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Chapter 22 Deren’s Corpse

 There are no roads connecting the temple to the uninhabited land.

There is only one place with a drop of more than 200 meters from top to bottom, which is so steep that it can be called a cliff. It is very steep and is the most dangerous place near the entire Lama Temple.

Naturally, the young lama didn't believe it, but he soon discovered something was wrong, because where the man stood, there was only a pair of solitary footprints without any extension.

In such a snowy weather, to achieve such an effect, unless he fell from the sky, he would have to climb down from the cliff.

Although the young lama was surprised, his practice habits prevented him from asking too many questions about one thing, no matter how curious he was.

"Why did the distinguished guest stop at our door?" the young lama asked as usual.

The little brother pointed to the charcoal stove and said, "It's warm here. I'll warm myself up and leave immediately."

The young lama looked at him and suddenly had a strange idea. Could it be that the strange custom of this temple is to wait until every ten years if someone passes by the door, there will be a place to keep warm?

Or maybe someone hopes that people passing by the temple entrance will stop because of these three stoves.

Did the person who originally formulated this rule have had such a premonition since the temple was built? The young lama was a little afraid to think about it anymore.

The person opposite was as quiet as a snowman. The broken hair on his forehead was slightly messed up by the wind, covering his eyes. The dark eyes seemed to suck in all the light that could shine into the eyes through the broken hair.
After standing on the snowy wet ground for a long time, the young lama's feet couldn't stand the cold, but he couldn't just turn around and leave. That would be too rude.

The young lama was a little embarrassed, so he politely said, "It's warmer inside. Why don't you, distinguished guests, go inside to have a rest and drink a bowl of butter tea before leaving?"

This was just a polite question, but unexpectedly the little brother nodded directly, "Okay."

So the young lama led the young man into the temple. After serving him hot tea and rice, he arranged a room for him and chatted casually.

In the evening, the young lama took the oil lamp to send the boy back to his room, but as he walked, he found that the guest seemed to be familiar with the layout of the temple.

Just as he was muttering in his mind, he heard his younger brother ask him, "Does your lamasery have 127 rooms?"

The young lama was stunned for a moment, then turned around and saw that the younger brother was looking up at the night sky above his head. The night sky here was filled with stars and rivers, as beautiful as phantoms in a dream.

He nodded in agreement. This was something he had known since he came to the temple when he was very young. But the question was, how did this strange guest know that the brightest star in the sky happened to be one hundred and twenty-seven?

Are there any?

The young lama couldn't help but look up at the sky. It was so densely packed with stars of different sizes that he really couldn't tell the difference.

This was the younger brother who spoke again. He asked the young lama, "Excuse me, could you please let me go and see every room?"

The curiosity in the young lama's heart almost overflowed, but the power of his practice restrained him. He had no delusions or curiosity. He should not have any unnecessary interest in this matter.

The man in front of him was really mysterious. His cold and cold appearance seemed to hide many secrets. The young lama wondered if he was sent by God to test his spiritual practice, so he immediately nodded in agreement.

Since the beginning of winter, the Lama Temple has not had visitors for a long time, so there is no need to worry about disturbing anything.

The young lama led his younger brother to check room after room. After an unknown amount of time, when the young lama opened the door of a room that had been vacant for a long time, the younger brother hesitated slightly and stopped.

The young lama raised the hand holding the oil lamp over the door frame and shined the light in. He knew that something in this room had touched the little brother.

The little brother walked into the room and moved away the messy books and debris on the table, revealing a withered corpse underneath.

The corpse was in a sitting position, with its upper body lying on the table. It was wearing a common lama robe. The water on the corpse had completely dried. The face and the table had rotted together, and the bones had melted. It can be seen that this person had died here for a long time.

The young lama was shocked. He never expected that there would be a corpse in this room that had been vacant for a long time.

However, there are only so many lamas in their temple, and they are all there, so there are no missing people.

Who could this person be? Could it be that he was a lama from the previous temple who died here without being discovered?

"Who...who is this?" The young lama finally couldn't hold himself back and asked stammeringly.

