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Chapter 1523 Statue of the Buddha Clan

The two of them landed on the ice steps and immediately felt a sense of relief. Many people below had already walked dozens of feet away, and they had obviously discovered that there was no way to control the air on the Yin-Yang Road.

The three of them walked slowly down, being extremely careful. The steps were made of black ice and were extremely slippery. If they were not careful, they might fall directly.

Not to mention that the situation below is unknown, just the squeezing force around it is not something that ordinary monks can withstand, so if it really falls accidentally, it will probably be fatal.

After descending for half an hour, in Xiao Lin's perception, it was at least several thousand feet away from the sea surface, and it still had not reached the bottom. The surrounding space was also strangely divided into black and white, and in the middle of the black and white was a layer of light.

The color of the stock is green.

It was this azure colored aura that made the entire area around the ice steps extremely cold. Even Xiao Lin, who practiced ice-based techniques, could feel the bone-chilling chill.

Only with the blessing of Xiao Lin's Nirvana Realm Holy Scale Burning Heaven Technique, he was still able to resist. Bai Xingge behind him had already started to use his magic power, condensing a sword element light shield on his body to resist the cold air invading his body.

"How long is this road? Why does it seem to have no end?" Bai Xingge couldn't help but ask as he looked at the ice steps ahead with no end in sight.

"Ah~~~" Before Gu Lianhun and Xiao Lin could reply, a shrill scream suddenly came from below. The sound came from near and far. It was obvious that someone could not resist the cold air and fell down the ice steps, because

After the sound dropped for a few breaths, it stopped abruptly.

Thinking of the huge squeezing force around him, it goes without saying that after falling down the ice steps, this person could not withstand the cold and the huge squeezing force and soon exploded to death.

After the first scream, screams followed one after another from below. Many monks who were still above the ice steps were frightened. Auras of spiritual light lit up one after another. It was obvious that the mana in the body was lifted up and they began to be cautious.

stand up.

In the next half hour, the screams became much less frequent, but sporadic ones still sounded every once in a while.

The cold air is getting thicker and thicker. At the same time, Xiao Lin and the other two people also feel a deep cold air from this cold air. The difference between this deep cold air and the cold air is that it can make the monk's soul feel a deep cold air.

A burning sensation in the buttocks.

"This is the aura of water evil, please be careful." Gu Lianhun, who was well-informed, immediately warned.

Although Xiao Lin had doubts, he suddenly realized after Gu Lianhun reminded him that this kind of water evil spirit is extremely corrosive and can corrode the soul of a monk. If ordinary mortals encounter this,

If you plant the evil spirit of water, your soul will melt almost instantly and turn into a dead corpse.

The previous phantom of the white tiger was probably formed by the condensed water evil energy.

But being able to reveal the strange phenomenon of the white tiger is enough to show that the intensity of the water evil spirit here is astonishing.

After walking for another two hours, Xiao Lin thought that he was at least tens of thousands of feet away from the sea. The surrounding water evil aura had completely turned into a clear blue color, and the original black and white aura had disappeared. The entire surrounding space was filled with

It has a green color and looks very strange.

The bursts of water evil power that eroded into the body also caused the three of them to use at least 30% of their mana to resist. Even the power of the soul was constantly being consumed by resisting the water evil power.

But the ice steps that originally sloped downward have become flat, but the front is filled with green, and there is still no end in sight.

Although the ice steps have become flat, it is not that no one has fallen again. Xiao Lin saw with his own eyes a Bone Race monk not far ahead. Suddenly his body shook, and then he fell silently down the ice steps, heading towards

The endless abyss below fell, and the moment it fell, it turned into a piece of black ice.

The three people watching this scene also had chills running down their spines. You must know that the monks who can enter this Yin-Yang Road are at least in the Void Refining Stage. Just the water evil energy and cold air around here have already caused many people to perish. This shows that

These two forces are terrifying.

Xiao Lin was also secretly frightened. What kind of power could separate the Broken Moon Ocean? Moreover, even on the seabed of tens of thousands of feet, the water has never closed. You must know that on the seabed of tens of thousands of feet, the astonishing pressure alone

, is enough to crush many immortal cultivators to death, not to mention the rich water evil aura and icy cold aura here.

After walking on the seabed tens of thousands of feet for more than an hour, two huge figures appeared in front of Xiao Lin and the others. This made the three of them slightly startled, but the people in front did not seem to stop, and the three of them also

Keep walking forward.

