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Chapter 37 The corridor has changed

 Fatty and Pan Zi persuaded and persuaded each other, and when they thought about their sadness, they couldn't help but shed tears. Shunzi was so saddened by them that he felt a little relieved and asked for a free time with Zhang Zhu.

A bag to contain his father’s bones.

The fat man wiped his tears, picked up another backpack and poured it out, looked through the contents, and said to Shunzi: "See if there are any relics of your father in the ones you just poured out, and if so, pick them up."

Just think about it, people should always look forward, and let them go by the past." Shunzi nodded, looked at it for a few times and didn't find anything familiar, so he carried the bag containing his biological father to Yumen.

On the side, separated from other bags containing treasures.

The fat man stared at the rags on the ground, and suddenly


"Comrades, have you noticed that there is something missing from these things?"

"What's missing?" Pan Zi asked.

"Oops." The fat man clapped his hands and said anxiously,

"Food, there is missing food." When everyone took a look, the basic equipment in the pile of rags was complete, but there was only missing food.

Wu Xiaoxie murmured,

"So, they were trapped here and starved to death?" As he said something, he suddenly thought of something and hurriedly used a flashlight to shine on the tomb door. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the tomb door and the corridor were both there.

"It's okay, okay." The situation in the undersea tomb did not appear. So how did these people die? Pan Zi thought of a possibility and asked Shunzi,

"How many people were in the team your father led?" Shunzi replied, "It seems that there were only seven. My mother said she saw seven, but I don't know the exact number." Panzi counted and said:

"There are only six corpses here, which means that at least two or more people left here alive. It is very likely that when they saw so many treasures, they divided the spoils unevenly, started internal strife, and some of them were killed.

These people then ran away." Zhang Zhuoxun recalled the original plot. Back then, Banai's Jiumen archaeological team, the first archaeological team, was killed by Panma and others, and was later replaced by Jie Jiuye's people, who were the first archaeological team.

The second archaeological team, but Chen Wenjin and Huo Ling escaped by chance at that time, and used secret orders to transfer the fake Chen Wenjin and Huo Ling to Yunding Tiangong, and then mixed into the second archaeological team that was sent to the Xisha Undersea Tomb.

The entire team was imprisoned in Golmud Sanatorium under a conspiracy. It can be said that the person who entered Yunding Tiangong at that time was the third archaeological team led by the fake Chen Wenjin.

So here comes the question, among the six corpses in front of you, except for the already identified corpse of Shunzi’s father, whose are the other corpses?

Zhang Zhuoxun felt that the real Wu Sansheng must have entered the Yunding Heavenly Palace after emerging from the Xisha Undersea Tomb. He and Xie Lianlian deceived everyone with the corpses of the Wang family, Li Daitao, and then Xie Lianlian became Wu Sansheng and continued to work in the palace.

Operation Undersea Tomb, the real Wu Sansheng may have joined the third archaeological team and entered the Yunding Tiangong, so one of the people who escaped must be Wu Sansheng, and it is unknown who the other person is.

Zhang Zhuoxun sighed softly in his heart, forget it, these people all have eight hundred tricks, and they use tricks one after another, which makes people's heads hurt.

"Muyu? What are you thinking about?" Wu Xiaoxie nudged Zhang Shuxun, who was wandering in the sky. Zhang Shuxun came to his senses.

"What's wrong?" Wu Xiaoxie pointed to the mummies on the ground and said, "Look at the expressions of these people, they seem to be very desperate. I still prefer that there is something weird here. They were trapped and died here." Zhang Zhu

Xun nodded, that is indeed the case,

"If there is really something weird here, then it would be better for us to leave as soon as possible. If there is no problem, we will come back after finding your third uncle and then find a way to transport these things." The fat man looked at these treasures with a look on his face.

Body aches,

"Then what if we don't go out from here? It would be a pity to leave so many treasures here." Zhang Zhuxun casually picked up a crown studded with gems and stuffed it into his hand, saying: "That one

It can show that we are not destined to these things. Take this, and it will be enough for you to be carefree for half your life." The fat man took it and sighed sadly, his eyes full of nostalgia.

Zhang Zhuoxun waved his hand and said: "We can't just go back empty-handed. Let's take something each and go out from here first." Several people nodded and followed the instructions. One person picked something and put it in his pocket, and then walked out of the jade with a flashlight.


After taking two steps, the fat man suddenly asked doubtfully: "Comrades, do you think the corridor has changed?" Wu Xiaoxie turned on the lamp and shined a light on the mural, and immediately shouted: "It's broken, the tomb has indeed moved."

." I saw that the originally magnificent and brilliant murals had all turned into black ghostly shadows with huge heads.

Pan Zi was stunned,

"What...what's going on? We went to the wrong door? No, isn't there the same door we come in and out of? Why did everything change in the blink of an eye?" Wu Xiaoxie explained what he had encountered at the Undersea Tomb.


Shunzi said in shock: "Can this be like this?" When he came out of the undersea tomb, Zhang Zhuxun sent the treasures in the space to Pan Zi to buy. When the two of them had dinner together, Zhang Zhuxun told Pan Zi about the undersea tomb.

When Pan Zi heard about some things, he thought they were just traps, nothing special. But now that he has actually encountered them, he realizes how powerful they are.

"What should we do now?" Pan Zi asked. Wu Xiaoxie gritted his teeth and took the lead into the new corridor.

"No matter what, we can only move forward, otherwise we will end up like the corpse in the treasure room." The fat man had a deep understanding of the original predicament. He patted his backpack and said, "At worst, we will determine the location by then."

, and then directly blasted a way out." Zhang Zhuxun turned around and glanced at the treasure room that was once again immersed in darkness, squinted his eyes, turned around and said, "Then let's go." Wu Xiaoxie looked at the pictures on the walls on both sides.

The big-headed ghost had cold hairs standing on his back and his heart was trembling a little, but he had already taken a step and there was no reason to turn back. He gritted his teeth and continued to move forward.

Zhang Zhuoxun walked quickly to the position in front of him, held the skull knife in his hand, gave Wu Xiaoxie the flashlight, and said: "I'll take the lead, you guys follow me, so you can easily deal with any emergencies."

." Wu Xiaoxie nodded, without showing off, holding two flashlights and turning them to maximum power to shine in front.

Although the ghosts on both sides made people feel a little scared, they did not encounter any danger along the way.

Until he turned the corner, the flashlight shining forward was reflected back, and the corridor reached the end. Zhang Zhuxun paused slightly, took a deep breath, and said to Wu Xiaoxie and the others: "We may be in trouble."

This chapter has been completed!
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