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Chapter 92 Fairy Fruit

 What the person behind the scenes is looking for is probably hidden under the former ancient building, but Zhang Zhuxun has no intention of reminding Huo Xiangu about this.

Regardless of whether the thing exists or not, he will not let outsiders get it. The reason why he agreed to Huo Xiangu is to spread smoke bombs.

Huo Xiangu must die. After leaving the ancient building, the person behind the scenes could only cast suspicious eyes on Zhang Shuxun, but they could not be sure whether the thing was in Zhang Shuxun's hands.

In fact, the reason is that it itself doesn't know what it is. Just like Schrödinger's cat, it can't be sure whether it exists, and it can't deny its non-existence. The same is true for Zhang Shuxun.

Soon they found a mechanism to climb up on the west pillar, and everyone climbed up one by one to reach the fourth floor.

After going up, what is a little surprising is that there is only a huge human-faced turtle in the huge space on this floor, and everything around it is empty.

This turtle is as black as ink, with a very long neck and limbs. What's weird is that on its slender neck is a feminine and fierce woman's face, with thin eyebrows and long eyes, soft edges of facial features, and an expression on her face.

The smile is not a smile, much like some mysterious and terrifying thangka figures in Tibetan culture, and the ends of the turtle's first two claws are still in the shape of human hands.

And the strange thing is that no matter which direction they move or how they move, the face they see is always face to face with you, and the expression is constantly changing, twisted and weird, and those narrow and malicious eyes are always looking at you.

, staring at you can’t help but make people feel hairy.

"What's going on?"

"Is this another hallucination caused by some mechanism?"

It can be seen that the poisonous gas pool in the cave has left a deep psychological shadow on everyone in the Huo family.

Zhang Zhuxun stretched out his hand and touched the stone turtle's face, and found that there were some small sunken edges under his fingertips. He then got closer and took a closer look, "It's interesting. This thing's face was manipulated later."
As he spoke, he motioned to the Huo family to turn off the lights in their hands, leaving only the one in his own hand still on. Then he shined the flashlight up from Shi Gui's chin, and Shi Gui's entire face suddenly turned around.

Turned over.

"Have you ever played with a kaleidoscope? The reason why this thing can change its face is the same as that of a kaleidoscope. It relies on the mirror of light to refract the things inside. You can imagine that this stone turtle face is composed of many delicate and small kaleidoscopes.

, that’s why you look like you’re always staring at people.”

The curious Huo family members brought their eyes closer and took a closer look, and said in wonder: "Mother, this damn thing really seems to be like this."

Huo Xiaoli had climbed onto the back of the human-faced turtle and shouted: "Master Yu, come and see, there is something on the back of this big turtle."

Zhang Zhuoxun also climbed up and saw that there was a dent in the black turtle shell on the back of the turtle, and inside was a charcoal black ball the size of a basketball.

Huo Xiaoli picked it up with his fingers and found that the black ball could move, so he picked it up with both hands and planned to take a closer look.

As a result, when I looked at it, I came face to face with a human face.

"Oh my God!"

Huo Xiaoli trembled all over, and immediately let go and jumped to the side. The black ball rolled off the stone turtle and fell to the ground, hitting the wooden floor with a loud metal clang.

Everyone was startled by him and stared at the black ball on the ground as if they were in danger, fearing that it was a bomb that suddenly exploded.

Zhang Zhuxun was speechless, "What are you doing in such a sudden state? You are such a big young man, why can't you act more calmly?"

Huo Xiaoli's face turned pale and he said with a grimace: "That thing is very light, it seems to be a human head. No, I saw more than one face. This... this thing can't be made by peeling off a person's face and sewing them together."


Zhang Zhuoxun jumped off the stone turtle, looked closely at the black sphere the size of a basketball, stood on tiptoes to test the weight, and then mocked unceremoniously: "You don't have much courage, but you have quite an idea."

The big one even has a human face peeled off. It’s just a clay ball covered with a layer of metal, and the human faces on it are all carved out.”

The little brother seemed to recognize what this thing was, and said three words lightly, "Shirenguo."

Huo Xiaoli turned his back on the errand and stared in disbelief, "What? A cannibal country?"

Zhang Zhuxun rolled his eyes angrily, "I asked you to study more, but you have to pretend to be a pig, a descendant of the Yan Emperor of the Shen Nong clan."

