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Chapter 11 Blood Relative Support

 Zhang Zhuxun took off his gas mask and smelled it carefully. Yes, it smelled like this. 舏

Something seemed to be choking in his throat. Zhang Zhu retched out of reflex and quickly put on a new gas mask.

Help, I really can’t stand it!

Zhang Zhuoxun quickened his pace. He had to find his brother quickly and burn the whole place down with fire.

The passage here is built like a spiral shell on the back of a snail. Zhang Zhuxun can feel that he is circling clockwise, and the number of turns is getting fewer and fewer, and the rotation amplitude is getting larger and larger, which means that he is heading towards

Go to the center of the spiral.

The space in front of him suddenly became larger, and Zhang Zhuxun immediately saw the young man standing in the center of the stone room, holding a fire seal in his hand.

Just when Zhang Zhuxun was about to speak, the younger brother suddenly turned around and looked at him, putting his index finger on his lips and making a "shh" gesture.

Zhang Zhuxun immediately fell silent, walked to him cautiously, looked over to where the younger brother was staring, and was startled. 舏

There was a huge yellow-gray cocoon hanging in mid-air.

Ma Chongshan, who had just escaped, was also here. He was completely naked, and I don’t know if the clothes on his body were worn off when Zhang Zhuoxun grabbed him and ran away.

At this moment, Ma Chongshan was kneeling under the cocoon in an extremely humble posture.

Zhang Zhuxun looked around. It was an oval-shaped stone chamber with an egg shape. There were many wooden beams and pillars crisscrossed around it, forming the shape of a lattice and pavilion. The cocoon that Zhang Zhuxun saw just now was hanging in the center of the pavilion.

on a carved wooden pole.

The surrounding walls are covered with fluffy filaments, like carpets.

There are many slightly thinner square wooden grids under these wool threads, and there are many cocoon silk dumplings the size of millstones inside.

These checkerboard-like grids are exactly the grid clusters used by silkworms to spin silk, enlarged dozens or hundreds of times. 舏

Zhang Zhu looked dumbfounded and worked together for a long time. What was underneath was not a moth at all, but a huge silkworm!

Ma Chongshan was lying on the steps under the cocoon like a huge pickup truck, with a very humble posture, and he was still mumbling something like a mantra.

Because his back was turned, Zhang Zhuxun couldn't see his mouth, so he couldn't read his lips.

Zhang Zhu looked around for a few times, but didn't see what was going on, so he leaned into the younger brother's ear and asked him in a low voice, "What is Ma Chongshan doing? Could it be that he was poisoned by inhaling too much of the black cocoon noodles outside?"


"Dead." The little brother said softly.

"Huh?" Zhang Zhuxun was a little confused. Wasn't he still chanting spells? Why did he die? So is the ghost who is talking now the ghost of Ma Chongshan whose obsession has not been eliminated? That's too ridiculous.

Zhang Zhuxun gestured to the younger brother, meaning that he should go over and take a look at what was going on. 舏

After taking two steps, he found that his younger brother had also followed him, staring at the scabbed bite mark on the back of his left hand, frowning slightly.

Zhang Zhuxun waved his hand casually and laughed silently: "It's okay, I didn't feel anything unusual."

However, the younger brother led him to the side of the pavilion, motioned him to squat down, and pointed at Ma Chongshan's bony abdomen.

Zhang Zhu looked around and his eyes suddenly froze.

Damn it! What the hell is that? When did Ma Chongshan turn into a thick, gray silkworm!

I saw that Ma Chongshan actually had several pairs of gastropods growing from his chest to his abdomen. The skin all over his body was empty and hanging limply on the side. His head seemed to have become an empty shell, with two rows of fine chewing jaws emerging from it.

What sticks out from his throat are its mouthparts.

It turns out that this was the thing that bit the back of Zhang Shuxun’s hand before. 舏

Zhang Zhuxun suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He finally understood that there should have been a silkworm living in Ma Chongshan's body before, but after entering the well mouth, for some unknown reason, the silkworm in his body suddenly burst out.

It backfired on him, eating all his internal organs, and chewed him into an empty skin.

What makes the murmuring sound is actually the mouthparts of the big silkworm still eating the empty shell of Ma Chongshan.

The sudden large areas of skin peeling off Ma Chongshan's body before were probably because the insides had been eaten away, and his body began to shed and shed under the corrosion of the silkworm's saliva. No wonder his crawling movements were so insect-like.

