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Chapter 1652 Fairy City

Xiao Lin had just sealed the Snow Mane Cold Light Beast, and the huge pit it created began to close up at a speed visible to the naked eye. This shows how cold this extreme land is.

In a few flashes of Xiao Lin's figure, he arrived at the place where the Snowmane Cold Light Beast was lying. However, at this moment, the mountains had disappeared without a trace, but the ground was once again covered with black ice, and even a thick layer of ice fell on the surface.

A layer of snow.

Xiao Lin pinched the sword technique with his right hand, and with a finger pointing, a green sword light shot out from his fingertips. After shooting hundreds of feet away, it became a hundred feet in size, and then stabbed fiercely on the ice field.


There was a loud noise, the earth cracked, black ice shot out, and where the Snowmane Cold Light Beast had been lying, a dark pit appeared, with no depth visible.

Xiao Lin slowly came to the pit and looked down.

"This should be the entrance to the Snow World recorded on the map, right?" Xiao Lin did not hesitate and jumped straight down.

After descending to a depth of tens of thousands of feet, Xiao Lin's feet shook and he stepped on the ground. Xiao Lin looked around and saw that this was an ice cave. Except for a hole above his head that was dozens of feet in size, other places were.

The ice cones are all densely packed, and the ice cones are flashing with colorful spiritual lights, illuminating the entire ice cave in a strange way.

Xiao Lin glanced around and immediately saw a dark hole at the end of the left front. The hole seemed to be only about ten feet high and three or four feet wide. It could basically only accommodate one person.

After Xiao Lin thought for a while, he ducked and shot into the cave.

Although there is a lot of stray light in the cave, it is a bit dim in comparison, and there is no end in sight.

Xiao Lin released three Purple Thunder Star Shields, which turned into three groups of auras, rotating around him. In this way, he could see dozens of feet ahead clearly, and also protected himself from unexpected dangers.

After walking along the corridor for several days, Xiao Lin was a little surprised that the passage was so long. Although he was not traveling very fast, it was definitely tens of thousands of miles long. Moreover, during the process of traveling, Xiao Lin could

He clearly felt that the corridor he was walking on was heading downwards. According to his estimation, he was now at least 100,000 feet deep underground.

Even so, there is still no end in sight.

Although Xiao Lin was surprised, he still had patience and continued to move forward, because according to the map Lin Xueying gave him, this snow world is a paradise-like existence, and there is a high probability that the treasure that can heal his elder brother's injury is

In this snow world, of course, even if he is not in it, as long as he can get some information, it will be good for him.

Along the way, the temperature has gradually increased. Although it is still very cold now, it is much better than the extreme ice field. At least Xiao Lin can withstand the cold here just by relying on his physical body.

Even Xiao Hei ran out of the beast ring and followed Xiao Lin.

"Boss, what the hell is this place? This is the first time I've walked in a cave for such a long time." Xiao Hei complained as he walked around and looked around.

"The map only shows that this leads to the Snow World, but there is no description of the scenery in the Snow World."

"Isn't that ferocious beast just to protect the entrance to this snow world?" Xiao Hei seemed to be thinking of the Snow-Maned Cold-Light Beast. The place where the Snow-maned Cold-Light Beast lurked was the entrance to this place.

However, with its huge body, it is impossible to get in.

When Xiao Lin heard this, his heart moved. He thought of a possibility. The land of the Extreme Region was extremely cold. Even ice-based martial arts monks like him couldn't bear it. Although the Snowmane Cold Light Beast is also ice.

Although it is a ferocious beast, it does not mean that it likes such an environment. The warm air rising from the cave is no more than a furnace to the snow-maned cold light beast. Therefore, it lies on the entrance of the cave, which is not the case.

It's really to protect the cave entrance.

Xiao Lin was about to explain, but Xiao Hei suddenly shouted loudly.

"Boss, it seems we've reached the end ahead."

Xiao Lin also saw it. A bright light appeared in front of him. A man and a beast walked out of the corridor at an extremely fast speed and arrived in the belly of a large mountain.

As soon as they entered the mountain, Xiao Lin and Xiao Heiju both showed surprised expressions.

It turns out that this mountain belly is dozens of miles in size. There are crystals of various colors everywhere, shining with various colors. The entire mountain belly is illuminated with a dense atmosphere.