"This is Lama Deren, my friend." The boy's eyelids drooped slightly, and he went around to the other side of the body to check, and found that the cervical vertebrae of the body had been twisted with great force.

The person who struck was very skilled and neat. There was no trace of struggle on Lama Deren’s body, and he was killed with one blow.

With a faint look in his eyes, the little brother started to clear the table, moved Lama Deren's body flat, and found in his arms a volume of "Eighty-Eight Buddhas' Confessions" that had been soaked in corpse water and rotted into a pile.<


There was a slight fluctuation in the brother's originally silent eyes. This thing should not have appeared in the hands of Lama Deren. It was obvious that the person who killed him at that time put it on Deren intentionally.

Part of the content in the scripture was no longer clear. The younger brother was silent for a few seconds, then turned to the young lama and said: "Please tidy up this room and bury Deren's body properly. I want to live here."<


The young lama's mind was almost blank, and he mechanically walked out of the house and went outside. When the cold broom was in his hand, he was shocked by the ice, and the broken strings in his brain were finally connected.

He looked around and suddenly felt that everything here had become unfamiliar. He didn't know as much about the temple as a temporary guest.

The young lama lived in the temple for several months, during which they also checked a lot of information. The young lama discovered a phenomenon that made him even more depressed.

Lama Deren has been registered since the temple was first established, and almost every generation of lamas has a lama named Deren. It is like a special status inheritance. Until his generation, Deren's name was not

Disappear from roster.

The young lama didn't know how the last generation of Deren died. When he returned to the house, his younger brother had already collected Deren's body.

He later guessed that Deren's existence should be related to the three charcoal stoves placed at the entrance of the temple once every ten years. He also asked his brother about the truth of the matter.

The younger brother told him directly, as if he had no intention of hiding anything.

The little brother said, "I'm here to find someone."

The name of the person he is looking for is Dong Can. His original surname is Zhang, but Dong is the fake surname he took.

Zhang Zhuoxun remembered that when he was filling in the list of outsiders in the village of Banaiku, the name written by the younger brother was also two characters, which was Dong Nuo.

Dong Nuo - Understand Nuo, in my brother's mind, promises are a very important thing. His memory is not good. He doesn't want to forget those unfulfilled promises when he loses his memory, so he never

Promise easily.

The little brother said that he has a disease. Every once in a while, he will forget everything before. Except for some childhood memories and past events, his brain cannot store new memories.

He did indeed come out of the snow-capped mountains and brought a secret from the depths of the snow-capped mountains, but he would inevitably forget this secret soon.

Deren's existence is to meet him every ten years when he comes to the snowy mountains, and record everything that happened when he came out from the depths of the snowy mountains.

A few years ago, before he entered the snow-capped mountains, he made an agreement with the last Lama Deren. He would bring a huge secret out of the snow-capped mountains, but when he came out, he might have completely forgotten the agreement.

So Lama Deren will wait for him in this temple, and tell everything he tells about what happened in the mountains before completely forgetting it, and Deren will record it.

In this temple, every generation of Deren exists to wait for a person who returns from the snow-capped mountains with a secret.

It's a pity that Deren of this generation passed away before his younger brother returned from the snowy mountains, and he didn't even have time to find a successor for himself.

Perhaps knowing that he was about to forget it again, the younger brother told the young lama everything he knew.

When Deren talked about this, he took out a thick stack of volumes from the carved box, handed it to Zhang Zhuxun and said: "The things you want to know are all in the words recorded by the previous Deren. He and I were in the temple

The meeting at the door was the second time he came to the snowy mountains here."

"As for what you want to know about another distinguished guest, I will tell you after you have read all these volumes."

Zhang Zhuxun nodded slightly, "Okay, I'll bother you, Master."

Deren smiled kindly, put his hands together in a salute, turned around and walked out of the house, ordered the little lama not far away to add a pot of butter milk tea to the house, and then gently closed the door outside.

Zhang Zhuxun sat in front of the low table. According to the Tibetan text marked on the volume, he found the one with the earliest date in the pile and read it word by word from beginning to end.

