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Chapter 50 The Bronze Door Opens

 And these little monsters don’t seem to feel pain. Even if they are only half-stretched by bullets, as long as they can still move, they will try their best to squeeze into the gaps.

After Wu Xiaoxie filled all the bullets, he also picked up the gun and sat on the ground, facing several of them that came in from the gap and Zhang Zhuxun and the two couldn't care about them. They only wounded but not killed the ones that fell into the mouth.

Monkey, point and shoot.

The blood splattered, and the three of them were almost blinded by the blood. The blood spurted into the air, leaving a fishy and pungent smell.

Wave after wave of mouth monkeys rushed forward without fear of life or death. They just followed the most primitive killing instinct and devoured and destroyed without hesitation.

"There are not enough bullets." Wu Xiaoxie's voice was filled with despair.

Zhang Zhuxun kicked two monkeys in the mouth to death. Without looking back, he threw the gun and magazine in his hand to Wu Xiaoxie, and spoke quickly, "You go help the fat man, don't worry about me, there are no bullets."

If you don't have a knife, just hold on to this wave. When the fog rises in the rift valley, these ghosts will recede."

Wu Xiaoxie stood up while holding on to the stone wall. He endured the excruciating pain in his calf, gave the remaining magazine to the fat man, and guarded the crack with the fat man.

The fat man roared angrily, and beat the mouth monkey who tried to pounce on his face until the flesh and blood flew everywhere, "Grandma, if you want to eat me, Fatty, you have to see if you have those iron teeth!"

Without a gun, Zhang Shuxun saw two Type 6 sword-shaped bayonets appear out of thin air in his hands, piercing the monkey that was forced into the crack in his mouth and then flying away.

Dirty blood splashed into his eyes, making them hurt. Zhang Zhuoxun couldn't help but half-squint his eyes, and physiological tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes. If the movements of his hands stopped for a moment, there would be several more cuts deep into the flesh on his body in the next second.

claw marks.

A mouth monkey opened its big mouth without lips, and its fangs suddenly pierced Zhang Shuxun's left shoulder.

Zhang Shuxun used the knife with his backhand to cut off the head of the monkey in his mouth, and flew its body away. However, the head was still on Zhang Shuxun's shoulder, and his teeth were cut into the flesh, which greatly affected his movement.

Zhang Zhuxun grabbed the head with his right hand, pulled it out hard, and tore off the piece of flesh along with it. He groaned in pain and threw the head away.

His left arm hurt so much that he couldn't lift his strength. Zhang Zhuxun frowned and gritted his teeth and took a few breaths. He didn't bother to check the wound when another wave of monkeys rushed over.

The injury to his left arm had a great impact on Zhang Chuxun, so he simply closed his eyes and made full use of the danger perception ability of the system's additional bonus.

The trajectories of all mouth monkey attacks within a hundred meters were reflected in his mind.

Zhang Shuxun swung the blade out of the afterimage with one hand, strangling all the mouth monkeys that swarmed towards him.

Wu Xiaoxie and Fatty had also run out of bullets, so they threw out their guns and drew their knives to fight. The monkey in the mouth that had bitten their arms was torn off by them, and was thrown on the stone wall and smashed into a pulp.


I don't know how long it took, but Zhang Shuxun's arms became numb, and he could only rely on instinct to mechanically swing the blade.

Suddenly, the ground shook violently. The three of them were shaken to the point of losing their balance and almost fell over.

Buzz - a deep bell rang suddenly, as if it was very close at hand, but also far away in the horizon.

"It's foggy! It's foggy, fat man!"

Amidst the bursts of tinnitus, Zhang Zhuxun heard Wu Xiaoxie’s cheers.

The white mist comes out from the cracks in the rock and floats over the cheeks, bringing a bit of coolness.

The fog became thicker and thicker, and the monkeys in the mouth seemed to have seen some terrible natural enemy. They fled out of the cracks one by one as hard as they could, as if they had seen something more terrifying than a savage beast. They fled madly back to their bodies and the human-faced bird opened its mouth wide.

in the mouth.

In the chaos, some mouth monkeys even started biting and fighting each other in order to snatch the mouth of the human-faced bird.

The human-faced bird was even more anxious than them, as if it had received some kind of instruction. Before the monkey in the mouth could come back, it had already flapped its wings and took off, quickly disappearing into the darkness.

What shocked Wu Xiaoxie and the others even more was that when the few mouth monkeys left on the ground tried to burrow into the corpse of the human-faced bird that had been killed before, they suddenly began to twitch all over, and then they started to twitch like balloons.

Pengqi swelled, and the flesh and blood swelled into a thin film, and then exploded with a pop, completely turning into a ball of meat.

Wu Xiaoxie and the two were simply dumbfounded, "What...what is going on?"

Looking at the hazy valley bottom in front of him, Wu Xiaoxie suddenly thought, "Is this fog poisonous? Muyu, do you know what's going on?"

As Wu Xiaoxie said this, he covered his mouth and nose and turned to look behind him, only to find Zhang Zhuxun lying unconscious on the ground, and he suddenly panicked.


Wu Xiaoxie and Fatty ran over to help Zhang Zhuxun up. Only then did they realize that Zhang Zhuxun's body was as hot as boiling hot water, his eyes were tightly closed, and he had a red flame tattoo on the right half of his face.

It is glowing with a strange red color like a flame.

"How could this happen..." Wu Xiaoxie was so anxious that he didn't care about the wounds on his body. He hurriedly took out Zhang Chuxun's medical bag and sprinkled alcohol on the bandage to physically cool him down.

"It can't be wiped off, why can't the blood on the wooden fish be wiped off!"

After untying his clothes, he discovered that every pore on Zhang Zhuxun's body was seeping blood, like an hourglass, continuously, and he couldn't wipe it clean no matter how hard he wiped it.

The fat man suddenly pressed Wu Xiaoxie's hand and said in surprise: "Look, innocently, the blood from the wooden fish is flowing in one direction along the cracks on the ground!"

The fat man pointed his hand in the direction of the blood flow, and was so shocked that he was speechless.

The bronze door actually opened!

The fat man hurriedly turned Wu Xiaoxie's head in that direction, "Look."

Wu Xiaoxie took advantage of the situation and turned his head to look over there.

I saw that the human skin embedded in the giant bronze door on the cliff had all exploded and fallen off at some point. At the same time, the two huge bronze doors moved outward a little, and one of them emitted a faint blue light, which was incomparable.

A small gap appeared between the two doors.

Wu Xiaoxie's heart suddenly rose to his throat, and he was shocked to realize that the shock just now was the sound of the bronze door opening.

Then the abnormality in Muyu's body should have occurred after the bronze door was opened.

There is something inside the bronze door sucking the blood of the wooden fish!

Such a thought flashed through Wu Xiaoxie's mind like lightning.

Damn it! If this continues, the wooden fish will be sucked into dried fish. We must find a way to stop it.

He suddenly remembered that the carvings left by Wang Zanghai on the snake-browed bronze fish said that the replacement of the Wannu King would only occur when the previous Wannu King died, and a new Wannu King would crawl out of the bronze door.

Wu Xiaoxie explained his thoughts to the fat man and finally came to the conclusion, "So, the one who sucked the blood of the wooden fish must be the newly born Wannu King."

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