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Chapter 103 The fish is missing

Avoiding the pits at the rear, they walked quickly. Near noon, the group finally arrived at the foot of the suspended lamasery.

"I'll go up and take a look first. If there's no problem, you can come back up."

After Zhang Zhuoxun said this, he climbed onto the wooden beam and carefully pushed open the wooden plank blocking the entrance.

It was very quiet inside the Lama Temple, and all the tools on the floor and walls that caught my eye were dusty.

Zhang Zhuoxun frowned, found the stairs at the edge of the stone wall, and walked up.

The room on this floor is almost completely closed. There are several incense burners overturned on the ground. The incense ashes inside are scattered everywhere. There are many messy footprints on the dusty incense ashes. Although the felt blankets hanging in the room are

It's still there, but there's a lot of dust on it, and it's all turned into dry, hard scabs.

The situation in several consecutive rooms is like this, and there are various signs that the Kangbalo people have not set foot here for a long time.

And after the Kangbalo people were forced to abandon this place for unknown reasons, another group of people came here and took something from here.

Zhang Zhuxun squatted down and carefully compared the shapes and patterns of the shoe prints. His face became more solemn. He immediately stood up, walked quickly through the curtains, found the stairs on the side, and quickly went up to the third floor of the Lama Temple.


The damage here was even worse. The group of barbaric guys didn't know what they wanted to find here. Even the statues on the altar were overturned and tilted aside.

There is nothing special about the colorful murals.

According to Deren's notes, the stairs where the girl riding the corpse climbed up should be two independent spaces. Zhang Zhuxun turned around and came down the stairs and found another staircase specially prepared for the corpse girl.

Looking up, I saw that the entire upper half of the stairs had been violently demolished. The lower half was embedded in the stone wall when it was built, so there were only a few broken pieces of wood.

Zhang Zhuxun carefully stepped on the remaining stairs and walked up. He jumped suddenly, jumped high and grabbed the edge of the top step. With a strong effort on his arms, he jumped up instantly.

He carefully grabbed the door frame and stood up straight. He saw that the door panel in front of him and half of the surrounding handrails were charred black, which was very bad.

It seemed like there had been a big fire here, and the wooden door and the blood-character silk near the door were burned down. There were black oil stains dripping on the steps, exuding a weird and unpleasant smell of spices that was indescribable.

There is a very strong black iron door behind the incomplete wooden door. This iron door is a machine door, and it also has obvious traces of being blasted by a detonator.

This kind of mechanical iron door is very simple, thick, and very strong. Only a specific key can open it.

Apparently the Germans blasted the door after finding it impossible to open it, trying to blow it directly through, but obviously they didn't succeed.

They don't dare to use extreme measures. If the contents inside are destroyed, the mission will directly fail.

What is behind the iron gate? Zhang Zhuxun has never gone in. It is most likely something about the King of Hell riding a corpse for sacrifice, and he has no intention of exploring it.

Zhang Zhuxun let go of his hand and jumped back to the ground. He heard the buzzing sound of someone talking behind the felt, and knew that Wu Xie and the others probably couldn't wait and came in directly.

"The lamas here are not very hygienic." The fat man had already lit the charcoal stove and took off his shoes with his feet crossed.

The boots that had been dried last night, when I was crawling across the ice, I inadvertently stuck one of my feet into the water again, and it was very cold and heavy.

Zhang Haixing couldn't stand the smell of his feet. He wrinkled his nose in disgust and found a handy tool to pry open the boarded-up window on the wooden wall of the Lama Temple to allow fresh air from outside to flow in.


Wu Xie skillfully covered his nose with his sleeves, lowered his head to observe the ground, and said in a low voice: "The ground is full of dust. Logically speaking, the air in the snow-capped mountains is clean, and there should be very little dust. There is so much dust here, and they have to be there every day.

How much incense is burning here?"

It is normal for there to be a lot of dust in the lamasery, but the traces show that no one has cleaned it for a long time.

"And if you look at the footprints on the ground, there are too many and too many. Except for the ones we stepped on when we came in just now, and Bai Ci's, the rest of the soles have the same pattern. It's obvious that a group of people with relatively uniform equipment came here.