And Xiaohei's eyes.

What surprised them was not the various crystals here, but the various statues engraved on the surrounding mountain walls. They were densely packed. At first glance, they almost covered all the mountain walls. Even the sky above their heads was engraved with various statues.

beast humanoid.

In the center of the mountain, there are still four huge statues standing, and in the middle of these four huge statues, there is a suspended ball. The ball is green in color and flashes with endless runes.

The four huge statues were kneeling on one knee, with their hands in a weird posture, and their faces were full of pious expressions, as if they were worshiping the ball.

Xiao Lin looked at the four statues, two of them male and two female. Xiao Lin suddenly stared at one of the female statues with a horrified expression on his face.

Because the appearance of this statue was exactly the same as the Feng Banned Immortal he saw in the secret territory of Feng Jing, and it could be said to be lifelike.

"Could it be that these four statues are the four immortal guards who descended to earth?" Xiao Lin also knew this allusion from Feng Banxian, who only said that their purpose of descending to earth was to kill the real demons wandering around.

The demons of the seventeen spiritual worlds work for heaven.

But Xiao Lin always feels that things are not that simple. Once the body of a true immortal enters the spiritual world, his magical powers will be suppressed by the huge power of heaven in the spiritual world. Although it is still much more powerful than those top spiritual monks,

However, the strength has also been greatly reduced, which will undoubtedly create huge risks.

Every true immortal can achieve the status of a true immortal only after experiencing many hardships and endless hours of hard training. Even if he is a patrolling immortal guard and has the responsibility of being an immortal, he will not easily take his own life for fun.

, when true demons flow into the spiritual world, their magical powers will also be greatly suppressed. Under normal circumstances, under the joint efforts of many top monks in the spiritual world, the final outcome of a true demon whose magical powers are suppressed may not be much better.

Moreover, before the spiritual world is truly on the verge of destruction, these sky patrolling immortal guards should not risk entering the spiritual world.

As for slaying demons, in Xiao Lin's opinion, it's just an excuse.

"Boss, look at it. The runes over there seem to be space patterns." The little black eyes rolled around and looked around. Suddenly, his face condensed and he said.

Hearing this, Xiao Lin also came back from his endless thoughts and followed where Xiao Hei's claws were pointing.

"Sure enough, it is a space pattern. It is covered in four directions. At the same time, it uses the power of the four elements to gather the rules of space. Is this a void teleportation formation?" Xiao Lin understood the rules of space. After a closer look,

, and immediately saw the clues.

According to the map, this is the passage leading to the Snow World, but in the heart of the mountain, apart from statues and murals, there are no other passages.

This also made Xiao Lin think that there might be a teleportation array here. He had not noticed the space pattern before, so he did not think about it. Now that he saw the space pattern, Xiao Lin understood it immediately.

At the same time, I also secretly admire the dexterity of the people who originally designed this place. You must know the space pattern. Except for those who understand the rules of space, the rest of the people will definitely not be able to discover the teleportation array here unless they have studied the space pattern.


Xiao Lin slowly walked towards a place with space patterns and browsed it carefully.

There are a total of twelve such places, which coincide with the number of heavenly stems. Xiao Lin also needs to do some research before he can know how to open them.

Xiao Hei was bored, so he lay on the ground and took a nap.

After a long time, Xiao Lin came back to the four statues in the middle and looked at the suspended ball in the middle.

After a moment, he suddenly pressed the seal, and a pure force of space rules shot into the ball. The green ball immediately emitted a brilliant light, covering the entire mountainside in a layer of green.

Xiao Hei also jumped up in shock at this sudden scene.

At this time, twelve blue light pillars shot out from the ball, accurately hitting the twelve Dao lines.

With the injection of green aura, the twelve Dao runes lit up one after another. Soon the entire hillside was shrouded in the aura of the runes, and the light on the middle ball became brighter and brighter. In the end, even

Xiao Lin felt extremely dazzling and couldn't help but close his eyes.

When Xiao Lin and Xiao Hei opened their eyes, they were surprised to find that they were in a lush valley, surrounded by green mountains and green waters, with all kinds of exotic flowers and plants growing there. What surprised Xiao Lin even more was the

The aura of the fairy spirit was actually extremely strong.

Obviously, the fairy spirit veins here are definitely not below the seventh level.

