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Chapter 13 Kangbalo People

 Ma Chongshan suspected that there must be some mechanism in this Buddhist temple and hid the real passage, so he ordered his men to enter the Buddhist temple to search. Yi

The Tibetan guide hurriedly stopped them and said that what they did was a sign of contempt for the gods present and they would be punished.

Ma Chongshan doesn't believe this at all. In his opinion, the so-called Holy Land of Buddha Lotus is actually a hidden treasure place. Doesn't Buddhism pay the most attention to fate and cause and effect? ​​Since they have found this place, it means that they are destined to this place.

Even if there are gods here, they only take away a few things, and monks should not care about these extraneous things.

The Tibetan guide still wanted to stop him, but Ma Chongshan glanced at him, and his men stepped forward, knocked him unconscious, tied him with a rope, and threw him in a corner of the hall.

The fog in the hall is always so thick that you can't see clearly what the other party looks like from two or three meters away.

After everyone dispersed, Ma Chongshan and his brothers walked towards the huge Buddha directly opposite. They felt that the most special thing here was the big Buddha at the top. Maybe the mechanism was hidden around the Buddha's seat.

However, after a search, the two found nothing. Yi

Ma Chongshan was not discouraged. He was too anxious to eat hot tofu. Anyway, he had arrived at the Buddhist temple. With the map in hand, the Buddhist treasures inside could not go anywhere.

He took his brother back to the entrance of the temple where he started, intending to ponder the sheepskin map with the white scorpion sitting on the lotus.

But when they walked to the palace gate while shouting, they found that they seemed to be the only two people here, and even the Tibetan guide who was tied in the corner at the beginning had disappeared.

The two of them were extremely confused and wondered what was going on. Could it be that his subordinates had discovered the entrance first and went in greedily, only to abandon him and Ma Chongfeng here?

Ma Chongshan was furious. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was a possibility, so he led Ma Chongfeng from the right side and walked around the edge of the hall. If those people had turned on the mechanism, they would definitely leave traces.

However, as soon as they left, they discovered something was wrong.

How could the main hall, which was within reach of your eyes, suddenly become so big, as if it were endless, and you could never reach the end no matter how far you walked. Yi

Ma Chongshan felt something was wrong and subconsciously turned around, only to find that the place behind them where they had just passed had been covered by thick fog.

The two of them were a little panicked now and wanted to climb up the stairs. After all, the higher they stood, the farther they could see.

But in the blink of an eye, the stairs beside him that were originally lined with hundreds of Buddha sculptures disappeared, and even the white jade nine-turn lotus flower at the top also disappeared.

The two of them were completely trapped in this vast sea of ​​misty fog. The vast white cover their eyes, and they could not tell the direction at all.

After all, Ma Chongshan was older, and he was still calm at the moment. He pulled Ma Chongfeng to sit down, intending to sort out what happened from beginning to end.

After sorting through it, they discovered something was wrong, and Ma Chongshan realized that there seemed to be a problem with his memory.

He only remembered what happened before he and his team encountered the blizzard, but he knew nothing about what happened after entering the hot spring crack. Yi

When I asked Ma Chongfeng again, I found that he was the same way. They seemed to have lost a piece of memory inexplicably at the same time, as if teleporting, and suddenly appeared here.

Ever since they smelled the alluring aroma in the hot spring cave, they had lost their minds. It seemed that something was controlling them and bringing them here.

And when they were exploring separately from their men, they used the same method to unknowingly take away the others.

Or maybe it was just the two of them that were taken away, and the others stayed where they were?

Ma Chongshan looked around and felt more and more that the second possibility was more likely. He and his brother were brought here together by some strange thing, and this was still without them noticing.

In an instant, this place that was originally as small as a fairyland became strange, and the previously tantalizing and alluring aroma disappeared, replaced by a cold aura floating around the body all the time.

We couldn't stay here any longer. Ma Chongshan had a premonition that something unexpected would happen next, so he hurriedly pulled his brother to his feet and said urgently: "Hurry up, let's get out of here first." Yi

Ma Chongfeng was a little scared, "Brother, the fog is so thick here, where are we going?"

Ma Chongshan was speechless for a moment. Yes, the fog was so thick right now that it was difficult to see Ma Chongfeng's face clearly, let alone find the right direction.

