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Chapter 90 White Coffin Bed

 The younger brother's sudden warning made the Huo family a little panicked, thinking that something terrible might pop out of the two coffins, so they hurriedly moved away.

Huo Xiangu spoke slowly, breaking the somewhat stiff atmosphere, "It's just a joint burial coffin. If it can be placed here, there must be nothing valuable except the remains."

Zhang Zhuoxun came closer, trying to discern something from the patterns on the coffin, but he couldn't see anything, so he had to ask his brother, "Did you feel something?"

The little brother shook his head uncertainly, just repeated to stay away from them, and then walked straight forward.

The tomb passage after that was very empty, with flat stone slabs. After walking about fifteen meters, I encountered another tomb door.

This tomb door is also opened using a gravity mechanism. After the stone door is raised, the left front side chamber is in front of you, and there is a direct dark passage behind it.

We have reached a place close to the center of the ancient building. The surrounding walls are no longer made of volcanic rock, but are made of ordinary stone bricks.

There are no suspended niches in the tomb. There is only a coffin parked in the northeast corner of the room. There is no epitaph. There are many stone boxes scattered on the ground that are smaller than the hand mounds seen in the mezzanine.

Most of these boxes were open and piled scatteredly on the ground. Zhang Zhuxun picked up one with a lid and scraped off the beeswax seal. Inside was a withered right hand, with the bones of the index and middle fingers clearly visible.

There are signs of repeated cracking and then healing.

This is the tomb of someone from the Zhang family.

The little brother also saw the scene in the box and frowned slightly.

"Someone once entered here and stole many hand bones of the Zhang family." Looking at the scattered stone boxes on the ground, Zhang Zhuxun said in a deep voice.

It is very likely that Chen Wenjin and his group took out the hand bones from a certain sandwich and took them out, leaving the box randomly discarded here.

Could it be that the people behind the scenes want to extract something from these bones? Those people are really crazy.

Zhang Zhuoxun was very unhappy. This disgusting behavior was even more abominable than tomb robbers like them who only wanted money.

The coffin parked in the corner also showed signs of being opened, and the bones inside might not have been spared.

The little brother pressed on his shoulder and said: "Let's go."

Zhang Zhuoxun nodded, covered the box, and placed it squarely in the corner. Then he directed the Huo family to sort out the stone boxes scattered on the ground and put them aside against the wall.

Coming out of the passage behind the side room, what came into view was a Chinese-style wooden octagonal building with flying beams and carved tiles. They were standing on the corridor at the edge of the patio.

Looking up, there is a huge seven-star dome, with a bronze bell the size of a football hanging under each eaves.

Outside the corridor, eight thick golden nanmu corridor pillars are erected against the railings. They are painted in bright red and carved with a new hybrid mythical beast that looks like a dragon and a Pixiu. But on the scales covering its body, there are

There is also a small unicorn pattern engraved on part of it.

The little brother reached out and touched one of the pillars carved with gold and jade Pixiu. His fingers finally stopped on one of the scales with the Pixiu pattern, and he said a series of numbers, "One-thirteen, two-six, three-


The Huo family was confused and didn't know why, but Zhang Zhuxun knew that the younger brother had told him this, so he nodded.

The little brother quickly tapped several of Pixiu's scales. Zhang Zhu turned to the pillar on the other side and touched the first abnormal scale. According to this rule, he tapped out

"One-nineteen, two-eight, three-eleven".

After he finished typing, the little brother who had already walked to the third pillar typed out three more numbers, "one-seventeen, two-four, three-thirteen".

There are eight pillars in total, only three of them have mechanisms, and the rest serve as supports.

With the last knock, the three pillars suddenly began to rotate slowly.

Turning around, a gap was opened on the pillar in front of Zhang Zhuxun, which could only allow one person to pass sideways. When he looked down, he discovered that the structure inside the gap was made of stone. It went straight down and was completely dark. Visual inspection

The depth has passed through the patio in front of you, and there is a vertical row of small bricks extending from the inner wall that can only be stepped on with one foot.

"Let's go, get off from here." Zhang Zhuoxun greeted.

After speaking, he climbed out of the railing first, stepped on the first brick, and then continued down. Two minutes later, his feet touched the ground.

Below is a large stone chamber, with the sound of gurgling water reaching everyone's ears, and the air is much moister than above.

The little brother waited for the last person to climb into the secret passage, then followed him down. Then he knocked on the pillar, and the secret passage rotated and retracted.

The Huo family members were just about to stop them, but Zhang Zhuxun glared at them and immediately shrank back, not even daring to fart.

