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Chapter 57 Kirin Trumpet

 The moment he saw the black shadow clearly, Wu Xiaoxie broke out in cold sweat.

In line with the principle that if the enemy cannot move, I will not move, Wu Xiaoxie held his breath and carefully took aim at the ball of hair.

After looking at it for a long time, he realized that the thing didn't seem to be the forbidden woman, because he didn't smell the special fragrance of the forbidden woman.

But his intuition told him that the thing should be a living thing. He was very sure that there was nothing extra in that place except the cave wall and the pottery pot. The ball of hair appeared silently and suddenly beside him.

The situation he is in now is very embarrassing. He has more buttocks than Jesus hanging on the cross, and there is no way out.

His brain was running rapidly, and he suddenly realized that Xiaohua's last three knocks might not be asking him to come in, but warning him not to come in. It is possible that the danger Xiaohua encountered was the ghost-like hairy monster in front of him.

But Xiaohua said that it was the big iron plate that caused him to be unable to speak. Could it be that the iron plate was some kind of mountain spirit that could change his body shape?

Did you summon that ghost thing by shouting and screaming earlier?

No, no, what a mess.

Wu Xiaoxie shook his head to get rid of those unreliable conjectures.

What should I do now? The only weapon he can use is a dagger, and his arm can't reach it to poke it. He can't just throw it away. What if that ghost picks it up and stabs two or three holes in his body?

, that’s really funny.

While Wu Xiaoxie was thinking crazily in his mind, the black shadow stood there quietly, motionless like a stone sculpture.

The sound of metal tapping suddenly sounded close to his ears, shaking his eardrums, and there was no pattern at all.

No matter what, Wu Xiaoxie picked up a bundle of bamboo slips and smashed them out.

The power of knowledge was indeed heavy. He clearly felt that the ghost staggered slightly due to his blow. The silk threads that had long rotted into cotton were broken, and bamboo pieces scattered on the ground.

Wu Xiaoxie was always vigilant, planning to jump down and run away as soon as the thing moved.

However, after waiting for a moment, the thing was still motionless. Could it be that all the previous guesses were wrong?

Now Wu Xiaoxie's claws were numb, so he kept doing nothing and pulled out another bamboo slip and threw it over.

This time, the power of knowledge was a little weaker. The bamboo slips fell apart in mid-air before they reached their destination. Moreover, Wu Xiaoxie could clearly see that the group of hair, which was emitting a strange light under the light, was slowly drifting away just now.

After a while, most of the scattered bamboo pieces fell to the ground.

Damn it! This damn thing is indeed alive.

The hair all over Wu Xiaoxie's body suddenly stood upside down and he was about to jump off the wall and run towards the entrance of the cave.

However, before he could make a move, a long black stick suddenly emerged slowly from the mass of hair and pressed against Wu Xiaoxie's knees, blocking his running direction.

This stick looks very familiar. Xiaohua was dancing like a tiger just now, using this thing to fly over walls, fly over walls, and do somersaults.

Wu Xiaoxie was stunned, his eyes turned back and forth between the stick and the ball of hair several times, and he subconsciously asked, "Is it possible that you are Xiaohua?"


The thing wrapped in the hair was knocked on the stone wall with the stick.

"Holy shit, I was scared to death." Wu Xiaoxie breathed a sigh of relief, and found out that the thing was indeed a small flower, "How did you get yourself into such a ghostly state?"

Jie Yuchen, who was bored in the iron armor, rolled his eyes, hit Wu Xiaoxie on the leg with a stick angrily, and then pointed outside the cave.

Wu Xiaoxie glanced in the direction he pointed, "Going out?"

"Da." Xie Yuchen knocked again, and then started to walk out, dragging the heavy armor, moving very slowly.

Now that Xiaohua has come out, Wu Xiaoxie no longer has the need to go in.

After Xiaohua walked a certain distance, Wu Xiaoxie immediately crawled back through the pit.

After spending a long time, the two of them finally arrived outside the cave.

Wu Xiaoxie looked at Jie Yuchen, who was wrapped up like a moldy winter melon, and couldn't help laughing, "What's going on with you in there? How did you become such a virtuous person?"

"Ahem, don't talk nonsense, help me get rid of all these hairs on my body and burn them with fire."

Xie Yuchen's voice was extremely hoarse, dry and tight, as if it came from eating a large bottle of old godmother and smoking old-fashioned cigarettes all day long. It was very unpleasant.