Looking at the length of the abdomen and legs, I estimate that the silkworm hidden in Ma Chongshan's shell must be more than one meter long.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhuoxun's expression changed. He looked at the largest cocoon above, and his bad feeling became more and more serious.

God, if that's the case, if the silkworm moth in the giant cocoon hanging above comes out, a pair of wings can help him and his little brother fly away.

As he got closer, Zhang Zhuxun saw that there was a large area behind the pavilion. Inside, there were many dried yellow-brown silkworm sloughs piled up like large blankets. The color looked very unknown. 舏

Zhang Zhuoxun squinted his eyes, took out a few large bottles of alcohol from the space, held a lighter, looked at the little brother, and said in a deep voice: "Just turn it on?"

But the younger brother pressed down his hand and stared at the big silkworm still hidden in Ma Chongshan's belly, "Wait a minute."

Zhang Zhuxun was confused, "What are you waiting for?"

The younger brother said calmly: "Waiting for mating."

"Ahem..." Zhang Zhu tried to stop himself from choking, and took a hard breath, "Brother, what you mean is that after Ma Chongshan's silkworms hatch out of their cocoons, they have to fight with that big cocoon.

Mating with big moths emerging from their cocoons?"

The little brother nodded and said nothing.

Zhang Zhuoxun thought a little bit in his heart, he really learned a lot today. 舏

Since the little brother said he had to wait, he must have some concerns. Maybe in spring, the fighting power of these two brain silkworms will be weaker?

Looking at the difference in size of the cocoons, the last thing to come out of the cocoon above should be the female silk moth, and the one to come out of Ma Chongshan's body is the male silk moth.

"How long do we have to wait?" he asked.

The little brother shook his head and said he didn't know.

Zhang Zhuxun counted on his fingers. It takes ten to twenty-four hours for ordinary silkworms to spin silk and break out of cocoons and emerge into moths. The time for these two giant silkworms may be longer.

, this time I can wait.

He was about to take out a handful of melon seeds and wait slowly, but the brother suddenly reached out and pressed the scar on the back of his left hand, saying: "Pick it open, there is something inside."

Zhang Zhuxun's expression changed, and he immediately took out his medical bag. After disinfecting, he used a surgical knife to peel off the scab and cut open the flesh directly. 舏

The sharp tip of the knife picked out several shriveled eggs from the bright red flesh and blood tissue. The beige egg shells had circles of black threads on the surface. Each one was only about the size of a sesame seed, very tiny, but it didn't look like it.

It's silkworm eggs.

It's just that because of Zhang Zhuoxun's special blood, these parasitic eggs were killed under the skin before they had time to hatch.

Zhang Zhuxun secretly cursed himself for being careless. These small parasitic eggs must have been transmitted to him through the mouthparts of the big silkworm in Ma Chongshan's body. He thought that if the blood in the wound did not change color, he would not be poisoned, but he did not expect this flesh bug.

There is also this trick.

After picking out all the small eggs in the wound, there were seventy-six in total. Zhang Zhuxun reluctantly used tweezers to pull at the skin and asked his brother to take a closer look with a magnifying glass to confirm that there were not even a little bit inside before he felt relieved.

Due to the scratches and rummaging through the flesh, blood flowed down the back of the hand all over the hand, dripping to the ground and fainting.

Zhang Zhuoxun frowned in distress. It was so hard to raise such a few, damn big bugs, which caused him to waste a lot.

It was inconvenient to operate with one hand, so Zhang Zhuxun stretched out his hand and watched the little brother carefully apply medicine and bandage on him, and felt happy. 舏

The brain silkworm in Ma Chongshan's body stayed under the pavilion for half an hour. The upper part of the human skin shell on his back had been eaten. The head belonging to Ma Chongshan was still on the head of the silkworm. It looked very strange.

There lies a half-transformed monster with a human head.

The Brain Silkworm took the remaining half of the human skin shell and crawled slowly to the wooden lattice on the side.

"It's time to spin silk. It's time to spin silk." Zhang Zhu looked at the place where the brain silkworm crawled. There were many beige cocoons the size of millstones on the wooden grid there.

He suddenly had a guess in his mind and whispered, "Hey, brother, those big cocoons in the wooden clusters are not made by people who have eaten silkworms, right?"

The younger brother was also staring over there, with a faint expression, "Maybe."

Zhang Zhuxun was stunned in his heart, this stupid Ma Chongshan has done a lot of harm to people. What on earth is he trying to do by raising so many silkworms here with human flesh?