It is said that the clay dolls used by Shennong's people's country have human faces and turtle bodies. "The Classic of Mountains and Seas - Hainan Nei Jing" mentions, "The country of Shennong's people is in Jianmuxi. They have human faces and fish bodies and no legs." In the Classic of Mountains and Seas,

The people of the country are the descendants of Emperor Yan.

The Song Dynasty's "Taiping Yulan" quoted from "Customs" said that when the world was opened, there were no people, and Nuwa made people out of loess.

Later, it was said that Nuwa used a rope to throw yellow mud to create many people. These primitive people lived in groups, had multiple wives, and reproduced in chaos. In order to make fertility clear, Nuwa asked each group living in the cave to make dolls to count.


At that time, the clay dolls used by Shennong Yan Emperor's Shiren Kingdom had human faces and turtle bodies. Later, this human-faced turtle body statue became the national emblem of Shiren Kingdom.

Zhang Zhuxun suddenly remembered that the two-headed magnetic turtle they dug up under the Spirit Hall of Yunding Tiangong had a pattern engraved on its body that was the face of a woman. It is hard to say whether there is any connection between this.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas - Overseas Eastern Classic" records this sentence, "Eastern Jumang has a bird body and a human face, riding two dragons." In mythology and legend, Jumang is the god of spring, also called the wood god, who controls the growth of vegetation in spring.
The shape of Yuren Jumang is that of a human-faced bird, which reminded him of the human-faced bird outside the bronze door. Taking a closer look, he found that the details of this stone turtle were also seen on the stone walls of Yunding Tiangong and Queen Mother Kingdom.

The previous statues of human-faced birds are very similar.

Looking at the turtle with a human face in front of him, Zhang Chuxun not only doubted his life, but could it be that the ancestors of the Zhang family dug this thing out of a super tomb in the Three Emperors period of ancient times and put it here as a decoration?

Thinking about it this way, I couldn't help but say "fuck", it's not impossible to be a special girl.

As the most primitive family of tomb robbers, the Zhang family has probably visited all the ancient tombs that can be entered in the world. They have brought out the secrets about the ultimate records inside and sealed them all in this ancient family building.

When Zhang Zhu was looking around the human-faced turtle, one of the Huo family members suddenly exclaimed, "Damn, look, what's that dark thing on top?"

When everyone heard this, they turned on their lights and looked up, and they were immediately shocked when they saw it.

The ceiling of this floor is ridiculously higher than the previous two floors. There are a lot of beams evenly and regularly interspersed above them, forming a huge chessboard-like structure above their heads.

Seeing many things hanging in the shadows of the beams in the checkerboard grids, some people couldn't help but be surprised and asked: "What is hanging on top of this? Is it a fairy fruit?" As he said this, he wanted to shoot one down with a gun and have a look.<


"Bullshit fairy fruit." Zhang Zhuxun looked at him coldly and said, "That damn thing is the tomb of our Zhang family. If you dare to knock it down, I will twist off your head and hang it up as a ginseng fruit.

The Huo family member shrank his neck, quickly put away his gun, and laughed twice, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

Looking up, the boxes hanging in the shadows vary in size and shape, with different patterns. At a glance, there are tens of thousands of boxes. It looks quite shocking and extremely spectacular.


Someone couldn't help but hissed, "Damn it, if all the equipment here is manpower, it would be at least tens of thousands of people. Are there so many people in the Zhang family?"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone with clear eyes answered, "Are you stupid? The materials of these boxes are different from old to new. It is obvious that they were hung at different times. Whose death will kill ten thousand people at once? They will be punished by God.

It’s not as serious as this, it’s a disaster of genocide.”

Zhang Zhuxun and his younger brother were both silent and did not speak. To a certain extent, the Zhang family really experienced the disaster of genocide, but it was not a natural disaster, but a disaster.

The empty Tezuka shells that were seen scattered on the ground in the left front room of the auxiliary building were probably knocked down from here, and the hands inside were probably taken by the Chen Qing Sect to their territory for research.
The Huo family looked around and found that there were no other clues except the Ten Thousand Tombs and the Human-faced Turtle, so they spontaneously started looking for a way to the upper level.

When Zhang Zhuoxun and the two of them looked at the Tezuka above their heads, the Huo family had already found the entrance based on past experience.

Huo Xiaoli took the black ball full of human faces that he had left behind and put it back on the turtle shell. Then he waved to Zhang Zhuoxun, "Master Yu, come here quickly. We have found the stairs."

Zhang Zhuoxun turned around and saw that a part of the stone bricks on the east wall just stuck out, forming an upward stone staircase.

"Brother, let's go." He said.

