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Chapter 68 Cloud Tattoo Shoulder

 Zhang Zhuoxun first put his head in to see the situation, said something to the two brothers, and then got in first, and the brother entered second.

The fat man looked at the entrance of the hole, cursed secretly, sucked in air and tightened his belt, and then got in. The other Huo family members followed behind.

Maybe it’s because this is a safe area where you can enter with the correct password, and you didn’t encounter any dangers like agencies along the way.

After crawling forward for nearly a hundred meters, Zhang Zhuxun felt that the space around him was gradually expanding, so he gradually increased his speed.

After climbing another few dozen meters, the passage here was enough for people to crawl on their knees. The fat man finally breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed the painful flesh on his stomach, "Damn it, you old Zhang family is here to welcome guests.

The manner is so enthusiastic, I almost squeezed the fat man."

After continuing to move forward for more than two hundred meters, the passage ahead suddenly expanded a lot. They seemed to be crawling in a conical flask with an extended neck. They turned from the straight passage to the slope, and it became increasingly steeper. However,

Fortunately, when they reached this part of the passage, they could barely stand up and bend down to walk.

The belly of the flask is a large rock cave, which is almost the same as the previous cave. It seems that the Zhang family used a shortcut to dig through the two natural caves in the mountain.

The second sealing stone was right in front of them, and the Huo family members rushed towards the sealing stone with faces full of ecstasy and patted the sealing stone wildly.

The appearance of this sealing stone is exactly the same as the first one, the difference is that the relief pattern engraved on it has changed.

The same clock-like disc, starting from twelve o'clock, the first picture looks very much like the continuation of the previous one. The characters depicted on it have become two groups of people. One group is on the left, which is those wearing strange clothes and holding long lanterns.

The ethnic minorities with knives, on the right are those who are missing their right hands.

In front of the two groups of people stood a man who was taller than the others and looked like a leader. The two stood very close to each other. The tip of the long knife in the hand of the ethnic minority was facing the ground. Obviously

The two parties have reached some kind of agreement and are not hostile to each other.

Clockwise at three o'clock, this picture contains a lot of content. There are more people than ever before, and there are distant mountains, auspicious clouds, simple villages, carvings that look like houses, and there are also people in the picture.

A woman holding a child in her arms.

It seems that just as Zhang Chuxun speculated, the Gu Zhang family used their bodies as a lure to help the ancient Miao people catch the Jian. The existence of the Jian obviously caused a headache for this ethnic minority. The Zhang family solved this big trouble, so their

Their strength was recognized by the Miao King, and the Zhang family received great welcome in this ethnic group.

Looking at the third picture, sure enough, it is a picture of a sacrificial scene. On a very tall altar, there is a beast chained up. They seem to be performing some kind of ceremony to worship the heaven.

The thunderclouds in the sky rolled like a tidal wave with great momentum, and finally gathered into a ball of lightning-like things, which directly hit the trapped beast below.

The figures under the altar are all kneeling, with their heads on the ground and their hands raised high, expressing their worship and awe of God.

Zhang Zhuoxun touched his chin, so what is recorded on this stone seal is really the totem history of the ancestors of the Zhang family?

While I was thinking about it in my mind, I was suddenly poked in the back. When I looked back, I found that it was the fat man, but the little brother left the crowd and squatted in front of the stone wall on the other side, not knowing what he was looking at.

Zhang Zhuxun gave the fat man a questioning look.

The fat man looked at the Huo family beside him and saw that no one was paying attention to them. He quickly pulled Zhang Zhuxun to the little brother and whispered: "Muyu, the little brother just found something here. Take a look. It's

It doesn’t look very familiar.”

"Huh?" Zhang Zhuxun was very confused as to why he looked familiar.

The little brother moved a little to the side to get out of the way, pointed his finger, and said softly: "Someone has been here, but it's not the Zhang family."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhuxun quickly squatted down and looked at the position of his little brother's fingers.

When he saw the thing clearly, his pupils suddenly shrank and his expression was stunned.

There is a mark the size of a bottle cap engraved there. It is not the letter pattern that I usually use, but a cluster of strangely shaped fire patterns.

No wonder the fat man said it looks familiar. Isn’t this girl’s tattoo just a slightly reduced and simplified version of another tattoo on his body?

When the fat man saw Zhang Zhuxun's reaction, he moved his lips and said silently: "What happened? Did you come here before, and then suddenly lost your memory like my little brother?"

Zhang Zhuoxun immediately shook his head. In his previous life, he didn't even touch the edge of the ancient Zhang family building. How could he carve such a small flame? Moreover, this is not his usual mark.

