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Chapter 72 Half life and half death

 Fatty’s sneer broke the silence, “A bunch of half-assed bastards.”

Everyone seemed to have been awakened in an instant. They quickly lowered their heads and looked at their noses with concern, but they did not dare to refute at all.

The crack on the mountain wall struck their hearts like a sharp blade, making them realize that the three people in front of them were definitely not easy to get along with.

Before they see real benefits, they have to tighten their tails no matter how long they are.

Huo Xiangu was happy to see this happen, and she still drank tea with a calm expression. Even if Zhang Zhuoxun suddenly got violent and suddenly chopped off the heads of those people with his sword, her eyelids would not move.

After the warning and deterrence, Zhang Zhuxun paid no attention to that person. He broke off a piece of compressed biscuit and ate it one after another. He said softly to the little brother and the fat man: "I don't notice any danger around here. I'll go back later."

Let’s go and take a look.”

The little brother nodded, his face became more solemn.

After resting for less than half an hour, Zhang Zhuxun and the other three took their equipment and got up and walked forward without any intention of caring about those behind them.

After walking a few steps, he heard the sound of a wheel rolling on the ground behind him. When the fat man looked back, he realized that Mrs. Huo was actually sitting on a wheelchair he had taken out from somewhere, being pushed by Huo Zhizhi and following Zhang Chu.

Look for the three of them to follow.

Behind them are the Huo family members who are dissatisfied with their integrity.

The fat man scolded disdainfully, "If you have the skills, don't follow me."

No one said a word, even their eyes were straight, as if they suddenly turned into quails and shrank into their shells.

The little brother still walked a few steps and reached out to touch the wall as before, but still found nothing. His heart sank slightly, and he turned to look at Zhang Chuxun, as if asking him if he had found anything.<


Zhang Zhuoxun shook his head and told him that this was just a very ordinary tunnel, extremely ordinary.

"But it's precisely because of this that it's strange. We don't seem to have actually entered the Zhang family's ancient building." Zhang Chuxun reminded calmly.

The fat man wondered and made a random guess: "Could it be that the gate of Zhangjia's ancient building is at the other end of Shiwanda Mountain? Then we have to go to the year of the monkey and the month of the horse."

"No, we are going out soon." Zhang Zhuxun used his flashlight to shine on the top of the passage in front, "Look there, there is a tree root sticking out from the crack in the rock."

His eyes are a bit like cat eyes in the dark, and he can see just as clearly as in the sun, but can see further than Fatty and others.

The fat man paused and wanted to take a few steps forward to take a closer look. Suddenly he tripped over something and stumbled forward. He cursed and his mother turned around and looked at her feet. She was stunned, "What is this?"

It was a small black stone, standing there abruptly, with some patterns carved on it, very fine.

Zhang Zhuoxun half-crouched in front of the small stone and stared at it for a few seconds. Suddenly he pulled out the dagger from his waist and started digging at the root of the small stone.

When the fat man saw this, he hurriedly came over to dig together. In the end, the two even used engineering shovels.

The Huo family members in the back didn't know what was happening in front of them. They all stood on tiptoe and stretched their necks to look forward. They found that the place was completely blocked by Zhang Zhuxun and three others, and they couldn't see anything.

I couldn't help but become a little anxious. You pushed me and pushed my friends to come forward to see what was going on, but no one dared to step forward. They were all afraid that Mr. Yu would go crazy and chop off their heads with a shovel.

As they were digging, the fat man in front of him let out a slightly changed voice, "Fuck~". Huo Xiangu felt a little strange, so she waved to Huo Zhizhi to go ahead and take a look at the situation.

Huo Zhizhi took the order and walked to Zhang Zhuxun and the others who were squatting on the ground. He looked down from the gap above their heads and was stunned. When he came to his senses, he immediately went back to report to Mrs. Huo, "

Head of the family, they dug up a stone unicorn, but that unicorn looks very strange."

"Strange?" Huo Xiangu wondered, "What's strange?"

But she knew that Huo Zhizhi was not the kind to make a fuss out of a fuss when he was surprised, so she simply stopped guessing and said directly: "Push me over."

Hearing the sound of the wheelchair rolling over, Zhang Zhuxun stepped aside a little.

Zhang Zhuxun and the others had already dug a deep pit on the ground. After seeing the appearance of the thing in the pit, Huo Xiangu finally understood what Huo Zhizhi had said was strange.

