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Chapter 9 A little explosion

There used to be many trees planted in the back garden of the Ma family, but no one took care of them for many years. In winter, the fallen branches and dead leaves were piled up in a mess, and the dry grass grew taller than a person. Evil

Zhang Zhuxun used local materials and knocked down two bowl-sized rotten trees. He used an ax to break them into large pieces outside, then moved them inside and chopped them into smaller pieces.

After Ma Chongshan knew that the two men had no intention of killing him, he became bolder and offered to help chop wood.

Zhang Zhuxun gave him the ax and went out to buy some food.

There is a little brother here watching, even if he is so heavy, he can't create any monster.

Zhang Zhuxun felt relieved and went out to buy half a chopped fat sheep. When he returned to Ma's house, his brother had already lit the fire and set up the pot.

Although the Ma family's house is abandoned, the former kitchen is still there, and the chimney can still emit smoke.

Ma Chongshan groaned and moved everything to the kitchen on the second floor, and stood aside trying to help. Evil

Zhang Zhu thought he was in the way, so he threw him a piece of soap and sent him away, "Go, shave that beard off your face. Forget it, it's ugly. Your eyes are almost covered."

Seeing the clean and tidy appearance of Zhang Zhuxun, Ma Chongshan blushed, took a basin of hot water from the kitchen, and ran to shave and wash his face.

The little brother folded his arms and stood by the window staring at the yard behind, observing something carefully.

Zhang Zhuxun cut the meat into pieces and blanched it in a pot. Skimming off the blood foam, he put in the green onion, ginger and sesame ingredient package that the fat man had made in his spare time. He also added some astragalus, angelica root, and Codonopsis pilosula, and covered the pot.

Cover and cook over high heat.

Then he walked to the window, looked down, and observed the layout of the houses and rockery in the yard. His eyes moved slightly, and he asked the little brother, "Did you see anything?"

The younger brother said calmly: "It is indeed a feng shui bureau, but it is not a house control, but a trap for evil."

Zhang Zhuoxun touched his chin, thoughtfully, "It seems that the things down here are indeed a bit fierce. Hey, little brother, how did you deal with the things in that ancient tomb?" Evil

It stands to reason that if I personally deal with it, then the things below will definitely be cleaned up, but now it seems that there may still be something in the evil tomb that followed the Ma family here.

The Ma family probably finally found a way to trap the thing under the ancient well in the backyard.

Thinking about what Jin Wantang said, the corpses of those dead people and horses were turned into white bones with their faces facing down. It was really strange.

Could the thing under that scorpion tomb be a noodle-slicing ghost with obsessive-compulsive disorder? He was cutting bones, flesh, and skin. Don’t mention it, his craftsmanship is quite good.

The younger brother was silent for a while. When Zhang Zhu came back from stirring the mutton in the pot, he said, "It's different."

"Huh?" Zhang Zhuxun was confused, "What's the difference? Are you saying that the danger you encountered back then was not the same kind of danger that the Ma family encountered?"

The little brother nodded, "At that time, the other children of the Zhang family were only injured in relatively superficial places. We can save them with blood." Evil

Zhang Shuxun hissed softly in his heart, "Then what will happen to the Ma family? There must be some secrets hidden under the ruins of the ancient city of Sizhou."

At this time, the little brother turned his head and looked at him with complicated eyes.

Zhang Zhuxun was stunned for a moment, "How..."

"Don't go into this." The little brother said, "I put the bell behind the door. You can take it out to accomplish what you want to accomplish."

Zhang Shuxun opened his mouth, but was speechless for a while. After a while, he said muffledly, "Then... when it's time, we will pick you up?"

The little brother's eyes returned to the extreme indifference of the past, and he did not speak.

Zhang Zhuoxun didn't know what he was thinking, or maybe he knew, but he still looked at him stubbornly. Evil

"I won't forget it." Zhang Zhuxun pursed his lips, and his voice was very soft, as if he was speaking to his younger brother, but also to himself.

"We will take you home together."

The little brother finally reacted. He turned around and stared at Zhang Zhuxun seriously, with a hint of doubt and confusion in his eyes, as if he was asking, why do you want to make a promise on behalf of someone else?

Zhang Zhuxun smiled slightly, "You know Wu Xie, you know Fatty, and you know me. Just like Wu Xie, even if you knock him out, he will still follow you persistently when he wakes up. He knows the route and has a good memory.

, with his stubbornness, if you don’t care, he will kill himself on the snowy mountain.”

The little brother didn't say anything, obviously he knew very well what kind of character Wu Xie was.

"Fat... Fatty, he is a rare type of person I have come into contact with before. He is reliable but unreliable, reckless and careful. There are many contradictions in him, but there is one thing.

I am very sure that unless Wu Xie says to give up first, he will not give up."