He carefully considered in his mind what had happened since entering the ancient well and what Ma Chongshan had said. 舏

Except for the sudden appearance of the menacing Wang family, nothing seemed to be related to the ancient city of Sizhou, and he didn't see any patterns related to the scorpion tomb here.

No, if these things really had nothing to do with Sizhou Ancient City, I wouldn’t have come all the way here. He made it clear that he knew some things, so he hurried to deal with them before going to Changbai Mountain.

And the eggs that entered his wound through the mouthparts of the cerebral silkworm also looked very strange. He didn't look like silkworm eggs before, but more like the eggs of some moth.

Based on Zhang Zhuxun's poor experience in raising silkworms, silkworms only use their tails to mate and lay eggs when they break out of their cocoons and become moths. The big brain silkworm was still in the form of a silkworm before. Where did the eggs in its mouth come from?


Not to mention that the silkworm that ate Ma Chongshan might have been a male.

From this point of view, the black pupae hanging in the passage outside are not the same species as this silkworm, so it can only be a symbiotic relationship of eating and being eaten. Those pupae outside are from the giant silkworms living here.

Reserve grain.

This giant silkworm enters its mating period in winter, while the ghost-backed moth outside happens to be dormant in winter, which makes it easier to eat. The dormant moth will not struggle to resist. 舏

When the parasitic silkworm in Ma Chongshan's body was eating those pupae, maybe Zhang Zhuxun made Ya anxious, so it bit Zhang Zhuxun in turn, or maybe it wanted to eat Zhang Zhuxun together.

Thus getting the eggs into the back of his hand.

So the question is, where did Ma Chongshan get this big silkworm that can grow into a giant.

Was it given by the Wang family, or did Ma Chongshan get it from somewhere?

Or maybe Ma Chongshan was raising this silkworm for the Wang family.

The Wang family is borrowing Ma Chongshan’s hand for experiments!

From this point of view, the two Wang family members were actually sent to silence them.

Zhang Zhuoxun chuckled lightly. It must be said that there were quite a lot of twists and turns here, and he almost got into them. 舏

The most important thing now is to figure out Ma Chongshan's purpose of raising this kind of silkworm and the origin of this mutant silkworm.

What is the reason that allows Ma Chongshan to work diligently for the Wang family? This purpose is even important enough to sacrifice the lives of the Ma family's family members.

Zhang Zhuxun frowned slightly, tapping his knees habitually. He collected all the clues in his mind and carefully considered the connection.

Blood and flesh offering, the flesh and blood of the Ma family's relatives... relatives... flesh and blood... offering - a kind of silkworm, a giant mutant silkworm...

...The silkworms in Ma Chongshan's body suddenly exploded into bites...eat...eat - raising silkworms...raising...

Southern Tibet in the Himalayas—Medog!

Zhang Zhuoxun's eyelids moved slightly, and something suddenly flashed in his mind. 舏

He immediately looked at the little brother and moved his mouth. Before he said the guess, the little brother seemed to feel something and turned to look at him with quiet eyes.

Zhang Zhuoxun silently laughed in his heart, no wonder, no wonder, in this way, everything makes sense.

It seems that the sudden change that happened to Ma Chongshan was related to the silence of the Wang family and the visit of him and his younger brother.

Ma Chongshan probably realized that the Wang family wanted to kill the donkey, and because the blood of the Zhang family was special, it would affect this kind of silkworm, so in desperation, he secretly swallowed the silkworm behind Zhang Shuxun's back and kept it hidden on his body.

The silkworm seeds were gnawed into bare skins by silkworms in the ancient well passage.

In fact, if the evil bureau is done well, with slight changes inside, it can achieve the function of both suppressing and raising corpses, which is the so-called corpse raising. The Wang family built a corpse raising bureau here to raise silkworms, which is really a masterpiece.


After figuring out the key, Zhang Zhuxun raised his gauze-wrapped hand with a sullen face, and made an OK gesture to the younger brother, indicating that he already understood and that his hand was fine.<


The little brother nodded, turned around and continued to stare at the man who had climbed onto the wooden trellis and started spinning silk out of his mouthparts. 舏

Silk starts out as a translucent liquid, but quickly condenses into soft threads when exposed to air.

The brain silkworm was holding Ma Chongshan's head and kept swaying in a figure-eight shape, as if it was drunk.


Zhang Zhuxun and his little brother sat in the corner and waited quietly. The brain silkworm spun silk faster than expected. In only four hours, the filaments it spun out had covered its entire insect body.

Wrapped in circles.

I could only see that the inside of the big cocoon was still squirming, and it took another two hours to completely quiet down.

This chapter has been completed!
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