multi-armed tribe, always submit to the human race, and will never betray." A horrified voice came from the mountain.

It clearly entered the ears of countless multi-armed tribesmen around them. These multi-armed tribesmen were immediately shocked. Only now did they realize that the person begging for mercy was actually their Holy King.


Unfortunately, before they could wake up from the shock, accompanied by a shrill scream, the whirlpool that only covered a hundred miles had already pressed to the ground. After the scream disappeared, it gradually dissipated, revealing the clear void.


But the Holy King Mountain, the holy place in the hearts of the many-armed tribesmen, has disappeared, leaving only a dark, bottomless pit.

This chapter has been completed!
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