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Chapter 24 Hear the bell and move

 Cox Hendry, also known as Jude Cow.

After Judeka took over the German business, he also heard about what the Germans had been looking for, which was similar to his own purpose.

According to the patterns on the sky stone, he interpreted another layer of information from the silk books of the Warring States Period, the miracle in the snow-capped mountains.

The content of the first half of the notebook is mainly about the German actions in the snow-capped mountains, followed by the picture in the middle - another bronze door located deep in the snow-capped mountains.

Based on the information from the interrogation that the cavalry team was in the snow-capped mountains, the Germans assembled a team and set off from another snow-capped mountain, and found the bronze door by accident.

The owner of the note copied the complex pattern on the door with extremely pious brushstrokes, intending to take the painting out of the snow-capped mountains.

Just from the delicate description, Zhang Zhuxun can feel that although this bronze door is very similar in appearance, it is far less majestic and mysterious than the bronze door in Changbai Mountain.

The pattern on the picture looks more like a turtle shell as a whole, and there is a person as small as an ant standing next to the bronze door for comparison.

The thing was huge, and there were many very small cracks on the turtle shell. The painter was extremely careful to depict all the cracks on the door.

These cracks seem to be expressing some kind of totem. If you insist on saying it, the middle part looks like a ferocious black unicorn. At first glance, it looks like it, but if you look closely, the unicorn is different from other cracks around it.

Fusion together, forming another giant picture that looks like a dragon and a snake.

There are eight smaller turtle shells surrounding the huge turtle shell. They are arranged irregularly and are also full of patterns. They form many strange patterns with the big turtle shell in the center.

Around all the turtle shells, there are many things similar to tentacles, connected like spider webs, completely covering the blank space around the turtle shell, but the outline of these tentacles does not look smooth.

Zhang Zhuoxun thought for a moment, took out a magnifying glass from his pocket, and looked at the tentacle lines carefully. Only then did he realize that these so-called lines were not tentacles at all, but chains.

Countless chains are tightly shackles on all the turtle shells like cages. The turtle shell pattern in the middle looks more and more like many mythical beasts are chained to the door. If the trapped beasts are struggling and wailing, it will make people feel sad.

It’s a miserable life.

Where the chains converged and terminated in the center, they looked like some particularly ugly spots, which reminded Zhang Zhuoxun of the meteorite sinkholes he had seen underground in the Mother Kingdom of the West.

Did the Germans use any method to open the bronze door?

There is a chance, but Zhang Zhuxun thinks it is not high. So how did the author of this painting look through the thick bronze door and see the meteorite jade inside?

Or perhaps, these things were not what he saw with his eyes at all, but were deeply engraved in his mind in another way, causing him to unconsciously project the scenes in his mind onto the paper when painting.


A thought flashed through Zhang Zhuxun's mind, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

God's gift!

Did the German who painted this work really experience Heaven's Instruction? If so, that is to say, this picture is equivalent to being painted by him who was controlled by Heaven's Instruction.

Most importantly, what is the purpose of heavenly instruction?

There is relatively little recorded at the back of the notebook, except that they suffered heavy casualties when they passed a very beautiful lake on their way back.

Because there is a big white fish with a red animal head in that huge lake, which can break through the thick ice and swallow people directly into its belly.

"You move when you hear the clear bell", this is the description of the owner of the note when he attacked that strange big fish.

But what the owner of the note meant by "hearing the bells" was that whenever a big fish attacked them, there would always be a distant sound of bells.

Those big fish moved so fast that they couldn't see the movements clearly at all. They could only feel a huge black shadow passing in front of their eyes. Some people were dragged into the water before they even had time to scream.

However, a consultant with knowledge of animal training in the team guessed that there is another possibility. These strange big fish are acting according to the instructions of the bell sound coming from nowhere.

But in that critical situation, they were completely unable to determine the source of the sound.

They had no choice but to take a detour and take a dangerous peak far away from the lake, which undoubtedly increased the difficulty of their actions.

