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Chapter 42 Phoenix Tattoo

 The masked man's carelessness and underestimation of the enemy put him at a disadvantage from the beginning. After a few moves, he quickly realized that he might not be able to defeat him, and he became anxious to find a way to escape.

Zhang Shuxun caught the flaw in a daze and whipped his leg in the air, sending the masked man flying and hitting the big tree behind him.

The knife in the masked man's hand flew away, and he fell to the ground clutching his chest. The left side of his chest was obviously dented, and there was a sound like a broken bellows in his throat. The sound of "ho ho" was coming in and out. He was going to die soon.


"You...ahem...are worthy of being part of the Zhang family. Ahem...I was careless." The masked man struggled to turn over, his breathing becoming more rapid.

The drizzle gradually became heavier, and the raindrops fell more rapidly, beating on the leaves, making a rustling sob sound. The air seemed to be covered with a veil of water vapor. Through the rain curtain, the expression on Zhang Chuxun's face could be seen

I don’t know, there seems to be something suppressed in my eyes.

Suddenly, he chuckled, walked over and picked up the Tang Dao on the ground, stood half a meter in front of the half-dead masked man, and said coldly: "Conceit seems to be a common problem in your Wang family, how about it?

Are you satisfied with this way of death?"

The blood choked from the mask's mouth flowed down the chin and onto the ground. Hearing this, his eyes widened, and he stretched out his hand with difficulty, struggling to grab Zhang Zhuxun's feet, but in the end he could only hang down powerlessly. The last bit in his pupils

The light disperses, and the unwillingness ends here.

Zhang Zhuoxun waited for a while and saw that he was indeed silent, so he used a knife to remove the mask from his face.

When he saw the man's face clearly, he let out a light sigh. To be honest, aside from the ferocious and frozen expression when he was about to die, this guy was pretty handsome, and he was probably in his twenties.

I squatted down and groped behind his ear with my left hand, but found nothing strange. It seemed that this guy was using his original face.

Zhang Zhuoxun took off the black clothes on his body again, and then used a lighter to burn it from the neck down. Sure enough, he found a little dark red on the lower back, and continued to burn that small area. Soon, a piece as big as a palm

The phoenix tattoo emerges little by little.

Zhang Zhuxun's eyes suddenly lit up. He knew what the tattoo looked like. Before the temperature cooled down, he quickly took out his camera from the space and took a few pictures. He checked to make sure it was clearly recorded before he closed it.

Turn on the lighter and restore his clothes to their original condition.

Although the relationship is hostile, he is still very humanitarian.

There are no special marking patterns found on the silver mask. It is just an ordinary fox-faced mask. I just don’t know what level the silver mask belongs to in the Wang family’s hierarchy, but I guess it doesn’t play a very important role.

This person should be "A Ning"'s contact person after she infiltrated into the team and monitored the actions of Zhang Zhu and others.

Maybe "A Ning"'s death was too sudden, so their superiors could only send him to continue monitoring the surrounding area, but the appearance of Chen Wenjin exposed the problem.

Zhang Zhuoxun glanced around the surrounding trees. He didn't know how many people they had sent this time, but since they had already alerted the snake, they would definitely be more cautious in the future. It would be difficult to catch these rats again.<


Putting the mask into the space, Zhang Zhuxun dragged the body to the side and stuffed it into a dense bush. After cleaning up the traces of the battle, he looked at the unfamiliar environment around him and scratched his face in confusion.

He was only focused on chasing people and didn't have time to change direction. After running wildly, as expected, he got lost.

"Fuck." Zhang Zhuxun wiped his face, which was a bit embarrassing.

[Dear system, please give me directions to your host.]

Although the system cannot provide accurate navigation, it can still point out the general direction.

[Thirty-seven degrees east by south] System abbreviation.


Zhang Zhuxun adjusted the direction with the compass on his watch, put the straight knife into the space, and then carried the captured Tang knife and walked in the direction pointed by the system.

Not far away, he suddenly thought of something and said to the system, [Do you know where my black gold ancient sword was thrown?]

Since I have already left the team, I might as well retrieve the knife along the way


[Twenty-four degrees west by south]

[Okay.] Zhang Zhuoxun nodded, changed direction, and continued chatting with the system, [Why don’t you go to sleep this time?]

[The energy absorbed by Qinling Mountains is enough for the time being, and you may need to go there again after the Zhang Family Ancient Tower is over]

[No problem.] Zhang Zhuxun made an OK gesture.

After walking for more than two hours, the scene in front of me gradually became familiar.

Zhang Zhuxun returned to the place where they fought the two giant pythons before.

The broken branches and leaves still stayed in place, but the body of the python was missing. I don't know whether it was taken away by the pheasant's neck or eaten by other beasts in the jungle.

There might be more ferocious beasts still wandering nearby, so Zhang Chuxun didn't waste any more time and looked for them in the direction in which the ancient black gold sword last flew out in his memory.

"That's weird, where did the knife go?"

I wandered around there for half an hour and didn't even notice a shadow.

The rain became more and more serious, and it was so heavy that people could hardly open their eyes. Zhang Zhuxun had no choice but to rest under a tree for a while, and took out the things in the space to build a simple tent to shelter from the rain.

After eating the self-heating meal, Zhang Zhuxun spread out his sleeping bag and lay down on it, listening to the sound of rain idly. The terrain under this tree was slightly higher, and even if the rainwater formed a flow, it would not pass through here.

Wait a moment, suddenly an idea flashed in Zhang Zhuoxun's mind, Ma De, he knows where the black gold ancient sword is.

Zhang Zhuoxun jumped up, spotted a tree, climbed up in twos and twos, and pulled the crown of the tree to check.

This one doesn’t have one, so replace it with another tree.

Braving the rain, he climbed five trees one after another, and finally found the ancient black gold knife inserted diagonally in a sunken tree hole in the heart of a crooked neck tree whose trunk looked a bit like the split Wuzhi Mountain.<


Zhang Shuxun was immediately overjoyed, "I have finally found you."

This big tree hole grew cleverly, and it was probably bitten by insects. Later, after thousands or even tens of thousands of years, it slowly decayed and became bigger and bigger, and finally became what it is now.

Wrapping the ancient black gold sword with a bandage, Zhang Zhu climbed down the tree and nestled under the tent again. He only waited for the rain to subside before continuing on his way.


Cut back.

Wu Xiaoxie and the others were dripping in waist-high muddy water, looking at the direction in which Zhang Zhuxun and his younger brother were chasing after each other, looking at each other in confusion.

"Why did Muyu and the others run away separately?" The fat man was surprised and puzzled. "Is it possible that Chen Wenjin who came out of the mud could become a clone? Should we also chase him separately?"

Pan Zi illuminated the dark forest with a lamp and sighed, "I can't catch up. They ran too fast. They just burrowed into the swamp. It's so dark now that you can't find them even if you dig through your head."


This chapter has been completed!
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