Although it is walking sideways, the bottom is still bottomless, showing a dark green color, just like the mouth of a giant beast, which makes people feel a chill in their hearts even after taking a look at it.

Soon the three of them saw the two huge figures clearly. They were actually two huge statues. They didn't know how high they were. The ice steps that Xiao Lin and the others were walking on happened to pass through the waists of the two statues.

These two statues are very strange. They look like human beings. Both the body and the face are the same as human beings. The only difference is only two positions, that is, the two hanging tentacles on the top of the two statues, which have been hanging down to the two sides.

Beside the ears, and at the ends of these two tentacles, there are two strange blood-colored eyes.

In addition, the hands of these two statues are like two huge sickles, slightly curved and shining with a cold light.

"Huh?" Xiao Lin suddenly noticed that the eyes of the two statues seemed to be different from those of the human race. They were actually like palm-sized grids gathered together. Only in the center, there was a circle, flashing with dark eyes.


The moment Gu Lianhun saw the two statues, his body stopped. Xiao Lin walked to his side and saw that his face was a little pale and his eyes showed some fear.

"Does Gu know these two statues?" Xiao Lin was very surprised. Gu Lianhun is now a fourth-level loose immortal, equivalent to a spiritual ancestor. What kind of creature can actually make him show a look of fear?


"Is this a member of the Futu tribe?"

Xiao Lin was also shocked by Gu Lianhun's words. He never expected that the Futu tribe, which was said to cause catastrophe in the Holy Moon Continent, actually looked like this.

Not only him, Bai Xingge also showed a shocked expression.

"Is this Yin Yang Road related to the Buddha Clan?" Xiao Lin had a bad premonition in his heart. The Buddha Hell Tribulation of the Ten Yuan Hui would occur every ten Yuan Hui, and once the Buddha Clan appeared, it would be endless.

Endless, sweeping across the entire Holy Moon Continent, countless creatures will disappear in this killing, and even countless races on the Holy Moon Continent will die out.

However, there are only a few monks from various races of the Buddha Clan who can really be remembered. Firstly, many races that have experienced the Shiyuanhui Buddha Hell Tribulation were mostly slaughtered, and many of the remaining ones were mentally disturbed, and the time was too long.

In the long run, many things will be submerged in the long river of history. Only some sects and races that have lasted for countless years can have some fragmentary records about the Buddha Clan.

So when they found out that the two statues in front of them were members of the Futu tribe, Xiao Lin and Bai Xingge were shocked.

Xiao Lin couldn't help but look down at the bottom of the statue, and saw that the waist of the statue was buried in the green water evil energy, making it difficult to see the whole picture.

As if he had guessed what Xiao Lin was thinking, Gu Lianhun, who had recovered his form, said solemnly: "The Futu tribe has hands like mantises, water and fire divine pupils on their heads, which can emit bone-burning divine flames and water-evil cold light. They have four legs and three tails.

There are also three god-eating poison needles on it. If a monk is shot by the poison needle, within three breaths, his soul will be melted by the poison and his soul will be gone. However, once these three god-eating poison needles are all shot out, then the Buddha clan will also

It will exhaust all the original energy and die on the spot, so the Buddha Clan will not send out three poisonous needles until the last moment."

Gu Lianhun described the appearance of the Futu tribe to the two of them, and Xiao Lin and Bai Xingge instantly had a picture in their minds.

But at the same time, a chill slowly rose from the bottom of their hearts, because they thought at the same time, what a terrifying scene it would be if such monsters rushed over.

"Don't these pagodas have any weaknesses?"

Hearing this, Gu Lianhun shook his head with a wry smile and said: "It's not that the Futu tribe has no weaknesses. To say that its weaknesses are the water and fire pupils at the ends of the two tentacles on their heads. These water and fire pupils are directly connected to their eyes.

The God of Consciousness Sea, and the Buddha Pill that connects them at the same time, as long as the water and fire divine pupils are cut off, they will definitely die. However, this Buddha tribe is not only proficient in water and fire spells, but also has an extremely powerful body, especially a pair of sickles, which are extremely sharp and can

It is worth a third-level fairy treasure, and as the level of the Buddha clan increases, the grade of this pair of sickles becomes higher. According to legend, every time the Ten Yuan Association Buddha Hell Tribulation breaks out, at least three King Buddhas will appear.

, as long as three pagoda kings are killed, hundreds of millions of pagoda clans will lose their fighting power in an instant, so killing all the pagoda kings is the only way to quell this catastrophe."

"Then by gathering all the strongest men from all races and joining forces to kill the Buddha King, wouldn't it be possible to avoid the destruction of all living beings?" Bai Xingge said.