"And after these footprints stepped on the ground, they were covered with a layer of light gray again, indicating that these people have been here for a while." Wu Xie analyzed rationally, "Could it be only half a month?

Those Germans from before?”

"You are right." Zhang Zhuxun used his hunting knife to push aside the felt and walked over, "There were still some fish among the Germans who had not been killed by the Maponim and the Bell Array. They entered the Lama Temple.

Afterwards, extensive damage was done to the place.”

"I think this place seems to have been abandoned for a long time. Could it be because of the Germans?" Zhang Haixing said, "The Germans suddenly attacked the Kangbalo people, so they had to abandon this place."

"Did you find anything up there?" she asked Zhang Shuxun.

"It's a mess, nothing important is left behind." Zhang Zhu asked.

Wu Xie immediately thought of something more serious, "Could the Germans' target be the King of Hell riding the corpse above?"

Zhang Zhuoxun nodded and said: "It's almost the same. Their purpose may really be related to the King of Hell riding the corpse, but above it is a trap door left by the Kangbalo people. It is very strong. Even I can't get in without the key.

It’s even less possible for them.”

"Then what will be their next goal? If they can't get into the room where the King of Hell rides the corpse, will they go directly to Kangbaluo." Wu Xie thought about it, "Judging from the clues left along the way, that gang

Germans don't seem to give up easily."

"Then let's hurry up, eat something to fill our stomachs, and then set off immediately. No matter what the situation is, we have to go and have a look to feel at ease." The fat man found an iron rod, picked up the shoes and put them on the stove to let the charcoal fire inside


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Then he took out a stove with remaining charcoal and lit it, and made some filling rice.

During the meal, Zhang Haixing suddenly thought of a question, and then asked Zhang Zhuxun, "When you went into the mountains a year ago, where were the bodies of the Germans who were with you? Did they cross the glacial lake?"

Zhang Zhuxun chewed the beef jerky slowly and said slowly: "The meat was probably eaten by the small fish in the lake, and the bones are buried underneath."

"Have you known before that there was an ambush of bell arrays in the canyon?" Zhang Haixing's tone contained a hint of questioning.

"I don't know, I just found out about it just now." Zhang Zhuxun's face remained the same, with no sign of lying. "Ice Lake is not the only way to Kangbalo. They didn't listen to my advice.

They want to cross the lake when night falls and fall in and drown due to the illusion. It is their own fault."

When Zhang Haixing heard this, he asked suspiciously, "You said that the way we took is not the only way. So you also know other ways. How many things have you hidden from us?"

"That's the way to Kangbalo. Why should I tell you?" Zhang Zhuxun looked at her coldly and said, "An outsider."

Zhang Haixing was choked mercilessly by him. He couldn't help but slap the can on the ground with a snap.

Just as she was about to speak, the fat man became angry and shouted, "What are you doing? You pick up the bowl to eat, and then throw the bowl down as soon as you finish eating, right? Do you have any moral sense? I did it because of your age.

Fatty, I respect the old and love the young and don’t care about you, why are you so angry with me?"

"Shut up, mother!" Zhang Haixing looked angry, stood up and kicked the can away.

The iron box hit the window lattice with a clang, and a black shadow suddenly flashed outside the window, and then something was heard "plop" falling into the water.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, as a small wind blew past them, and the next second Zhang Zhuxun had already broken through the window and chased him out.

When Wu Xie and the others rushed to the window and looked down, they saw that a large hole had been opened in the ice under the Lama Temple, and the water inside was still rippling outward.

"What the hell? Damn it, what the hell was that thing? It was such a big black shadow." The fat man cursed and raised his legs to climb up to the window.

Wu Xie hurriedly pulled him down and said, "If you are of such a size, should you jump to help him, or should you wait for him to pull you out from the mouth of that strange fish?"

"Grandma's fault." Fatty said anxiously, "What should we do? We can't just wait."

"Get out of the way!" Zhang Haixing pushed him away, stood on the window lattice, and jumped in. His slender figure quickly submerged into the water and disappeared.

"My dear, this old woman is very nimble with her hands and feet." The fat man smacked his tongue, "Innocent, what should we do now?"