He didn't know what to do, so he could only grit his teeth and said, "Just find a direction and walk around. Maybe the blind cat ran into a dead mouse and walked out. It's such a big place here. The reason why you can't see the road is probably

It was covered by the fog."

No matter what, it is better to take action than to sit there and wait for death.

The two held hands, lit up the only fire stick left on their bodies, and took a step forward. The air flow brought up by their walking also caused the mist around them to sway.

Not long after the aroma disappeared, hunger soon caught up with them. Their empty stomachs spasmed and twitched from time to time. The two of them had not eaten for a long time. Their weak footsteps were light on the ground, and their eyes were dimly black.

We support each other and keep moving forward.

Ma Chongshan was so hungry that he suddenly smelled the scent of meat on his body. His shoulder suddenly hurt. When he turned around, he found that it was Ma Chongfeng who was so hungry and dizzy that he was biting him. Yi

Ma Chongshan cursed vaguely, and without saying a word, he slapped him. Due to the lack of strength, the slap only lightly touched Ma Chongfeng's face, and he didn't even hear a sound.

Ma Chongfeng's body swayed, and he let go of his mouth in a daze. However, his whole body suddenly shrank, his legs weakened, and he fell to the ground.

Ma Chongshan hurriedly bent down to help him, but he couldn't put in the effort. After several struggles, he fell to the ground and the fire fold in his hand fell out.

As his consciousness drifted, Ma Chongshan heard someone seem to be talking in his ear. It was so rustling that he couldn't make out what was being said.

He slowly raised his eyelids and looked forward, but was stunned when he saw a lotus, a golden lotus. At some point, a golden lotus bloomed in front of his eyes.

At first he thought it was a hallucination caused by hunger. He closed his eyes and opened them again. He found that the lotus was still there. Ma Chongfeng on the side was also staring at the lotus with his eyes. He was looking at it.

Only then did he realize that what he saw was not an illusion.

Legend has it that Sakyamuni was born as the Holy King of Chakravartin from the right side of his mother Maya in the Lumbini Garden. The Buddhist scriptures say that the Buddha could walk just after he was born, and he took seven steps.

Everyone will step on a lotus flower. Yi

For a time, the fragrant wind spread everywhere, flowers and rain bloomed, fairy music played in an ensemble, all the gods and gods praised in unison, and two springs gushed out from the ground, one cold and one warm, fragrant and pure.

Ma Chongshan was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic. He took out the map hidden on his body and took a look. The previous pattern of white scorpion and sleeping lotus on it had indeed changed again. A straight golden thin line appeared in the original brown and blue lines.

"Follow Fo Lian...Follow Fo Lian..."

Ma Chongshan murmured, and strength suddenly surged into his body. He helped Ma Chongfeng up, and was about to lead him forward, but suddenly found that the golden Buddha lotus in front of his feet was missing.

Ma Chongshan was startled, and subconsciously knelt on the ground again. The Buddha lotus appeared in front of him again, and there were more than just the ones he had seen before.

Surrounding the golden lotus, which is as large as the Nebraska astrolabe, are clustered in the gaps between the nine petals are nine palm-sized golden lotuses, blooming in the mist, hazy and holy, and so beautiful that they are not like any mortal thing.
Only then did Ma Chongshan realize that these golden Buddha lotuses were actually patterns carved on the floor, using a special gold powder pigment to color them. Under the refraction of the weak firelight of Huozhezi, the Buddha lotus glowed.


Moreover, Ma Chongshan also discovered that the fog seemed to be much thinner below, close to the floor, and even breathing became much easier.

Ma Chongshan knelt forward and crawled two steps forward, picked up the fire stick and shone it on the floor beside him. After several experiments, he concluded that only the large cluster of Buddha lotus in front of him would shine, and the Buddha lotus in other places would glow in the light of the fire.

It's still the original color when I take a photo of it.

After realizing this, Ma Chongshan was overjoyed and hurriedly woke up Ma Chongfeng, who had fallen asleep, and told him that he had found a way out.

The two of them followed the route on the parchment and kept moving forward. Sure enough, they found a Buddha lotus that could also illuminate and shine in the next place.

Driven by the survival instinct, the two of them put their hunger behind and crawled forward following the special Buddha lotus. After the fire broke out, they cut off their thick felt jackets with knives and lit them with flints.