There is a person whose name is ready to come out in his mind, but he is not 100% sure it is him now.

After thinking for a while, he asked, "Did you two find any similar marks like this near the first sealing stone?"

The little brother shook his head and said no.

The fat man also said he didn't see it, "I guess it was shoveled away accidentally by those who were repairing the cave in the Huo family."

Zhang Zhu calmed down and said to the two of them: "Look again, if there is the same mark on the edge of the third sealing stone, I will probably know who left it."

The little brother and the fat man nodded in agreement and did not ask any further questions.

"We have to find a way to cover this thing so that those bad guys don't see it." The fat man looked left and right, trying to use a hammer to knock off a stone to block it.

Zhang Zhuxun waved his hand and said no, "I just want those mice to see."

Without the leadership of the Zhang family, its people cannot enter the ancient building of the Zhang family. They will naturally make speculations about suspicious events here that are unexpected and related to Zhang Zhuxun. In this way, the Wang family's computing department will put more energy into it.

Share it with him.

No matter what kind of results they calculated, this wave of hatred was worth it, and he had successfully succeeded.

On the other side, the Huo family finally finished taking pictures of the sealing stone and the cave. Huo Zhizhi came over and asked Zhang Chuxun, "Should we also remove the layer on the sealing stone?"

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Zhang Zhuoxun waved his hand, "No, wait until the news from Siguniang Mountain comes and we will clean it up next time we enter."

The layer on the surface of the sealing stone is actually very rough. It is a kind of clay mixed with horse manure, grease, egg white and other things. It is pasted on the surface of the sealing stone and fills the blank area around the real relief. It looks like

The stones are no different, but you can tell the difference by touching them with your hands.

Huo Zhizhi nodded and asked the Huo family to close the team.

Everyone returned the same way.

When passing the first stone sealing gate, Zhang Zhuxun noticed carefully that Huo Jinqiu, who was at the back of the team, picked up a fake rock that had been shoveled to the ground and put it into his backpack calmly.

The moment he stood up, Zhang Zhuoxun turned his head and stopped looking at him, with a faint smile on his lips.

A few minutes later, everyone returned to the outside of the cave. It took three hours for them to see the light of day again.

Huo Zhizhi went to report the situation to Mrs. Huo, and soon arranged for someone to go down the mountain and send the photos to Siguniang Mountain.

In the next few days, Mrs. Huo didn't talk to Zhang Zhu and the other three anymore, and they were happy to have their time.

Zhang Zhuxun continued to knit the half-finished straw hat in his hand. This time he made it into a straw hat style. After all, Wu Xiaoxie came with Wu Sanye's face. It was too funny and was detrimental to his elders.

The majesty.

The fat man took advantage of this time and took Zhang Zhuxun and the two of them to Yaozhai Village to find a craftsman who wanted to tattoo a cloud on his back to express his determination to like the cloud.

This craftsman in the village is very good at his craftsmanship, and young men from neighboring villages come to him for tattoos when they get older. When Zhang Zhuoxun and the others arrived, there were already four or five people waiting in line outside the bamboo house.

Outside the fence, there are a group of little girls gathered around to watch the fun, chattering and lively like larks.

Zhang Zhuoxun and the others first found a place to sit down under a tree to enjoy the shade.

The fat man drank tea absentmindedly, his eyes kept glancing into the bamboo building where he was being tattooed.

The tattoo master moved very quickly. Although he couldn't see clearly what the tattoo was, just by looking at the bamboo pen in the master's hand flying up and down, an afterimage appeared on the young man's back.

The young man clenched his fists and endured the pain. From the beginning to the end, he remained silent for half an hour.

The fat man's hand holding the tea bowl was shaking a little. He watched the young man get up and wipe the sweat off his face, then walk out shirtless and calmly.

Outside the fence, his beloved girl rushed towards him with a blushing face amid the good-natured laughter of the people around her.

The two stood face to face. The young man's face was flushed, and he put a pair of silver bracelets tied with colorful silk threads on the girl's wrists with a firm and solemn expression.

The girl also gave back a cotton-colored woven flower belt that she had embroidered by herself, on which words such as longevity, hard work, happiness, and happiness were embroidered stitch by stitch, as well as various complicated and beautiful patterns.

The people around were cheering and cheering, and there were sounds of joy and blessing.

The fat man looked so envious that he almost cried out, and murmured, "It would be great if A-mei was here."