"Go and wait on the trestle below. With the abilities of the two of us, entering the water is equivalent to death." After Wu Xie finished speaking, he immediately turned around, took the gun and walked downstairs.

The fat man quickly put on his shoes and grabbed a gun to follow, leaving Feng alone at a loss.

Feng saw from the window that Wu Xie and Wu Xie had left the lamasery and were guarding the wooden platform below. They were pointing their guns at the ice with vigilance. The stunned look on his face subsided and turned into a kind of

It can be called a cold expressionless face.

Zhang Zhuxun and Zhang Haixing chased them out in a hurry, but their backpacks were still placed next to the stove.

Feng walked over and carefully looked through Zhang Zhuxun's backpack. He didn't find what he wanted in it, so he put the things back as they were. Then he went to look through Zhang Haixing's backpack, but only found the previous package inside.

Copper bowl with gauze.

"SHIT!" A trace of anger flashed across Feng's face, "That woman actually carried things with her. Isn't she afraid of death?"

While everyone else was gone, Feng immediately got up and headed to the third floor of the temple. As expected, he was also blocked by the iron gate.

This way was blocked, so he turned around and went up the stairs on the other side. When he entered the room, he saw the red murals of rare and exotic animals on the stone wall, and a touch of surprise appeared on his face.

He crossed the beams of the two flashlights and let the full circle of light shine on the murals on the stone wall. Then he took out a pocket camera from his arms and took pictures of all the murals on the wall.

He murmured, "I wonder if the few people who are still alive have found the entrance to the underground palace of Zanshenmen... I hope they can successfully complete the tasks assigned by the boss without making any mistakes."

Outside the Lama Temple, Wu Xie and Fatty stood ready with their guns pointed at the water, fearing that a strange fish would come out of nowhere and bite them. Those big shark-like fangs would scare people half to death if not bite them to death.

About five minutes later, many water bubbles suddenly appeared in the holes in the ice.

Wu Xie and the two men immediately loaded their guns, and then they saw Zhang Haixing's head emerging from the water, breathing heavily, and said to them: "Quick, pull me up, Maponim is here again!"

Wu Xie glanced at the ice behind her, and sure enough he saw a huge black shadow coming over here. He quickly put down his gun and pulled Zhang Haixing up with the fat man.

The three of them quickly retreated to the mountain wall, holding their breath and pretending they didn't exist.

Maponim lingered under the ice near the platform for more than ten minutes. After failing to find the target, he finally swam farther away, and his huge figure quickly disappeared under the ice.

After waiting quietly for a long time, Wu Xie's tense nerves finally relaxed a little.

He walked slowly to the hole that had been covered with a thin layer of transparent ice. He lay down and carefully leaned forward to look inside to confirm that the big guy in the water had indeed left.

The fat man followed behind him on alert. Seeing this, he lowered his voice and turned to ask Zhang Haixing, "You and Bai Ci chased him together. Where are the others?"

I don’t know if it was because of the ice water, but Zhang Haixing’s face looked extremely ugly. He was as wet as a water ghost, and his voice was as cold as if he had crawled out of a crack in the ice. He said “I haven’t seen you yet”.

He grabbed the wooden beam and got in through the opening at the bottom of the temple.

"Hey?" the fat man said displeased, "What kind of attitude does this damn old woman have? She acts as if the fat man owes her money."

Wu Xie patted his shoulder and said softly: "I guess her sudden stinky face was probably because she failed to follow Bai Ci in the water. Didn't Bai Ci say before that there was another way to Kangbaluo? She wanted to

I went to find out what happened but failed."

The fat man hissed and pondered: "According to what you said, Bai Ci suddenly jumped into the water and disappeared. Could it be that he actually went to Kangbalo alone through the underwater road? The black man before

What's going on with the shadow? Could it be that Bai Ci himself created it to scare people, just to find an opportunity to break away from the team and act alone."

"Maybe." Wu Xie was not sure. Bai Ci was sitting next to him when they were warming up by the fire. If there was any abnormal movement, he would definitely be able to spot it.

"Bai Ci is very defensive. Even though we have a cooperative relationship now, it's obvious that he doesn't even believe us when it comes to Kang Balo."

This chapter has been completed!
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