Keep going.

They didn't know how far they had crawled, nor did they know how many times they had passed out.

When Ma Chongshan regained consciousness again, he saw many people wearing ancient Tibetan robes surrounding him. Yi

There were various sounds buzzing in his ears. The language these people spoke was very ancient and sounded somewhat similar to Tibetan. Ma Chongshan had a hard time distinguishing it. He couldn't quite understand the meaning.

Those people wearing Tibetan robes saw that he had woken up, and someone went out to report the news. Soon, a man wearing a simple blue brocade Tibetan robe with half a silver mask on his face opened the curtain of the tent and walked in.<


Ma Chongshan observed that the people around him respected this man very much.

He guessed in his mind that this person should be the leader or priest of this ancient tribe, because this person looked very strong, and his large Tibetan robe could not hide his majestic body, and his movements were very majestic.
The most obvious difference between this person's clothing and other people's clothing is that a fist-sized bronze octagonal bell hangs around his waist.

Because of the low viewing angle, Ma Chongshan could see clearly that there were two human finger bones tied together with colorful threads underneath the big bell. What was inside was invisible.

Ma Chongshan tried to communicate with the man in his poor Tibetan. The man in blue robe didn't know whether he didn't understand or something, but ignored his words. He just took off the big bell and shook it in his ear. Ma Chongshan

Suddenly I felt that my cloudy brain became much clearer. Yi

After that, the man in blue robe said something to the other people around him, and everyone dispersed one after another. Ma Chongshan saw his younger brother, also wearing a Tibetan robe, poking his head around the tent.

Although his mind was clear, his body still couldn't move for some reason.

Seeing that everyone was gone, Ma Chongfeng walked up to Ma Chongshan and comforted him, "Brother, don't worry, we have been saved."

Ma Chongshan breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked him about the situation, "What is going on? Which tribe are these Tibetans from? Have we left that snow mountain?"

"No." Ma Chongfeng shook his head, "We are now deeper in the snow-capped mountains."

Ma Chongfeng woke up one day before his brother. When the adults were not paying attention, he used a small dagger inlaid with precious stones to get some information from a little boy named Baimugesa who was sent to guard him.<


This Tibetan tribe hidden deep in the snowy mountains is called Kangbalo. The people here are very mysterious, wary and repellent of outsiders. It is said that the two brothers Ma Chongshan are hunters of this tribe. They found a hot spring cave full of bells.

Found in .yi

It is a forbidden land for the Kangbalo people. Every few days, hunters specially appointed by the tribe's priests go there to inspect, and they happen to save the two Ma Chongshan brothers who are about to freeze to death.

"What do you mean?" Ma Chongshan was confused, "You mean, the two of us walked out of the Buddhist temple on our own?"

"No, we didn't go in at all." Ma Chongfeng said with a serious expression, "Since we entered that cave to take shelter from the wind and snow, we accidentally touched the bell and entered the confusing realm. Those lotus flowers in the Buddhist temple and the like

All seen in hallucinations."

Ma Chongshan was shocked. He couldn't believe that what he had seen with his own eyes could be fake. "Where is the map? Is the roll of parchment still there?"

"Yes, there is indeed a lotus scorpion on it, but it changed color because something on it encountered the sulfur in the hot spring." Ma Chongfeng took out the Buddhist sutra sheepskin picture from the chest of his close-fitting Tibetan robe.

Ma Chongshan raised his neck with great effort and saw that there was only the scorpion lying on the lotus in the picture, and there were no other gold or silver threads. Only then did he believe Ma Chongfeng's words, but he was also very disappointed.

Not only did I get nothing, but I almost lost my life here.

"Where are the others? Where have those guys gone?" he asked. Yi

"They are all dead." Ma Chongfeng returned the parchment to his brother, "Little Gesa took me to see their bodies. Master Rengolawa said that they were all taken away by the Iron Yama Demon Luoja in their sleep.


Ma Chongshan felt his head buzzing, and he didn't even understand the long string of words that came out of his brother's mouth.

However, we can guess that it is very similar to the incarnation of intention similar to the devil, which is similar to the concept of black and white and impermanence in the underworld of the Han people.

This chapter has been completed!
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