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Chapter 101 Pixiu Yizhuang

 (The content of Jie Yuchen’s section has been changed a bit later, if you don’t feel it is right, you can go back and read it)


Jie Sanzang glanced at the map and muttered: "Then if he goes out again, he might just go out."

Pan Zi gave him a sideways look. If he had been the guy under him, he would have kicked him out by now.

Jie Sanzang realized something was wrong, shrank his neck and shut up quickly.

Jie Yuchen stared at the map for a while, then put it away and said to Jie Sanzang: "Listen to the movement of Milotuo in the Jade Vein."

Jie Sanzang immediately followed the instructions and listened carefully. As he listened, he became a little confused and said: "Boss, it seems there is no more."

After listening carefully again, he was immediately surprised and said: "There is no movement at all in the nearby mountains, and all Milotuo has disappeared."

Xie Yuchen walked forward for more than ten meters with the light on, and found that the road ahead was also opened, and a large gap appeared in that section of the jade vein.

"The wall that trapped us is gone." Xie Yuchen immediately returned to inform them.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Pan Zi urged anxiously, "Let's go quickly. Muyu has already opened the way for us. We can't live up to his hard work. Let's find the trapped brothers and others quickly and seize the time to rescue them."

Rescue me, little... Mr. San will also bring people in to join us soon."

Xie Yuchen nodded slightly, and without further ado, everyone quickly packed up their equipment, took their weapons and continued to move forward.

The surrounding space is extremely quiet. Although some roads are blocked by jade veins and need to be cleaned manually, the journey along the way is indeed much smoother. There are only a few lone Milotuo, which can be easily solved.

After advancing for another three hours, the road ahead was blocked, and the front of them turned into a real rock wall.

There is only a gap under the rock for one person to pass through, and the depth of the gap is filled with dark green jade veins.

Xie Yuchen took out the map and looked at it, then ordered the men to dig into the gaps in the jade veins.

Unexpectedly, after digging for less than two minutes, the jade vein was broken through, exposing the dark passage behind.

The passage was quickly cleared, and everyone walked in with lights on. Unexpectedly, less than twenty meters away, the road ahead suddenly stopped.

"Boss, there is no way ahead." The Jie family man turned around and said to Jie Yuchen.

When Jie Yuchen heard this, he immediately walked over and looked down, only to find that he was on a very high cliff below.

The clerk turned on the most powerful fog lamp they had on hand, and the bright yellow light suddenly illuminated the area below.

What came into view was a huge cave like an irregular upside-down bowl. Dark green jade veins covered the entire space below, including the top of their sight, which was all green.

"Boss, do you want to go down from here?" asked the Jie family guy.

Xie Yuchen looked at the map again to make sure they were taking the correct route, and then ordered: "Let's go down here to hit the rock nails."

"Okay." The guys from Jie's family began to drill rock nails on the edge of the cliff to prepare for the descent. Xie Yuchen and Pan Zi checked the subsequent route on the side.

The jade vein passage here is many times more complicated than the ordinary maze route. There are twists and turns everywhere, and if you take a wrong step, the passage behind you will close within five minutes.

"Our location is here." Xie Yuchen pointed at a location on the map. There was a gap in the middle of the route. "Go down from here, and the rest of the road will go from below."

The roads they had walked since entering the mountain were all rugged and bumpy, with uneven heights, up and down. However, after descending from this cave, the road behind them began to slope downwards.

Quickly getting ready, Xie Yuchen and Pan Zi took the lead in descending by rope, descending more than 20 meters before stepping on the ground.

The two loosened the rope and looked around, only to realize that the space in the cave was larger than they imagined.

The surface of the jade veins here has a curvature. The position they stepped on was a slope, and the center not far away was much higher than here. Moreover, these dark green jade veins had obvious color changes, one large piece after another.

The large block is divided into many blocks like a chess board, like a huge turtle shell being buckled here.

"Look over there, there seems to be something there." Pan Zi suddenly pointed at the jade vein stone wall behind them and said.

Xie Yuchen looked over there and found that the dark green over there seemed to be surrounded by many tall dark shadows. His heart suddenly tightened. Could it be that the thing from before was chasing after him again?

Before he could take out the binoculars to see clearly, Pan Zi on the side cursed, holding the detonator and already planning to kill him.

"Wait a minute!" Jie Yuchen stopped him. It was very dark here. The telescope did not have night vision function and could only see some blurry outlines. "Those shadows don't seem to be Milotuo."