Deren said that after he became Deren, he knew that Zhang Chuxun would come here one day in the future, so when the time he "saw" was coming, he had everything prepared in advance.<


He didn't know whether Zhang Zhuoxun's face was real or fake. When a great lama with profound Buddhist teachings never looked at a person's appearance, what he saw was the future between that person and the lamasery.

The story begins in the early 20th century. Dong Can, a border merchant, brought a team of horses to the Himalayan Snow Mountains, intending to escort escorts across the border from here.

This team ultimately failed to make it out of the snow-capped mountains, but a few years later, someone found two of the people who had died in the fight in Bangladesh, who were two of the four core members of the cavalry team. At the end of the same year, another person

The third core member was recognized in Sikkim, but the most critical one, Dong Can, has not been heard from.

The only clue is a letter from him, which was given to a lama in Medog, that is, Deren.

Inside the letter was a painting with some strange figures on it. It was a star chart.

However, the letter was intercepted midway. The people who intercepted the letter could not understand the content. They did not know that the location indicated in the astrological painting was the place they had been searching for.

Dong Can himself disappeared, and the last letter he sent was supposed to be sent by Deren through special channels to a place in the northeast where there was an ancient family. However, at that time, the family had already had internal problems and was under attack from all sides, so it had no time to pay attention to more details.


So the elders of the family sent a younger brother to Medog to investigate Dong Can's whereabouts, and Deren was the contact person here.

Zhang Chuxun speculated that the original Deren must have a close relationship with the Zhang family, and later gradually began to choose ordinary people with good talents to be Deren.

All activities of the Zhang family are very secretive, so the contact between the contact station in Medog and the Zhang family is not frequent, basically once every ten years.

The little brother didn't find Dong Can in the end, but only found an oil painting in the room where Dong Can once lived.

Dong Can lived here for a long time, but now everything here has been removed, except for the oil painting of a huge lake.

The color of the lake is so beautiful and extraordinary that Naruhito didn’t know that there was such a remote, mysterious and isolated way of existence in this world.

Deren recognized the reflection in the lake. One of the snow-capped mountains projected in the blue-gray lake was Mount Gangrengebo.

The younger brother looked at the snow-covered mountains in the distance and asked Deren, "Where is the lake in the painting?"

Deren told him his reasoning. Three days later, with Deren's help, the younger brother hired three porters who were willing to accompany him into the mountain at an attractive price.

A week later, the younger brother headed for the hinterland of the snow-capped mountains under the leadership of those three people. Before leaving, he made an agreement with Naruhito at the time.

It was very difficult to walk in the heavy snow, especially when the snow was almost covering their thighs. As a last resort, they found a cliff that could take shelter from the wind, dug a hole in the snow on the cliff, and planned to take a break.

, wait for the wind and snow to subside before moving forward.

Unexpectedly, by coincidence, they dug and dug and found a relatively deep cave under the snow layer, and several people hid in it to rest.

In the middle of the night, the wind and snow were still howling. In the cave, Luo Gongbu, who was standing by the fire, was a little sleepy due to the light of the fire. It was not yet time to change shifts, so he pinched his eyelids and took a sip of sheep white wine to refresh himself.
Just when he was distracted, the boy on the side suddenly stood up from the ground, walked to the entrance of the cave and listened carefully.

Luo Gongbu didn't know what he could hear from the howling wind outside, and as the employer who hired them, there was no need to keep vigil.

Just as he was wondering, he saw the younger brother's face change, and he returned to the cave to wake up the remaining two people. At the same time, he urged in a low voice: "Get back in quickly, be careful not to make any noise."

The three of them didn't know why, but they still followed the instructions and moved more than ten meters deeper into the cave. It seems that the cave they found was relatively deep, and there were cracks in the back that extended into the mountain.

Just as another hired porter, Laba, was about to ask, the cave they were in suddenly began to shake violently.

Big lumps of snow poured in from the entrance of the cave and spread to five or six meters in front of them in almost the blink of an eye before stopping.

As soon as they saw the snow, the three of them reacted instantly from being stunned at first.

It's an avalanche——

This chapter has been completed!
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