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Chapter 20 He is in the snow mountain

 That is an oil painting of a young brother, hanging behind the post office counter.

The young man in the painting is wearing a lama's clothes on the upper body and a Tibetan robe on the lower body. He is standing in the mountains, looking sideways at the golden and silvery mountains in the distance under the setting sun. Behind him, you can see

The peak of Kalzhenci Snow Mountain.

The whole painting uses very bold colors, and the scenery and people blend into one very naturally. The afterglow of the setting sun renders the tone of the whole painting desolate and lonely.

The vast white snow-capped mountains seem to be covered with a layer of soft golden gauze, and the junction between snow and sky has also changed from white to a tranquil gray-yellow.

However, compared to Zhuoran's coloring, its painting skills are particularly poor, just like a beginner copying and graffitiing a master's work. It has become an eye-catching flaw in such an otherwise excellent oil painting.

Even so, this painting still gives people a unique strength. The younger brother's otherworldly temperament is rare in the world, especially the eyes. He dares to say that there is no one in the world who has the same as the younger brother.

The person with the eyes.

Fatty said that it was a look that had no connection with anything in the world. Few people in the world could live without any connection with the world.

Judging from the degree of paint peeling and the color of the frame, this painting has been hanging here for a long time after it was completed.

The whole wall is a grass green color like the paint of an old classroom. There are many commendatory calligraphy and paintings around it such as "Pengcheng Wanli" and "Finding gold without ignorance". There is also a picture of "Eight Horses" hanging on the wall on one side.

"cross stitch.

The oil painting hung there does not look obtrusive, but it can be noticed at first glance. This is obviously intentional by the lama just now.

And it just so happened that today, just before Zhang Zhuxun was about to find this place, the painting was moved here.

Zhang Zhuxun kept looking at the painting without moving his eyes. Seeing that he was so entranced by the painting, the middle-aged Tibetan at the door came over with two bowls of oily milk tea, gave him one bowl, and said with some pride: "This painting

It must be a beautiful painting. Last time a knowledgeable person paid 50,000 yuan to buy this painting, but I didn’t even sell it.”

Zhang Zhuoxun smiled inexplicably, "This painting is not yours."

"Eh?" The middle-aged Tibetan was just joking, but he was a little surprised when he heard this, "How did you figure it out?"

"Were you cleaning the snow off that sign outside just now?" Zhang Zhuxun suddenly changed the topic.

The middle-aged Tibetan was stunned, "Ah, yes, when the master came in this morning, he said that the snow and frost last night had covered the sign, so I went out and swept it."

Zhang Zhuxun was thoughtful and cleared the snow, as if he wanted him to see the post office. In other words, Lama Deren knew that he would come here today.

That's a coincidence.

He asked, "Where is the person who copied this painting now? I want to talk to him."

The middle-aged Tibetan didn't understand what he meant by copying, but he still opened the curtain and shouted into the boiler room opposite the post office, "Chen Xuehan! Someone is looking for you."

The door of the boiler room is half open, and there is boiling water inside for the nearby residents, which costs only three cents per pot, so it is very warm there and there are many people gathering there.

Zhang Zhuxun glanced over and couldn't tell which one of them Chen Xuehan was. Most of the people were wearing the same clothes. They had typical faces of Tibetan people. When they heard the shouts, they raised their heads as if to join in the fun and looked at this person curiously.


The middle-aged Tibetan shouted again and waved over there. A dark-skinned man stood up from the crowd over there, wearing an old work clothes stained with soot.

Putting the golden flower hat on his head, he walked over with his feet raised.

Looking closely, I found that although this man's skin was a little rough due to the characteristic cold of the plateau, he was actually younger than Zhang Shuxun imagined, but Ai Fu.

But his eyes looked a little special, very plain, with almost no sparkle. It was the kind of calmness that was used to being content with the status quo, living step by step, and without any disturbance.

Chen Xuehan walked over and didn't pay much attention to Zhang Chuxun. He just took the cigarette the middle-aged Tibetan handed him, put it in his mouth and lit it before asking, "What's the matter?"

"This guest is looking for you." The middle-aged Tibetan also gave Zhang Shuxun a cigarette, and Zhang Shuxun took it and pinned it to his ear.

"Master Deren is very polite to this guest." The middle-aged Tibetan said this specifically for some reason.

Hearing the word "Deren", Chen Xuehan turned his attention to Zhang Zhuxun, looked at his face, seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly spoke, asking him proactively as if to test, "Do you want to do it again?"

Going up the mountain?"