There is still a large blank space at the back of the notebook. Obviously, before the content behind it could be recorded, these people stopped breathing forever in the wind and snow.

Zhang Zhuoxun picked up the cold butter tea and took a sip. He felt that the taste was a bit strange, so he stopped drinking it.

I thought to myself that the very beautiful lake mentioned in the notebook should be the lake in the oil painting left by Dong Can, but the lake surface in the oil painting reflects the blue sky and snowy mountains, and the gray and snow shadows blend together, creating a natural beauty.


The calm water in Dong Can's painting has not yet frozen, and it is impossible to see whether there are any strange big fish in the water.

A big fish with an animal head, what could that be?

Due to differences in regional culture, foreigners are not very able to understand ancient Eastern civilizations. In ancient times, big fish like the one described in the notebook were often worshiped as gods by ancient people who did not know the details and built temples by the water.

Worship at the shrine, pray for good weather and good luck, and bless your descendants.

But there is obviously more than one big fish in the lake, and the weirdest and most questionable thing is the sound of bells, which are suspected to be able to control the big fish.

Zhang Zhuoxun couldn't help but think of the corpse crickets with hexagonal brass bells tied to their tails that he encountered underwater when he, Wu Xie and others passed through the Corpse Cave a long time ago. Could these big fish be in the same situation?
So who keeps the big fish in the lake, and is it related to the bronze door deep in the snow-capped mountains?

Zhang Zhuxun temporarily suppressed his doubts in his heart and continued to read the subsequent records.


After listening to the brother narrating the contents of the notes, Laba was very yearning for the legendary valley full of golden balls, and had long given up the idea of ​​quitting.

He asked the younger brother, "Master, when you came to this mountain, did you come here for those golden balls?"

The younger brother seemed to have difficulty answering his question. He shook his head for a while and said, "Probably not."

Raba understood, even if it wasn't, it was related to those golden balls. There would be meat to eat with this young boss.

If they could really find that fairyland-like place, he could just stuff a few of them into his body, and they would be able to spend the rest of his life comfortably after leaving, and his family of more than a dozen people would no longer have to worry about their livelihood.

The next day, they buried the nephew's body in snow, Lhaba and Luo Gongbu divided his things equally, and the group continued to move forward.

They grabbed the rocks protruding from the cliff and climbed from the cliff to the hillside on the other side. The road here was not that difficult and they had more time to rest.

On the eleventh day of walking in the snowfield, I stopped and looked around. There was vast white snow everywhere. The majestic and steep snow-capped mountains and clouds were always in front of me, like a mirage. They no longer knew where they were.


On the twelfth day, nothing happened.

When Laba was digging a snow cave to set up camp, he accidentally caught a glimpse of the burning clouds stretching thousands of miles over the mountains, and suddenly realized that he didn't know exactly where they were going. The place with the golden ball could be anywhere in this vast snowfield.


They did not find a map from the German corpse. This place is too big. This snowy area has reached a place he has never touched before. He is no longer familiar with the snowy mountains here. His previous traveling experience will be of little use in the future.


The only clue was the huge lake in the snow-capped mountains. Laba comforted himself that they were walking in the direction the Germans came from, which was a good direction. Such a huge lake could always be seen if they walked further.

They built a fire in the snow cave they dug, boiled water and roasted dry food before preparing to spend the night.

For the sake of life in the snowy mountains, there are many things that cannot be done. The only way to pass the time is to stay in a daze and sleep.

The sky quickly darkened, and it was Laba's turn to be the first person to keep watch tonight. He was bored and listened to the sound of wind coming in through the half-covered snow cave. Vaguely, he seemed to hear subtle bells mixed in the wind.


Laba leaned closer to the entrance of the cave and listened carefully, but he heard nothing except the whimpering sound of the wind. He thought maybe he was too bored and was hallucinating.

However, the moment he turned his head, he saw a faint cyan light flashing with frequency in the darkness in the distance.

Laba thought he was being deceived, and just as he was about to turn around and ask someone to take a look, the younger brother was already standing behind him, looking in that direction as well.

The flashing point was actually moving and seemed to be heading towards them.