It was a completely black unicorn. The exposed part was as big as a basketball. The carving was extremely detailed and lifelike.

But what is extremely weird is that the eyes of this unicorn are blood red, and the whole body is pitch black. If you stare at its eyes for a long time, you will feel a sense of fear in your heart for no reason.

What just tripped the fat man was the corner of this thing that was sticking out of the ground.

"This is not a unicorn." The little brother said calmly.

Zhang Zhuxun continued what he said, "This is a Terror, but it looks a bit like a unicorn. Mrs. Huo, please call two people over and continue digging. There is something underneath."

Huo Xiangu tilted her head towards Huo Zhizhi, who immediately turned around and called two members of the Huo family over.

After digging, the mountain structure here has been mixed with some soil. Although it is still a bit difficult to dig, it is not impossible.

Soon, the soil near the black stone sculpture was dug down to a depth of nearly two meters. One of the Huo family members knocked it down with a shovel. The whole statue suddenly shook, as if it came to life, frightening the two Huo family members.

People shouted, and those who were in a hurry had to crawl out of the pit.

In a hurry, the statue was kicked by someone unknown, and it suddenly fell down on the Huo family member. In an instant, the man let out a frightened and pitiful cry like a dying pig.

Unable to bear the demonic sound filling his ears, Zhang Zhuxun reached out to lift him up from the pit and threw him aside.

Several people gathered around the pit, lighting up brighter miner's lamps, and silently observing the "terrible nightmare".

After a long while, the fat man hummed, and then asked Zhang Shuxun in a low voice, "Is this black unicorn giving birth to cubs? Look under its belly, one, two, three...**, there are nine little ghost cubs in total."

"No, these brats and the horrors above are one and the same." Zhang Zhuxun took out two pairs of rubber gloves and handed a pair to the little brother.

Together, the two of them brought up the big guy, which was more than 1.8 meters long and 1.5 meters wide, and stood it aside.

After seeing the full picture of this thing, a series of gasping sounds came from the passage. Everyone's face was not good-looking, especially when they were disappointed and puzzled after walking for a long time, anyone would feel that something like this suddenly popped out.

My heart feels numb.

Terror is a half-dead and half-living beast in folklore. It is said that on the ancient battlefield of the Yanhuang War a long time ago, due to a large number of massacres or those who died tragically in the war, because there was no one to bury their bodies, plus these

People have extraordinary power. Before death, they are in great anger, hatred and fear. After death, their resentment will not go away. When this resentment gathers together, there is a certain chance that it will turn into violence, which is a very fierce spirit.<


It is possible that there are more than one beasts in a land. They exist because of their obsession, so they can never leave this land of death. In order to break free, they began to fight and devour each other, and in the end only the nine most powerful ones were left.


Each of these nine beasts has its own abilities. Because of their existence, the people in this area for hundreds of miles have been affected by resentment. People often die in their sleep for no reason, and their souls will be attracted to the beast after death.

The place was devoured by violence.

Until one day, an old Taoist priest came to that place, that is, Lei Zu, the leader of the Thunder Tribe in Taoism. Hearing what happened there, he took his mount Jade Qilin and went there to eliminate the harm.

Jade Qilin fought against the nine beasts for three hundred rounds. Although they swallowed the nine beasts in the end, the violence did not dissipate completely. The jade unicorn was also affected by the violence and turned into a black unicorn. In the end, the two parties actually reached a strange agreement.

Balance has become a half-unicorn, half-ghost nightmare.

The essence of the horror is the auspicious beast Qilin, but it also has an evil side. The upper body of the horror in front of me is the shape of a black unicorn, but its abdomen and four legs are entangled by nine evil ghosts.

After listening to Zhang Zhuxun's explanation, the fat man touched the small stubble on his chin and hissed, "So, what's the use of this thing buried here? We all dug it out, and we didn't see anything touched.

What kind of agency?"

"Or is this thing buried here just to scare people and make them retreat?" The fat man saw the little brother touching the hideous and terrifying nightmare with his fingers, and he laughed, "Don't tell me, this

These ghost things are really scary."

Zhang Zhuoxun shook his head, "I don't know, but I always feel that putting this thing here must have some special meaning."

"It's a warning." The younger brother retracted his hand.

Terror is half evil and half good, half dead and half alive. Perhaps as the little brother said, this is the second warning to them.

If they just give up and leave, they will live. If they continue to move forward, the end will be death.