Zhang Zhuoxun raised his eyebrows, "Have you seen me before?"

Chen Xuehan stared at his face carefully, said softly "Huh", and changed his tone this time, "You want to go up the mountain too?"

Zhang Zhuoxun asked, "Why do you say again?"

"I have met someone who looks very similar to you before, about ten years ago, but I can tell that you are not him." Chen Xuehan said.

Ten years ago, that was Zhang Haike.

Zhang Zhuxun said bluntly, "I want this painting."

"No." Chen Xuehan refused without thinking, "The great lama said there is another person who is destined."

Zhang Zhuxun suddenly felt that this man spoke mysteriously and had the talent to join Deren's team, or maybe Deren told him so, and he just copied it exactly.

There is another destined person, is he Wu Xie?

"Well, take me up the mountain." Zhang Zhuxun said this casually, took out three pieces of money from his pocket and handed them to him.

There was a smile on Chen Xuehan's dull face. She took the money, said "Waiting", and turned around to walk to the boiler room.

When he came out of the backyard, he had already changed into a clean sheepskin Tibetan robe and jacket, and then pulled out a strong wolfdog on a chain from a small shack blocked by the wall.

Zhang Zhuoxun was greatly surprised. That was, "Crescent Moon?"

When he came back last time, he heard An Ning calling him like this.

The wolf's green chest has a curved area of ​​white hair similar to that on a bear, which looks like a crescent moon.

This time it was Chen Xuehan's turn to be surprised, "Do you recognize this dog? Do you know where the owner of the dog has gone?"

"You don't know where its owner has gone? Why is the dog here with you?"

Zhang Zhuoxun squinted his eyes. He was very sure that this green wolf was the one that pounced on him last time. He didn't look at the half circle of crescent-white hair. Just from the dog's fierceness as usual, it seemed that he would be attracted by anyone he didn't like.

You can recognize it by the way he throws himself at you and threatens you.

Chen Xuehan raised the dog well. Its fur was still shiny and smooth, its nose was wet, and it had grown a lot. It was also wrapped in an old robe that had been cut and sewn to keep it warm.

Zhang Zhuoxun walked over and bent down to touch Lang Qing's dog's back. After noticing the black ash on his hand, he silently moved his hand to the dog's head.

Crescent Moon bared her teeth at first, pressing the tip of her nose against Zhang Zhuxun's palm to push him, but then she smelled something and suddenly became docile.

Chen Xuehan was a little surprised, and then said: "The owner of this dog came to me once and said that he was going to the Lama Temple. I took her there once, and then we went down the mountain together."

"But for some reason half a month ago, this dog suddenly ran to my boiler room and scratched the door. It was very windy and snowy that night, and the paw prints disappeared as soon as the wind blew. I didn't see anything when I came out, and I didn't see anything after that.

When his owner came to pick it up, he had no choice but to keep it in the house." Chen Xuehan said.

Seeing Zhang Shuxun still rubbing the dog's head, Chen Xuehan was quite amused, "This dog is usually very ferocious and has a bad temper. I've been feeding it for so long and it hasn't even shown a good face to me. I still have this chain."

It took a lot of effort to trick it into tying it with a leg of lamb, otherwise it would have been taken away and turned into dog meat soup soon."

She said that she wanted to take the opportunity to jerk off, but Yue Ya accurately dodged it.

Chen Xuehan was a little embarrassed and put the chain into Zhang Chuxun's hand, "The dog is quite familiar with you. It seems that you should be a friend of its owner, so just pick it up."

Zhang Zhuoxun glanced at him and thought to himself: This man looked aloof and cold, but why did he speak so confidentially?

It seems that he is not not interested in the things around him, but that there is nothing that interests him, which is why he gradually becomes Buddhist.

"The owner of Crescent Moon has been looking for a lamasery nearby. Are you the same?" Chen Xuehan asked.

Zhang Zhuoxun nodded lightly, led the dog and turned back to look at the painting.

Standing in front of the painting, in Chen Xuehan's eyes, this somewhat strange man exuded an aura of indifference and peace.

From the conversation just now, Chen Xuehan felt that the other party seemed to be looking for him just for a formality, as if there was nothing worthy of his attention. Although he said a few words, the other party's eyes were really cold.<


It is very similar to the layer of crystal-clear frost that covers the surface of the golden scale tiles on the eaves of the Gila Temple in winter. When the sun shines, it turns into a hazy fog. The tiny water droplets reflect the sunlight and the tiles below are also blocked.

Live so that people can’t see through it.

When time passes and the sunlight becomes stronger, the fog will evaporate.