Pan Zi paused and said nervously: "What is that? Is there something scarier than Milotuo here?"

"Don't worry, take a look first." Xie Yuchen looked through the telescope and handed it to Pan Zi.

When Pan Zi saw it, he was a little confused. He took a few steps closer, took a closer look with a telescope, and said with a puzzled expression: "Master Hua'er, why do I look at it? Those things... look like sculptures."

He looked in several other directions and suddenly exclaimed, "I'm so numb, everything is a sculpture. We are surrounded. Is this a trap?"

Xie Yuchen's face was solemn, and he ordered his men to stay here first, and then said to Pan Zi: "Let's go over and take a look first."

The two of them each held a gun in their hands, put on their headlamps, and slowly moved towards that side.

The surface of the dark green jade veins is very rough, and they can walk over it steadily and in a straight line.

The closer they got, the clearer they could see the black shadow sculptures. Finally, the two stopped and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, a false alarm.

In front of them was a huge stone sculpture of Pixiu. Together with the base below, it was visually estimated to be more than six meters high. It was astonishingly large. The tip of one toe alone was larger than a human head.

And his feet were in the air, his wings were spread out, as if he was about to leap into the air.

"Is this Pixiu going to heaven?" Pan Zi was a little puzzled. He looked up at the rock on top and found that it seemed to be a dome-like top.

When the fog lights shined on it and they looked carefully with binoculars, they discovered that there was a large lotus-like relief covered under the jade veins above. From where they were standing, they could only see one of the petals of the lotus. The petals were densely packed with many miniatures carved on them.


That being said, those little Pixiu were visually estimated to be over two meters in size, but they were just slightly smaller than the one in front of them.

The stone statue of Pi Xiu in front of us is actually not very detailed. The body part is only carved with a rough shape and scale pattern. Only the head of Pi Xiu is made lifelike, with bulging eyeballs and a ferocious face. It was originally supposed to ward off evil spirits.

The beast here seems to have become a ferocious beast with a suppressive meaning.

There is also a stone ball with a diameter as big as a millstone in Pixiu's mouth. The surface is covered with cloud and thunder patterns, and it looks very heavy.

They looked around the stone carving and felt that the stone carving seemed to have grown out of thin air from the jade veins. The connection between the stone carving and the jade veins was perfect.

Xie Yuchen touched the jade veins with his hands, stared inside for a while, and suddenly said: "There is a stone mountain behind this. The jade veins only cover the surface. This place is indeed man-made."

Pan Zi also put his eyes on the jade veins and looked inside, and found that it was indeed like this. It was like a candied haws wrapped in a thick layer of syrup.

He picked up the butt of the gun and smashed it hard against a spot on the edge of the stone sculpture. Several radial cracks instantly exploded in the seemingly very hard jade vein wall.

Upon seeing this, Xie Yuchen stepped forward to help. There was a clanging sound, and soon he felt that the butt of the gun hit something harder than jade veins.

The two of them stopped, and a hole as big as a basketball was opened in the jade vein. Half a meter deep inside was the real rock layer.

It seems that these huge stone sculptures were directly carved on the mountain rocks by craftsmen using local materials.

"Is the entrance to the Zhang Family Ancient Building here?" Pan Zi asked in confusion.

Xie Yuchen shook his head, "Probably not. We have only reached the halfway point on the map, and we are still far from the end."

Pan Zi looked around and asked, "Then how should we go next? It seems to be closed down here. Could it be that we are required to dig out a road by ourselves according to the map."

But they just looked at the map and there was no correct route on the other side, so the key must be on these stone carvings.

Jie Yuchen and his two men returned to the place where they had just landed, and ordered their assistants to check around to see how many such stone sculptures there were.

The clerks dispersed and came back quickly to report: "Boss, there are nine in total, all of them are Pixiu, facing the middle, and their postures are all kinds of strange."

As he spoke, he handed the camera that took the photo of the stone carving to Xie Yuchen.

Xie Yuchen took it and flipped through it. His eyes finally stopped on the stone ball in Pixiu's mouth. "It seems that we need to find a suitable mechanism to open the passage here."

As he said this, he pointed out the best rock climbing skills among his friends, "You guys, climb up on these Pixiu and have a look. Don't touch the mechanisms for the time being, just see which stone ball can rotate."

The guys were ordered to disperse. Xie Yuchen himself walked up to the Pixiu he had seen before, climbed up on the base, clasped his fingers on the lines on the scales of the Pixiu, climbed up, stepped on one of Pixiu's hind legs, and jumped up lightly.