The little brother looked up at the snowflakes falling in the night outside the window, and said softly: "It's not necessary." Evil

The messy wind and snow whizzed against the windows, and a slight breeze leaked in through the gaps in the fallen glass mud. Thousands of dead trees and grass were wailing in the wind.

"You can refuse this promise, just treat it as an agreement I have made for myself to achieve the goal."

Zhang Zhuxun lowered his eyelashes and sighed softly, "I have to leave a destination for myself so as not to get lost on that long road."

What if I really get lost and can’t find it again?

The mutton soup on the stove is bubbly, and the tangy aroma is tantalizing.

The hot steam in the pot steamed out and filled the space above the entire house. The windows were also covered with a layer of mist, and the snow outside was quickly obscured.

Ma Chongshan came back after shaving and washing his face. If his bones hadn't changed, Zhang Zhuoxun almost didn't recognize him. This was the same person? Evil

Ma Chongshan saw Zhang Zhuxun staring at him, and he touched his face awkwardly. He always felt that his face was cold, and his body was also getting cold.

Zhang Zhuoxun looked him up and down and said, "It's not bad. He finally looks like a human being, but he's just lost some weight."

Ma Chongshan's appearance belongs to the elegant and gentle type. Perhaps he has suffered too much and has become depressed. In addition, he is often hungry and full, which makes his face look pale and green, and his cheeks are somewhat sunken.


Because the edges and corners of the other facial features are not obvious, his cheekbones look a bit awkward after he is too thin, but it can be roughly seen that this man was still very handsome when he was young.

Zhang Zhuxun sprinkled a little salt on it and cooked it for another five minutes. Then he put the meat and soup into bowls, and called to the two of them, "Come and eat, finish it while it's hot and go to bed early."

Ma Chongshan responded cheerfully and diligently pulled out the stool.

At night, Ma Chongshan lay in the sleeping bag on the other side of the fire. The warm flames made him feel a little tortured. Under the shadow of the fire, his expression was a little unclear. Evil

After an unknown amount of time, in Ma Chongshan's ears, the breathing sounds of the two people gradually became even and shallow, and it seemed that they were fast asleep.

He quietly got out of his sleeping bag and tiptoed to the door. As soon as he raised his hand, his fingers touched a piece of silk thread, and the tinny sound of a bell rang, which was particularly annoying in the silence of the room.

His heart suddenly trembled, and before he could turn around, a hand suddenly pressed on his shoulder.

"Where do you want to go?"

The cold voice was almost close to his ears.

As if being entangled by a poisonous snake's letter, Ma Chongshan's hair stood on end. He turned around with difficulty and a stiff smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "I didn't... I didn't go anywhere. Maybe... maybe I ate too much at night and my stomach hurts.

Ah, yes, go to the toilet, I have to go to the toilet."

Zhang Zhuoxun raised his eyebrows jokingly, "So it doesn't hurt now?" Evil

Ma Chongshan trembled and nodded, "Okay, it's done."

"Oh, then go back."

Zhang Zhuxun turned around and walked back, winking at the younger brother who also sat up, and the two of them understood each other tacitly.

Ma Chongshan retracted his sleeping bag again, covered his head, and said silently, "Let's take it one step at a time."

"These two people are too dangerous. When the last resort comes, we cannot let such special people die here."

There was no talking all night, and on the second day, Zhang Zhu and the two dragged Ma Chongshan to the ancient well.

The ancient well was built in the center of the garden and was completely covered by the rockery and weeds. I only cleared the shrubs within two meters around the ancient well. Evil

The well is not an ordinary round well. When viewed from above, it looks a bit like the structure of the seven-star roof in a mausoleum. Originally, there was a Panlong stone slab weighing two to three hundred kilograms on top.

But before that, someone had used explosives to blow up the crack, and together with the exposed outer edge of the well wall, an inverted triangle-shaped gap was opened, which could just accommodate one person to enter.

The little brother turned on the light and climbed into the gap with ease. He quickly climbed down five or six meters along the thick iron chain hanging in the well wall. After standing still, he illuminated the light above.

Zhang Zhuoxun looked at Ma Chongshan, who was shrinking at the side, and smiled sinisterly, "Are you going down by yourself, or should I send you down?"

Ma Chongshan's face was full of resistance, "There is really nothing down here. Those people must have taken away the things long ago."

Zhang Zhuoxun smiled more and more kindly, "Really?"

Ma Chongshan nodded repeatedly, and then felt a chill on his neck, and a hunting knife with a cold light was placed beside his ear. Evil

"I don't believe it." Zhang Shuxun's eyes became colder. "If the things below were really taken away, why did they come all the way to hunt you down at this juncture? I know the Wang family's behavior very well.

, their aim is not to give up until the goal is achieved."