When Wu Xiaoxie looked at those hairs, he felt very sick in his heart. He hurriedly lit a small torch. As soon as the flame came closer, the hairs twisted and started to curl up, and soon a large piece of them was burned off.

Then Wu Xiaoxie discovered that burning with fire was not as fast as the blood on his gloves, so he changed his strategy and fixed the torch at Jie Yuchen's feet. He put his hands close to the iron coat and groped up and down.

As soon as he got closer, those hairs immediately came to life, much like the dried Nostoc he had seen before and stretched out when soaked in water, but the current situation was exactly the opposite.

"Nostoc" curled up and contracted at a speed visible to the naked eye, trying to escape. Small clumps fell from the iron coat and fell into the fire. Sparks popped and exploded, and they soon burned into a large pile of charred ashes.


Wu Xiaoxie circled around Jie Yuchen, making sure that all the hair was clean, then took off the gas mask and said: "It's done."

This sound was like the sound of nature. Xie Yuchen immediately took off his heavy and thick helmet. His face was covered with sweat and his face was red. He gasped for air and said depressedly: "Brother, can you be more clever in fighting in the future? We are good friends after all."

When I was young, why didn’t I have this kind of tacit understanding?"

Wu Xiaoxie said speechlessly: "You suddenly didn't say a word and just knocked randomly. Everyone would think about going over to see if the situation was okay. And you don't follow any rules. You just knock twice as promised.

"Hey, you have to knock three times before I can react."

Jie Yuchen stared at him for a few seconds, then suddenly laughed out loud, shook his head, then shrank his body, and emerged from the collar of the iron coat like a snake shedding its skin.

Wu Xiaoxie smelled a strong smell of blood at the tip of his nose. He quickly turned on the light to check and found that the clothes on his right shoulder and chest were completely soaked in blood.

Xie Yuchen gritted his teeth and took off his shirt, taking off the cloth that had been simply bandaged. A long, narrow and ferocious wound was cut directly from his shoulder to the third rib of his chest, and blood was still oozing out. It looked extremely scary.
Wu Xiaoxie hurriedly took out the medical bag from his backpack, took out medical alcohol, Yunnan Baiyao, and gauze and gave them to him.

"What's going on? How did you get hurt like this?"

Xie Yuchen's face turned pale, and he endured the pain to disinfect and bandage himself. However, he could not move his shoulders greatly, and he would bleed even more when he moved.

Wu Xiaoxie quickly stopped him, "Don't move, don't move, just let me do it."

"If I hadn't told you earlier, I thought you wouldn't know how." Xie Yuchen threw the gauze soaked in alcohol to him.

"You didn't ask." Wu Xiaoxie replied, gently wiping off the blood on Jie Yuchen's body, sprinkled with styptic powder, and quickly bandaged it.

Xie Yuchen watched silently, and finally commented, "The technique is quite professional."

Wu Xiaoxie was busy packing the medical bag, and chuckled when he heard this, "It's just okay. If it were a wooden fish, such a long wound would have been sewn up for you with needles and threads long ago, ensuring that it heals quickly and leaves shallow scars."

Xie Yuchen looked at the gauze tied into a bow on his shoulder and adjusted it to be symmetrical, "That person used to be a doctor?"

"No, he is a professional fighter, he just studied medicine." Wu Xiaoxie tilted his head and thought for a moment, then clicked his tongue, "That guy Muyu is an all-round talent. I guess he can't give birth to children.

Apart from studying singing, I know a little bit of everything else."

Xie Yuchen raised his eyebrows, "Really? I remember that they are both from the Zhang family, so who is more powerful compared to him or that little brother?"

"I really don't know about this, but it's impossible for Muyu to fight with little brother." Wu Xiaoxie was very sure of this and patted the dust on his sleeves, "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, let's talk about you.

What was going on inside just now?"

Xie Yuchen relies on equipment

Bao Bao, in a relaxed and resting state, began to tell what happened.

It turned out that after he discovered something strange about the iron plate, he tried to lift it up. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden metal knocking sound in the space below. He thought there might be something alive below, so he wanted to go down and take a look.

Take a look.

At that time, he felt a little uncomfortable in his throat, so he ignored Wu Xiaoxie who was yelling outside. He used a stick to support the iron plate and then leaned in. He found that the structure inside was very complicated.

The deeper he drilled, the louder and deafening the sound of metal tapping below him became. He tried lighting a cold firework and throwing it down to see what happened, but to his surprise, the sound suddenly disappeared.