, jumped two meters high, kicked Pixiu's chest with his toes, turned around and jumped out in the air, grabbed one of Pixiu's forearms the moment he jumped up, and swung up easily.

Standing on Pi Xiu's forearm, his height just reaches Pi Xiu's mouth, and his sight is level with the stone ball.

He turned on the light and looked carefully, and found that the bottom of the stone ball in front of him had a gap that could be rotated, and the top of the ball was not completely close to the upper jaw of Pixiu.

The other guys also quickly jumped down after checking, and everyone gathered together to share their findings.

"All the stone balls in Pi Xiu's mouth can rotate, and the only thing that can move on Pi Xiu's body is the stone ball."

This is very bad news. All the mechanisms can be activated, which means that they have no chance to try and make mistakes. No one knows what will be released if the mechanism is opened by mistake.

Everyone looked at each other and looked at Xie Yuchen and others, waiting for the two people in charge to make up their minds.

Jie Yuchen pondered for a long time, then took out the photos in the camera again and looked at them carefully one by one.

When he turned to the fourth photo, his eyes suddenly froze. This Pixiu seemed to have a pair of small wings carved on its back.

This is the Pixiu in the northeast. Xie Yuchen immediately walked over there, stood under the Pixiu, looked up, and used a telescope.

Sure enough, I saw that at the base of the original big wings, under the creaking nest where the two front claws of Pixiu stood up, there were two more small wings as big as fists, carved together with Pixiu's scales. You really can't tell it unless you look carefully.


"It should be this one." Xie Yuchen said.

Pan Zi also took a look with the binoculars, and it was true. He suddenly exclaimed, "You young people have good eyesight. Those two little wings are hidden there like chicken feet. If you hadn't reminded me, I really wouldn't have been able to find it.

Xie Yuchen said calmly: "Hurry up, I'll go up and turn on the machine, and you lead them down below to prepare for defense."

"Okay." Pan Zi nodded and raised his hand to ask the two men to stand in their respective attack positions to ensure that when something comes out, they can kill it with one blow.

Because of the deterrence left by Zhang Shuxun and his brother before, and because Wu Xie put on the mask of the third master and showed his face this time, Bastard Qiu and the others were forced to put an end to the suspicion as soon as they had the slightest hint of suspicion.


They had also heard about Huo Jie's family having a super invincible and difficult battle, so when "Wu Sansheng" came forward to invite them to participate, they had no doubts. After all, Wu Sansheng lived in seclusion.

For a long time, after recovering from my illness, I came out, and I will definitely do something that can suppress the scene. It’s not surprising that I’m eyeing that big fight.

Although Wang Baqiu and the others openly refused, in fact, they had already hired people to spy on Banai. They wished that the old fox Wu Sansheng could not get out of the fight this time.

Once the news of the death of Wu San Province comes, the entire Changsha government will be in chaos, and then they will completely divide Wu San Province's industry.

Most of the dozen or so people Pan Zi brought this time were loyal to Third Master, and a small number were sent by Wang Baqiu and others to report the news.

Pan Zi knew very well the little ones in the belly of those old turtles, so when he came down, he only selected the most trustworthy people.

The Jie family has always had their own way of training the guys. Being obedient and obedient is the most important thing. It is said that the Jie family's little master Jiu is even better at dealing with people than the old guys from the Jiumen family.

Change the topic back.

Jie Yuchen quickly climbed up the forearm of the Pixiu stone sculpture, put his hands on the stone ball in a hugging posture, and used all his strength to slowly push the stone ball in one direction to rotate.

A series of friction sounds of chains being dragged were heard from behind the stone sculpture. With a bang, the entire stone sculpture sank half a meter, and then slowly retracted inward, retreating a distance of two meters.

Xie Yuchen was led in by the agency, and after looking around to see if there was any danger, he jumped down from above.

After the stone sculpture was retracted, a square hole was exposed on the ground. Turn on the light and you will see that there are long stairs going down from the hole, extending into the depths of darkness.

Under the leadership of Xie Yuchen and others, everyone filed in and walked down the stairs for more than ten minutes before reaching the first turn.

After walking down for a few minutes, the stairs finally ended, and a large stone hall appeared in front of them.

Thanks to [Qi Muyun] [who was most naive when he was young] [who can’t name names] and other big guys for their rewards, I have a huge heart...

This chapter has been completed!
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