The sound of water came from the aqueducts on both sides of the stone chamber, which were half a meter deep. It was said to be a stone chamber, but in fact it was also considered a tomb passage, because the specifications here were very similar to those Zhang Zhuxun had seen in the undersea tomb before. I don’t know the style of Lei He.

What is the connection between Wang Zanghai and Wang Zanghai?

The little brother is walking in front. There are many large-petaled nine-turn lotus flowers on the stone slabs on the ground, and some small lotus flowers are dotted around the edges.

Not sure if there were any arrows here, the Huo family members walked forward one by one, following in the little brother's footsteps.

Everything seemed normal, and they passed through the stone chamber smoothly. In front of them was a square one-meter hole, and everyone filed in.

The first hundred meters of the stone path have been specially repaired and are very well-proportioned. After that, it goes directly between the cracks in the mountain. You can hear the sound of water flowing all the time as you walk, louder and quieter.

After walking for more than an hour, my eyes suddenly opened up.

Here is another cave, with water flowing out from more than a dozen faucets dug into the stone wall and flowing into the pool below.

The water in the pool is very clear, and there is jade light shining through the bottom of the pool. Standing at a high place, you can see that the entire pool below is the outline of a huge unicorn.

There is a stone platform in the center of the pool. The upper part protrudes from the water and there are steps on the edge. There is a white marble jade bed with a lotus sculpture on it. It looks quite impressive against the clear water waves and the jade light under the water.

To be holy.

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It was a coffin bed, three meters long and two and a half meters wide. It was so big that it was more than enough for four little swans to stand on it and dance hand in hand.

There are four white marble pillars on the edge with rolling balls on top. The curtains and gauze that originally hung around have been damaged and are hanging precariously on the silk threads.

Using a telescope, you can see that there are deep marks on the coffin bed that have been pressed by heavy objects for a long time. Obviously, a very heavy coffin once was placed on it, but now the coffin is missing.

Zhang Zhuoxun looked at the opposite side of the water pool again, where is the tomb gate entering the cave. From this angle, there is no trace of damage to the tapstone behind the tomb gate.

"Are we going down?" Huo Chushi asked.

"So far, it looks like this." Zhang Zhu said, "This is already the main tomb chamber, but it's obvious that things have been taken away."

"You mean...ahem..." The air here is humid, and Huo Xiangu coughed harder than before, "That archaeological team from Banai?"

"Maybe." Zhang Zhuxun's voice cooled down.

Huo Xiangu took a sip of the cold herbal tea and suppressed the itching in her throat. "That means the thing I want is not in the coffin that they took away, or something happened and they left it behind."

In the ancient building."

Zhang Shuxun didn't want to say any more, so he turned to look to the side, "Brother, are you in the water?"

Seeing the little brother nodding, Huo Chushi immediately took out the water quality testing equipment in his backpack, tied an empty kettle with a rope, hung it down and filled it with some water. After hanging it up, he took out a few acid-base test papers to test the ph of the water quality here.


"The weak alkali does not exceed 8. You can go down." Huo Chushi said happily.

Everyone put on their diving suits and descended along the rope into the pool.

As soon as you enter the water, a biting chill instantly sweeps through your body, causing people to gasp.

They quickly swam to the stone platform, climbed up the steps and stood on the white marble coffin bed. Everyone was relieved to be out of the ice water.

Since the jade bed was in the middle of the pool, they were still five or six meters away from the stone steps on the other side of the tomb door. They might have to swim there later. Changing clothes would take too much time, so they could only rub their arms and lean on each other to keep warm.
Someone took out a smokeless stove from a waterproof backpack and lit it. Although it couldn't dispel much of the cold, it was better than nothing.

Zhang Zhuxun squatted on the edge of the coffin bed, staring at the jade light at the bottom of the pool. He suddenly discovered that the light was not white jade, but a layer of luminous stone under the white jade. The layer of white jade above was actually not jade, but a very high-end one.

Rare, almost snow-colored glaze.

He let out a slight tut in his heart. It was indeed the work of the Chessboard Zhang family to use such a large area of ​​colored glaze in tombs. He had only heard of it in later generations in his previous life, when he was doing archaeological research on the tomb of Yelu Pugu, a Khitan royal family, discovered in Jinbaotun, Kailu.

, not only were a large number of glazed products found inside, but even the tomb chambers were built with glazed bricks, which was more luxurious than the emperor's tomb.

While the others were resting, the little brother was not idle either. He was studying the white marble pillars.

