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Chapter 47: Wannu King Appears

 Hearing Wu Xiaoxie's question, Zhang Zhuxun turned his wrist, glanced at the fat man, took out an octagonal silver dart from his pocket, pointed to the small mechanism on it, and said to Wu Xiaoxie

"You let the fat man carry this. If there is an emergency, let him press the power button here, and then throw it over and explode it. This delay is enough for me to get him back." Wu Xiao

The evil incarnation passed the microphone, ran up to the fat man, and relayed Zhang Zhuxun's words to the fat man without changing a word.

The fat man took the octagonal silver dart, looked at it, stuffed it into his pocket and put it away.

"That's it. With the words of Muyu, Fatty, I can rest assured." Fatty and Kirk climbed back onto the bronze chain and hung their heads down on the rope. They were about to find the right position to lower the coffin-opening hook.

It got stuck in the gap of the coffin.

Wu Xiaoxie was just about to say something to remind Fatty to be careful. Something happened in an instant. The lock of Kirk's climbing rope suddenly broke for some unknown reason and separated from the bronze chain.

Kirk, who was hanging in the air, just fell down. His head hit the coffin hard, with a muffled bang, and his brains splattered. Under the weight of his body, his fragile neck was directly twisted and bent, and his cervical vertebrae were pierced.

And out, what is already dead cannot die again.

The fat man was still adjusting the position of his rappel when he heard the sound and was stunned for a moment. He thought to himself, "Hey guys, this foreigner is more anxious than him. The aperture of the headlight is too diffuse, and there are several unknown objects in the dark below."

We can't confirm Kirk's location, and we don't know that Kirk's life has already passed away at this moment.

Suddenly I heard Wu Xiaoxie exclaim,

"Fat man, get up!" Before the fat man could react, he felt that the rope hanging on him suddenly started to swing violently, and then he shook violently, and his whole body began to fall uncontrollably.

Fortunately, he had an extra safety rope tied around his waist. When his head was about to hit the coffin, the safety rope stretched and caught him.

The fat man was frozen in the air with his head down, and under his head was Kirk's twisted and hideous body. The fat man was so frightened that he screamed.

Everyone below also picked up the guy and pointed it at the sky. What's up there?

"That kind of bird! That big bird is up there!" Aning's men shouted, and in the panic, they accidentally fired a short shot.

Boom - as if a drop of water dropped into a hot oil pan. The whole sky above the rift valley exploded instantly.

The sound of Pu Linleng's flapping wings was like a gust of wind, casting a huge shadow over everyone's heads.

Pan Zi fired a flare and exploded with white light in the sky. In an instant, everyone clearly saw countless huge black shadows circling and rotating above their heads.

As if it was a test, the larger of the human-faced birds tilted its head, found the target, swooped down, stretched out its sharp claws, and caught a person in the air.

Then he released his claws, and the man screamed and hit the bronze chains one after another, and finally fell to the ground. His limbs twitched and twisted, and the blood foam overflowing from his mouth was mixed with small crimson blood clots.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in shock, and the blood all over their bodies seemed to freeze. Suddenly, a series of gunshots sounded in their ears, breaking the silence of the room. The gunshots were deafening and extremely loud in the empty rift valley.<


As if it was a signal to charge, countless huge shadows swooped down at lightning speed. The screams and the roar of bullets were endless.

Aning's men were like grasshoppers whose nest had been blown up, running away in unison. The attack was completely unorganized. Aning himself was scratched on the arm by a stray bullet and was forced to hide under a large volcanic rock.

On the other side, Zhang Zhuoxun emptied a magazine of bullets. He saw that there was a gap near the place where she was hiding, and there were so many prey at this time that the human-faced bird had no time to take care of it, so he took the 6 and the bullet box that he grabbed casually.

Wu Xiaoxie stuffed his arms into his arms, pushed in that direction, and said quickly: "Hurry and stay under there, don't run around!" Pan Zi stood beside Wu Sansheng with a gun and kept firing into the air. When he saw that Wu Xiaoxie had already

He hid in a sheltered place, felt a little relieved, fired the last flare to delay, and shouted to Zhang Zhuxun: "Muyu, take the third master and the third master away quickly, I will save the fat man." Zhang Zhuoxun.

Find and pat Pan Zi, reach out and point in the direction where the human-faced bird is flying, and shout,

"I'll save the fat man. You and the third master can run to the rift valley quickly!" Pan Zi looked over and gritted his teeth.

"Okay, we'll be waiting for you in front." After saying that, he waved his hand and shouted,

"Follow me!" He quickly retreated to the side of the rift valley. At this moment, the people in a mess were missing a commander to give orders. As soon as they heard this, they immediately ignored the situation, took the wounded, and fled in a crowd.<


Seeing that An Ning was injured, two of his more loyal subordinates took two steps and turned back, intending to take An Ning with them.

One of them also picked up Wu Xiaoxie on the side. Wu Xiaoxie staggered, suddenly screamed, and fell to the ground weakly due to pain in his left leg.

When the man saw that blood was oozing out from Wu Xiaoxie's calf, he knew that he had been shot and that he might not be able to escape even if he took him with him. He said a ruthless apology, then let go and took him with another person.

Aning swished away.

Wu Xiaoxie, who was kneeling on the ground, couldn't stop cursing her mother.

"Damn! Damn it, you killed me." The fat man had already cut the rope with a knife. The fat man standing on the coffin was thinking about his head and not his tail. Above his head was the human-faced bird that was constantly trying to attack him, and under his feet was the man-faced bird that had already been squeezed away.

The nails are so long that they have to be drilled out.

The fat man fired several shots with bang bang bang, temporarily forcing back the human-faced bird that wanted to attack him. He quickly took out the octagonal silver dart from his pocket, pressed the mechanism on it and threw it into the crack of the coffin.

"Wooden fish!" Fatty yelled at the top of his lungs,

"Come and save me!" Zhang Zhuxun pulled out his knife and ran quickly to the side of the coffin in Kowloon, shouting as he ran.

"Hurry up to the chain and leave the one below to me!" In times of crisis, human potential is really unlimited. The fat man jumped on the coffin and climbed up a large distance on the safety rope. He climbed up quickly using both hands and feet.

On the bronze chain.

With a bang, there was a dull explosion in the coffin, and the lid of the coffin was shaken a little.

However, with the coffin blocking the way, the fat man above was not affected by the explosion. However, after the explosion, the expression on the fat man's face was not relaxed. Instead, he became even more frightened. He fired to fight off the man-faced bird and shouted,
"Alive, alive, King Wannu is alive!" The nine centipedes locked on the stone pillars around the coffin were also awakened at this moment, but they did not climb at will. Instead, they crawled one by one in a very organized and disciplined manner, in the coffin.

, there is a... staircase between the stone platform and the ground?

This chapter has been completed!
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