Chen Xuehan always felt that such oppressive eyes should not appear on such a fair and soothing face. It would make him feel a little awkward, so he unconsciously explained more.

But when the man turned around and looked at the painting on the wall, the aura in his eyes softened significantly.

"Do you know the person in this painting?" Chen Xuehan also came over and asked, "What is your relationship with him?"

"Both relatives and friends." Zhang Zhu said.

Chen Xuehan said oh, it turns out he is a relative. No wonder this person's temperament is slightly similar to the person in the painting, but he is extra cold.

Unlike the one ten years ago, although it is careless, it does not create a strong sense of distance.

However, Chen Xuehan felt that the person in front of him seemed more real.

Chen Xuehan was a scout in his early years and was particularly sensitive to a person's aura revealed inadvertently. Although his face was almost the same, he always felt that the person ten years ago was a bit fake.

"Are you here to find his whereabouts? Then you probably won't find much. I painted this painting twenty years ago. You went up the mountain to find the lama there, right? They know it.

It should be more detailed, I copied this painting in the Lama Temple." Chen Xuehan said.

Zhang Zhuoxun then looked at him a little bit, "Can you explain it in detail?"

Chen Xuehan nodded. He was once very curious about the people in the painting, and he was actually a little curious about the second of the three destined people who the great lama said would come to see the painting ten years later.

"The man in the painting should be a guest at the Lama Temple. I have never seen this man with my own eyes. That winter, the mountains were blocked by heavy snow. I lived in the temple for a long time. He arrived later than me, and he also

We’ve lived together for a long time, but we don’t live in the same place.”

The little brother in the painting suddenly appeared at the door of the temple on a day when the mountain was covered by heavy snow, as if he appeared out of thin air from the white snow on Mount Karrenci.

The little brother has been living next to Lama Deren's Zen room. That area is where the great lama lives. Ordinary guests will not let them pass unless necessary.

Chen Xuehan accidentally saw the oil painting in Lama Deren's house after the snow had cleared and when she went to say goodbye to the great lama.

At that time, that special guest had already left early when the snow had just melted, just three days after the original oil painting was created.

However, what is very strange is that Lama Deren insisted that he copy the painting.

"Why?" Zhang Zhu asked.

Chen Xuehan shook his head, "I didn't ask. The lama can see cause and effect. He asked me to draw it, so I drew it. There is no reason. He can see everything after this painting, but I can't."

"However, Lama Deren said something at that time. He said, 'All causes are like this, and all causes arise.' I couldn't understand the meaning at the time, so I went to ask my teacher for advice. However, the teacher did not answer me and only said this.

The painting will meet three destined people."

"Ten years ago, that man came to see a guide to go to the snow-capped mountains. He saw this painting accidentally. He had a similar reaction to yours. He also asked about the origin of the painting, so I took him there."

"Ten years later, when we met today, I knew it was you."

Zhang Zhu thought to himself: What the hell is this guy talking about? He pretended to be so inscrutable. He was obviously indifferent to him at first. He only looked at him seriously when he heard the words "Master Deren".

Our little brother’s fate is worth three hundred yuan?

"Take me up the mountain." Zhang Zhuxun said simply.

Now he is certain that Aning either sensed danger and hid, or was put under house arrest. The second possibility is more likely, otherwise she would not have released Yue Ya to report the news.

"Okay." Chen Xuehan said no more.

Two people and one dog stepped on the broken snow and walked to the bottom of the snow-covered mountain steps.

Looking up, the steps here are very steep, almost straight up and down. The steps are completely covered with snow, and there is only a path for one person to walk in the middle.

The stone steps are not very smooth. They are just a patchwork of large and small stones that can be seen everywhere on the mountain. You can feel a slight shaking when you step on them, but it will not make you fall down.

Crescent Moon is a little afraid of heights. After walking more than ten meters, she started to resist. The tail that was swinging gently drooped down and became straight. The dog's head rubbed tightly against Zhang Chuxun's legs, and from time to time it bit Zhang Chuxun's trouser legs to try to stop him.

He continued walking up.

Zhang Zhuxun had to climb the mountain, but also had to prevent himself from accidentally kicking Yue Ya's dog's head, so the walk was a bit difficult.

He had no choice but to stop, squatting on the stone steps and touching the crescent moon soothingly, and asked Chen Xuehan, "How did its owner take it away last time?"

Chen Xuehan was a little gloating, "its owner has never taken it up the mountain before."

Thanks to Mr. [Jinyu] for the reward, show your appreciation.

This chapter has been completed!
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