"If only it were that simple."

Gu Lianhun continued: "The Futu tribe is also known as the harvest beast. Once it breaks out, the number of harvest beasts will be overwhelming. There are also two-winged harvest beasts that can fly, four-winged reapers, and six-winged reapers. The ones in front of us are

This statue is just a reaper beast with two scythes. In addition, there are reapers with four scythes, reaper generals with six scythes, and King Pagoda with eight wings and eight scythes. It is extremely terrifying, and its strength is even greater than that of the Great Spirit Master and the Holy Ancestor.

It’s a little bit better.”

Xiao Lin and Bai Xingge were stunned when they heard Gu Lianhun's narration. The existence of three beings that surpassed the Great Spirit Lord, the Holy Ancestor, and the overwhelming Buddha tribe made them feel chilly just thinking about it.

At the same time, they also understood why every ten yuan would cause a catastrophe of hell and almost destroy the entire Holy Moon Continent.

Xiao Lin suddenly heard something and asked: "Ancient, Xiao Lin remembers that you once said that this catastrophe doesn't always start from the abyss of the Western Prison? Could it be that this yin and yang road of no return is the path leading to

Isn’t it possible to reach the abyss of Western Prison?”

Hearing this, Gu Lianhun shook his head and said: "The Western Prison Abyss is countless billions of miles away from here. It is the westernmost land in the Holy Moon Continent. If you want to go there, you have to pass through several dangerous situations.

, the easiest road is the Guifeng Mountains. The Guifeng Mountains stretch across the three realms and are home to many lonely ghosts, including some ghost monks with unpredictable realms. Once a monk with a physical body enters the Guifeng Mountains,

, immediately like throwing a piece of fragrant meat into a pack of hungry wolves, you will immediately be attacked by endless evil spirits. This evil spirit has no body and is a complete fusion of soul and ferocious aura.

, and many evil spirits were powerful monks during their lifetimes. If they had not advanced to the Mahayana stage, it would be difficult for them to survive from the Guifeng Mountains."

"So I can be sure that this place is definitely not leading to the Western Hell Abyss. It's just that there are two statues of the Buddha tribe here. It's really strange, and I'm also very puzzled."

"This place where the Yin and Yang Road of No Return leads may have some inextricable relationship with the Buddha Clan or with the Buddha Hell Tribulation of the Ten Yuan Hui. From ancient times, it can be known why the Buddha Clan would kill every ten Yuan Hui.

, will come to the Holy Moon Continent and carry out endless killings?" Xiao Lin asked.

Gu Lianhun shook his head and said with a smile: "If we knew why, we might be able to find a way to solve this endless disaster. From ancient times to the present, I have experienced the Ten Yuan Hui Fu Tu Hell disaster several times. From the few words passed down,

Among them, the ancestors of the human race only knew that every time a catastrophe came, they could only kill three Pagoda Kings, and the disaster would disappear. The endless Pagoda tribe seemed to be controlled by these three Pagoda Kings, but they were killed.

Although these three Buddha Kings have eliminated the disaster, ten Yuanhui later, three more Buddha Kings will appear, leading an endless army of Buddha tribes to invade the Holy Moon Continent. As for why? It has always been an eternal mystery."

When Xiao Lin and Bai Xingge heard this, they also fell silent, feeling extremely heavy.

"Let's continue to investigate. Now I also want to know where the Yin and Yang point of no return is." Gu Lianhun was obviously very interested and had decided to find out.

"If Gu is interested, the two of us will accompany you." After Xiao Lin finished speaking, the three of them continued to walk forward.

After passing two huge statues of the pagoda tribesmen, another piece of green smoke shrouded the eyes, and the ice steps once again extended downwards.

The further they walked, the thicker the azure smoke became, and soon the three of them could only see a hundred feet in front of them. Even if Xiao Lin used his spiritual eyes, he could only see about a hundred feet further away.

We have been walking like this for a full hour. At this moment, according to Xiao Lin's calculation, we have definitely reached a depth of 100,000 feet. This depth is almost the limit of most monks. Of course, since there is no sea water here, it is not that huge.

pressure, but the rich water evil spirit had already made the three of them feel great pressure.

"Eh? What's in front of you?" Just when Xiao Lin was a little impatient, a huge gate monument suddenly appeared in front of him, hundreds of feet high, with strange patterns carved on it, and above the gate monument,

Three large ancient seal characters [Yin Yang Gate] are carved on it.

This chapter has been completed!
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