"Who are you? Are you trespassing in the snow world?"

Xiao Lin and Xiao Hei were surprised when two rays of glow suddenly fell from the sky. As the glow dispersed, they revealed two people, a man and a woman. The man looked about twenty years old, with delicate features and delicate features.

It is almost perfect to the extreme, even Xiao Lin seems to be slightly inferior.

As for the woman, her face is even more charming, and she can be said to be the most beautiful girl in the country. She looks to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, and her whole body exudes the aura of youth. Compared with Lin Xueying and Xia Mo, she does not seem to be inferior. The only thing she lacks is Lin Xueying.

The nobility of Xia Mo and the arrogance of Xia Mo.

What shocks Xiao Lin is not the appearance of these two people, but the realm of these two people. They are both in the late stage of transcending the tribulation, which is the same as his own realm.

He did not expect that this snow world was actually Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. As soon as he entered here, he met two top-level monks who were in the same realm as him.

"Xiao Lin, I accidentally stumbled into this place. I don't know where this place is? What do you two call me?" Although Xiao Lin was shocked in his heart, there was no abnormality on his face. He bowed his hands slightly and saluted, and said.

Hearing this, the expressions of a man and a woman softened a little.

Before the man could speak, the girl took the lead and said: "We are the Immortal Relic Clan, this is the Snow World, and our Immortal Relic Clan are the guardians of the Immortal World. My name is Huang Cui, and this is my senior brother Huang Jing."

The girl was so outspoken that the man next to her didn't even have time to stop her, so she just said it outright.

Seeing this, the man could only glare at the woman helplessly, then looked at Xiao Lin and said: "Although you were accidentally injured, you must follow us to see the elders of the clan. After all, our snow world has been around for millions of years.

No one has ever come in."

"Xiao did enter this place unintentionally, and he had no ill intentions. He just went to see your elders?"

"You don't need to worry. Our Immortal Relics are not a race that kills cruelly. The elders only asked about your origins and explained some precautions. As for your safety, as long as it is not detrimental to our Immortal Relics, there is no need to worry about your safety."

The man spoke.

"In that case, please lead the way." Xiao Lin came here for the first time, and he didn't want to conflict with the people here. Besides, he was here to find a magic medicine to treat his elder brother's injury. Once he had a conflict with the people here, he would

Naturally, it is impossible to get clues about the treasure you want to find.

Seeing Xiao Lin agree, the man smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Xiao, please come with the two of us."

After saying that, the two people waved their sleeves, and a cloud of auspicious clouds rose from their feet, and the auspicious clouds dragged the two people towards the sky.

When Xiao Lin saw this scene, he was also surprised. The escape skills performed by these two people seemed to be very different from the mainstream Qi control methods in the spiritual world. In the spiritual world, the immortal cultivators initially used magic weapons to fly.

After reaching the Dan Realm, he has been able to achieve the unity of heaven and man, integrate into the power of heaven and earth, and then use his own light-escape power to fly.

When he reaches Xiao Lin's level, although he still has escape light, it is just to speed up the escape technique and activate his magic power. In fact, he can completely move the void to the end of the world.

The escape skills of the two people in front of them are more like the power of driving rules, because the auspicious clouds under their feet, one is in the shape of a ball of water, and the other is in the shape of a ball of yellow soil, but the speed is not slow at all, and in an instant

In a matter of seconds, it was thousands of miles away.

Xiao Lin also used his escape technique and followed the two of them with Xiao Hei.

When the two fell down, Xiao Hei didn't have time to return to the beast ring. He was already discovered by the other party. However, the two of them didn't seem to know Xiao Hei's origin. They just glanced at him and paid no further attention to him.

So Xiao Lin used his spiritual consciousness to let Xiao Hei return to the beast ring. Although Xiao Hei was a little reluctant, he turned into a gray light and shot into the beast ring.

After flying for tens of thousands of miles, Xiao Lin, led by the two of them, flew diagonally downwards. At this time, Xiao Lin also saw that in front of him was a city that covered a hundred miles, and there were people in the city.

Outside the crowd, various auspicious clouds were constantly flying in and out of the clouds, which made it look very lively.

"That's the largest city in our snow world - Fairy City." The woman suddenly turned her head at this time, smiled at Xiao Lin, and then pointed to the city in front of her.

This chapter has been completed!
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