Huo Xiangu pondered for a while and then spoke firmly, "Since it is just a warning and not a substantive killing move, it means that the path we are taking is correct. If we continue forward, we will definitely reach the real ancient Zhang family building.

Hearing this, the Huo family, who were still a little nervous at first, suddenly felt like they had been given a shot of blood and were ready to set off.

However, what they didn't see was that Huo Xiangu, who was sitting in a wheelchair with her back to them, had an expression of indifference on her face.

The team walked around the deep pit in the ground and continued forward, and soon reached the place where Zhang Zhuoxun had shined his flashlight before. There was a dry tree root as thick as a rolling pin.

The fat man jumped up and pulled off the tree root, breaking it into two halves with a slight movement of his fingers, "There are already tree roots here, which means that our location should not be particularly far from the ground, and this thing is

It’s dry, but it’s autumn now, so the tree is either dead due to insects, or…”

"Either something happened on the upper level, and the tree was forced to die, and it seems that it has been a long time." Zhang Zhu said.

The fat man took a few steps forward and kept shining his flashlight on the top of the passage. There were more and more dead tree roots in front of him.

"There is light ahead!" The fat man suddenly shouted.

The light was very weak, but it was indeed different from the cold light of a flashlight.

Everyone's emotions suddenly rose, and the light showed that the exit was not far away.

They quickened their pace and quickly covered the distance of more than 100 meters.

Looking at the few rays of sunlight filtering through the gaps in the dark green vines in front of him, the fat man's face was excited but still a little dull, "Damn it, we actually just... walked out?"

Zhang Zhuxun didn't sense any danger outside, but after thinking about it, he took out his pistol and winked at the little brother and the fat man.

Needless to say, the little brother and the fat man were already standing close to the stone wall. Before the Huo family behind them could react, Zhang Zhuxun had already taken a step back, raised his gun and fired three shots outside.

The bullets whizzed through the green felt-like plant wall, and the twigs and leaves were flying in all directions like scattered flowers, and green water splashed.

The Huo family was startled. The eight guardians moved in front of Huo Xiangu like a wind. At the same time, they raised the guns in their hands and pointed them at Zhang Chuxun in front of them.

The fat man was so angry that he pinched a cute little v40 and tried to pull it out and throw it into the crowd. At the same time, he shouted, "Whoever dares to try it, I will give him a set of VIP crematorium services."


The eight people took action and immediately changed their formations, surrounding Mrs. Huo and retreating a long way. When they looked forward, they saw that the three people in front of them had disappeared at the same time.

Shocked, they hurriedly and cautiously stepped forward, pushed aside the thick vines blocking their eyes, and looked around, only to find that the mountains and fields outside were full of green.

This exit is actually connected to a hidden valley. Looking from here, the vegetation below is very dense and lush. Although it is not a primitive jungle, it is obvious that humans have not set foot here for a long time.

A man suddenly felt something hanging out of the corner of his eye. When he went out to take a look, he found that the three people had already climbed up to the top of the cliff with ropes.

Immediately went back to report the situation to Huo Xiangu. Huo Xiangu stood up from the wheelchair and moved out of the way. She looked at the scene outside and frowned deeply. Obviously she could not understand why this situation happened.

Then an order was issued, "On the tenth day of the lunar month, take people to the top of the mountain to have a look."


The subordinate named Huo Chushi responded and casually named two people in the escort team.

The three people used crossbows tied with ropes to shoot upward, and the crossbow arrows were shot with the ropes at an ancient tree on the edge of the cliff above.

The fat man raised his hand to put a shade on his forehead and looked into the distance when a crossbow arrow was shot straight towards him. Hearing the sound of the sky breaking, the fat man subconsciously raised his head and ran back to hide. Suddenly his feet collapsed and his whole body collapsed.

It got stuck in the grass mound and started to fall down.

Before a scream could be heard in his throat, Zhang Zhuxun and his younger brother grabbed their backpacks and held them up in the air.

The two people pulled the fat man back quickly for a long distance, and stopped when they reached a safe place. Then they watched the edge of the mountaintop in front of them fall down in a large area, with clods of soil, grass clippings and gravel, and the faces of the people below.

They are probably all green.

The fat man sat flat on the grass, with a scared look on his face. Then he thought of something, touched his pocket, and said "Oh!" "It's bad, the little cutie fell!"

Thanks to [Dessert Shop Manager] [Brother’s Leg Pendant] [Dali Chen] [Book Friend 0] and other big guys for their tips and comparisons...*

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