"What is that?" Laba was a little flustered. He stood up and subconsciously took a few steps away to get a better look.

But the younger brother grabbed him by the collar and dragged him and Luo Gongbu to the back of a relatively shallow snow slope outside the cave, where they could just hide their bodies.

The green light moved at an astonishing speed, as if it was flying directly over the snow, and appeared at the bottom of the largest snow slope in front of them in almost a few blinks.

At the same time, the three of them also heard a series of faint ringing sounds. In an instant, the surrounding wind seemed to freeze. The ringing sounds were particularly ethereal in the snow, as if they were far away from them and yet close to their ears.

As he listened, Laba fell into a trance, and a deep canyon seemed to appear in front of his eyes, with glittering gold in it, as if there were a lot of sand made of gold.

Laba was a little confused. He subconsciously wanted to talk to the two brothers next to him, but found that he was alone here for no reason.

Where are the people? Where have the other two people gone? Weren’t they still here just now?

Laba was flustered. At this moment, he had completely forgotten about the green light. He wondered if the two people had gone back just now, but before they had time to inform him, he immediately stood up and wanted to walk to the snow cave they dug for the night.
Unexpectedly, when he walked out of the snow slope, he was shocked to realize that the surrounding scene suddenly changed. The original snow-capped mountains actually turned into a golden canyon.

The sound of gurgling water came to his ears, and Laba was simply stunned. The Golden River, it was a thin golden river. The river water slowly flowed over the golden gravel, and it was crystal clear. Countless golden sands sparkled in the sun.


Laba was completely fascinated by the scene in front of him. He completely forgot that he was in a bone-chilling snowfield at this moment. Even the saliva flowing out of the corner of his mouth could be frozen here. How could there be a flowing river?

, the sudden huge wealth obscured his reason.

He thought to himself, could this be the place full of golden balls that the Germans were looking for?

There was really no way to find it, and it took no effort to get it. He had forgotten everything, and his heart was so ecstatic that all he could see was this golden river.

He jumped into the water with a lunge and picked up a handful of golden sand. His face was filled with joy, but he didn't expect that a sudden change occurred at this time, and the sand under his feet suddenly began to sink.

Before Laba could react, his knees had already sunk in, and something in the sand seemed to be pulling his legs, pulling him down.

The fear of death finally awakened Laba's mind. He yelled and struggled, trying to pull out his legs. Unexpectedly, the sound stimulated the creatures under the sand, and he fell faster.

The self-rescue methods used in the past when encountering swamps in plateau wetlands were completely useless at this moment. His feet were firmly trapped in the sand, and in less than thirty seconds, the river water had reached his waist.

The unknown creature under the sand also revealed its true identity at this time. It was a kind of golden tentacle covered with suction cups. It came out of the water and wrapped tightly around Laba's body like a snake, and it was still climbing up.

Laba's neck was quickly entangled with tentacles, and he began to be out of breath, his eyes were bloodshot, and everything in his field of vision turned blood red.

The pain of suffocation filled Raba's chest, and his eyes fell completely into darkness. After the sound of broken bones, everything in the space returned to silence.

Below the snow slope, green light slowly flickered behind the hills, quickly bypassing several snow hills in front of them and getting closer to them.

The little brother also saw clearly what the green light was. It was a group of very strange people. They were wearing Tibetan robes and carrying something wrapped in a thick felt. The green light came from that thing.

It comes out from one end.

The leader was wearing a blue Tibetan robe, and his face was half covered by a silver mask. When the snow light reflected, his face looked blank.

The little brother noticed that the man was holding an octagonal lantern with green candlelight in his hand, and a bell hung below the lantern.

The people behind the leader were also carrying things on their shoulders. It looked like wood carved with a certain pattern, and it was covered with red silk threads, like a layer of blood-red fishing nets, which was very permeable.

There are many small bells hanging under the wood, which look like the tassels of a peace knot.

As you move around and the wind blows, all the bells are ringing, and there seem to be countless voices whispering in your ears.

This chapter has been completed!
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