He had a gut feeling that he might be in danger, and immediately wanted to get out of it, but suddenly he felt a strong gust of wind. Because he was head down, and both hands were holding on to the iron chain in the cave, he subconsciously turned to the left, and then

I feel a pain in my right shoulder.

Realizing that the things inside were very tricky, Xie Yuchen did not dare to delay and immediately retreated, holding a stick to defend himself. At this time, the sound of metal tapping sounded again.

After waiting for a while, I didn't see any danger. Apparently, the things inside didn't come out.

After restoring the iron plate to its original position, he heard Wu Xiaoxie outside asking him if something had happened. When he wanted to answer, he realized that he could not speak, so he had to tap the iron plate twice with a stick in response, feeling still in his heart.

I think Wu Xiaoxie is quite clever.

After answering the question, he originally planned to go out immediately. Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the entrance of the cave, he found that the hair on the ground would be attracted by the blood drops he dripped on the ground, and all stood up like a snake launching an attack.

And I have to crawl on top of him.

He had no choice but to retreat, tear off some fabric and briefly treat the wound. Then he heard Wu Xiaoxie say that he wanted to come in. He was angry and anxious, and couldn't express what he meant.

Looking left and right, he found two iron coats in a relatively large pit on the side, so he put on one of them and walked out. But before he got halfway, the hair was already covered with the smell of blood.

Whole body.

The iron coat was already heavy, and when it was pulled by these hairs, it became even more difficult to move. His strength was almost exhausted.

Halfway through, he felt Wu Xiaoxie's presence, and wanted to go up and communicate with him, asking him to go back quickly and stop causing trouble. In the end, he almost scared Wu Xiaoxie to death.

"There is something wrong with the air under that iron plate. It can paralyze people's vocal cords." Xie Yuchen said.

Wu Xiaoxie made a pause gesture and asked doubtfully: "Didn't you wear a gas mask when you went in?"

Xie Yuchen explained a little awkwardly: "The mask was tied around my head and I felt uncomfortable, so I took it off after I went in."

Wu Xiaoxie looked at him sideways, "Oh, then you are much smarter than me."

Jie Yuchen ignored his sarcasm and continued: "The thing under the iron plate is very evil, and it moves very fast. I was injured without even seeing the shadow of the other party. It seems that if I want to get in, I have to think carefully."


He pointed to the surviving hair stuck to the soles of the iron clothes and said: "These hairs are also a problem. We can't keep walking back and forth in this heavy iron clothes. It would be too strenuous."

"I have a way to do this." Wu Xiaoxie took his glove, turned it over to the bloody side and put it close to the hair, "Look."

Jie Yuchen was surprised to find that the hair that would have been attracted by the smell of blood actually twisted and curled up slightly when faced with the blood on the gloves, as if they were deliberately moving away.

"Is this your blood?" he asked.

"No, although my blood also contains Qilinjie, it's not that effective." Wu Xiaoxie spread his palms, "Muyu prepared this for me in advance, just in case I encounter the poison from the past few times.

In such a difficult situation, the three of them were not with me and could not save me in time."

Xie Yuchen laughed, "I finally understand why Granny Huo insisted on us forming a team. Under normal circumstances, she should have used the black-faced god brother to kill Zhang, who also has Kirin blood.

Muyu was assigned to my side. But obviously Granny Huo couldn’t be 100% sure about the situation on her side, so she kept Zhang Muyu there as a substitute just in case.”

"She already knew the situation we would encounter, so she deliberately asked me to take you, a half-baked trumpet with Qilin blood." Xie Yuchen teased, "Her large army uses large and medium trumpets, and the arrangement is very reasonable.

And after observing you during this period, I found that your only advantage is that you have a good brain, which barely makes up for your lack of physical strength."

Wu Xiaoxie said angrily: "You look thinner than me, and your physical strength is probably not that good. At most, you are just a little more flexible than me."

Xie Yuchen raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you sure?"

Wu Xiaoxie puffed up her face and was speechless.

From ancient times to the present, the primary quality of the business of digging for sand is to be alert and flexible. It pays attention to coming quietly and taking it quietly. Once you encounter a dangerous tomb, you can avoid it. Scary scenes like today are not

Encountered often.

I can't help but feel a little ashamed when I think of the time I went to the tomb and bombed or exploded the tomb passages with the fat man. We were simply destructive maniacs.

This chapter has been completed!
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