Ma Chongshan's eyelids twitched heavily, and he seemed to have felt a sting on the side of his neck. He could only grit his teeth and said: "It's very dangerous down here, but I don't know what the specific danger is."

"Did the people who tortured you back then never come out of this well alive?" Zhang Zhuoxun narrowed his eyes slightly, "Looking at how familiar you are, you must have tricked more than one wave of people.


"Or maybe you yourself were not released from prison. It should be said that you have never entered the Brahmin family's cell from beginning to end. As for your so-called family members who stayed in the country, perhaps they are all here at this moment.

In this well?"

The more Zhang Zhuxun said, the more Ma Chongshan's eyes twitched, "I don't understand what you are talking about. If you don't believe me, you can see the old wounds on my body, which were all left in prison at that time."

"That's not necessarily true." Zhang Zhuxun didn't believe him at all, because in the morning he received a call from Jin Wantang from all the way. There was no trace of the Ma family in Jiangsu.

This guy wanted to sneak out last night. I don’t know what he was going to do, but it must have something to do with Gujing. Evil

What I said before was also full of loopholes. It was more like I was rushing to clarify something. I spoke so miserable of myself just to win sympathy and let the audience ignore some doubts.

A lie that is both true and false is more true.

I have never seen Zhang Shuxun and my little brother, and Ma Chongshan, these two brushes, are really not good enough. Not to mention the fat man, even Wu Xie can see through his disguise at a glance.

Moreover, the most important thing is that most of the people who have seen Hei Feizi with their own eyes are dead. How could the Wang family leave someone who knows about their existence wandering around outside for so long.

Ma Chongshan was still there trying to argue. Zhang Zhuxun was impatient to listen to his sophistry. He turned his wrist and knocked him unconscious with the back of a knife. He tied him up with a rope, then carried him and stuffed him into the gap, getting the person in first.


"Brother, go on." Zhang Zhuxun said to the people below, let go of his hand and lifted Ma Chongshan down, and then climbed in after him.

The space under the ancient well is larger than Zhang Shuxun imagined, with a diameter as large as four truck heads lined up side by side. The inside of the well wall is made of stone bricks, and a total of seven arm-thick iron chains hang down. Evil<


There is a square well in the center of the bottom of the ancient well. My brother is standing on the edge of the well. Ma Chongshan is leaning to the side. All seven chains are stretched into the mouth of the small well. The water inside has all frozen into turbid ice.


Zhang Zhuoxun struck it with his knife. It was frozen to the bone. He had to find a way to melt the ice first.

If there really is something underneath the small well, the ice layer inside should not be very thick. Ma Chongshan has also regularly cleaned these ice cubes in winter over the years. It should not be difficult to melt the ice.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

Zhang Zhuxun looked at the little brother, "Let's try a little blast?"

The little brother reached out and touched the inside and outside of the well wall, nodded, "Okay."

Zhang Zhuxun took out a small detonator, dug a small hole on the surface of the ice, made a directional blast, and then called to his brother, "Hurry, hide, hide."

The two of them huddled in the corner of the ancient well with Ma Chongshan. They only heard a muffled sound, and then there were a few cracks of ice breaking. Evil

Zhang Zhuoxun came over and took a look. There were only a few very narrow cracks in the ice. He muttered: "It seems that the power is not enough. Let's try another wave."

This time, two small detonators were installed to perform directional blasting.

After the muffled sound of the explosion, the ice in the well was squeezed out of the well wall and fell apart. Some fine cracks appeared in the small well due to the force of directional squeezing.

Zhang Zhuxun and his brother put on their gloves and stepped forward to remove the broken ice cubes. They found that the depth was not very deep, just over two meters.

It looks like a huge square water tank, and the bottom floor is also a stone slab carved with a dragon, and the gaps between the edges are solidified and sealed by pine sap.

Zhang Zhuoxun gave the younger brother a few fire sticks, and they started to burn them from both ends of the stone slab. After ten minutes, the pine juice melted, and the stone slab showed signs of loosening up and down.

Zhang Zhuoxun stood up and retreated to the edge. The younger brother put his feet on the side of the stone slab and stepped down hard. Evil

With a creaking sound, the stone slab on the side of the foot began to slowly tilt and turn, and a black dust-like smoke filled the air from the opened gap, which looked very ominous.

Zhang Shuxun and his brother immediately pulled the chain out of the small well and retreated to the edge of the ancient well wall outside.

Because he didn't know what the black smoke was for, Zhang Zhuxun still stuffed a gas mask into the little brother and asked him to put it on.

The smoke dispersed upward for nearly half an hour, and the ground outside the small well was covered with a thin layer of gray-black fine powder, which came out from under the gaps in the stone slabs.

This chapter has been completed!
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