Zhang Zhuoxun saw that he was so absorbed in watching that he almost spilled the tea bowl in his hand, so he took it from his hand and reminded him: "This is over, you will be next. Have you figured out where to get the tattoo?"


"What? How come it's so fast!" The fat man was shocked. He stood up and walked to the bamboo building to take a look. He asked the people next to him for a few questions and then came back with a grimace. "Hey Muyu, what happened to you and the little brother?

When you get a tattoo, is it the same? You just poke the needle into your body, and it hurts so much."

Zhang Zhuoxun tilted his head to recall, and found that he couldn't remember clearly. "I was still young at that time, so it probably didn't hurt much. Otherwise, how could I have tattooed such a large area? In short, I think the tattoo was better than the training."

The pain is nothing."

"Really?" The fat man didn't believe it and looked at the little brother again.

The younger brother gave him a faint look in return.

Seeing that the young man lying on the bamboo bed had reached the end of his stabbing, the fat man wiped his sweat, gritted his teeth, and felt that he was going to die. He crossed his hands and took off his vest, and shouted, "Come on."

, I’ve decided to get this tattoo of Fatty Yun Cai today!”

Zhang Shuxun applauded him very much, "Fat Master is mighty."

The tattoo master straightened up, moved his shoulders, and called outside: "Next one."

The fat man straightened his back, walked in with a sullen face, lay down on the bamboo bed like a salted fish on a chopping board, took a few deep breaths, and said, "Let's get started."

The tattoo master changed a needle, roasted it on the fire, soaked it in white wine, then wiped the fat man's back with gauze dipped in white wine, and asked him in Yao language, "What to tattoo? Where to tattoo?"

Zhang Zhuxun and his little brother also followed in and sat on the stools on the side.

The fat man couldn't speak Yao language, so Zhang Shuxun spoke it for him. He also showed the master the drawings that the fat man drew after staying up late last night for reference.

After the first injection, the fat man raised his neck and wailed, "Ouch~~~~"

"Fat man, look here." Zhang Zhuxun held up a digital camera in his hand and asked the fat man to look at the camera.

The fat man glared at him with a twisted face, gritting his teeth, "What are you doing?"

Zhang Zhuoxun smiled like a fox and said leisurely: "I'll help you record this glorious moment, and let the clouds see it when it's done."

"Your uncle - ah!" The fat man shrugged his shoulders in pain, and the flesh on his back was piled together.

The tattoo master couldn't do anything, so he had no choice but to stop and told him that he had to relax his muscles, don't be so nervous, and it would be over after a while.

Zhang Zhuoxun suppressed his laughter and pretended to persuade the fat man: "Don't forget it. It hurts to hear you scream. Yun Cai would be very distressed if he knew about it." He put down the camera.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, don't let it go, you record it for me." The fat man gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, put his arms in front of the pillow, and held on to the bedside tightly, "Come on, master, keep poking, hard.

Poke it up."

When the tattoo master saw that he was ready, he continued to place the needle.

The veins on the fat man's forehead were all stretched out. In order to make Yuncai feel sorry for him, he endured not saying a word for the next half hour.

In the end, the pain may have numbed him, so he asked Zhang Zhuxun to turn the camera around to take a close-up of his face, pretending to be relaxed and said: "Sister Yuncai, don't worry, fat brother actually doesn't feel any pain at all, things are going well here.

, Fat brother will be able to go back to see you in about half a month."

The fat man was sticky and talked a lot, but miraculously his attention was diverted. When the tattoo master finally stopped, he still wanted to say more, "Is this the end?"

"Don't touch the water before there are scars." The tattoo master put away his tools and brought him a small jar of ointment. "Apply this and it will heal quickly."

The fat man stood up and got out of the way. As soon as he paid and went out, he impatiently tilted his head and looked back, "Muyu, take a picture for me and let me see how it goes."

Zhang Zhuxun took a picture of his left shoulder for him to see, "It's still swollen just after the tattoo, but the big shape can still be seen clearly. Apply the medicine and wait for two days and it will go away."

"Hey hey hey~"

The fat man looked at the two clouds on his shoulders and head nestled together in the photo, with blood oozing out of the needle holes, and smiled with a crazy look on his face.

Several villagers passed by with hoes on their shoulders and looked at him with strange eyes. The fat man was completely unaware and walked in front with his bare back, making silly sounds from time to time.

Zhang Zhuxun and his brother slowed down silently, looking at the sky and the ground, but at the grass, but not at the fat man.

Thank you [little brother’s leg pendant] for the tip, show your appreciation...*

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