This floor has been transformed into a wooden fence again. Like many towers, there are many compartments and corridors inside. All compartments have closed doors and windows. The window lattice carvings are uniform and neat, and they are covered with a special layer of black.

Tissue paper, this kind of alkali-resistant paper feels very similar to oil paper.

From the appearance, the ceilings of these compartments do not overlap with the ceiling, but are covered with separate lids, with a distance of more than one meter from the top, like large coffins arranged one after another, with length and width

The high specifications are very uniform, and obsessive-compulsive disorder makes people feel physically and mentally comfortable after watching them.

Walking up the stairs, a kind of faint blue fluorescence spreads throughout the space. When I look up, I find that the top of the treasure is inlaid with many luminous pearls the size of a child's fist, extending like a blue Danube star.

Further away.

There were many people who exclaimed with salivation, but looking at the distance, the height from bare feet to the top of the compartment was more than four meters, so they had no choice but to stop eating. Unless they could mutate the kangaroo gene, they could jump to the top of the compartment.


But this is impossible. Before they jump up, their heads are already kicking the ball under their feet. Zhang Zhuxun can completely guarantee this.

Taking a few steps forward, Zhang Zhuxun tried to push the door of one of the compartments, and found that it was locked with a latch from the inside. In other words, the door of this compartment could only be entered and exited once.

Then, when the door is closed, the small rotating shaft inserted in it will start, blocking the door.

But this is not a problem for Zhang Zhuxun. If he can't open the lock, he can just remove the door from the frame.

The structures between these wooden buildings are all traditional mortise and tenon structures, which can be easily dismantled if you know the tricks.

Zhang Zhu looked for the eyelet under the door shaft, inserted the tip of a short knife to push out the tenon embedded inside, and quickly removed the bottom of one door frame. The upper eyelet was a little more time-consuming because it was small and

The top beams were connected together, and six small tenons were pried off in a row, and the entire bearing was removed.

Then I held the wooden door and carefully pushed it inside, and the double door turned into a single door.

There was a thick layer of dust accumulated on the ground, which looked very similar to alkali powder. The Huo family hesitated a little, but saw Zhang Zhuxun and his younger brother walking straight in. After walking around the coffin, they stood aside.

In front of the wall.

The space inside is not big, about three square meters at most. There is a large black wooden coffin in front of it. The wall behind it, facing the head of the coffin, is covered with wooden plaques written with dense characters, all of which are square Chinese characters in small seal script.

Written epitaph.

It can be seen from the epitaph that the people who can be assigned a small cubicle here are all very powerful people in the Zhang family and have made outstanding contributions to the family.

For example, the Zhang family in this compartment is a very capable person in the chessboard Zhang branch of the 34th generation Zhang family. His name is Zhang Shengqing. He was born in the middle of the Qing Dynasty and lived for more than 170 years. He did not die at the end of his life.

, but died in a fire.

According to the content on these small wooden plaques, it can be seen that Zhang Shengqing's life was very exciting, and his contributions throughout his life were written all over the wall. However, this person finally died in North Korea, when the border conflict was at its most intense.

This man was a great hero who was shrouded in horse leather and was later brought back by his tribe to be buried here.

His contribution to the family was behind his life. In addition to all kinds of strange rhetoric, the wooden sign mentioned his parents the most. The contributions made by his parents were also very brilliant. "There are countless graves and numerous incomes."

, in order to stabilize the Zhu family's country, and make a lot of profits, these two achievements are hidden in the tomb."

This means that Zhang Shengqing's parents were very powerful. They had robbed countless ancient tombs in their lives. The things they got from them were very important. They also assisted Zhu Yuanzhang in conquering the Ming Dynasty and brought a lot of benefits to the family. They made countless achievements.

Zhang Shengqing and her parents deserve to be buried here only because of their contributions to two generations.

"Holy shit..." Zhang Shuxun couldn't hide his wonder. Could this "defining the Zhu family's empire" be referring to Zhang Renfu, the uprising general in the late Yuan Dynasty? No, no, this man died in the Battle of Longwan.

, died too early, and his name was not among the ten founding generals.

Who could that be?

To be honest, there are quite a few generals named Zhang under Lao Zhu who are good at arranging troops and fighting.

Thanks to [Dessert Shop Manager] [Dali Chen] [Nie Mo Wangqing Long] [Hua Hua Guo Lai] [The Most Naive When I was Young] and other bosses for their rewards. I have a huge heart...*

This chapter has been completed!
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