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Chapter 24 Debt Repayment

 Zhang Zhuxun dropped the man on his back, pointed at his head and said to Aning, who came over to check: "Is the team doctor here? This guy hit his head, let's see if he can survive."

Without saying this, he took the water bag, got up and walked out of the deep ditch.

Aning stopped him, "The team doctor hasn't been found yet, what are you doing?"

"Looking for someone, Tianzhen didn't follow." Zhang Zhu asked.

Aning took a look at the person Hei Xiazi put down, and it was indeed not Wu Xiaoxie.

"It's a windy time right now. When the wind passes, you and Heixiazi and the others go out together. Otherwise, if we don't find them back by then, you will be lost by yourself, and we will have to work hard to find you."

Rather objective analysis.

Zhang Zhuoxun ignored her and glanced at the younger brother.

The younger brother nodded, put down the water bag, and the two crossed the sand dunes and ran not far away. When they heard movement behind them, they turned around and saw that the blind man had also followed.

Zhang Chuxun was not surprised when he thought that the blind man was actually hired by Wu Sansheng.

Any more delay would put Wu Xiaoxie in more danger. Zhang Zhuxun didn't care much at this time. He accelerated in one direction according to his feeling for the safety buckle in his heart.

The black blind man saw that his route and the direction indicated by the compass were getting further and further away, so he stepped forward to stop him and made a few gestures.

Zhang Zhuxun shook his head and continued to move in the opposite direction.

The blind man and the little brother looked at each other and followed Zhang Shuxun without saying another word.

Encountering a backpack on the road, Zhang Zhu picked it up and recognized it as Wu Xiaoxie's. It seemed that it was heading in the right direction.

The three of them ran forward for a while, climbed over a raised sand dune, and saw a miner's lamp with a smashed lampshade at the bottom of the slope. Two or three meters in front of them, there was a man face down, lying motionless like an ostrich.



Zhang Zhuxun hurried over, turned Wu Xiaoxie over and patted his face, "Tianzhen, wake up, don't sleep."

Wu Xiaoxie made a small groan and his eyelids trembled twice.

Zhang Shuxun breathed a sigh of relief, lifted his upper body up so that he could sit up, opened the water bag and handed it to his mouth, "Here, open your mouth."

The younger brother squatted on the edge and used his back to shield the two of them from the wind.

Wu Xiaoxie choked and coughed after a few sips of water. He opened his eyes drowsily, "Mukekeke... Muyu..."

"It's okay." Zhang Zhuxun helped him stand up, let him lie on his back, and asked sideways, "Where are the others?"

Wu Xiaoxie weakly pointed in a direction.

The little brother patted Zhang Zhuxun and gestured to him to wait here.

Then he and the blind man ran in the direction pointed by Wu Xiaoxie.

Half an hour later, the two ran back, one carrying the other on their backs.

The three of them returned to the temporary shelter and went out several times in succession, bringing back several people one after another. No matter how strong their physical strength was, they could no longer hold up.

The strong wind is getting stronger and stronger, and even a slightly lighter person can be blown over by the wind when he stands up.

It is obviously unrealistic to go out to look for people at this time. As the leader of the team, Aning has to consider the overall situation. There are two or three meters deep branch canals and ravines here that are enough to shelter them from the wind.

Everyone was exhausted and huddled together. After hastily replenishing food, they quickly fell asleep.

The dust swirled over the top of the head, and the trade wind howled into the ears, as if the souls of those who died in vain were crying, making people feel indescribably desolate.

When I woke up, the wind had calmed down a lot, which was a good sign.

Aning arranged for people to take turns to keep vigil, and then, with dark circles under his eyes and a miner's lamp, he and his brother went out again.

The team doctor has never been found, so the chances are high.

Zhang Zhuxun could only stay and take on the responsibility of a doctor and take care of the wounded, while Wu Xiaoxie was by his side to help him.

After two hours, Aning and the other three brought back only one person this time. It seemed that they had gone a long way this time.

Aning drank water in small sips, her lips were dry and peeling. Zhang Zhuxun handed her the self-heating rice, "Eat some, eat

Take a nap after this. If you don't rest, you will die suddenly and the team will disband and go home."

Aning forced a smile, took the rice, scooped up the food with a spoon and ate it, saying vaguely: "I am the team leader, no matter what, I must express my attitude."

Zhang Zhuoxun chuckled, "It's really not worth the trip with you."

Aning patted the empty lunch box into Zhang Shuxun's hand and said with a smile: "Because you work so hard, I'll give you more money."

Why does this sound wrong?

Zhang Zhuoxun rolled his eyes, "You still owe me more money."

"When?" Aning didn't believe it.

Zhang Zhuxun took out the IOU from his inner pocket and waved it in front of An Ning's eyes, "Here, the evidence is written in black and white on a piece of paper, as well as the fingerprint of your right thumb, Miss An Ning. Don't even think about defaulting on the debt."
Aning grabbed the note with his hands, and when he saw it, he tore it into pieces and threw it on the ground angrily. He also stomped on it twice and cursed: "Ten million?! You think I'm a fool, why don't you go and grab it?"


Hearing An Ning's curse, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over.

"Hey, you're being unreasonable." Zhang Zhuxun clapped his fingers and settled the accounts with her one by one. "Back then, you were controlled by Ren Mian Zhen and almost captured by the Sea Monkey. It was I who rushed forward regardless of the danger.

I can save you."

"Also, when you came out of the undersea tomb, you deliberately tried to blow us up, but unfortunately you were trapped by Jin Po. I saved you regardless of past grudges. After all, the two accounts must have been more than this. I am such a person.

To be kind, I gave you a huge discount just because we got to know each other. Why is your life not worth this price?"

Aning's face was like an overturned dyeing dish, alternately red and blue, and he laughed angrily, "I asked you why you suddenly came up to show your courtesy. It turned out that you were waiting for me here."

Zhang Zhuoxun was afraid that she would get angry and hit someone, so he took two steps back and said with a smile: "It is only natural to pay back debts."

Aning suddenly said coldly: "You said I owe you money, but the IOU has been broken and there is no evidence. What can you do to me?"

Knowing that this woman would not repay the money honestly, Zhang Zhuxun was prepared for it. He took out an IOU from his inner pocket and shook it, "I was on guard against you. Well, this is the real IOU."

, the one you tore off was printed by me, and I also pressed my fingerprints myself."

In full view of everyone, Aning could not refuse the bill, so he had to write a check for 10 million to Zhang Shuxun. After signing his name, he angrily threw it at Zhang Shuxun, "Wait for me!"

After Zhang Zhuoxun confirmed that the check was valid, he happily kept it and returned to Wu Xiaoxie.

Wu Xiaoxie watched the whole process and was so impressed that he said, "It's really yours. I really want the debt back. Fatty will cry to death if he finds out."

After coming out of the Undersea Tomb, Aning ran away from the hospital, and Fatty never got his commission back, so it was settled in the end.

That's why Fatty never wanted to see Aning. He felt that this woman did not keep her word and was very annoying.

This chapter has been completed!
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