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Chapter 111 Giant Bone Statue

Although they had to change into dry clothes immediately after being fished out of the ice hole, it was really inconvenient for the three men to do so. Maybe the woman would beat them up and scold them for taking advantage of her if she didn't like it when she woke up.

No one wanted to do such a thankless job, so Wu Xie simply wrapped her tightly in a blanket and moved the two stoves next to her. In the words of a fat man, it was so prosperous.

The fire will always dry it out for her.

It probably took a while for Zhang Haixing to wake up, and she didn't know what she saw underneath.

However, Wu Xie was still keenly aware that Feng, who had been trying hard to reduce his sense of presence, suddenly showed a hint of impatience just now. Although he restrained himself quickly, Wu Xie, who was looking in all directions, still caught it.

In fact, after discovering traces of another group of Germans in the Bear Cave in the Snow Mountain, Wu Xie had doubts about Feng, because Feng had picked him so cleanly, and there were almost no loopholes in his words, as if he had already

I had anticipated what would happen, so I prepared a perfect explanation early.

If he had been innocent before, he would have believed Feng's words, but now he clearly remembers a truth. The biggest flaw in the incident is that there are no flaws.

Since Bai Ci jumped into the lake and lost his whereabouts, Feng himself has lost some worries without the existence threatening his life at this moment.

For some reason, half of the star map was lost in the hands of the leader of Anjing Company. When Feng got it, only a part of it was left, but the remaining part was also extremely complicated. He and Zhang Haixing had no clue after studying it for a long time.

Wu Xie believed that Feng must be more anxious than anyone else about the semi-predicament they were currently in.

Taking advantage of the moment when his back was turned, Wu Xie conveyed his discovery to Fatty in a cryptic whisper, asking Fatty to pay more attention to this old boy. They had to figure out his final purpose as soon as possible.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Wu Xie and the others processed all the fish caught by Fatty, and passed the skinned and shaved fish through their gills with a fishing pole.

The fat man then moved down the altar table and chairs from the third floor and stood them on both sides of the stove as shelves. He hung up the poles with several fish on them, a total of thirteen fish, and the poles with several engineer shovels were hung full of them.

The fat man controlled the heat and sprinkled salt carefully when it was half-cooked. The brown oil secreted out and slowly flowed down the fish body, hanging on the tail of the fish, and finally dripped into the hot water below.

On the charcoal fire, there was a crackling sound, and the tangy fragrance filled the whole room.

The fish here are big and fat, and the fat man boils the cut fish oil in a pot, then puts it into cans, waits for it to cool and solidify, and then seals it with plastic. With the low temperature here, the fish oil can be stored for several times.

Months are not a problem.

About an hour later, Zhang Haixing slowly woke up, most likely due to the smell of fish.

The sky outside has completely darkened, the glacial lake looks gray under the moonlight at night, and the mountain shadows are gray and dark, very monotonous.

"You're awake." The fat man held the fish pieces with both hands. He turned around and saw Zhang Haixing sitting up from the blanket, so he called her, "When you wake up, come over for dinner. The fat man is best at grilled whole fish. You can't go past this village."

This store no longer exists.”

Zhang Haixing's eyes were confused for a moment, and her mind quickly connected what had happened before. She touched her still damp clothes, looked out the window, and asked, "What time is it now?"

Wu Xie glanced at his watch and answered her, "It's not even nine o'clock, so it's not too late."

Zhang Haixing didn't say anything else. She stood up and sat down silently. The fat man gestured to her that her new rice bowl was heating up on the stove, with fish soup in it.

Feng looked at the faces of Fat Xie and Pang Xie without any trace, and saw that neither of them had any intention of asking. He couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and then said to Zhang Haixing with concern: "Miss Zhang, the fish soup of the mountain fish is rich.

It contains protein and amino acids. When Mr. Fatty made the soup, he also added ginseng slices to it to replenish the body's energy. You stayed in the ice water for too long before, so you have to take the time to replenish it."

Hearing this, the fat man on the side snorted and said to Wu Xie in half-baked old Changsha dialect: "This foreign grandson borrowed flowers to offer to Buddha, and he was quite naughty."

Wu Xie also slightly raised the corner of his mouth and replied with the same Changsha old saying, "No matter what is under the water, there will always be someone who is anxious before us."

"Wu, Fatty, what are you two talking about?" Feng looked curious.

The fat man squinted at him, "You don't understand the serious issues between men."

Feng said in confusion: "But I am also a man, why don't I understand."

The fat man laughed at him, "You are a native foreigner. You really think that you can fully understand the profound Chinese culture by reading a few Chinese books. You can't even understand the basic local customs and customs. Hurry up and wash up and go to bed."

Seeing that the topic had changed again, Feng finally lost his temper. He stopped arguing with the fat man and asked Zhang Haixing directly, "Did you see clearly the thing Wu's fishing hook caught under the lake?"

Zhang Haixing nodded, "I see clearly, that thing is a statue."

"Statue?" The fat man picked a long fish bone and picked his teeth, and said vaguely, "But no matter what, the statue should be placed at the bottom of the water. No matter how long the fishing line is, it cannot be long enough to hook it for a hundred meters.

At the bottom of the lake, does my family have some special ability that can make the fishing line longer?"

Zhang Haixing looked at him dissatisfied, "Why do you talk so much nonsense?"

The fat man curled his lips and said, "Yes, Fatty saved such a white-eyed wolf. Your old woman's appearance is still intact thanks to me, Fatty. I don't know how to be grateful at all."

Zhang Haixing rolled his eyes and didn't want to pay attention to him, and continued: "The water under the Lama Temple platform is not very deep. I dived all the way to the bottom and saw a large snake-coated fish statue. Wu Xie's fishing line was caught

It’s a snake head.”

"But the material of the statue is not stone, but a kind of gray-white bone with a faint white light. The overall frame is made of a huge animal spine. A python is coiled on the spine, and the snake's body is

The scales are all real red scales.”

"The spine of a huge animal?" Wu Xie was confused and repeated it.

"How big is it? Bigger than an African wild elephant?" the fat man interjected.

Zhang Haixing looked at him speechlessly, "With such an obvious feature, you really can't think of anything in your mind?"

"Just a joke to liven up the atmosphere." The fat man said, "Look at you, each of you has a slumped face, as if you have a grudge against the food I cooked."

Zhang Haixing didn't want to hear him being poor, so he put down the bowl, took out a small notebook from his backpack, and continued, "I heard from the elders in the tribe before that there are some very ancient tribes that use the bones of large animals to carve out beasts.

They poured sand and gravel into the bone cavity to increase the weight, and finally put river calming stones into the water source in the area where they lived to pray for blessings. The giant bone statue at the bottom of the lake probably had the same effect."

Wu Xie asked, "Since it is a river-suppressing stone, shouldn't it be firmly suppressed at the bottom of the water? Why did it suddenly float?"

"It's not floating." Zhang Haixing explained, "The place where I found the giant bone statue is a small sunken well-shaped crater. Although the bone statue is heavy, the crater will emit a stream of hot air every once in a while.

Pushed by the hot steam, the bone statue was pushed out of the volcanic well like a piston in a needle tube. After the temperature was lowered by the ice lake, the bone statue would fall back again."

"I found five arm-thick chains around the base of the giant bone statue, which were pressed at the bottom of the bone statue." Zhang Haixing said.

"When I went down, the crater had already entered the cooling and gathering stage, so I couldn't see where the chain would eventually lead, but according to my guess, it should be connected to the crater below, so as to avoid the floating giant bones.

It’s like it shifted position when it fell.”

This chapter has been completed!
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