After looking at all four pillars, the boy walked to a pillar in the northeast corner and stretched out his hand to move the ball on it.

The white jade ball rotated in a circle like a globe and locked with a click.

At the same time, the water pool began to tremble and the water waves rolled, so that the Huo family members shrank to the center of the coffin bed, at a loss.

As the water surface trembled, a large black object gradually rose from the water near the tomb door. After a closer look, it was discovered that it was actually a dozen neatly arranged stone pillars.

The Huo family looked at each other, and after realizing it, they immediately started to change the dry clothes in their backpacks. Damn it, who would have thought that there is a hidden bridge under the water.

The stone pillars rose to a point one centimeter above the water surface before stopping. The two rows of stone pillars were spaced one meter apart from each other.

The younger brother was the first to step on the stone pillar and walk over to the steps behind.

Everyone quickly followed and came to the tomb door. Huo Chushi directed people to use a special hook tool to lift up the tap stone, open the tomb door, and walk out from inside.

After passing through a stone path, there is another side hall in front. After seeing the layout clearly, the Huo family couldn't help but be ecstatic.

"Zhang Family Ancient Building!"

"Holy crap, that's the Zhang family's ancient building, right?" Huo Xiaoli exclaimed as he looked at the simple and complicated wooden model on the circular stone platform.

The model in front of you is a microcosm of the entire Zhangjia ancient building and nearby rocks. It is more than two meters high. The main building in the center has a total of seven floors. Every detail is extremely fine.

The Underwater Yao Village is the top two floors of the ancient building, and their current location is on the seventh floor of the ancient building.

"Photograph it." Huo Xiangu couldn't hide her joy, and her emotions suddenly came to her. She immediately covered her mouth with a handkerchief and started coughing. Huo Xiuxiu patted her back gently.

Zhang Zhuoxun frowned, but after a second thought, he didn't stop him.

"Okay!" Huo Xiaoli responded, took out his precious camera, and leaned over to take a photo of the model of the ancient building.

But unexpectedly, the stone slab under his feet came loose, and his entire body was photographed underneath by the overturned stone slab, and he disappeared.

This sudden change caught everyone off guard, and they immediately retreated to a safe place.

Huo Chushi shouted several times toward the place where Huo Xiaoli fell. Hearing the vague cry for help coming from inside, he immediately discussed how to save people.

This kind of turning stone is usually an anti-theft mechanism set up in the main chamber of an ancient tomb, and the trap is set near the coffin of the tomb owner.

The setting principle of this mechanism is the same as that of a seesaw, also called a serial flip.

That is, a pit about three meters deep is dug in the tomb passage. The length and width depend on the specific conditions of the tomb passage. There are knives, cones and sharp tools about ten centimeters under the pit.

Then the two movable stone slabs in question were laid flush with the tomb passage above the pit, and then the most critical temporary support plate was placed under the two stone slabs. There is a rotatable roller in the center of each stone slab.<


When the intruder first steps on the first stone slab, there is support on both sides, so nothing will happen to him at this time, but when he continues to walk forward, he will step on the edge of the third trap laid below.

, the rollers rotate, the board tilts downward at an extremely fast speed, and the people on it will be directly photographed into the prickly pit.

Either he was impaled and died, or he was seriously injured and finally trapped inside to death, with almost zero chance of survival.

After Huo Chushi and the others confirmed that the person was still alive, they used the person as a stake in the middle and tied one end of the climbing rope to the tomb door. Then, Huo Chushi carefully lifted his feet and walked towards the stone slab that had just been turned over.

After taking five or six steps, I felt something that seemed to be turning over under my feet. I immediately leaned over and lay down to increase the force-bearing area, and then rubbed towards the edge of the stone slab little by little.

Under the gravity, the stone slab gradually began to tilt, and soon opened at an angle. Huo Chushi threw in another rope prepared in advance and let Huo Xiaoli at the bottom grab it. Then the person holding the other rope began to exert force.

It didn't take much effort to drag Huo Xiaoli up.

The two of them lay down on the edge of the crumbling stone slab in fear. After being pulled to a safe position little by little, Huo Xiaoli began to complain that his legs hurt.

"Fuck, fuck, damn, you scared me to death."

Huo Xiaoli was covered in cold sweat, and he was so scared, "If I hadn't subconsciously grabbed the edge of the board when I fell, and it was thrown out, the sharp thorns below would have pierced my heart.

It’s cold.”

Thanks to [Dali Chen] [Hua Hua Guo Lai] [Lin Meng] and other big guys for their rewards, I have a huge heart...

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